3,336 research outputs found

    Envelope tomography of long-period variable stars: I. The Schwarzschild mechanism and the Balmer emission lines

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    This paper is the first one in a series devoted to the study of the dynamics of the atmospheres of long-period variable stars. Results from a two-month-long monitoring of the Mira variables RT Cyg and X Oph around maximum light with the ELODIE spectrograph at the Haute-Provence Observatory are presented. The monitoring covers phases 0.80 to 1.16 for RT Cyg and phases 0.83 to 1.04 for X Oph. The cross-correlation profile of the spectrum of RT Cyg with a K0 III mask confirms that the absorption lines of RT Cyg in the optical domain appear double around maximum light. No line doubling was found in the optical spectrum of X Oph around maximum light, indicating that this feature is not common to all long-period variables. This paper also presents the application to RT Cyg of a new tomographic technique deriving the velocity field across the atmosphere by cross-correlating the optical spectrum with numerical masks constructed from synthetic spectra and probing layers of increasing depths. This technique reveals that both the temporal evolution of the line doubling, and its variation with depth in the atmosphere of RT Cyg, are consistent with the ``Schwarzschild scenario''. This scenario relates the temporal evolution of the red and blue peaks of the double absorption lines to the progression of a shock wave in the atmosphere. The temporal evolution of the Balmer Halpha, H beta, Hgamma and Hdelta emission lines around maximum light is also presented for RT Cyg and X Oph. The velocity variations of Halpha and of the absorption lines are discussed in the framework of two competing models for the formation of Balmer emission lines in long-period variable stars.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, Latex, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics main journal. Also available at http://www-astro.ulb.ac.be/Html/ps.htm

    New Metallicities of RR Lyrae Stars in omega Centauri: Evidence for a Non He-Enhanced Metal-Intermediate Population

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    We present new spectroscopic metal abundances for 74 RR Lyrae stars in omega Cen obtained with FLAMES. The well-known metallicity spread is visible among the RR Lyrae variables. The metal-intermediate (MInt) RR Lyrae stars ([Fe/H] ~ -1.2) are fainter than the bulk of the dominant metal-poor population ([Fe/H] ~ -1.7), in good agreement with the corresponding zero-age horizontal branch models with cosmological helium abundance Y = 0.246. This result conflicts with the hypothesis that the progenitors of the MInt RR Lyrae stars correspond to the anomalous blue main-sequence stars, which share a similar metallicity but whose properties are currently explained by assuming for them a large helium enhancement. Therefore, in this scenario, the coexistence within the cluster of two different populations with similar metallicities ([Fe/H] ~ -1.2) and different helium abundances has to be considered.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication by ApJ

    A Double-Mode RR Lyrae Star with a Strong Fundamental Mode Component

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    NSVS 5222076, a thirteenth magnitude star in the Northern Sky Variability Survey, was identified by Oaster as a possible new double-mode RR Lyrae star. We confirm the double-mode nature of NSVS 5222076, supplementing the survey data with new V band photometry. NSVS 5222076 has a fundamental mode period of 0.4940 day and a first overtone period of 0.3668 day. Its fundamental mode light curve has an amplitude twice as large as that of the first overtone mode, a ratio very rarely seen. Data from the literature are used to discuss the location in the Petersen diagram of double-mode RR Lyrae stars having strong fundamental mode pulsation. Such stars tend to occur toward the short period end of the Petersen diagram, and NSVS 5222976 is no exception to this rule.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, To be published in the March, 2006, issue of PAS

