34 research outputs found

    Model Penilaian Bahasa Indonesia dalam Pelaksanaan Kurikulum Sekolah Dasar

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    Model penilaian Bahasa Indonesia dalam pelaksanaan kurikulum SD berbeda dari sebelumnya, di mana perbedaan tersebut dimaksudkan agar para pelaksana memahami dalam menerapkan mode penilaian di beberapa SD di kabupaten/kota yang berbeda. Perbedaan menggunakan model mulai dari yang sederhana hingga ke yang kompleks. Sederhana artinya hanya mencantumkan satu nilai untuk mata pelajaran tersebut dan kompleks karena mencantumkan empat nilai, untuk empat kategori kompetensi dalam berbahasa Indonesia, yaitu: mendengarkan, berbicara, membaca dan menulis. Penggunaan aneka ragam model penilaian Bahasa Indonesia akan menimbulkan permasalahan karena sistem penilaian memiliki pengaruh kuat terhadap pelaksanaan pembelajaran di kelas. Dikhawatirkan keempat kategori kompetensi Bahasa Indonesia yang telah ditetapkan tidak akan tercapai secara optimal oleh peserta didik, terutama sekolah yang menggunakan model penilaian yang sederhana. Oleh karena itu, model penilaian Bahasa Indonesia yang ideal merupakan model yang kompleks, dengan harapan agar penyampaian informasi tentang prestasi dapat dicapai peserta didik secara rinci dan objektif

    Kemenangan Lukman Edy-suryadi Khusaini di Kecamatan Perhentian Raja pada Pilgub Putaran Pertama Tahun 2013

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    Successful team must be set up with a good candidate determination of campaigners, target and analysis of community needs, how to compose messages that campaign as well as media selection and deployment of media effectively and efficiently. Successfully recruited a team of workers potentially amenable duties and functions. Internal consolidation campaign team is done by holding preparatory meetings before and during the campaign. The preparation includes strengthening party networks to the board on the Villages to Hamlet-Hamlet, preparation of witnesses in each polling station, monitoring the development of competitors in each village, and budgeting search campaign finance, media and techniques election campaign, as well as raising mass for the campaign. The more interesting the messages conveyed in the media, then the public would be interested anyway to listen or understand. communication techniques should be considered in the general election by using the mass media. Medium or forum is a vehicle is selected in the campaign. For the print media could be newspapers, magazines, leaflets, or flyers. As for the electronic media can use television, radio, VCD, internet or mobile phone

    Wall effects on the transportation of a cylindrical particle in power-law fluids

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    The present work deals with the numerical calculation of the Stokes-type drag undergone by a cylindrical particle perpendicularly to its axis in a power-law fluid. In unbounded medium, as all data are not available yet, we provide a numerical solution for the pseudoplastic fluid. Indeed, the Stokes-type solution exists because the Stokes’ paradox does not take place anymore. We show a high sensitivity of the solution to the confinement, and the appearance of the inertia in the proximity of the Newtonian case, where the Stokes’ paradox takes place. For unbounded medium, avoiding these traps, we show that the drag is zero for Newtonian and dilatant fluids. But in the bounded one, the Stokes-type regime is recovered for Newtonian and dilatant fluids. We give also a physical explanation of this effect which is due to the reduction of the hydrodynamic screen length, for pseudoplastic fluids. Once the solution of the unbounded medium has been obtained, we give a solution for the confined medium numerically and asymptotically. We also highlight the consequence of the confinement and the backflow on the settling velocity of a fiber perpendicularly to its axis in a slit. Using the dynamic mesh technique, we give the actual transportation velocity in a power-law “Poiseuille flow”, versus the confinement parameter and the fluidity index, induced by the hydrodynamic interactions

    Interactions hydrodynamiques en fluide non newtonien et conséquences sur le transport de particules sphériques

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    Pour contribuer à la compréhension des interactions hydrodynamiques, à faible nombre de Reynolds, exercées sur une particule par les parois d'un tube où elle est axialement positionnée, les équations du mouvement sont exprimées en formulation fonction de courant et de la vorticité pour être réécrites en coordonnées curvilignes orthogonales. Ces équations sont résolues par la méthode des différences finies. La génération du maillage est effectuée en utilisant la méthode des singularités. La précision des résultats a permis d'évaluer les facteurs de correction de la force totale et de ses composantes de pression et de viscosité. L'analyse des résultats montre, contrairement à ce que l'on obtient en régime dilué, une prédominance des forces de pression sur celles de viscosité évoluant dans un rapport qui ne dépend pas de n en régime de lubrification. Quant au rapport des vitesses de sédimentation en milieu confiné et illimité, celui-ci s'avère ne dépendre que du confinement

    Ovarian Reservation in Women with Ovarian Endometriosis Cyst after Laparoscopic Cystectomy and Leuprorelin Acetate Administration: Cadangan Ovarium pada Perempuan dengan Kista Endometriosis Ovarium setelah Laparoskopi Kistektomi dan Leuprorelin Asetat

