44 research outputs found

    Access Windows by Iris Recognition

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    This project aims to design and develop an iris recognition system for accessing Microsoft Windows. The system is built using digital camera and Pentium 4 with SVGA display adapter. MATLAB ver. 7.0 is used to preprocess the taken images convert the images into code and compare the picture code with the stored database. The project involves two main steps: (1) applying image processing techniques on the picture of an eye for data acquisition. (2)applying Neural Networks techniques for identification .The image processing techniques display the steps for getting a very clear iris image necessary for extracting data from the acquisition of eye image in standard lighting and focusing. In a use of your images, the images are enhanced and segmented into 100 parts. The standard deviation is computed for every part in which the values are used for identification using NN techniques. Locating the iris is done by following the darkness density of the pupil. For all networks, the weights and output values are stored in a text file to be used later in identification. The Backprobagation network succeeded in identification and getting best results because it attained to (False Acceptance Rate = 10% - False Rejection Rate = 10%), while the Linear Associative Memory network attained to (False Acceptance Rate = 20% - False Rejection Rate = 20%

    Multi Language Text Editor

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    The text editors that are available only enable the users to write in a single language for example in English language. Therefore, the Malaysian users who consist of 3 major ethnics such Malay, Chinese and Indian people are unable to write in their own language known as Bahasa Melayu for Malay people, Chinese for Chinese language and Tamil for Indian people. As to resolve this matter, the system provides a feature whereby the users may write text in the three languages mentioned above. Next, the text editors are text- based thus, it doesn’t allow users to have image input in the content, which is why the system produce a new feature to allow users to upload image. Furthermore, users are unable to check the number of words written in the text content, instead they have to count it manually. As a solution, the system consist a feature that display the number of words written. Moreover, text editors doesn’t have a feature to change the color of specific words so the system allows the user to set color for the text content rather than letting it being in a default color (black). Finally, whenever user would like to save the text content in other file formats, they are unable to do so in the existing text editors. Hence, the system comes up with a new feature that allows the user to save in plain text, word document and rich-text format

    Reliability and validity analysis of smartwatches use for healthcare

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    Examine the reliability and validity of smartwatches measuring heart rate and Blood Pressure. Methods: Eighty-eight healthy participant is recruited to be measured heart rate and Blood Pressure. the reliability and validity were determined by comparing the smart-watches with the home standard Blood Pressure using mean differences, Bland Altman plot, Interclass correlation (ICC) and Cronbach's alpha. Results: the reliability varied with ICC ranging from 0.533 to 0.852. Two smartwatches showed relatively weak ICC and broad limits of agreement of the Bland–Altman plots at both, heart rate and Blood Pressure Measurement. For heart rate measurement, F1 Smartband Bracelet Watch showed slightly better results than Y2 Plus Smart Wrist Band. conversely, Y2 Plus Smart Wrist Band demonstrated the best accuracy at Systolic measurement. And for Diastolic Blood Pressure was relatively the same in the reliability and validity. Conclusion: reliability and validity of smartwatches use, especially for healthcare still less of accuracy for the clinical standard because the icc was lower tha

    Biometric identification and recognition for iris using failure rejection rate (FRR) / Musab A. M. Ali

