9 research outputs found

    Composição, abundùncia e biomasa sazonal da assembleia de peixes no subestuårio do Solís Chico (Estuårio do Río de la Plata, Uruguay)

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    The large estuaries can present long narrow branches called subestuaries or tidal creeks. These types of subsystems are distributed along the Uruguayan coast of the RĂ­o de la Plata estuary and are very important as nursery and refuge areas for fish. For the first time, the seasonal composition and abundance of the fish community of the SolĂ­s Chico subestuary was studied by using beach and gill nets. Fourteen species, mainly euryhaline (86%) presented a significant representation of juvenile stages. The fish community was dominated by Odontesthes argentinensis, Platanichthys platana, Mugil liza, Brevoortia aurea, Micropogonias furnieri and Paralichthys orbignyanus, similar to adjacent subestuaries. While Micropogonias furnieri and B. aurea were the most abundant species, some other species were rarely caught. A seasonal variation of the fish assemblage abundance was detected, with higher values in autumn showing a positive correlation with temperature. Species that complete their life cycle in the RĂ­o de la Plata estuary, some of which are relevant to fisheries (64% of the analyzed species) were captured in the SolĂ­s Chico subestuary. The importance of this environment as a transitional system for some estuarine fish species is advised

    Seasonal composition, abundance and biomass of the subestuarine fish assemblage in SolĂ­s Chico (RĂ­o de la Plata estuary, Uruguay)

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    Abstract The large estuaries can present long narrow branches called subestuaries or tidal creeks. These types of subsystems are distributed along the Uruguayan coast of the RĂ­o de la Plata estuary and are very important as nursery and refuge areas for fish. For the first time, the seasonal composition and abundance of the fish community of the SolĂ­s Chico subestuary was studied by using beach and gill nets. Fourteen species, mainly euryhaline (86%) presented a significant representation of juvenile stages. The fish community was dominated by Odontesthes argentinensis, Platanichthys platana, Mugil liza, Brevoortia aurea, Micropogonias furnieri and Paralichthys orbignyanus, similar to adjacent subestuaries. While Micropogonias furnieri and B. aurea were the most abundant species, some other species were rarely caught. A seasonal variation of the fish assemblage abundance was detected, with higher values in autumn showing a positive correlation with temperature. Species that complete their life cycle in the RĂ­o de la Plata estuary, some of which are relevant to fisheries (64% of the analyzed species) were captured in the SolĂ­s Chico subestuary. The importance of this environment as a transitional system for some estuarine fish species is advised

    Fish assemblage in a temperate estuary on the uruguayan coast: seasonal variation and environmental influence

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    The seasonal dynamics of the fish community in the Pando estuary on the Uruguayan coast were studied in relation to environmental sampled monthly between May 2002 and June 2003. Individuals collected were identified, and classified into stages (juveniles, adults) and functional groups. Relationships between community dynamics and environmental variables were evaluated using uni- and multivariate techniques. Twenty-one species, mostly freshwater stragglers, estuarine and marine migrants were collected. The most abundant species were Micropogonias furnieri, Mugil platanus, Paralichthys orbignyanus and Brevoortia aurea and were represented by juveniles. The community varied seasonally with rapid shifts in spring and autumn associated with changes in temperature and salinity. Significant correlations between abundance and temperature may be related to the timing of life cycle events. In this estuary, the salinity appears to play a key role in the functional structure and in the use of the habitat by juveniles. This is relevant for the definition of estuaries as nursery areas: this definition is context-dependent and is determined by the salinity conditions.<br>Foi estudado a dinùmica sazonal da comunidade de peixes em relação as variåveis ambientais do estuårio Pando, localizado na costa uruguaia. Os peixes foram amostrados mensalmente entre maio de 2002 e junho de 2003. Os indivíduos coletados foram identificados e classificados em estågios (jovens, adultos) e grupos funcionais. RelaçÔes entre a dinùmica da comunidade e as variåveis ambientais foram avaliadas utilizando-se técnicas uni- e multivariada. Vinte e uma espécies foram coletadas, principalmente visitantes de ågua doce, estuarinas e marinhas migratórias, sendo as mais abundantes e representadas por juvenis: Micropogonias furnieri, Mugil platanus, Paralichthys orbignyanus e Brevoortia aurea. A comunidade variou sazonalmente com råpidas mudanças na primavera e no outono, associadas à variaçÔes de temperatura e salinidade. CorrelaçÔes significativas entre abundùncia e temperatura parecem estar relacionadas com a sincronizaçao de eventos dos ciclos de vida. Neste estuårio a salinidade parece desempenhar um papel-chave na estrutura funcional e uso do habitat por juvenis. Este fato é relevante para a definição dos estuårios como åreas de criadouro e pela influencia da salinidade sobre o ciclo da ictiofauna local