63 research outputs found

    Embedding root and nodule tissue in plastic (BMM)

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    Immunolocalisation andΒ in situΒ hybridisation allow the detection of proteins and RNA respectively, in individual cells of different tissue types. Hybridisation on serial 5–8 ΞΌm sections is most frequently performed with tissue embedded in paraffin wax but it is often difficult to obtain high-resolution sections from soft tissue with this embedding process. To overcome this, alternative localisation protocols have been developed utilising plastic resins. We have used plastic embedded tissue fromΒ Lotus japonicusΒ roots and young nodules successfully in immunolocalisation experiments and developed a protocol that can also be adapted forΒ in situΒ RNA localisation studies. The different parameters tested are described, as well as the use of alkaline phosphatase- or fluorescently-conjugated secondary antibodies.Microbial Biotechnolog

    Evolution of the size and shape of 2D nanosheets during ultrasonic fragmentation

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    journal_title: 2D Materials article_type: paper article_title: Evolution of the size and shape of 2D nanosheets during ultrasonic fragmentation copyright_information: Β© 2017 IOP Publishing Ltd date_received: 2016-09-12 date_accepted: 2017-01-06 date_epub: 2017-02-01The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union Horizon 2020 Framework Programme under grant agreement nΒ°696656 Graphene Core1 and the EC Marie-Curie ITN-iSwitch (GA no. 642196). NMP is also supported by the European Research Council PoC 2015 "Silkene" No. 693670, by the European Commission H2020 with the Fet Proactive "Neurofibres" No. 732344

    Novel interactions of Selenium Binding Protein family with the PICOT containing proteins AtGRXS14 and AtGRXS16 in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    During abiotic stress the primary symptom of phytotoxicity can be ROS production which is strictly regulated by ROS scavenging pathways involving enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidants. Furthermore, ROS are well described secondary messengers of cellular processes, while during the course of evolution, plants have accomplished high degree of control over ROS and used them as signalling molecules. Glutaredoxins (GRXs) are small and ubiquitous glutathione (GSH) -or thioredoxin reductase (TR)-dependent oxidoreductases belonging to the thioredoxin (TRX) superfamily which are conserved in most eukaryotes and prokaryotes. In Arabidopsis thaliana GRXs are subdivided into four classes playing a central role in oxidative stress responses and physiological functions. In this work, we describe a novel interaction of AtGRXS14 with the Selenium Binding Protein 1 (AtSBP1), a protein proposed to be integrated in a regulatory network that senses alterations in cellular redox state and acts towards its restoration. We further show that SBP protein family interacts with AtGRXS16 that also contains a PICOT domain, like AtGRXS14.Microbial Biotechnolog

    Infusion fluids contain harmful glucose degradation products

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    PURPOSE: Glucose degradation products (GDPs) are precursors of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) that cause cellular damage and inflammation. We examined the content of GDPs in commercially available glucose-containing infusion fluids and investigated whether GDPs are found in patients' blood. METHODS: The content of GDPs was examined in infusion fluids by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis. To investigate whether GDPs also are found in patients, we included 11 patients who received glucose fluids (standard group) during and after their surgery and 11 control patients receiving buffered saline (control group). Blood samples were analyzed for GDP content and carboxymethyllysine (CML), as a measure of AGE formation. The influence of heat-sterilized fluids on cell viability and cell function upon infection was investigated. RESULTS: All investigated fluids contained high concentrations of GDPs, such as 3-deoxyglucosone (3-DG). Serum concentration of 3-DG increased rapidly by a factor of eight in patients receiving standard therapy. Serum CML levels increased significantly and showed linear correlation with the amount of infused 3-DG. There was no increase in serum 3-DG or CML concentrations in the control group. The concentration of GDPs in most of the tested fluids damaged neutrophils, reducing their cytokine secretion, and inhibited microbial killing. CONCLUSIONS: These findings indicate that normal standard fluid therapy involves unwanted infusion of GDPs. Reduction of the content of GDPs in commonly used infusion fluids may improve cell function, and possibly also organ function, in intensive-care patients

    Duplication of a well-conserved homeodomain-leucine zipper transcription factor gene in barley generates a copy with more specific functions

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    Three spikelets are formed at each rachis node of the cultivated barley (Hordeum vulgare ssp. vulgare) spike. In two-rowed barley, the central one is fertile and the two lateral ones are sterile, whereas in the six-rowed type, all three are fertile. This characteristic is determined by the allelic constitution at the six-rowed spike 1 (vrs1) locus on the long arm of chromosome 2H, with the recessive allele (vrs1) being responsible for the six-rowed phenotype. The Vrs1 (HvHox1) gene encodes a homeodomain-leucine zipper (HD-Zip) transcription factor. Here, we show that the Vrs1 gene evolved in the Poaceae via a duplication, with a second copy of the gene, HvHox2, present on the short arm of chromosome 2H. Micro-collinearity and polypeptide sequences were both well conserved between HvHox2 and its Poaceae orthologs, but Vrs1 is unique to the barley tribe. The Vrs1 gene product lacks a motif which is conserved among the HvHox2 orthologs. A phylogenetic analysis demonstrated that Vrs1 and HvHox2 must have diverged after the separation of Brachypodium distachyon from the Pooideae and suggests that Vrs1 arose following the duplication of HvHox2, and acquired its new function during the evolution of the barley tribe. HvHox2 was expressed in all organs examined but Vrs1 was predominantly expressed in immature inflorescence