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    Iris recognition is reckoned as one of the most reliable biometrics for identification purpose in terms of reliability and accuracy. Hence, the objectives of this research are new algorithms development significantly for iris segmentation specifically the proposed Fusion of Profile and Mask Technique (FPM) specifically in getting the actual center of the pupil with high level of accuracy prior to iris localization task, followed by a particular enhancement in iris normalization that is the application of quarter size of an iris image (instead of processing a whole or half size of an iris image) and for better precision and faster recognition with the robust Support Vector Machine (SVM) as classifier. Further aim of this research is the integration of cancelable biometrics feature in the proposed iris recognition technique via non-invertible transformation which determines the feature transformation-based template protection techniques security. Therefore, it is significant to formulate the non-invertibility measure to circumvent the possibility of adversary having the capability in guessing the original biometric providing that the transformed template is obtained. At any process of recognition stage, the biometric data is protected and also whenever there is a compromise to any information in the database it will be on the cancelable biometric template merely without affecting the original biometric information. In order to evaluate and verify the effectiveness of the proposed technique, CASIA-A (version 3.1) and Bath-A iris databases have been selected for performance testing. Briefly, the processes of the iris recognition system proposed in this research work are locating the pupil first via the novel technique that is the Fusion of Profile and Mask (FPM) Technique focusing on getting the actual center of the pupil then followed by localizing the actual iris region with the circular Hough transform. Next, select smaller yet optimal and effective normalized iris image size by applying different normalization factors. Instead of processing a whole or half size of an iris image, the 480 code size which is equivalent to the quarter size of an iris is selected due to its outstandingly accurate results and less computational complexity. The subsequent step is using the DAUB3 wavelet transform for feature extraction along with the application of an additional step for biometric template security that is the Non-invertible transform (cancelable biometrics method) and finally utilizing the Support Vector Machine (Non-linear Quadratic kernel) for matching/classification. The experimental results showed that the recognition rate achieved are of 99.9% on Bath-A data set, with a maximum decision criterion of 0.97

    Ownership on Islamic Economic Perspective and Director Ownership on Sharia Companies with Moderation Roles of Independent Commissioners

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    This research aims to examine the ownership on Islamic economic and the ownership stock effect on firm performance and the moderating influence of independent commissioner on the connection between ownership stock and firm performance. Indicator of ownership stock studied was the ownership stock of the president director in the company. The firm performance studied by the calculation of Price per Earning Ratio. Then, the intended independent commissioners are the percentage of independent commissioners who are on the company's board of commissioners.This research uses qualitaitive method based on Islamic economic literature and quantitative methods basedon secondary data. Secondary data in this research are the financial report from firms that take the floor on Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). This investigation uses a population that is listed firms on Indonesian Sharia Stock Index (ISSI). Subsequently, the sample is filtered using purposive sampling techniques with the criteria of listed firms on Indonesia Stock Exchange and has the data needed in this investigation. As a result, the samples obtained were 296 companies. This research uses regression analysis with individual parameter significant test (t-test).Hypothesis testing results indicate that Sharia company ownershipis in accordance with Islamic economic perspective studies, and ownership stock with the indicator of ownership of the president director has an impact on firm performance with Price per Earning Ratio’s indicator, and independent commissioners based on the proportion of independent commissioners on the board of commissioners moderate the correlation between ownership stock and firm performance. Keywords: Ownership Stock, Firm Performance, and Independent Commissioners


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    Video games are in recent years a big part of our daily life, especially for young people, and for most of them they have a very important role in their life. The video game industry and video games development are growing every day, and especially in the last period with Covid-19 pandemic and lockdown lot of people find comfort and spend their free time playing games, most of the consumers of the video games are young people or to be precise kids. The idea is to show and investigate the linking effects of video games to school achievement in primary education. Or to be precise by data analysis and data mining the aim is to investigate and show the results of the analysis. that are collected. Datapoints are collected from several elementary schools that are participating in this investigation. Data exploration and analysis consisted of exploring the most important features, relations between different features in order to better understand the data that we are dealing with. All analyses in this thesis are done in R programing language and RStudio as IDE

    Kazakh Text Generation using Neural Bag-of-Words Model for Sentiment Analysis

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    Text generation plays an important role in making decisions in business. Analyzing the consumer’s feedback provides a complete picture of the problem with a definite direction. However, sentimental analyses of reviews in the Kazakh language are not widely cultivated. In this paper, we introduce the Kazakh text generation using the Bag-of-Words model (BoW) models for analyzing the opinions of consumers in social networks. The use of proposed models in natural language processing consists of four stages: data collection, cleaning data, building model, and model evaluation. The proposed BoW model is supported by the platform - Colab notebook and implemented using the python language. Based on experimental results, defined method with higher efficiency as compared to other existing analogs

    Factors influencing the electronic government adoption among PSM in Oman: A structural equation modeling approach

