902 research outputs found

    Happiness and Growth the World Over: Time Series Evidence on the Happiness-Income Paradox

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    There is no significant relationship between the improvement in happiness and the long term rate of growth of GDP per capita. This is true for three groups of countries analyzed separately − 17 developed, 9 developing, and 11 transition − and also for the 37 countries taken together. Time series studies reporting a positive relationship confuse a short-term positive association between the growth of happiness and income, arising from fluctuations in macroeconomic conditions, with the long-term relationship, which is nil.happiness, economic growth, developing countries, transition countries, developed countries

    Equivalence of Bose-Einstein condensation and symmetry breaking

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    Based on a classic paper by Ginibre [Commun. Math. Phys. {\bf 8} 26 (1968)] it is shown that whenever Bogoliubov's approximation, that is, the replacement of a_0 and a_0^* by complex numbers in the Hamiltonian, asymptotically yields the right pressure, it also implies the asymptotic equality of ||^2/V and /V in symmetry breaking fields, irrespective of the existence or absence of Bose-Einstein condensation. Because the former was proved by Ginibre to hold for absolutely integrable superstable pair interactions, the latter is equally valid in this case. Apart from Ginibre's work, our proof uses only a simple convexity inequality due to Griffiths.Comment: An error in my summary of previous results (the definition of F') is corrected. The correction is to be done also in the PR

    Dynamics of fast pattern formation in porous silicon by laser interference

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    Patterns are fabricated on 290 nm thick nanostructured porous silicon layers by phase-mask laser interference using single pulses of an excimer laser (193 nm, 20 ns pulse duration). The dynamics of pattern formation is studied by measuring in real time the intensity of the diffraction orders 0 and 1 at 633 nm. The results show that a transient pattern is formed upon melting at intensity maxima sites within a time 1-µs) upon melting induced by homogeneous beam exposure and related to the different scenario for releasing the heat from hot regions. The diffraction efficiency of the pattern is finally controlled by a combination of laser fluence and initial thickness of the nanostructured porous silicon layer and the present results open perspectives on heat release management upon laser exposure as well as have potential for alternative routes for switching applications.Postprint (published version

    Z<sub>2</sub> Non-Restoration and Composite Higgs: Singlet-Assisted Baryogenesis w/o Topological Defects

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    Simple scalar-singlet extensions of the Standard Model with a (spontaneouslybroken) Z2Z_2 symmetry allow for a strong first order electroweak phasetransition, as sought in order to realize electroweak baryogenesis. Howeverthey generically also lead to the emergence of phenomenologically problematicdomain walls. Here we present a framework with a real scalar singlet thatfeatures a different thermal history that avoids this problem by neverrestoring the Z2Z_2 symmetry in the early universe. This is accomplished byconsidering D>4D>4 operators that emerge on general grounds, understanding themodel as the low energy tail of a more complete theory, like for example incomposite Higgs scenarios. Sticking to the latter framework, we present aconcrete SO(6)/SO(5)SO(6)/SO(5) composite realization of the idea. To this end, weadditionally provide a complete classification of the structure of the Higgspotential (and the Yukawa couplings) in SO(6)/SO(5)SO(6)/SO(5) models with fermions inthe 1,6,15{\bf 1, 6, 15} or 20′{\bf 20^\prime} of SO(6)SO(6).<br

    The Happiness-Income Paradox Revisited

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    The striking thing about the happiness-income paradox is that over the long-term – usually a period of 10 y or more – happiness does not increase as a country's income rises. Heretofore the evidence for this was limited to developed countries. This article presents evidence that the long term nil relationship between happiness and income holds also for a number of developing countries, the eastern European countries transitioning from socialism to capitalism, and an even wider sample of developed countries than previously studied. It also finds that in the short-term in all three groups of countries, happiness and income go together, i.e., happiness tends to fall in economic contractions and rise in expansions. Recent critiques of the paradox, claiming the time series relationship between happiness and income is positive, are the result either of a statistical artifact or a confusion of the short-term relationship with the long-term one.Easterlin Paradox, life satisfaction, subjective well-being

    SU(6) Gauge-Higgs Grand Unification: Minimal Viable Models and Flavor

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    Gauge-Higgs grand unification theories are models of gauge-Higgs unification that extend the electroweak group into a simple group that includes the color symmetry. The minimal option is a gauge-Higgs grand unification based on the SU(6) gauge group, mirroring SU(5) grand unification in 4D while providing a solution to the hierarchy problem. We explore different minimal and realistic novel incarnations of SU(6) gauge-Higgs grand unification. We submit the setup to the various flavor hierarchies observed in nature and, utilizing the power of the fifth dimension, identify an embedding that provides a compelling model of quarks and leptons that naturally explains the mass hierarchies and the CKM/PMNS structure. We perform a detailed study of quark - and lepton - flavor constraints (which are intimately related due to the GUT nature) together with an analysis of the Higgs potential which arises at the loop level. Electroweak precision constraints on the model are discussed and the rich scalar sector is analyzed. Future flavor constraints from upcoming experiments will provide a stringent test for this class of models, while a scalar singlet and leptoquark provide unique targets for current and future collider experiments to probe this solution to various open questions in nature

    Lepton Flavor Violation and Dilepton Tails at the LHC

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    Starting from a general effective Lagrangian for lepton flavor violation (LFV) in quark-lepton transitions, we derive constraints on the effective coefficients from the high-mass tails of the dilepton processes pp→ℓkℓlpp \to \ell_k \ell_l (with k≠lk\neq l). The current (projected) limits derived in this paper from LHC data with 36 fb−136~\mathrm{fb}^{-1} (3 ab−13~\mathrm{ab}^{-1}) can be applied to generic new physics scenarios, including the ones with scalar, vector and tensor effective operators. For purely left-handed operators, we explicitly compare these LHC constraints with the ones derived from flavor-physics observables, illustrating the complementarity of these different probes. While flavor physics is typically more constraining for quark-flavor violating operators, we find that LHC provides the most stringent limits on several flavor-conserving ones. Furthermore, we show that dilepton tails offer the best probes for charm-quark transitions at current luminosities and that they provide competitive limits for tauonic b→db\to d transitions at the high-luminosity LHC phase. As a by-product, we also provide general numerical expressions for several low-energy LFV processes, such as the semi-leptonic decays K→πℓk±ℓl∓K\to \pi \ell^{\pm}_k \ell^{\mp}_l, B→πℓk±ℓl∓B\to \pi \ell^{\pm}_k \ell^{\mp}_l and B→K(∗)ℓk±ℓl∓B\to K^{(\ast)} \ell^{\pm}_k \ell^{\mp}_l.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures, 5 tables, published versio
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