74 research outputs found

    Towards matrix model representation of HOMFLY polynomials

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    We investigate possibilities of generalizing the TBEM eigenvalue matrix model, which represents the non-normalized colored HOMFLY polynomials for torus knots as averages of the corresponding characters. We look for a model of the same type, which is a usual Chern-Simons mixture of the Gaussian potential, typical for Hermitean models, and the sine Vandermonde factors, typical for the unitary ones. We mostly concentrate on the family of twist knots, which contains a single torus knot, the trefoil. It turns out that for the trefoil the TBEM measure is provided by an action of Laplace exponential on the Jones polynomial. This procedure can be applied to arbitrary knots and provides a TBEM-like integral representation for the N=2 case. However, beyond the torus family, both the measure and its lifting to larger N contain non-trivial corrections in \hbar=\log q. A possibility could be to absorb these corrections into a deformation of the Laplace evolution by higher Casimir and/or cut-and-join operators, in the spirit of Hurwitz tau-function approach to knot theory, but this remains a subject for future investigation.Comment: 10 page

    On KP-integrable Hurwitz functions

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    There is now a renewed interest to the Hurwitz tau-function, counting the isomorphism classes of Belyi pairs, arising in the study of equilateral triangulations and Grothiendicks's dessins d'enfant. It is distinguished by belonging to a particular family of Hurwitz tau-functions, possessing conventional Toda/KP integrability properties. We explain how the variety of recent observations about this function fits into the general theory of matrix model tau-functions. All such quantities possess a number of different descriptions, related in a standard way: these include Toda/KP integrability, several kinds of W-representations (we describe four), two kinds of integral (multi-matrix model) descriptions (of Hermitian and Kontsevich types), Virasoro constraints, character expansion, embedding into generic set of Hurwitz tau-functions and relation to knot theory. When approached in this way, the family of models in the literature has a natural extension, and additional integrability with respect to associated new time-variables. Another member of this extended family is the Itsykson-Zuber integral.Comment: 21 page

    Cut-and-Join operator representation for Kontsevich-Witten tau-function

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    In this short note we construct a simple cut-and-join operator representation for Kontsevich-Witten tau-function that is the partition function of the two-dimensional topological gravity. Our derivation is based on the Virasoro constraints. Possible applications of the obtained expression are discussed.Comment: 5 pages, minor correction

    The Power of Nekrasov Functions

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    The recent AGT suggestion to use the set of Nekrasov functions as a basis for a linear decomposition of generic conformal blocks works very well not only in the case of Virasoro symmetry, but also for conformal theories with extended chiral algebra. This is rather natural, because Nekrasov functions are introduced as expansion basis for generalized hypergeometric integrals, very similar to those which arise in expansion of Dotsenko-Fateev integrals in powers of alpha-parameters. Thus, the AGT conjecture is closely related to the old belief that conformal theory can be effectively described in the free field formalism, and it can actually be a key to clear formulating and proof this long-standing hypothesis. As an application of this kind of reasoning we use knowledge of the exact hypergeometric conformal block for complete proof of the AGT relation for a restricted class of external states.Comment: 8 page

    From Hurwitz numbers to Kontsevich-Witten tau-function: a connection by Virasoro operators

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    In this letter,we present our conjecture on the connection between the Kontsevich--Witten and the Hurwitz tau-functions. The conjectural formula connects these two tau-functions by means of the GL(∞)GL(\infty) group element. An important feature of this group element is its simplicity: this is a group element of the Virasoro subalgebra of gl(∞)gl(\infty). If proved, this conjecture would allow to derive the Virasoro constraints for the Hurwitz tau-function, which remain unknown in spite of existence of several matrix model representations, as well as to give an integrable operator description of the Kontsevich--Witten tau-function.Comment: 13 page

    Racah coefficients and extended HOMFLY polynomials for all 5-, 6- and 7-strand braids

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    Basing on evaluation of the Racah coefficients for SU_q(3) (which supported the earlier conjecture of their universal form) we derive explicit formulas for all the 5-, 6- and 7-strand Wilson averages in the fundamental representation of arbitrary SU(N) group (the HOMFLY polynomials). As an application, we list the answers for all 5-strand knots with 9 crossings. In fact, the 7-strand formulas are sufficient to reproduce all the HOMFLY polynomials from the katlas.org: they are all described at once by a simple explicit formula with a very transparent structure. Moreover, would the formulas for the relevant SU_q(3) Racah coefficients remain true for all other quantum groups, the paper provides a complete description of the fundamental HOMFLY polynomials for all braids with any number of strands.Comment: 16 pages + Tables and Appendice

    Resolvents and Seiberg-Witten representation for Gaussian beta-ensemble

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    The exact free energy of matrix model always obeys the Seiberg-Witten (SW) equations on a complex curve defined by singularities of the quasiclassical resolvent. The role of SW differential is played by the exact one-point resolvent. We show that these properties are preserved in generalization of matrix models to beta-ensembles. However, since the integrability and Harer-Zagier topological recursion are still unavailable for beta-ensembles, we need to rely upon the ordinary AMM/EO recursion to evaluate the first terms of the genus expansion. Consideration in this paper is restricted to the Gaussian model.Comment: 15 page

    Nekrasov Functions and Exact Bohr-Sommerfeld Integrals

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    In the case of SU(2), associated by the AGT relation to the 2d Liouville theory, the Seiberg-Witten prepotential is constructed from the Bohr-Sommerfeld periods of 1d sine-Gordon model. If the same construction is literally applied to monodromies of exact wave functions, the prepotential turns into the one-parametric Nekrasov prepotential F(a,\epsilon_1) with the other epsilon parameter vanishing, \epsilon_2=0, and \epsilon_1 playing the role of the Planck constant in the sine-Gordon Shroedinger equation, \hbar=\epsilon_1. This seems to be in accordance with the recent claim in arXiv:0908.4052 and poses a problem of describing the full Nekrasov function as a seemingly straightforward double-parametric quantization of sine-Gordon model. This also provides a new link between the Liouville and sine-Gordon theories.Comment: 10 page
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