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    The dynamic movement of electronic government (e-government) needs a clear pathway on the adoption level of stakeholders within the public sector organization. This research has identified gaps in the movement of the adoption. The respondents comprised 237 public sector managers at the ministry level who conduct e-government services in the Sultanate of Oman. A questionnaire was designed to tap into the manager's perception of the Internet's Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Credibility of technology, Intention to use the technology, and adoption of the Internet itself. Seven hypothesized relationships were tested in the structural model. An advanced quantitative data analysis using multivariate data analysis was employed. The data were analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM) to test the causal and mediating effects of latent variables. Based on the research, the hypothesized model fit fails to be supported (p<.05). The findings support the TAM theory extremely well, whereby, all the hypothesized paths were asserted. The generated model found three significant direct paths between Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Credibility, and intention as well as between intention and adoption


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    Objective:  Aspartame (or APM) is the name for an artificial, non-saccharide sweetener used as a sugar substitute in many foods and beverages. Aspartame is the methyl ester of a phenylalanine/aspartic acid dipeptide. Aspartame is an artificial sweetener. It is 200 times sweeter than sugar in typical concentrations, without the high-energy value of sugar. Aim of current study was to study the awareness of pharmacists about aspartame side effects. Materials and methods: This study was carried in greater Khartoum, questionnaire for pharmacists to see the consumption and the awareness of them to these interactions during the period from September 2014 to November 2014.Study was conducted among practicing pharmacists. A pre designed and tested questionnaire were used for each category to collect the data. From the hospitals manager. Results: 32% were aware of the number of aspartame products. Pharmacists when asked how many patients purchase aspartame products per day, answers showed that 74.5% ranged between 1-10 patients per day, About pharmacist’s expectations to develop side effects due to aspartame, use regularly showed that 75% agreed that it would. pharmacists claimed that aspartame can or worsen a certain list of some diseases in which that diabetes represented 30%, Alzheimer’s 28% , attention deficit disorder 17.3% , psychological disorders. Conclusion: The majority of community pharmacists expect side effects can be developed due to aspartame regular use by patients but majority didn’t know what are the exact side effects and the exact diseases that can be worsened when using aspartame.                     Peer Review History: Received 11 June 2020; Revised 28 June; Accepted 3 July, Available online 15 July 2020 Academic Editor: Essam Mohamed Eissa, Beni-Suef University, Egypt, [email protected] UJPR follows the most transparent and toughest ‘Advanced OPEN peer review’ system. The identity of the authors and, reviewers will be known to each other. This transparent process will help to eradicate any possible malicious/purposeful interference by any person (publishing staff, reviewer, editor, author, etc) during peer review. As a result of this unique system, all reviewers will get their due recognition and respect, once their names are published in the papers. We expect that, by publishing peer review reports with published papers, will be helpful to many authors for drafting their article according to the specifications. Auhors will remove any error of their article and they will improve their article(s) according to the previous reports displayed with published article(s). The main purpose of it is ‘to improve the quality of a candidate manuscript’. Our reviewers check the ‘strength and weakness of a manuscript honestly’. There will increase in the perfection, and transparency. Received file:                Reviewer's Comments: Average Peer review marks at initial stage: 5.5/10 Average Peer review marks at publication stage: 7.0/10 Reviewer(s) detail: Prof. Dr. Hassan A.H. Al-Shamahy, Sana'a University, Yemen, [email protected] Dr. Nada Farrag, Misr International University Egypt, [email protected]  Similar Articles: AWARENESS AMONGST YOUTH ABOUT USE AND ABUSE OF STEROIDS IN KARACHI, PAKISTA

    'NetAccess': Networked access to computerized-system using Iris

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    Based on the available secured files and information in the companies; they need to be secured by a very high system. Currently, most of companies are accessed by normal keys in order to access the offices. But, those keys might be lost or stolen. In addition, those doors can be hacked easily by thieves. This raises a need to improve security of such information by limiting access only to those who have authorization to do so. The traditional means, as well as biometric traits other than iris, do provide such control; yet they still have several limitations in verifying the identity of individuals. In this presents the design of an Iris Recognition System for accessing Building and Control Syste