696 research outputs found

    Controlling inflation with timid monetary-fiscal regime changes

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    Can monetary policy control inflation when both monetary and fiscal policies change over time? When monetary policy is active, a long-run fiscal principle entails flexibility in fiscal policy that preserves determinacy even when deviating from passive fiscal, substantially for brief periods or timidly for prolonged periods. To guarantee a unique equilibrium, monetary and fiscal policies must coordinate not only within but also across regimes, and not simply on being active or passive, but also on their extent. The amplitude of deviations from the active monetary/passive fiscal benchmark determines whether a regime is Ricardian: timid deviations do not imply wealth effects

    3D modelling of LASER hardening and tempering of hypo-eutectoid steels

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    In this paper a mathematical model solved by means of the finite differences method (FDM) for laser surface hardening of complex geometries is presented. The 3-D transient model characterizes a software package named Laser Hardening Simulator (LHS), which makes it possible to predict the extension of the treated area into the mechanical components and thus the hardened depth into the bulk material. The obtained microstructures and the resulting hardness with respect to the laser parameters and to the laser beam path strategy can be determined by considering the quenching and the tempering effects due to the overlapping trajectories. The initial workpiece microstructure is taken into account in the simulation by a digitized photomicrograph of the ferrite-pearlite distribution before the thermal cycle. In order to show the accuracy of the model, experimental trials were conducted on the keyway for spline machined on a hub made of SAE 1043. The domain discretization for the solution of the heat flux problem into the workpiece and for the diffusion of the carbon is carried out by means of a mesh generator strategy implemented into the code

    A new in situ test for the assessment of the rock-burst alarm threshold during tunnelling

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    Rock-burst is one of the most serious risks associated with hard rock tunnelling and mining at high depths. Monitoring of acoustic emissions emitted by the rock-mass during excavation and their interpretation now permits the early assessment of failure events and makes the safe management of the construction works possible. A reliable set-up of the alarm threshold is thus fundamental for the correct implementation of the procedures planned to minimise rock-burst related risk. This paper focuses on a novel in situ test specifically developed to provide an experimental basis for a more accurate assessment of the alarm threshold during tunnelling, representative of the local geomechanical conditions. The test, thanks to the compression induced by two flat jacks at the tunnel side wall, produces an artificial failure process during which acoustic emissions are measured and correlated to the mechanical response of the rock-mass, without the typical limitations of scale that characterised the laboratory experiments. The new methodology, named the Mules method, was successfully tested during the excavation of some stretches of the Brenner Base Tunnel in the Brixner granite, affected by mild spalling episodes. The case-history is fully described in the paper to illustrate the practical application of the proposed approach

    Simple technique for evacuation of traumatic subcutaneous haematomas under tension

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    BACKGROUND: Traumatic subcutaneous haematomas are common cases in the accident and emergency department. Occasionally, urgent evacuation is required to prevent skin necrosis. METHODS: We present a simple and safe technique, based on a principle similar to liposuction to evacuate traumatic subcutaneous haematomas under tension. Instruments readily available in the accident and emergency department are used without the need of general anaesthesia. RESULTS: The technique was performed in six cases without complication such as infection or re-collection of the haematoma under tension. We present two typical scenarios where urgent evacuation was indicated and the technique performed. CONCLUSION: The technique is useful as an urgent and safe procedure in the accident and emergency department setting

    Surface modification of mild steel using a combination of laser and electrochemical processes

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    Traditional methods for achieving hierarchical surface structures include highly specified, deterministic approaches to create features to meet design intention. In this study microstructural alteration was undertaken using laser apparatus and secondary texturing was achieved via succeeding electrochemical processes. Electrochemical jet machining (EJM) was performed on mild steel subjected to laser pre-treatment using power densities of 4167 and 5556 W/cm2 with pulse durations from 0.3 - 1.5 seconds. Results show that in combination, laser pre-treatment and EJM can alter the exposed surface textures and chemistries. Here, machined surface roughness (Sa) was shown to increase from approximately 0.45 µm for untreated surfaces to approximately 18 µm for surfaces subjected to extreme laser pretreatments. After pre-treatments materials were characterised to appraise microstructural changes, shown to be martensite formation, reinforced by complementary simulation data, and significant increases in observable hardness from approximately 261 HV for the asreceived material to over 700 HV after pre-treatment. The greater hardness was retained after EJM. Exposed martensitic lath structures at machined surfaces are shown to be partially responsible for surface roughness increases. The surfaces were explored with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and Raman spectroscopy demonstrating changes in apparent surface chemistry. This analysis revealed increasing oxide formation at the surface of the pre-treated EJM surface, a further contributory factor to surface roughness increases. This new process chain will be of interest to manufacturers seeking to control surface morphology for applications including micro-injection mould/die manufacture. While demonstrated here for steel similar mechanisms are exploitable in other material systems. A new technique has been demonstrated, resulting from the models and processes presented to couple laser and electrolyte jet processing for complex surface preparation

