30 research outputs found

    The use of narrative as a speech behaviour model

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    The authors of this paper view narrative as a way for a human to express his or her attitude to the world, finding its presence virtually in every aspect of human relations. Revealing the essence of a narrative approach, the authors refer to the works by J. Brockmeier, R. Harré, A. Schütz, J.F. Lyotard, J. Bruner who analyzed the essence of narrative in their studies. The structure, characteristics, forms and functions of narrative as a type of discursive reality are analyzed. Particular attention is paid to personal narrative as a way to reflect acquired experience. The authors underline the use of narrative techniques in many knowledge areas: psychology, sociology, linguistics, philosophy, and psychiatry. Analyzing pedagogical aspects of narrative, the authors mention the use of metaphors as a means of influencing the audience. The authors pay a special attention to the practicability of narrative teaching methods, namely a narrative game as one of the methods of active learning in an educational process.peer-reviewe

    Morphometric characteristics of common carotid arteries bifurcation in men with different shape of the neck

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    Introduction: In the last decade, the anatomical structure of the bifurcation of common carotid arteries has attracted particular attention of anatomists and clinicians. Objective: To identify the morphometric characteristics of the bifurcation of common carotid arteries in men with different forms of the neck. Techniques: 90 male cadavers (36-60 years) were studied. The lengths of the neck, its frontal and sagittal dimensions of its base were measured. Classification of forms of the neck by A. Sozonov-Yaroshevich: long and narrow neck, index < 67,2; neck of average length and average diameter, index = 67,3-79,5; short and wide neck, index > 79,6. Morphometry was performed at bifurcation of the common carotid artery (CCA) on the right and left (length, diameter, angle of bifurcation, the lateral angles with the external (ECA) and internal (ICA) carotid arteries). Results: Cadaveric material was distributed into 3 groups: men with long, narrow neck, n = 27, men with a neck of medium length and average diameter, n = 38; men with short and wide neck, n = 25. The length of the bifurcation of the OCA in men with long, narrow neck was the highest in comparison with the other groups studied, and was right on average 23,2 ± 5,4 mm, and left to 21,4 ± 5,1 mm, while the diameter was the smallest - 9,3 ± 2,2 mm on the right and 9,2 ± 2,3 mm on the left. The angle of bifurcation of men in this group was also lower and averaged 6,6 ± 0,6 ° to the right and 7,2 ± 0,8 ° to the left. The average value of the right side corner of the NSA was 178 ± 1,2 °, on the left, it was 176 ± 0,7 °. The value of the lateral angle of the ICA was equal to an average of 174 ± 0,9 ° right and 175 ± 0,5 ° to the left. A group of people with short and wide neck, the average length of the bifurcation of the CCA was minimal, with both its greatest diameter. Its length is right on average 14,9 ± 5,3 mm, and left to 14,6 ± 5,0 mm. The diameters were equal to the values of 22,2 ± 6,4 mm and 23,5 ± 6,9 mm on the right and left, respectively. The apical angle in this group of men studied was 27,0 ± 0,9 ° to the right and 29,3 ± 0,8 ° to the left. Angle with the NSA was on average 167 ± 1,5 °, and the left - 164 ± 2,6 °. Side angle with the right internal carotid artery was 158 ± 2,4 °, the left was equal to the value of 160 ± 1,4 °. On the neck of average length and average diameter values of the parameters studied the bifurcation of the OCA, both right and left were located between the similar values of the two above groups. Length of the bifurcation of the right CCA average was equal to 18,5 ± 5,2 mm, and left to 19,8 ± 5,3 mm. The average value of the diameter of the bifurcation of the right CCA was 16,3 ± 3,9 mm and the left - 16,9 ± 4,9 mm. The angle of the branch on the right CCA was equal to 17,2 ± 0,6 °, left it was 19,6 ± 1,1 °. Side right angle with the NSA was equal to 176 ± 1,7 °, the left is the value was 170 ± 1,5 ° Side angle with the internal carotid artery was equal to 161 ± 0,9 ° right and 161 ± 1,9 ° to the left. Conclusions: Our studies have revealed clear differences of morphometric characteristics of the bifurcation of the OCA in men with different forms of the neck

    Использование особенностей фотоупругого эффекта для измерения параметров лазерного излучения

