352 research outputs found

    Universality of quantum Brownian motion

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    Are Markovian master equations for quantum Brownian motion independent of model assumptions used in the derivation and, thus, universal? With the aim of answering this question, we use a random band-matrix model for the system-bath interaction to derive Markovian master equations for the time evolution of one-dimensional quantum systems weakly coupled to a heat bath. We study in detail two simple systems, the harmonic oscillator and the two-level system. Our results are in complete agreement with those of earlier models, like the Caldeira-Legget model and, in the large-band limit, with the Agarwal equations (both with and without rotating-wave approximation). This proves the universality of these master equations.Comment: 24 page

    Pesan Iklan Televisi dan Personal Selling: Alat Promosi untuk Peningkatan Keputusan Pembelian

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    Industri rokok adalah salah satu industri dengan tingkat belanja iklan yang tinggi dan penggunaan personal selling terbanyak dalam strategi promosinya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah iklan yang dibelanjakan dan kegiatan personal selling yang dilakukan oleh salah satu produsen dengan total belanja iklan terbesar yaitu Djarum Black dapat berpengaruh pada keputusan pembelian. Unsur iklan yang akan diteliti adalah pesan iklan yang ada pada iklan televisi Djarum Black versi menyeberangi jalan. Data diperoleh dari kuesioner yang disebarkan kepada para perokok di Cilandak Town Square. Hasil yang didapat pada penelitian ini adalah variabel pesan iklan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian. Variabel personal selling juga berpengaruh signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian. Variabel pesan iklan dan personal selling juga secara simultan berpengaruh terhadap keputusan pembelian, di mana nilai pengaruh personal selling lebih besar daripada pengaruh pesan iklan. Implikasi manajerial dari penelitian ini adalah dikarenakan personal selling yang memiliki pengaruh terkuat untuk keputusan pembelian konsumen, maka produsen rokok dapat melakukan kampanye produknya melalui konsep ini. Konsep ini akan lebih mudah di aplikasikan jika target konsumennya adalah para perokok baru (new comers consumen). Namun dilain pihak, jika target konsumennya adalah mereka yang sudah loyal kepada sebuah merek rokok, produsen akan lebih sulit untuk mempromosikannya dengan konsep personal selling. Kata Kunci: pesan iklan, personal selling, keputusan pembelian. Cigarette industry spent large amount of advertising expenditure and applied massive personal selling strategy compared to other industries. The purpose of this research is to examine the effect of advertising message and personal selling strategy on purchase intention of Djarum Black. The advertisement which was included in this study was TV advertising with theme of “crossing the road”. The data were collected from 150 cigarette smokers at Cilandak Town Square through a survey which used structured questionnaires. The results showed that advertising message and personal selling positively andsignificantly associated with purchase intention, which is personal selling is more affectingthan advertising message. Managerial implications of this study are due to personal sellingthat has the strongest influence on consumer purchasing decisions; the cigarette manufacturers can perform their products through the personal selling concept. This concept will be easier to apply if the target customers are the new smokers (new comers\u27 consumen). But on the other hand, if your target customers are those who are loyal to abrand of cigarettes, manufacturers will be more difficult to promote it through the concept of personal selling

    Studi Eksploratori Terkait Entrepreneurial Acculturation Dan Entrepreneurial Traits Pada Entrepreneur Guest House Di Surabaya

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    : A large number of accommodation services in Surabaya is causing intense competition in entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs in Surabaya begin to start guest house business. Guest houses in Surabaya have reached 17.8 percent in number of starred hotels and non-starred hotels that exist. This research is to find out how are entrepreneurial acculturation and entrepreneurial traits that exist in the city of Surabaya. This study uses an interview technique with 3 guest house owners as interviewees. Entrepreneurial acculturation are factors contributing in entrepreneurial businesses. Entrepreneurial traits are characteristics of an entrepreneur. The results of this research showed that the entrepreneurial acculturation in Surabaya is good. Entrepreneurial traits of entrepreneurs in Surabaya are strong in managing guest house businesses

    Analisis Kelayakan Investasi Penambahan Mesin Frais Baru Pada CV. Xyz

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    The rapid development of technology makes the world of industry must follow its development. Application of technology is expected to improve the production process so it can be produce a quality product. On the industrial manufacture of printing machines in CV XYZ, the machines have been used almost more than 20 years. There are indications that those machines passed the age lifetime. The alternatives that have been used during this time are the replacement of defective parts. Researchers wanted to compare these alternatives with the addition of a new milling machine. It required the addition of investment feasibility analysis of a new machine. The approximate period of 10 years and interest rates of 15% by using the NPV, the addition of milling machines attract Rp 461.201 million compared to replacement of defective parts of Rp 211.227 million. In contrast to the PBP and PI, the replacement of defective parts that are still ahead for 1 year 4 months and 4.2 compared to the addition of a new milling machine for 2 years and 1 month and 2.56. That can be concluded within 10 years, the alternative replacement of defective parts is still better than the addition of a new milling machine. However, for long-term investment it may be an alternative addition of a new milling machine more interesting

