476 research outputs found

    Interactions of oblique interplanetary discontinuities and their manifestations during STIP intervals 15-19

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    The generation of slow shock waves as the result of the interaction of Alfven discontinuities with solar wind contact surfaces is considered. The latter are taken to be the boundaries of proton and alpha-particle concentration inhomogeneities. It is found that the intensity of the Alfven discontinuity may be increased as the result of its interaction with the more dense plasma. The converse (i.e., decrease of the Alfven discontinuity's intensity following interaction with a less dense plasma) is also indicated. Also discussed is the generation of a magnetic cloud as the result of the interaction of a quasi-parallel Alfven discontinuity with a dense plasma contact surface. It is shown that the (solar-generated) Alfven discontinuity may then be transformed into non-flare fast and slow shock waves as the result of this interaction. Thus, it is indicated that some fast shock waves in the solar wind may have a nonsolar origin

    An Experimental Analysis ofGroup Size and Risk Sharing

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    We study the relationship between group size and the extent of risk sharing in an insurance game played over a number of periods with random idiosyncratic and aggregate shocks to income in each period. Risk sharing is attained via agents that receive a high endowment in one period making unilateral transfers to agents that receive a low endowment in that period. The complete risk sharing allocation is for all agents to place their endowments in a common pool, which is then shared equally among members of the group in every period. Theoretically, the larger the group size, the smaller the per capita dispersion in consumption and greater is the potential value of insurance. Field evidence however suggests that smaller groups do better than larger groups as far as risk sharing is concerned. Results from our experiments show that the extent of mutual insurance is significantly higher in smaller groups, though contributions to the pool are never close to what complete risk sharing requires.Reciprocity, Risk Sharing, Group Size, Experiments

    Точностные характеристики коротких краскопечатных систем с кратными цилиндрами

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    Розглядається задача аналітичного визначення і побудови точностної характеристики короткої фарбодрукарської системи з кратними циліндрами для заданого інтервалу тонопередачі, приведені результати комп’ютерного симулювання.The article deals with the problem of determining actual static accuracy and precision construction specifications short ink printing system with multiple cylinders at a given transmission interval tone. The aim is to study the mathematical model of short-ink printing system with multiple cylinders and building precise specifications for a given transmission interval tone. To solve this problem first makes assumptions on which we build a static model ink system and define its static error of static properties built by computer simulation. For this popular package Matlab: Simulink design stimulant static failures that simultaneously calculates and builds four static characteristics, which is useful for analysis.Рассматривается задача аналитического определения и построения точностной характеристики короткой краскопечатной системы с кратными цилиндрами для заданного интервала тонопередачи, приведены результаты компьютерного симулирования

    Аналіз факторів залучення та збереження уваги користувачів в інтернет-середовищі

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    The article specifies the essence of the processes of attracting and retaining the attention of users when interacting with a multimedia product on the Internet. The interrelation of volumes of the information and attention of users is grounded. The elements of the information structure of a multimedia product are generalized. Classified factors of attracting and retaining the attention of users in the Internet environment.У статті уточнено сутність процесів залучення і утримання уваги користувачів при взаємодії з мультимедійним продуктом в Інтернеті. Обґрунтовано взаємозв'язок обсягів інформації та уваги користувачів. Узагальнено елементи інформаційної структури мультимедійного продукту. Класифіковано чинники залучення і утримання уваги користувачів в Інтернет середовищі

    Use of Piggybacking Strategy Successfully in a Randomized Controlled Trial on Food Safety Training of Street Food Vendors - An Example from School of Public Health, Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education & Research, Chandigarh, India

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    Introduction: Piggybacking approach has been extensively used in almost every known field from physical to virtual. In our day today life, we see it use in social networking sites such as Facebook, yahoo mail where multiple applications are carried over/piggybacked on the existing basic connecting platform. In India, this strategy is commonly used in Malaria control programme by distribution of Insecticide Treated Bed Nets (ITNs) through antenatal care or during immunization campaigns for measles and polio. The advantage of piggy backing approach is multi-faceted in terms of resources, time and effort.Materials and Methods: We utilised this opportunity, to piggyback anti-tobacco campaign using health education approaches on concurrent Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) for assessing the effectiveness of food safety training interventions among street food vendors. Data entry and analysis was done using SPSS version 22.0 and descriptive statistics was used to define the numerical data.Results: So far data of 40 street food vendors (intervention arm=20 and control arm=20) has been analysed. In the intervention arm 11 (n=20) street food vendors were using tobacco in any form compared to 13 (n=20) in the control group at baseline. None of vendors in both the arm had any knowledge regarding FSSAI Act and COTPA at the baseline. 45% (n=9) in the intervention arm were washing hand after consuming any of the tobacco products at first follow up compared to 10% (n=2) at baseline.Conclusion: Piggybacking strategy can be used in public health programmes to augment one intervention over another to achieve favourable public health outcome