    Mass-luminosity relation and pulsational properties of Wolf-Rayet stars

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    Evolution of Population I stars with initial masses from 70M_\odot to 130M_\odot is considered under various assumptions on the mass loss rate \dot M. The mass-luminosity relation of W-R stars is shown to be most sensitive to the mass loss rate during the helium burning phase \dot M_{3\alpha}. Together with the mass-luminosity relation obtained for all evolutionary sequences several more exact relations are determined for the constant ratio f_{3\alpha}=\dot M/\dot M_{3\alpha} with 0.5 \le f_{3\alpha} \le 3. Evolutionary models of W-R stars were used as initial conditions in hydrodynamic computations of radial nonlinear stellar oscillations. The oscillation amplitude is larger in W-R stars with smaller initial mass or with lower mass loss rate due to higher surface abundances of carbon and oxygen. In the evolving W-R star the oscillation amplitude decreases with decreasing stellar mass M and for M < 10M_\odot the sufficiently small nonlinear effects allow us to calculate the integral of the mechanical work W done over the pulsation cycle in each mass zone of the hydrodynamical model. The only positive maximum on the radial dependence of W is in the layers with temperature of T\sim 2e5K where oscillations are excited by the iron Z--bump kappa-mechanism. Radial oscillations of W-R stars with mass of M > 10M_\odot are shown to be also excited by the kappa-mechanism but the instability driving zone is at the bottom of the envelope and pulsation motions exist in the form of nonlinear running waves propagating outward from the inner layers of the envelope.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures, submitted to Astronomy Letter

    When the Villages were Big: Imaginary Spaces on the Soviet Screen

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    Поступила в редакцию: 17.09.2022. Принята к печати: 24.11.2022.Submitted: 17.09.2022. Accepted: 24.11.2022.Рецензия на книгу: Мазур Л. Н., Горбачев О. В. Советские фильмы о деревне: опыт исторической интерпретации художественного образа. М. : РОССПЭН, 2022. 349 с., ил. В статье представлена попытка осмысления советского деревенского кинематографа как механизма формирования воображаемого пространства. В соответствии с концепцией Бенедикта Андерсона, советский кинематограф анализируется как один из механизмов формирования идентичности и привязанности к месту (place attachment). Кино становится важным механизмом превращения природы и территории в окружающую среду и пространство. На основе анализа монографии Людмилы Мазур и Олега Горбачева «Советские фильмы о деревне: опыт исторической интерпретации художественного образа» в статье отмечается новаторский подход авторов к осмыслению кинематографа как исторического источника, который позволяет реконструировать целый ряд аспектов жизненного мира советской деревни в разные периоды ее существования. Представлены критическое осмысление концепции Людмилы Мазур и Олега Горбачева и расширенное осмысление советского кинематографа на сельскую тематику.Review of: Mazur, L. N., & Gorbachev, O. V. (2022). Soviet Films about the Village: An Attempt at Historical Interpretation of the Artistic Image. Moscow: ROSSPAN. 349 p., il. This article presents an attempt to comprehend Soviet rural cinematography as a mechanism of forming imaginary space. The Soviet cinema is analysed as one of the mechanisms of identity formation and place attachment based on Benedict Anderson’s concept. The cinema becomes an important mechanism for transforming nature and territory into environment and space. Examining Soviet Films about the Village: An Attempt at Historical Interpretation of the Artistic Image, a monograph by Lyudmila Mazur and Oleg Gorbachev, the article emphasises the authors’ innovative approach to understanding cinematography as a historical source, which makes it possible to reconstruct several aspects of life in the Soviet village at different periods of its existence. The authors offer a critical reflection on the concepts of Lyudmila Mazur and Oleg Gorbachev and an expanded comprehension of Soviet films on rural themes.Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке гранта РНФ № 20-18-00342 «Институциональные и неинституциональные ритуалы в структуре позднесоветского общества (1956–1985)» и гранта Правительства РФ, проект № 075-15-2021-611 «Человек в меняющемся пространстве Урала и Сибири». Статья написана в рамках работы зеркальной лаборатории «Поздне/Постсоветское: ценности, практики, акторы».The research is supported by a grant of the Russian Science Foundation 20-18-00342, “Institutional and Non-Institutional Rituals in the Structure of Later Soviet Society (1956–1985)” and a grant of the Government of the Russian Federation, project 075-15-2021-611 “A Human Being and the Changing Space of the Urals and Siberia”. This article was written as part of the mirror laboratory “Late/Post-Soviet: Values, Practices, Actors”

    Temperature Evolution of Sodium Nitrite Structure in a Restricted Geometry

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    The NaNO2_{2} nanocomposite ferroelectric material in porous glass was studied by neutron diffraction. For the first time the details of the crystal structure including positions and anisotropic thermal parameters were determined for the solid material, embedded in a porous matrix, in ferro- and paraelectric phases. It is demonstrated that in the ferroelectric phase the structure is consistent with bulk data but above transition temperature the giant growth of amplitudes of thermal vibrations is observed, resulting in the formation of a "premelted state". Such a conclusion is in a good agreement with the results of dielectric measurements published earlier.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Evaluation of the passive safety in cars adapted with steering control devices for disabled drivers