    Penentuan Konsep Perancangan Alat Pengering Simplisia Jahe Menggunakan Sumber Panas Sinar Matahari Dengan Backup Panas Kompor Biomassa

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    The ginger drying process used by Biofarmaka farmers of Karanganyar to produce simplisia, used heat source from solar energy of the sunlight. Sunlight is a free source of energy that can be obtained in the universe but can not be controlled. Production of simplisia can be stopped or obstructed if there is no sunlight that gives solar energy for the drying process (cloudy or rainy). This obstacle of production process of simplisia becomes an important matter considering the low durability of fresh ingredients (ginger). This requires the presence of an additional source of heat energy which is cheap and can be controlled to produce simplisia if the heat source from solar energy of the sunlight can not be used. This study aims to construct concept of design solar dryer with a biomass stove for heat backup to produce ginger simplisia. The step of design are identification of user requirements, construction of product specifications, product concept development, and product concept selection. This study resulted in 36 product concept of the ginger solar dryer

    Nonlinear Meissner effect in a high-temperature superconductor: Local versus nonlocal electrodynamics

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    Measured intermodulation distortion (IMD) power at 1.5 GHz in a series of YBa[subscript 2]Y[subscript 3]O[subscript 7−ή] stripline resonators of varying strip widths is compared to the predictions of two qualitatively distinct theories of the nonlinear Meissner effect. The stripline resonators are patterned from a single wafer to ensure uniformity of the material properties. According to the first theory [T. Dahm and D. J. Scalapino, Phys. Rev. B 60, 13125 (1999)], the IMD power is dominated by contributions from the strip edges, while according to the second theory [D. Agassi and D. E. Oates, Phys. Rev. B 72, 014538 (2005)] it is dominated by contributions from the body of the strip. The parameter-free comparison of the measured data with the theoretical predictions clearly favors the latter theory. We conclude that the nonlinear component of the penetration depth must be treated with nonlocal electrodynamics. The origins of this outcome are discussed briefly in the framework of a Green’s-function approach

    Chaotic Scattering in the Regime of Weakly Overlapping Resonances

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    We measure the transmission and reflection amplitudes of microwaves in a resonator coupled to two antennas at room temperature in the regime of weakly overlapping resonances and in a frequency range of 3 to 16 GHz. Below 10.1 GHz the resonator simulates a chaotic quantum system. The distribution of the elements of the scattering matrix S is not Gaussian. The Fourier coefficients of S are used for a best fit of the autocorrelation function if S to a theoretical expression based on random--matrix theory. We find very good agreement below but not above 10.1 GHz

    Characterization of Fluctuations of Impedance and Scattering Matrices in Wave Chaotic Scattering

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    In wave chaotic scattering, statistical fluctuations of the scattering matrix SS and the impedance matrix ZZ depend both on universal properties and on nonuniversal details of how the scatterer is coupled to external channels. This paper considers the impedance and scattering variance ratios, VRzVR_z and VRsVR_s, where VRz=Var[Zij]/{Var[Zii]Var[Zjj]}1/2VR_z=Var[Z_{ij}]/\{Var[Z_{ii}]Var[Z_{jj}] \}^{1/2}, VRs=Var[Sij]/{Var[Sii]Var[Sjj]}1/2VR_s=Var[S_{ij}]/\{Var[S_{ii}]Var[S_{jj}] \}^{1/2}, and Var[.]Var[.] denotes variance. VRzVR_z is shown to be a universal function of distributed losses within the scatterer. That is, VRzVR_z is independent of nonuniversal coupling details. This contrasts with VRsVR_s for which universality applies only in the large loss limit. Explicit results are given for VRzVR_z for time reversal symmetric and broken time reversal symmetric systems. Experimental tests of the theory are presented using data taken from scattering measurements on a chaotic microwave cavity.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, updated with referees' comment

    Testing Chiral Dynamics in Pionic Atoms

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    The energy dependence of chirally expanded pi N isoscalar and isovector amplitudes b_0(E) and b_1(E) respectively, for zero-momentum off shell pions near threshold, is used to impose the minimal substitution requirement E -> E - V_c on the properly constructed pion optical potential within a large-scale fit to 100 pionic-atom data across the periodic table which also include the recently established `deeply bound' pionic atoms of Pb and Sn. This fit cannot be reconciled with the well known free-space values of the pi N threshold amplitudes. In contrast, introducing the empirically known energy dependence for on-shell pions leads to a better fit and to satisfactory values for the pi N threshold amplitudes. The difference between these two approaches is briefly discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, submitted to PLB. Discussion section rewritten, omitting an erroneous equation. Results and conclusions unchanged Accepted by PL

    Measuring the Lyapunov exponent using quantum mechanics

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    We study the time evolution of two wave packets prepared at the same initial state, but evolving under slightly different Hamiltonians. For chaotic systems, we determine the circumstances that lead to an exponential decay with time of the wave packet overlap function. We show that for sufficiently weak perturbations, the exponential decay follows a Fermi golden rule, while by making the difference between the two Hamiltonians larger, the characteristic exponential decay time becomes the Lyapunov exponent of the classical system. We illustrate our theoretical findings by investigating numerically the overlap decay function of a two-dimensional dynamical system.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure