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    The article discusses the photo-elastic effect features in acousto-optic processors for processing pulse signals on the time axis. The photo-elastic interaction in these devices is divided into two areas. In the first area, the input pulse duration is longer than the time of intersecting the optical beam by the elastic wave packet. This particular area is widely used in the practical applications of these processors, where it is a priori assumed that the input pulse duration is longer than the time for the elastic wave packet to intersect the optical beam.In the second area, the input pulse duration is less than the time for the optical beam to be intersected by the elastic wave packet. The objective of this work is to study the photo-elastic effect features in this area. It was established that in this area the pulse duration at the processor output is equal to the time for the optical beam to be intersected by the elastic wave packet and does not depend on the input pulse duration, which is permissible in some cases (for example, in radar pulse existence rather than its duration is recorded). It is shown that in the second area, the output pulse is formed as the sum of three terms. The first term corresponds to the elastic wave packet entering the optical beam. The second term corresponds to the elastic wave packet advancement in the optical beam aperture, and the third one keeps with the elastic wave packet leaving the aperture of the optical beam. The corresponding equations for calculating the pulse at the device output are obtained. The numerical calculations have proved the provisions and patterns established. The numerical modeling results were tested experimentally using a prototype of an acousto-optic processor with direct detection. The analysed results of theoretical and experimental studies unequivocally confirmed that the obtained formulas, formulated statements, and established provisions can be used to expand the functionality of acousto-optic processors, both with direct detection and of heterodyne type. It is shown that with a significant decrease in the input pulse duration relative to the time during which the optical beam is intersected by the elastic wave packet, the latter is converted into a scanning line and can be used to measure the geometric and energy characteristics of the quasi-coherent light.В статье обсуждаются особенности фотоупругого эффекта в акустооптических процессорах для обработки импульсных сигналов на временной оси. Фотоупругое взаимодействие в этих устройствах разделено на две области. В первой области длительность входного импульса больше времени пересечения оптического пучка упругим волновым пакетом. Именно эта область широко используется в практических применениях названных процессоров, где априори предполагают, что длительность входного импульса больше времени пересечения оптического пучка упругим волновым пакетом.Во второй области длительность входного импульса меньше времени пересечения оптического пучка упругим волновым пакетом. Исследование особенностей фотоупругого эффекта в этой области является целью данной работы. Установлено, что в этой области длительность импульса на выходе процессора равна времени пересечения оптического пучка упругим волновым пакетом и не зависит от длительности входного импульса, что в некоторых случаях допустимо (например, в радиолокации фиксируется факт наличия импульса, а не его длительность). Показано, что во второй области выходной импульс формируется как сумма трех слагаемых. Первое слагаемое соответствует процессу вхождения упругого волнового пакета в оптический пучок, вторая – процессу продвижения упругого волнового пакета в апертуре оптического пучка, а третья - процессу выхода упругого волнового пакета из апертуры оптического пучка. Получены соответствующие уравнения для вычисления импульса на выходе устройства. Установленные положения и закономерности подтверждены численными расчетами. Результаты численного моделирования апробированы экспериментально на макете акустооптического процессора с прямым детектированием. Анализ результатов теоретических и экспериментальных исследований однозначно подтвердил, что полученные формулы, сформулированные утверждения и установленные положения могут быть использованы для расширения функциональных возможностей акустооптических процессоров, как с прямым детектированием, так и гетеродинного типа. Показано, что при значительном уменьшении длительности входного импульса по отношению ко времени пересечения оптического пучка упругим волновым пакетом, последний преобразуется в сканирующую линию и может быть использован для измерения геометрических и энергетических характеристик квазикогерентного света

    From ‘Unilateral’ to ‘Dialogical’: Determinants of EU–Azerbaijan Negotiations

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    The European Union (EU) and Azerbaijan have negotiated three different agreements for a new legal basis underpinning their relationship since 2010. Whereas the EU tries to adhere to a more unilateral approach, Azerbaijan wants cooperation to take place on a more inclusive, dialogical, basis. The essay will present a model of ‘bargaining power’ to analyse how the Azerbaijani government has tried to enforce this, and to what degree it has been successful. It finds that the bargaining power model can explain some of the changing power dynamics in EU–Azerbaijan relations, and that these might speak to the broader Eurasian region too

    Extralobar pulmonary sequestration mimicking neuroblastoma

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    Extralobar pulmonary sequestration is a congenital pulmonary malformation, which rarely may be present in an intra-abdominal location. We describe a I-week-old newborn with an intra-abdominal sequestration, which presented to us as an antenatally diagnosed suprarenal mass. Intra-abdominal extralobar sequestration should also be kept in differential diagnosis in cases of masses in the suprarenal location. (c) 2007 Published by Elsevier Inc

    Analysis of ICT education in Azerbaijan: current state, foreign experience, problems and prospects

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    Purpose of the study. The aim of the study is to develop recommendations for improving educational curricula for ICT specialties taught to students in universities of the Azerbaijan Republic.The urgency of the problems outlined in this article is determined by the urgency of the transition to the modernization of the national education system and its integration into the global and world educational space, the requirements of creating an information society in Azerbaijan.Modern society needs qualified personnel who own new information technologies and are able to apply them in various fields of activity. Therefore, the process of modernization of the ICT education system is necessary; curricula should comply with international standards and specialization profile.Materials and research methods. The article provides a comparative analysis of higher professional ICT education in the developed countries of the world, shows the similarities and differences of the educational systems of the United States, European countries, Russia and Azerbaijan, analyzes the trends and features of the educational systems of developed countries, provides a list of IT specialties in demand today and in the near future. . The article also outlines the problems facing higher education institutions that train IT profile specialists.As research materials are used:policy documents of the governing bodies of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the field of higher vocational education;training programs of ICT specialties of universities of the Azerbaijan Republic;study programs of ICT specialties of leading foreign universities;scientific works of domestic and foreign authors in the field of ICT education;recommendations of international organizations ACM (The Association for Computing Machinery) and IEEE (The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) on the development of curricula for various areas of IT profile.Results. Taking into account the analysis of the curriculum of the IT profile of foreign universities, recommendations of international organizations of standardization, monitoring of the labor market, methodical recommendations were developed to improve ICT education in Azerbaijan. The necessity of modernization of the education system and bringing it into line with modern requirements is shown.Conclusion. In modern conditions of the formation of the information society in Azerbaijan, the educational program of the university should take into account the results of monitoring the labor market and the dynamics of macroeconomic changes, the disappearance of old and the emergence of new activities related to the use of ICT. Therefore, an important task is to prepare highly professional specialists in the country who are able to use and implement the advanced development of information technologies in practice.The recommendations outlined in the article can be used by university professors to improve the educational programs of ICT specialties in Azerbaijan

    Catalogue of white dwarfs

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