8 research outputs found
Occurrence of Banana bunchy top virus in banana and plantain (Musa sp.) in Benin
In July 2011, banana and plantain that displayed stunting and leaf symptoms typical of banana bunchy top disease were observed to be widespread in Dangbo Commune, Ouémé Department, Benin. To identify the cause of the disease, a roving survey was conducted in December 2011 in nine locations in Avrankou, Dangbo, Akpro-Missérété and Porto-Novo Communes, in Ouémé. In each location, the incidence of symptom-bearing plants was estimated from counts of 15 mats, and samples were collected for Banana bunchy top virus (BBTV) assessment. Approximately 60% of the 94 banana mats assessed had plants exhibiting typical symptoms of BBTV infection - chlorotic leaf margins, dark green streaks on petioles, narrow leaves that bunched at the top, and severe stunting. Total DNA was extracted from 25 leaf samples collected from plants with symptoms; they were then tested for BBTV by polymerase chain reaction. The sequences showed 100% nucleotide sequence identity with a BBTV isolate from Cameroon (FJ580970) and 99-100% identity with several other BBTV isolates from the GenBank database belonging to the South Pacific group, which consisted of BBTV isolates from Africa, Australia, India and South Pacific. This finding confirmed that the virus isolate associated with the diseased plants in Benin was of the BBTV South Pacific type. This is thought to be the first report of BBTV in Benin. The disease is widespread in all the four communes surveyed
Le port de charge cephalique et ses consequences sur le rachis lombraire des femmes beninoises en milieu rural
This survey is about the carriage cephalic load and its consequences on the spinal lumbar of the Beninese women in farming environment. We valued the strengths of compression and shearing, the lateral deviations and posterior sacred angle modifications bound to this type of portage of 25 women bearers of load on the head of the township of Dangbo (R. Benin).The gotten results permitted us to raise several anomalies to the level of the rachis. In short the load carriage on the head entails static troubles of the rachis whose the scoliosis, the lumbar breaks, the hyper lordosis and of the pathologies as the vertebral crowdings to see the sacralization of the 5th even lumba
Effet de l’entrainement de type mixte sur le profil lipidique : Etude prospective sur 14 cas d’anciens basketteurs du Burundi
L’inactivité physique associée à une alimentation mal contrôlée constitue la source majeure du développement de l’obésité caractérisée le plus souvent par une accumulation excessive des graisses. L’objectif de notre étude a été d’évaluer l’effet de l’exercice physique sur les paramètres lipidiques et anthropométriques. Cette étude réalisée auprès de 14 anciens basketteurs a permis de conclure qu’un entrainement mixte entraîne une hausse du cholestérol de haute densité (HDL) et une baisse des triglycérides (TG) ainsi que du cholestérol de faible densité (LDL). Les paramètres anthropométriques ont également diminué à la fin des deux mois d’entraînement. Ces résultats montrent que l’exercice physique est un élément régulateur du profil lipidique et permet la modulation des paramètres anthropométriques associés à  l’obésité.Mots clés : Obésité, TG, HDL cholestérol, LDL cholestérol, entraînement physique.ABSTRACTThe physical inactivity associated with a badly controlled food constitutes the major source of the development of the obesity generally characterized by an excessive accumulation of greases. The objective of our study was to evaluate the effect of the physical exercise on the lipidic and anthropometric parameters. This study carried out near 14 former basketball players made it possible to conclude that a mixed drive involves a rise of the cholesterol of high density (HDL) and a fall of triglycerides (TG) as well as cholesterol of weak density (LDL). The anthropometric parameters also decreased at the end of the two months of drive. These results show that the physical exercise is a regulating element of the lipidic profile and allows the modulation of the anthropometric parameters associated with obesity.Keywords: Obesity, TG, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, physical drive
Les Troubles Musculosquelettiques (Tms) En Milieu Portuaire : Cas Des Dockers Professionnels Du Port Autonome De Lome (Pal).
Il s’agit d’une étude transversale qui vise, à travers le questionnaire de l’INRS, à identifier les différents types de TMS en rapport avec l’activité des dockers du Port Autonome de Lomé (PAL) et fournir une base de données qui s’inscrit dans le cadre du programme de prévention mis en place dans cette entreprise depuis 2011, à travers les activités du Comité de Sécurité et Santé au Travail (CSST). 292 dockers professionnels du PAL, âgés en moyenne de 54,7 ans, ont répondu au questionnaire TMS de l’INRS adapté, soumis dans le cadre de cette étude. La population concernée est exclusivement masculine. Les plaintes les plus récurrentes (pour les 12 derniers mois et les 7 derniers jours précédents l’enquête) sont : le « bas du dos » avec plus des 3/4 ; « hanche /cuisse » avec plus des 2/3 et le « haut du dos » pour plus de la moitié. Les articulations portantes sont les touchées. Il a été établi une prévalence de 88,4%. Plus de la moitié des dockers situe l’intensité de l’effort physique de leur travail entre « dur » et « épuisant » et déclare prendre des remontants pour soutenir la charge du travail. Un quart parmi eux déclare un arrêt de travail pour problème de dos alors que 22,7% ont changé de poste de travail pour les mêmes causes. Seul 11,3% des dockers enquêtés ont une activité sportive régulière. Cette enquête avait pour objectif de récolter un maximum d’information à travers les questionnaires pour obtenir un état des lieux de qualité et offrir un moment d’expression aux dockers permettant une appropriation du problème des TMS. Elle est présentée comme un outil d’évaluation, premier stade d’une démarche d’action contre les TMS.Mots clés : TMS, dockers, manutention, rachis, douleur.There is a section that aims, through the questionnaire INRS, identify different types of TMS -related activity Dockers Port of Lome (PAL) study and provide a database that part of the prevention program implemented in this business since 2011, through the activities of the Safety and Health at Work (CSST). 292 professional dockers PAL, mean age 54.7 years, responded to the questionnaire TMS INRS adapted submitted as part of this study. The affected population is exclusively male. The most recurring complaints (for the last 12 months and the last 7 days preceding the survey) are: "lower back" with more than 3/4; "hip / thigh" with more than 2/3 and "upper back" for more than half. Bearing joints are affected. It was established a prevalence of 88.4%. More than half of the Dockers is the intensity of the physical effort of their work between "hard" and "exhausting" and said take tonics to support the workload. A quarter of them said a work stoppage for back problem while 22.7% changed job for the same reasons. Only 11.3% of respondents dockers regular physical activity. To collect as much information through questionnaires to obtain an inventory of quality and offer a moment of expression dockworkers to ownership of the MSD problem this survey was aimed. It is presented as a process of action against the TMS assessment tool, the first stage.Key words: TMS, dockers, handling, spine, pain.Article in Frenc
in a Global Multi-Stakeholder Environment
3 Wolfgang Kleinwächter (Ed.) The Power of Ideas: Internet Governance in
Consistency techniques for polytime linear global cost functions in weighted constraint satisfaction
Problèmes de Satisfaction de Contraintes Valuées
International audienceAs an extension of constraint networks, valued constraint networks (or valued CSPs) define a unifying framework for modelling optimisation problems over finite domains in which the cost domain (also denoted as the valuation structure) can be symbolic or numeric but is totally ordered. As is the case for constraint networks, valued CSPs can be viewed as graphical models, defined by a set of variables with an associated finite domain and by a set of cost functions, each involving a subset of the variables. Before reading this chapter, we strongly advise the reader to finish reading chapter “Constraint Reasoning” of this Volume, dedicated to the Constraint Satisfaction Problem