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    Objective: To determine differences in ovarian reserve in women with ovarian endometrial cysts after laparoscopic cystectomy and leuprorelin acetate administrationMethods: Single cohort prospective pre and post-test design study with 25 research subjects. The independent variables were interventional laparoscopic cystectomy, and leuprorelin acetate administration. The dependent variable is ovarian reserve as measured by AMH levels.Results: The research subjects had a mean age of 31 years and a BMI of 23.55 kg/m2. There were 8 subjects with unilateral cysts and 17 subjects with bilateral cysts. Preoperative AMH levels had a median value of 1.32 ng/mL (0.88-5.13), postoperative AMH levels had a median value of 1.07 ng/mL (0.60-4.53), and postoperative AMH levels + Leuprorelin Acetate injection had a median value of 1.06 ng/mL (0.50-4.65). There was a significant difference between preoperative AMH and postoperative AMH (p<0.001). There was no significant difference between postoperative AMH and postoperative AMH + Leuprorelin Acetate injection (p=0.149). BMI has a relationship (p=0.048) with pre-operative AMH levels with a weak and opposite relationship (r= -0.399).Conclusion: There was a statistically significant 18.9% decrease between pre-operative post-operative AMH levels. Body Mass Index (BMI) and pre-operative AMH levels are associated with one another.Keywords: anti-müllerian hormone, leuprorelin acetate, ovarian cystectomy, ovarian reserve.AbstrakTujuan: Mengetahui perbedaan cadangan ovarium pada perempuan dengan kista endometrium ovarium setelah laparoskopi kistektomi dan injeksi leuprorelin asetat.Metode: Desain penelitian pre dan post-test prospektif kohort tunggal dengan 25 subjek penelitian. Variabel bebas adalah intervensi laparoskopi kistektomi, dan injeksi leuprorelin asetat. Variabel terikat adalah cadangan ovarium yang diukur dengan kadar AMH.Hasil: Subjek penelitian memiliki rerata usia 31 tahun dan IMT 23,55 kg/m2. Terdapat 8 subjek dengan kista unilateral, 17 subjek dengan kista bilateral. Kadar AMH praoperasi memiliki nilai median 1,32 ng/mL (0,88-5,13), kadar AMH pascaoperasi memiliki nilai median 1,07 ng/mL (0,60-4,53), dan kadar AMH pascaoperasi + injeksi Leuprorelin Asetat memiliki nilai median 1,06 ng/mL (0,50-4,65). Ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara AMH pra operasi dan AMH pascaoperasi (p<0,001). Tidak ada perbedaan bermakna antara AMH pascaoperasi dengan injeksi AMH + Leuprorelin Asetat pascaoperasi (p=0,149). IMT memiliki hubungan (p=0,048) dengan kadar AMH pra operasi dengan hubungan yang lemah dan berlawanan (r= -0,399).Kesimpulan: Terdapat penurunan 18,9% antara tingkat AMH pra-operasi dan tingkat AMH pasca-operasi yang signifikan secara statistik. Ada hubungan antara BMI dan tingkat AMH pra-operasiKata kunci: cadangan ovarium, hormon anti-müllerian, kistektomi ovarium, leuprorelin asetat

    Improvement of exercise capacity after early phase II cardiac rehabilitation in patients who undergo rheumatic mitral valve surgery

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    Background: Rheumatic heart disease still become a major concern in developing countries. Recent studies showed the benefits of early phase II cardiac rehabilitation (CR) on improving the exercise capacity but the evidence in patients after rheumatic mitral valve surgery due to rheumatic heart disease is limited. This study aims to investigate the effects of early phase II CR program on increasing exercise capacity in the rheumatic mitral valve surgery patients. Methods: This is a cohort retrospective study. A review of medical records identified 254 patients who underwent early phase II CR after rheumatic mitral valve  surgery between July 2009 – June 2019. Effects of CR was assessed by 6 Minutes Walking Distance (6MWD) pre and post early phase II CR and peak oxygen uptake (VO2 peak) calculated by Cahallin formula. In this study, we observed and analyzed the increasing of 6MWD and VO2 peak. Results: Our findings showed that 6MWD and VO2 peak increased significantly in these patients after early phase II CR program (p = 0.001). Mean of 6MWD increased from 316.3 ± 71.7 meters to 378.6 ± 60.3 meters and VO2 peak increased from 7.7 ±2.4 mL/kg/min to 8.9 ± 2.2 mL/kg/min. The mean difference of 6MWD was 62.3 meters and VO2 peak was 1.2 mL/kg/min. There was a strong correlation between VO2 peak and 6MWD (r = 71%; R2 = 51%; p = 0.001). Conclusion: Early phase II CR in patients with Rheumatic Mitral Stenosis after mitral valve surgery improved the exercise capacity. Based on 6MWD, we can predict the value of VO2 peak patients with rheumatic mitral stenosis surgery patients.   Keywords: Cardiac rehabilitation, rheumatic mitral stenosis, 6MWD, VO2 pea

    Hutan Untuk Kesejahteraan : Cerita Dari Lapangan

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    Kumpulan tulisan dari cerita-cerita implementasi Forest Governance Program II (FGP II) yang telah berlangsung sejak tahun 2011-2015. Sebagai upaya untuk mengikat ilmu dan membuat keabadian dari perjalanan program, tulisan ini mencoba memotret apa yang telah dilakukan komunitas dan mitra dalam mengiplementasikan kegiatan program yang di dukung oleh Kedutaan Norwegi

    Codimension 2 points in the flow inside a cylindrical annulus with a radial temperature gradient

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    The linear stability analysis of a Newtonian fluid between two coaxial vertical cylinders with a radial temperature gradient shows the existence of thermal and hydrodynamic axisymmetric oscillatory modes. The critical parameters depend on the nature of the fluid and on the radius ratio of the cylinders. The two modes have the same threshold on a line of the codimension 2 points in a plane spanned by the radius ratio and Prandtl number