    Informação, a melhor forma de incentivar a mulher a tornar-se protagonistas de suas escolhas

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    Trabalho apresentado no II Congresso Nacional do PROJETO RONDON, realizado em Florianópolis, SC, no período de 23 a 25 de setembro de 2015 - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina.Introdução: Segundo dados do ano de 2011, da Política Nacional de Atenção Integral à Saúde da Mulher, a maior parte da população brasileira é do sexo feminino, motivo pelo qual considerou-se relevante a propositura de ações que motivassem a valorização da mulher Arariense, em vários e amplos aspectos, podendo-se citar como exemplos, a saúde reprodutiva, em consequência a maternidade, saúde e doenças de outros sistemas que não o reprodutivo, e, além das questões biológicas da mulher, o enfrentamento das desigualdades sociais e de gênero. Após esta análise, fez-se relevante a propositura, e posterior efetivação desta atividade, realizada no Rondon 2015.1 Operação Jenipapo, que preconizou atender a mulher no maior número possível de questões, em todos os seus âmbitos anteriormente citados, ou na maioria deles. Metodologia: A fim de atingir esse objetivo, a atividade foi planejada e posteriormente realizada em cinco módulos, que foram apresentados num total de oito horas de curso, tais quais, autoconhecimento físico e psicológico, câncer de colo de útero e de mama, doenças sexualmente transmissíveis, planejamento familiar com discussão de métodos anticoncepcionais e direitos da mulher. Para o efetivo desenvolvimento da proposta utilizou-se de materiais, como Datashow e caixa de som, para exposição de imagens e vídeos, protótipos, dos órgãos sexuais feminino e masculino, e material bibliográfico como cartilhas informativas relacionadas à saúde e a Lei Maria da Penha, além de preservativos para posterior distribuição entre as presentes. A metodologia ainda deu-se de forma dinâmica, por meio de perguntas (para o grupo ou para pessoas direcionadas), relato de experiências e manuseio do material, a fim de que as participantes não se intimidassem e pudessem aproveitar as informações e tirarem dúvidas. Resultado/Discussão: Tornar a mulher protagonista do auto-cuidado, além de empoderá-la a conhecer seu real papel e importância na sociedade e dentro da família da qual faz parte, por meio do conhecimento de seus direitos e deveres como cidadã foi a principal proposta desta ação. Sendo a metodologia dinâmica, instigante e participativa, o objetivo da atividade foi cumprido, tendo, ao final das atividades propostas, o número total de 50 mulheres presentes, de todas as faixas etárias, gestantes ou não. Conclusão: A ação possibilitou que as participantes se tornassem mais conscientes sobre a sua saúde e sua sexualidade como um todo. Estas informações, muitas vezes novas, aliadas às informações de seus Direitos contribuem para que as mesmas se tornassem protagonistas de suas escolhas

    The combined effects of the microcirculatory status and cardiopulmonary bypass on platelet count and function during cardiac surgery

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    ACKGROUND: Cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass is associated with important changes in the microcirculation, usually attributed to endothelial dysfunction. Another common finding of cardiac surgery is postoperative thrombocytopenia and platelet loss of function. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the association between microvascular flow pattern and postoperative changes in platelet count and function in cardiac surgery patients. METHODS: Twelve adult cardiac surgery patients received microvascular circulation (sidestream darkfield sublingual mucosa analysis) and platelet count and function (multiple electrode aggregometry ADPtest and TRAPtest) assessment before and after cardiopulmonary bypass. RESULTS: After cardiopulmonary bypass, sublingual microcirculation showed a significantly (P = 0.001) decreased microvascular flow index and increased heterogeneity index (P = 0.006). Platelet function significantly decrease after cardiopulmonary bypass both at ADPtest (P = 0.011) and TRAPtest (P = 0.002). Preoperative patterns of poor microvascular perfusion (low perfused vessels density and total vessels density) were significantly associated with lower values of post-cardiopulmonary bypass platelet function (ADPtest, P = 0.009, TRAPtest, P = 0.031) and count (P = 0.048). CONCLUSIONS: A preoperative disturbance of the microcirculation is associated with a greater postoperative platelet dysfunction. Endothelial damage, chemical and mechanical stimuli are the possible link between the two patterns

    Restricted intake and lipid inclusion in Santa Inês ewe lambs diet: age, weight and progesterone concentration at first ovulation.

