726 research outputs found

    Torsion functors with monomial support

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    The dependence of torsion functors on their supporting ideals is investigated, especially in the case of monomial ideals of certain subrings of polynomial algebras over not necessarily Noetherian rings. As an application it is shown how flatness of quasicoherent sheaves on toric schemes is related to graded local cohomology.Comment: updated reference

    Perverse coherent t-structures through torsion theories

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    Bezrukavnikov (later together with Arinkin) recovered the work of Deligne defining perverse tt-structures for the derived category of coherent sheaves on a projective variety. In this text we prove that these tt-structures can be obtained through tilting torsion theories as in the work of Happel, Reiten and Smal\o. This approach proves to be slightly more general as it allows us to define, in the quasi-coherent setting, similar perverse tt-structures for certain noncommutative projective planes.Comment: New revised version with important correction

    Minimal Universal Two-qubit Quantum Circuits

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    We give quantum circuits that simulate an arbitrary two-qubit unitary operator up to global phase. For several quantum gate libraries we prove that gate counts are optimal in worst and average cases. Our lower and upper bounds compare favorably to previously published results. Temporary storage is not used because it tends to be expensive in physical implementations. For each gate library, best gate counts can be achieved by a single universal circuit. To compute gate parameters in universal circuits, we only use closed-form algebraic expressions, and in particular do not rely on matrix exponentials. Our algorithm has been coded in C++.Comment: 8 pages, 2 tables and 4 figures. v3 adds a discussion of asymetry between Rx, Ry and Rz gates and describes a subtle circuit design problem arising when Ry gates are not available. v2 sharpens one of the loose bounds in v1. Proof techniques in v2 are noticeably revamped: they now rely less on circuit identities and more on directly-computed invariants of two-qubit operators. This makes proofs more constructive and easier to interpret as algorithm

    Seni Pertunjukan Wayang Orang sebagai Daya Tarik Wisata Perkotaan - Tinjauan Konsep Experience Economy

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    Transformasi perkembangan ekonomi telah beralih menuju experience economy. Tahap transformasi diawali dari tahap ekonomi agraria menjadi ekonomi industry, menuju ekonomi jasa, dan saat ini berada pada tahap ekonomi pengalaman. Tahap experience economy, ditunjukan melalui interaksi aktif antara konsumen dengan produsen sehingga membentuk pengalaman yang berkesan dalam mengkonsumsi/mengkonsumir suatu produk/jasa. Makalah ini berisi tinjauan konseptual pengelolaan seni pertunjukan tradisional wayang orang sebagai wujud dari ”experience economy” yang dapat dikembangkan untuk menjadi daya tarik wisata perkotaan. Pembahasan didasari oleh konsep dimensi ”experience” yang dirintis oleh Pine & Gilmore (1999) dalam Ho & Tsai (2010) yang terdiri dari 1) entertainment, 2) education, 3) escapist, dan 4) aestheticism. Hal ini juga dikembangkan oleh beberapa ahli lainnya. Hasil pembahasan diharapkan bermanfaat untuk mengembangkan seni pertunjukan sebagai daya tarik wisata yang dapat meningkatan kesehajteraan masyarakat secara ekonomi, dan juga mendukung pelestarian budaya dan pembangunan pariwisata yang berkelanjutan. Kata Kunci: experience economy, seni pertunjukan, daya tarik wisata perkotaa

    Rational matrix pseudodifferential operators

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    The skewfield K(d) of rational pseudodifferential operators over a differential field K is the skewfield of fractions of the algebra of differential operators K[d]. In our previous paper we showed that any H from K(d) has a minimal fractional decomposition H=AB^(-1), where A,B are elements of K[d], B is non-zero, and any common right divisor of A and B is a non-zero element of K. Moreover, any right fractional decomposition of H is obtained by multiplying A and B on the right by the same non-zero element of K[d]. In the present paper we study the ring M_n(K(d)) of nxn matrices over the skewfield K(d). We show that similarly, any H from M_n(K(d)) has a minimal fractional decomposition H=AB^(-1), where A,B are elements of M_n(K[d]), B is non-degenerate, and any common right divisor of A and B is an invertible element of the ring M_n(K[d]). Moreover, any right fractional decomposition of H is obtained by multiplying A and B on the right by the same non-degenerate element of M_n(K [d]). We give several equivalent definitions of the minimal fractional decomposition. These results are applied to the study of maximal isotropicity property, used in the theory of Dirac structures.Comment: 20 page

    Non-liftable Calabi-Yau spaces

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    We construct many new non-liftable three-dimensional Calabi-Yau spaces in positive characteristic. The technique relies on lifting a nodal model to a smooth rigid Calabi-Yau space over some number field as introduced by the first author and D. van Straten.Comment: 16 pages, 5 tables; v2: minor corrections and addition

    Symmetry analysis of crystalline spin textures in dipolar spinor condensates

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    We study periodic crystalline spin textures in spinor condensates with dipolar interactions via a systematic symmetry analysis of the low-energy effective theory. By considering symmetry operations which combine real and spin space operations, we classify symmetry groups consistent with non-trivial experimental and theoretical constraints. Minimizing the energy within each symmetry class allows us to explore possible ground states.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figure

    Affine configurations and pure braids

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    We show that the fundamental group of the space of ordered affine-equivalent configurations of at least five points in the real plane is isomorphic to the pure braid group modulo its centre. In the case of four points this fundamental group is free with eleven generators.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, final version; to appear in Discrete & Computational Geometry, available from the publishers at http://www.springerlink.com/content/384516n7q24811ph
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