    Serum Levels of Advanced Glycation Endproducts and Other Markers of Protein Damage in Early Diabetic Nephropathy in Type 1 Diabetes

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    Objective To determine the role of markers of plasma protein damage by glycation, oxidation and nitration in microalbuminuria onset or subsequent decline of glomerular filtration rate (termed β€œearly GFR decline”) in patients with type 1 diabetes. Methods From the 1st Joslin Kidney Study, we selected 30 patients with longstanding normoalbuminuria and 55 patients with new onset microalbuminuria. Patients with microalbuminuria had 8–12 years follow-up during which 33 had stable GFR and 22 early GFR decline. Mean baseline GFRCYSTATIN C was similar between the three groups. Glycation, oxidation and nitration markers were measured in protein and ultrafiltrate at baseline by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry using the most reliable methods currently available. Results Though none were significantly different between patients with microalbuminuria with stable or early GFR decline, levels of 6 protein damage adduct residues of plasma protein and 4 related free adducts of plasma ultrafiltrate were significantly different in patients with microalbuminuria compared to normoalbuminuria controls. Three protein damage adduct residues were decreased and 3 increased in microalbuminuria while 3 free adducts were decreased and one increased in microalbuminuria. The most profound differences were of N-formylkynurenine (NFK) protein adduct residue and NΟ‰-carboxymethylarginine (CMA) free adduct in which levels were markedly lower in microalbuminuria (P<0.001 for both). Conclusions Complex processes influence levels of plasma protein damage and related proteolysis product free adducts in type 1 diabetes and microalbuminuria. The effects observed point to the possibility that patients who have efficient mechanisms of disposal of damaged proteins might be at an increased risk of developing microalbuminuria but not early renal function decline. The findings support the concept that the mechanisms responsible for microalbuminuria may differ from the mechanisms involved in the initiation of early renal function decline

    Expression and Membrane Topology of Anopheles gambiae Odorant Receptors in Lepidopteran Insect Cells

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    A lepidopteran insect cell-based expression system has been employed to express three Anopheles gambiae odorant receptors (ORs), OR1 and OR2, which respond to components of human sweat, and OR7, the ortholog of Drosophila's OR83b, the heteromerization partner of all functional ORs in that system. With the aid of epitope tagging and specific antibodies, efficient expression of all ORs was demonstrated and intrinsic properties of the proteins were revealed. Moreover, analysis of the orientation of OR1 and OR2 on the cellular plasma membrane through the use of a novel β€˜topology screen’ assay and FACS analysis demonstrates that, as was recently reported for the ORs in Drosophila melanogaster, mosquito ORs also have a topology different than their mammalian counterparts with their N-terminal ends located in the cytoplasm and their C-terminal ends facing outside the cell. These results set the stage for the production of mosquito ORs in quantities that should permit their detailed biochemical and structural characterization and the exploration of their functional properties

    Systematic Analysis of Sequences and Expression Patterns of Drought-Responsive Members of the HD-Zip Gene Family in Maize

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    Background: Members of the homeodomain-leucine zipper (HD-Zip) gene family encode transcription factors that are unique to plants and have diverse functions in plant growth and development such as various stress responses, organ formation and vascular development. Although systematic characterization of this family has been carried out in Arabidopsis and rice, little is known about HD-Zip genes in maize (Zea mays L.). Methods and Findings: In this study, we described the identification and structural characterization of HD-Zip genes in the maize genome. A complete set of 55 HD-Zip genes (Zmhdz1-55) were identified in the maize genome using Blast search tools and categorized into four classes (HD-Zip I-IV) based on phylogeny. Chromosomal location of these genes revealed that they are distributed unevenly across all 10 chromosomes. Segmental duplication contributed largely to the expansion of the maize HD-ZIP gene family, while tandem duplication was only responsible for the amplification of the HD-Zip II genes. Furthermore, most of the maize HD-Zip I genes were found to contain an overabundance of stress-related ciselements in their promoter sequences. The expression levels of the 17 HD-Zip I genes under drought stress were also investigated by quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR). All of the 17 maize HD-ZIP I genes were found to be regulated by drought stress, and the duplicated genes within a sister pair exhibited the similar expression patterns, suggesting their conserved functions during the process of evolution
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