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    The purpose of this research is to analyse the influence of steering control devices for disabled people on passive safety. It is based on the advances made in the modelling and simulation of the driver position and in the suit verification test. The influence of these devices is studied through airbag deployment and/or its influence on driver safety. We characterise the different adaptations that are used in adapted cars that can be found mounted in vehicles in order to generate models that are verified by experimental test. A three-dimensional design software package was used to develop the model. The simulations were generated using a dynamic simulation program employing LS-DYNA finite elements. This program plots the geometry and assigns materials. The airbag is shaped, meshed and folded just as it is mounted in current vehicles. The thermodynamic model of expansion of gases is assigned, and the contact interfaces are defined. Static tests were carried out on the deployment of the airbag to contrast with and to validate the computational models and to measure the behaviour of the airbag when there are steering adaptations mounted in the vehicle. © 2011 Taylor & Francis.Masiá Vañó, J.; Eixerés Tomás, B.; Dols Ruiz, JF. (2011). Evaluation of the passive safety in cars adapted with steering control devices for disabled drivers. International Journal of Crashworthiness. 16(1):75-83. doi:10.1080/13588265.2010.514772S7583161Bedewi, N. E., Marzougui, D., & Motevalli, V. (1996). Evaluation of parameters affecting simulation of airbag deployment and interaction with occupants. International Journal of Crashworthiness, 1(4), 339-354. doi:10.1533/cras.1996.0025Chawla, A., Mukherjee, S., & Sharma, A. (2005). Development of FE meshes for folded airbags. International Journal of Crashworthiness, 10(3), 259-266. doi:10.1533/ijcr.2005.0343Cheng, Z., Rizer, A. L., & Pellettiere, J. A. (2003). Modeling and Simulation of OOP Occupant-Airbag Interaction. SAE Technical Paper Series. doi:10.4271/2003-01-0510Crandall, J. R., Bass, C. R., Pikey, W. D., Miller, H. J., Sikorski, J., & Wilkins, M. (1996). Thoracic response and injury with belt, driver side airbag, and force limited belt restraint systems. International Journal of Crashworthiness, 2(1), 119-132. doi:10.1533/cras.1997.0039Dalrymple, G. (1996). Effects of Assistive Steering Devices on Air Bag Deployment. SAE Technical Paper Series. doi:10.4271/960223Khan, M. U., & Moatamedi, M. (2008). A review of airbag test and analysis. International Journal of Crashworthiness, 13(1), 67-76. doi:10.1080/13588260701731674Khan, M. U., Moatamedi, M., Souli, M., & Zeguer, T. (2008). Multiphysics out of position airbag simulation. International Journal of Crashworthiness, 13(2), 159-166. doi:10.1080/13588260701788385Richert, J., Coutellier, D., Götz, C., & Eberle, W. (2007). Advanced smart airbags: The solution for real-life safety? International Journal of Crashworthiness, 12(2), 159-171. doi:10.1080/13588260701433461Ruff, C., Jost, T., & Eichberger, A. (2007). Simulation of an airbag deployment in out-of-position situations. Vehicle System Dynamics, 45(10), 953-967. doi:10.1080/0042311070153830


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    The authors represent results of research of diffusion polarization influence on cathode sediment growth on the example of metal refining process in coaxial symmetry electrolyzer

    Poland's syndrome and recurrent pneumothorax: is there a connection?

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    Aim. To investigate the possible connection of Poland's syndrome with the presence of lung bullae and, thus, with an increased risk for recurrent pneumothorax. Patients-methods. Two male patients, aged 19 and 21 years respectively were submitted to our department after their second incident of pneumothorax. Both had Poland's syndrome (unilaterally hypoplastic chest wall with pectoralis major muscle atrophy) and both had multiple bullae to the ipsilateral lung based on CT findings. The patients were treated operatively (bullectomy, lung apicectomy, partial parietal pleurectomy and chemical pleurodesis) due to the recurrent state of their pneumothorax. Results. The patients had good results with total expansion of the affected lung. Conclusions. Poland's syndrome can be combined with ipsilateral presence of lung bullae, a common cause of pneumothorax. Whether this finding is part or a variation of the syndrome needs to be confirmed by a larger number of similar cases