609 research outputs found

    Efektivitas Pengelolaan Zakat Di Bazda Kota Blitar Ditinjau Dari UU Nomor 38 Tahun 1999

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    The teaching of alms is a comprehensive ritual for social responsibility. In Indonesia, the discussion about Islamic economy leads to the discussion of alms and its implementation. The law base of alms is UU no 38/1999. Bazda kota Blitar is one center of alms collection in East Java. The collected data shows that the management of Bazda cannot work as effectively as it is expected. There are at least three main problems: limitation of facility, lack of professional human resources, and lack of political will. Ajaran sedekah adalah ritual komprehensif untuk tanggung jawab sosial. Di Indonesia, diskusi tentang ekonomi Islam mengarah pada diskusi tentang zakat dan pelaksanaannya. Dasar hukum zakat adalah UU no 38/1999. Bazda kota Blitar adalah salah satu pusat pengumpulan zakat di Jawa Timur. Data yang dikumpulkan menunjukkan bahwa pengelolaan Bazda tidak bisa bekerja secara efektif seperti yang diharapkan. Setidaknya ada tiga masalah utama: keterbatasan fasilitas, kurangnya sumber daya manusia yang profesional, dan kurangnya kemauan politik

    Exploring disorganized attachment style among Malay mothers in Malaysia: a study using the Attachment Style Interview

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    This article explores emerging themes involving disorganized attachment style among Malay Muslim mothers using the Attachment Style Interview (ASI). Analysis of the 18 mothers with disorganized attachment style (those with combined anxious and avoidant styles) utilized themes deemed important from the attachment research literature and selected based on a careful reading of the narrative cases. These include more extreme negative interpersonal experiences than found in other insecure attachment style descriptors, and included partner violence and related isolation/social exclusion. It also indicated more complex cognitive-affective disturbance including mixed or contradictory dependency patterns and both angry and fearful attitudes to others. We discuss the concept of disorganized attachment style in relation to abuse, social exclusion, and its implication for psychopathology, intervention, and treatment

    Inherited bleeding disorders in obstetrics and gynaecology

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    The aim of this thesis is to investigate the obstetric and gynaecological problems and their management in women with inherited bleeding disorders, as well as the role of such disorders in obstetric and gynaecological haemorrhage. The uptake of prenatal diagnosis and termination of an affected pregnancy is low in carriers of haemophilia. Fetal gender determination has important implications in the management of labour in carriers who do not wish to have specific prenatal diagnosis. The attitude of women towards reproductive choices is influenced by ethnic and cultural issues and family experience with the disease. Haemostatic response to pregnancy is variable in different types and subtypes of inherited bleeding disorders and in the same patient in different pregnancies. Haemorrhagic complications are confined to post-abortal and post-partum period. The incidence of primary and secondary post-partum haemorrhage was 22% and 11% in carriers of haemophilia, 18.5% and 20% in vWD and 16% and 24% in FXI deficient women, respectively. Women with low factor levels (<50 iu/dl) and no prophylactic treatment for labour and puerperium are especially at risk. There are great inter- and intra-individual variations in coagulation markers in women due to different physiological conditions including age, ethnicity, blood group and hormonal changes during different phases of the menstrual cycle. Women with inherited bleeding disorders suffer from heavy and prolonged menstruation which adversely affects their quality of life. Objectively confirmed menorrhagia is significantly higher in these women (67%) compared with the control group (29%). On the other hand, undiagnosed inherited bleeding disorders can be the underlying cause in a significant proportion (17%) of women presenting with unexplained menorrhagia. The DDAVP nasal spray was shown not to be superior to placebo in the treatment of menorrhagia. Increased awareness among clinicians responsible for women's health of these disorders and their morbidity and the availability of management guidelines are essential for optimal care and improvement of the quality of life of these patients


