17 research outputs found

    Роль катепсина S в патофизиологии бронхиальной астмы

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    To date, the study of the role of proteases in the pathogenesis of various diseases remains relevant. The variety of cathepsin functions is associated with the peculiarities of their localization, expression, and regulation, due to which cathepsins are involved in development of many pathologies. Dysregulation of proteases, their inhibitors, and substrates can lead to the development of multiple organ dysfunction.The review presents data on the characteristics of the entire family of cathepsins and cathepsin S, in particular. The pathophysiological role of cathepsin S in the formation of bronchopulmonary pathologies, as well as in bronchial asthma is described, and intraand extracellular implementation mechanisms are considered. The authors believe it is this enzyme that could be targeted in targeted asthma therapy to prevent airway wall remodeling at the earliest stages of the disease. The literature search was carried out in the search engines Medline, eLibrary, Scopus, the Cochrane Library, and RSCI.До настоящего времени сохраняет свою актуальность изучение роли ферментов – протеаз в патогенезе различных заболеваний. Многообразие функций катепсинов обусловлено особенностями их локализации, экспрессии и регуляции, благодаря чему они принимают участие в развитии многих патологических процессов. Дисрегуляция активности протеаз, их ингибиторов и субстратов может привести к развитию полиорганных заболеваний.В обзорной статье представлены данные о характеристике всего семейства катепсинов и катепсина S в частности; описаны его патофизиологические роли при формировании бронхолегочных патологий, а также при бронхиальной астме; освещены внутрии внеклеточные механизмы реализации. Авторы считают, именно этот фермент может стать мишенью для таргетной терапии астмы с целью предотвращения ремоделирования бронхиальной стенки на самых ранних этапах заболевания. Поиск литературы осуществлялся в поисковых системах Medline, еLibrary, Scopus, The Cochrane Library, РИНЦ

    Kinetic study of the selective hydrogenation of styrene over a Pd egg-shell composite catalyst

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    This is a study on the kinetics of the liquid-phase hydrogenation of styrene to ethylbenzene over a catalyst of palladium supported on an inorganic–organic composite. This support has a better mechanical resistance than other commercial supports, e.g. alumina, and yields catalysts with egg-shell structure and a very thin active Pd layer. Catalytic tests were carried out in a batch reactor by varying temperature, total pressure and styrene initial concentration between 353–393 K, 10–30 bar, and 0.26–0.60 mol L−1. Kinetic models were developed on the assumptions of dissociative hydrogen chemisorption and non-negligible adsorption of hydrogen and styrene. Final chemical reaction expressions useful for reactor design were obtained. The models that best fitted the experimental data were those ones that considered the surface reaction as the limiting step. In this sense, a two-step Horiuti–Polanyi working mechanism with half hydrogenation intermediates gave the best fit of the experimental data. The heats of adsorption of styrene and ethylbenzene were also estimated.The authors are gratefully indebted to CONICET, ANPCyT and Universidad Nacional del Litoral for financially sponsoring this research work