174 research outputs found

    The Motive of Service As a Determinant of the Psychological Stability of the Medical Worker: Statement of the Problem

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    The professional activity of emergency medical service workers is of critical significance, as it aims to preserve, support, and develop the health of individuals and society, in the face of considerable intellectual, emotional, and physical tension. One of the most important qualities that safeguards the mental health of emergencymedical service workers is the psychological stability of the individuals under working conditions. The objective of this study was to explore the psychological content of the motive of service as a determinant of the psychological stability of the emergency medical service worker. Our results show that the desire to help, to serve people, which we call ‘the motive of service’, relates to higher motives. The motive of service as a psychological category has not been explored, neither in domestic nor international psychological science. The motive of service as a manifestation of an individual’s altruistic orientation gives a moral vector to professional behavior and is a system-shaping element in the motivational component of the psychological stabilityof the medical worker. Keywords: motive of service, psychological stability, medical worke

    Criminal risks of medical robots turnover

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    Objective: to identify criminal risks inherent in a medical robot, taking into account its hardware-technological (technological and digital) features, and to construct, based on this analysis, the author’s classification of criminal risks and models of criminal-legal protection of public relations arising in the medical robots’ turnover.Methods: the article uses general scientific (analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, classification) and specific scientific methods of cognition, and the logical-legal method.Results: The security vulnerability of medical robots causes serious concern in manufacturers, programmers and those interacting with the robots in the healthcare industry. In medical institutions, robots interact closely with children, the elderly and the disabled, and it may not be clear to the patient whether the robot is working properly or being attacked. Any harm caused by a surgical robot as a result of unauthorized access (or other illegal actions) can undermine the public’s faith in medicine and in the healthcare system as a whole. Threats to the safety of medical robots can have further negative consequences for themselves, as such facts of unlawful influence can lead to robots breaking down or harming other nearby equipment that is the property of the healthcare institution, and worse – the life and health of patients or medical workers. In this regard, the paper identifies criminal risks and threats inherent in medical robots, and formulates measures to improve criminal legislation aimed at countering crimes arising against the legal turnover of medical robots (Article 2352 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).Scientific novelty: at the moment there are few Russian studies devoted to the legal regulation and protection of medical robots. Basically, such researches are done by medical scientists. However, in the Russian Federation, there are practically no special theoretical-legal studies, including those devoted to the study of criminal law issues of the protection of these legal relations, which confirms the relevance and significance of our research.Practical significance: the provisions and conclusions of the article can be used to further improve criminal legislation, and also lay the foundation for further research in criminal law science


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    The article is devoted to the issues of criminal-legal regulation of patients’ personal data constituting medical secrecy. The research objective is to assess the level of legal regulation of public relations, at which criminal encroachments are performed, during the personal data processing, and to improve the Russian criminal law in this sphere. It was determined that the level of criminal-legal protection of personal data requires improving. Illegal trafficking of personal data, including biometric ones, entails a threat to public relations. Biometric personal data are a valuable resource and may entail commitment of such unlawful actions as manufacturing and marketing of fake models of biometric personal data. The author proposes measures to improve the components of crime, stipulating criminal liability for the violation of privacy and of the Russian legislation on personal data (Art. 137 of the Russian Criminal Code). The author asserts the feasibility of establishing criminal liability for unlawful processing of personal data which infringed substantial harm on the rights and legal interests of a person. Taking into account a high public danger of the deeds which can be committed using biometric personal data and their value, we consider it necessary to criminalize the components of crime consisting in manufacturing and (or) marketing of fake models of biometric personal data

    Ethnic Enclave as a Factor of Destabilization for the State

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    The article analyzes the step-by-step formation of ethnic enclaves in order to identify their negative factors for the national security of a foreign state. Therefore, this research is devoted to identifying the destructive factors of an ethnic enclave that pose a threat to the stability and internal security of the state.в статье проведен анализ поэтапного формирования этнических анклавов с целью выявления факторов, отрицательно влияющих на национальную безопасность принимающего государства. Следовательно, данная работа посвящена выявлению деструктивных факторов этнического анклава, представляющих угрозу стабильности и внутренней безопасности государства

    Variations in the Intragene Methylation Profiles Hallmark Induced Pluripotency

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    We demonstrate the potential of differentiating embryonic and induced pluripotent stem cells by the regularized linear and decision tree machine learning classification algorithms, based on a number of intragene methylation measures. The resulting average accuracy of classification has been proven to be above 95%, which overcomes the earlier achievements. We propose a constructive and transparent method of feature selection based on classifier accuracy. Enrichment analysis reveals statistically meaningful presence of stemness group and cancer discriminating genes among the selected best classifying features. These findings stimulate the further research on the functional consequences of these differences in methylation patterns. The presented approach can be broadly used to discriminate the cells of different phenotype or in different state by their methylation profiles, identify groups of genes constituting multifeature classifiers, and assess enrichment of these groups by the sets of genes with a functionality of interest