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    Tujuan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) ini adalah untuk: 1)Mendiskripsikan penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe STAD (Student Teams Achievement Division) terhadap mata pelajaran IPS Sejarah pada siswa kelas X SMK Negeri 1 Batui Selatan tahun pelajaran 2016/2017? 2)Mendiskripsikan peningkatan aktivitas belajara IPS Sejarah siswa kelas X SMK Negeri 1 Batui Selatan tahun pelajaran 2016/2017 melalui Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe STAD (Student Teams Achievement Division) dengan subjek penelitian sebanyak 25 orang siswa. Hasil penelitian, menunjukkan: (1)Capaian nilai tertinggi siswa pada siklus I sebesar 76, pada siklus II sebesar 82, dan pada siklus III sebesar 100. 2)Rata–rata kelas siswa pada siklus I sebesar 72,5, pada siklus II sebesar 79,4 dan pada siklus III sebesar 86,2. Ketuntasan siswa pada siklus I sebesar 48% atau dari 25 orang siswa sebanyak 12 orang siswa yang tuntas, pada siklus II siswa sebesar 76% atau dari 25 orang siswa sebanyak 19 orang siswa yang tuntas, dan pada siklus III mencapai 92% atau dari 25 orang siswa sebanyak 23 orang siswa yang tuntas

    Safety climate among contractor organizations

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    Understanding the safety climate of a contractor organization with regard to safety and risk in the workplace will provide the overview of the current safety culture of that organization. The perceptions and attitudes of the workforce are important factors in assessing safety need to facilitate workplace safety improvement. Safety performance may fail if they do not take into account these current attitudes and perceptions. The aim of this study is to examine the factors and assessment of safety climate in contractor organizations. This study utilizes questionnaires survey to gauge employee attitudes and perceptions using several attitudes dimensions. The full employee attitude survey questionnaire were divided into two sections consists of 49 statements. The responses of this study were quiet encouraging with 60% participants responded. However, only 38 valid questionnaires sets were subject to analysis. The findings indicated that there are many factors and indicators of safety climate that had been found from the review of literature. There is no agreement on the number of factors required in the safety climate measurements, or which factors are the most effective. From the review of safety climate factors, the most frequently measured dimensions are related to management, safety systems and risk, followed by work pressure and competence and rules/procedures. On the assessment of the contractor safety climate, all the total average scores for each dimension are in level of satisfactory with score ranging from 6.48 to 8.04. Also all the safety climate dimensions show scores in the satisfactory values with score above six (6) for the system interfaces of the contractor organizations by safety climate matrix. Hence, those contractor organizations have the positive safety climate toward safety in their workplace

    Depth control of autonomous underwater vehicle using discrete time sliding mode controller

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    This study presents a Discrete Time Sliding Mode Controller (DSMC) application on depth plane of Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV). The main contribution on this work is an implementation of DSMC on NSP AUV II. Sliding Mode Control (SMC) is a robust type of controller and certainly suitable for controlling AUV in the presence of environmental disturbances and uncertainties. DSMC preserves the properties of standard SMC. Linearized dynamic model of NSP AUV II is used in the numerical simulations. Discrete Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) controllers are used for performance comparative analysis. The design of discrete PID and DSMC for NSP AUV II depth is described. Comparative study between the control laws is presented. The simulated results illustrate strong robustness, improve performance and satisfactory stability of DSMC as compared to discrete-time PID controller

    Manajemen Kepemimpinan Dan Kemampuan Berkomunikasi Kepala Sekolah Pada Kinerja Pendidik

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    This research aims at ascertaining: (1) correlation between principal's leadership and teachers' performance, (2) correlation between principal's communication capability and teachers' performance, and (3) principal's leadership and communication capability with teachers' performance. Population of this research is 50 teachers. Sample of this research is all of members of population consisting 50 teachers (using total sampling technique). Data collecting is conducted by distributing questionaire to all respondents. Data analysis is done quantitaively by using statistical procedure with regression formula (Product Moment). Correlations Coefficients obtained from the result of testing hypothesis shows that: (1) hypothesis 1 is accepted, meaning that there are positive correlation between principal's leadership and teachers' performance, with correlations coefficients rxy = 0,64, categorized into significant correlation; (2) hypothesis 2 is accepted, meaning that there are positive correlation between principal's communication capability and teachers' performance, with correlations coefficients rxy = 0,78, categorized into significant correlation; and (3) hypothesis 3 is accepted, meaning that there are simultanously positive correlations among principal's leadership and principal's communication capability with teachers' performance, with correlations coefficients ry.12= 0,86, categorized into very significant correlation
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