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    Abstract: The age at first ovulation is influenced by several factors, and nutrition has an essential role on it. Lipids provide essential fatty acids that are positively associated to reproductive aspects. The aims of this study were to evaluate the effects of lipid inclusion and restricted intake on age and weight at the first ovulation and the serum progesterone (P4) concentration at the sixth day after first ovulation. Thirty-five Santa Inês ewe lambs with initial body weight (BW) of 21.5 ± 0.3 kg and age of 91.6 ± 1.4 days were used. Animals were blocked according to initial BW and distributed to one of four treatments: animals receiving diet without lipid inclusion (3.5% ether extract ? EE), ad libitum intake (WLI-ALI, control group, n = 9); diet without lipid inclusion and restricted intake (WLI-RI, n = 9); lipid inclusion diet, represented by toasted and broken soybean (9.8% EE), ad libitum intake (LIP-ALI, n = 8); and lipid inclusion diet and restricted intake (LIP-RI, n = 9). Ewe lambs subjected to restricted intake had 84% of the diet offered to those in ad libitum treatments. The individual daily dry matter intake (DMI) and EE intake (EEI) were measured and the animals were weekly weighted until 35 kg BW. For P4 analysis, blood samples were collected once a week after the animals reached 25 kg BW and twice a week after 30 kg until 35 kg BW. Ovulation was estimated to occur on the sixth day before P4 ?1 ng/mL. DMI, EEI, average daily weight gain until first ovulation (DWG), weight and age at first ovulation, serum P4 concentration and days in experiment until first ovulation were analyzed by GLM PROC of the SAS software (version 9.3). Ovulation occurred in 60% (21/35) of the ewe lambs (5; 5; 6; 5 from WLI-ALI; WLI-RI; LIP-ALI; and LIP-RI, respectively). DMI of ewe lambs from WLI-ALI group was greater (P 0.05) among WLI-ALI, WLI-RI, LIP-ALI, and LIP-RI treatments, respectively. The first ovulation in Santa Inês ewe lambs occurs at 30 kg BW. The restricted intake imposed in this study did not delay the age at fist ovulation. The greater lipid intake did not favor reproductive parameters. Serum P4 did not increase with the soybean inclusion in the diet. [Restrição alimentar e suplementação lipídica: idade, peso e concentração de progesterona até a primeira ovulação]. Resumo: A idade da primeira ovulação é influenciada por vários fatores e a nutrição tem um papel essencial. Lipídios fornecem ácidos graxos essenciais que estão associados de forma positiva aos aspectos reprodutivos. Os objetivos deste estudo foram avaliar os efeitos da inclusão lipídica e da restrição do consumo na idade e peso a primeira ovulação e na concentração sérica de progesterona (P4) no sexto dia após a primeira ovulação. Foram utilizadas trinta e cinco cordeiras Santa Inês com peso corporal (PC) inicial de 21,5±0,3 kg e idade de 91,6±1,4 dias. Os animais foram blocados de acordo com o PC inicial e distribuído a um dos quatro tratamentos: animais que receberam dieta sem inclusão de lipídeos (3,5% de extrato etéreo - EE), consumo ad libitum (SEM-ALI, grupo controle, n=9); dieta sem inclusão de lipídeos e restrição do consumo (SEMRE, n=9); dieta com inclusão lipídica, representada pela soja tostada e quebrada (9,8% EE), consumo ad libitum (LIP-ALI, n=8); e dieta com inclusão lipídica e restrição do consumo (LIP-RE, n=9). Cordeiras submetidas a restrição do consumo tiveram 84% da dieta oferecida em comparação aos tratamentos ad libitum. O consumo individual diário de matéria seca (CMS) e de EE (CEE) foram mensurados e os animais foram pesados semanalmente até 35 kg de PC. Para a análise de P4, amostras de sangue foram coletadas uma vez por semana depois que os animais atingiram 25 kg de PC e duas vezes por semana após 30 kg até 35 kg de PC. Estimou-se que a ovulação ocorreu no sexto dia que antecedeu P4?1 ng/mL. CMS, CEE, ganho de peso médio diário até a primeira ovulação (GPD), peso e idade da primeira ovulação, a concentração sérica de P4 e dias em experimento até a primeira ovulação foram analisados pelo PROC GLM do software SAS (versão 9.3). A ovulação ocorreu em 60% (21/35) das cordeiras (5; 5; 6; 5 do SEM-ALI; SEM-RE; LIP-ALI e LIP-RE, respectivamente). CMS de cordeiras do grupo SEM-ALI foi maior (P0,05) entre os tratamentos SEM-ALI, SEM-RE, LIP-ALI e LIP-RE, respectivamente. A primeira ovulação em borregas Santa Inês ocorreu com 30 kg de PC. A restrição do consumo imposta neste estudo não retardou a idade a primeira ovulação. A maior ingestão de lipídios não favoreceu os parâmetros reprodutivos. A P4 sérica não aumentou com a inclusão de soja na dieta.Proceedings of the 30th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Embryo Technology Society (SBTE); Foz do Iguaçu, PR, Brazil, August 25th to 27th, 2016, and 32nd Meeting of the European Embryo Transfer Association (AETE); Barcelona, Spain, September 9th and 10th, 2016