352 research outputs found

    A study of the structure and properties of certain aluminides

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    Experimental data are presented on the structure and heat resistance of the aluminides ZrAl3, Fe2Al5 and Co2Al9, considering sp. wt., type of combination, and resistance to oxidation at high temperatures. Co2Al9 possesses a relatively high heat of formation, attributed to its high heat resistance characteristics

    The Hardy space of solutions of the generalized Beltrami system

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    The article focuses on the hardy space of solutions of the generalized Beltrami system. The Beltrami equation is considered the first-order system on the plane wherein its eigenvalues lie in the upper half-plane with a continuous coefficient. Moreover, the matrix function is a solution of the generalized Beltrami system wherein any differentiable supported function specifies the solution of Beltrami equationyesBelgorod State Universit

    Fast Traveling-Wave Reactor of the Channel Type

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    The main aim of this paper is to solve the technological problems of the TWR based on the technical concept described in our priority of invention reference, which makes it impossible, in particular, for the fuel claddings damaging doses of fast neutrons to excess the ~200 dpa limit. Thus the essence of the technical concept is to provide a given neutron flux at the fuel claddings by setting the appropriate speed of the fuel motion relative to the nuclear burning wave. The basic design of the fast uranium-plutonium nuclear traveling-wave reactor with a softened neutron spectrum is developed, which solves the problem of the radiation resistance of the fuel claddings material.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures, 2 table

    The formation and the evaluation of knowledge management system at the enterprise in the knowledge economy

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    The article describes the mechanism of formation and transformation of knowledge from the static to the dynamic levels. It puts forward the classification of knowledge possessed by the staff of the organization. And on this basis the criteria for evaluating the level of knowledge management in the enterprise is stated

    Ultraslow Wave Nuclear Burning of Uranium-Plutonium Fissile Medium on Epithermal Neutrons

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    For a fissile medium, originally consisting of uranium-238, the investigation of fulfillment of the wave burning criterion in a wide range of neutron energies is conducted for the first time, and a possibility of wave nuclear burning not only in the region of fast neutrons, but also for cold, epithermal and resonance ones is discovered for the first time. For the first time the results of the investigation of the Feoktistov criterion fulfillment for a fissile medium, originally consisting of uranium-238 dioxide with enrichments 4.38%, 2.00%, 1.00%, 0.71% and 0.50% with respect to uranium-235, in the region of neutron energies 0.015-10.0eV are presented. These results indicate a possibility of ultraslow wave neutron-nuclear burning mode realization in the uranium-plutonium media, originally (before the wave initiation by external neutron source) having enrichments with respect to uranium-235, corresponding to the subcritical state, in the regions of cold, thermal, epithermal and resonance neutrons. In order to validate the conclusions, based on the slow wave neutron-nuclear burning criterion fulfillment depending on the neutron energy, the numerical modeling of ultraslow wave neutron-nuclear burning of a natural uranium in the epithermal region of neutron energies (0.1-7.0eV) was conducted for the first time. The presented simulated results indicate the realization of the ultraslow wave neutron-nuclear burning of the natural uranium for the epithermal neutrons.Comment: 35 pages, 19 figures (v2: Fig12 and some misprints in the text are fixed

    The formation and the evaluation of knowledge management system at the enterprise in the knowledge economy

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    The article describes the mechanism of formation and transformation of knowledge from the static to the dynamic levels. It puts forward the classification of knowledge possessed by the staff of the organization. And on this basis the criteria for evaluating the level of knowledge management in the enterprise is stated

    Evolution of Innovation Development of the Republic of Belarus

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    This article reflects the approach to the assessment of the level of innovative development of the Republic of Belarus on the basis of the Global Index of innovative development indicators in comparison with indicative indicators of innovation development of the State Program on Development for 2016–2020, approved at a meeting of the Council of Ministers Presidium, September 22, 2015

    Evolution of Innovation Development of the Republic of Belarus

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    This article reflects the approach to the assessment of the level of innovative development of the Republic of Belarus on the basis of the Global Index of innovative development indicators in comparison with indicative indicators of innovation development of the State Program on Development for 2016–2020, approved at a meeting of the Council of Ministers Presidium, September 22, 2015

    The Main Problems of Text Editing for the Online Store “August”

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    Благодарности: научному руководителю, кандидату филологических наук, доценту кафедры издательского дела Уральского гуманитарного института УрФУ О. В. Климовой.Acknowledgments: to the scientific supervisor of the Candidate of Philology, associate professor of the Publishing Department of the Ural Humanitarian Institute of UrFU O. V. Klimova.Ювелирные магазины часто сталкиваются с проблемой написания неграмотных текстов для своих интернет-площадок. Это негативно отражается на репутации магазина, что может привести к снижению продаж. В тезисах рассмотрены распространенные ошибки текстов ювелирного магазина «Август», выявленные на интернет-платформе «Инстаграм»*.Jewelry stores often face the problem of writing illiterate texts for their online platforms. This negatively affects the reputation of the store, which can lead to a decrease in sales. The theses examined the common mistakes of the texts of the jewelry store “August”, identified on the Internet platform Instagram