    Survey of 87Sr/86Sr Ratios and Total Strontium Concentrations in Ohio Stream and Ground Waters

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    Author Institution: Department of Geology, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio 45056 ; Department of Geology, Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio 45431 ; and Department of Geology, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio 45056A total of 23 Ohio stream and ground waters has been sampled and analyzed for total Sr and 87Sr/86Sr isotopic ratios in an attempt to evaluate the potential usefulness of the 87Sr/86Sr ratio as a tracer of water provenance. Sampling stations were selected in order to provide a wide geographic distribution and a variety of contacted lithologies. The measured 87Sr/86Sr ratios range from 0.7078 to 0.7130, with the higher ratios occurring in eastern and southern Ohio and the lower ratios to the north and west. This trend is apparently due in part to the change in the dominant lithology of the Paleozoic sediments across Ohio. In the east, clastic sediments predominate, whereas in the west, limesstone becames the major important component of the sedimentary sequence. Most limestones of Paleozoic age are known to have 87Sr/86Sr ratios of approximately 0.708, whereas shales have a range of higher values. The observed trend in 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the water samples also appears to be related to the position of the glacial boundary. The widspread occurrence of easily soluble carbonate material in the glacial till north of the boundary has apparently had a strong effect on the strontium isotopic compositions of the local waters

    Pathology of heart, coronaries and aorta in autopsy cases with history of sudden death: an original article

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    Background: Natural deaths represent a large proportion of sudden (unexpected and unattended) deaths. The term “sudden cardiac death” (SCD) refers to death from the abrupt cessation of cardiac function due to cardiac arrest. The objective of this study was to identify various causes, risk factors, age and sex distribution associated with sudden cardiac death in an Indian setting.Methods: Detail review of medical records and an autopsy study of all cases of sudden cardiac death that occurred instantaneously or within 24 hours of onset of symptoms in a tertiary care institution, between December 2010 and December 2015 was carried out.Results: In total, 124 cases of sudden death were studied during this period. Out of 124 cases, 109 cases (87.90%) showed pathology in heart and aorta. Atherosclerotic coronary heart disease was the most common cause of death (72.58%) followed by Hypertensive heart disease (4.83%), Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (3.22%), Myocarditis (3.22%), Infective endocarditis (1.61%), Rheumatic heart disease (0.8%), Aortic dissection (0.8%), and syphilitic aortitis (0.8%).Conclusions: Sudden death is a source of concern and a detailed postmortem examination is mandatory to ascertain its cause. Presence of co-existing conditions like diabetes and hypertension contribute immensely to the risk of sudden death. Occurrence of sudden death at a younger age presents a formidable challenge. Prevention of development of risk factors of atherosclerosis at an early age can be an effective strategy to counter this ailment at all levels

    Histopathological study of endometrium in cases of abnormal uterine bleeding

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    Background:Abnormal uterine bleeding is one of the commonest complaints in women and when it occurs without   organic lesions like tumor, inflammation, it is called as dysfunctional uterine bleeding. Aim of current study was to find out the histopathological pattern of endometrium in Abnormal Uterine Bleeding (AUB) also to study organic causes of AUB.Methods:Specimens received as endometrial curettage and hysterectomy specimens were studied followed by correlation of histopathology with age and clinical presentation.Results:The patients were mainly from the age group of 30-49 years (74.24%). The most common menstrual disorder was menorrhagia (46.86%). In dysfunctional uterine bleeding the most common histological pattern of endometrium includes proliferative endometrium (22.8%) followed by endometrial hyperplasia (19.40%), atrophic endometrium (7.16%), secretory endometrium (5.97%), irregular shedding [1.80%], irregular ripening (1.20%) and anovulatory endometrium (0.59%). Organic lesions encountered in AUB cases were leiomyoma (17.92%), endometrial polyp (1.79%), endometrial carcinoma (1.50%), endometriosis (0.59%) and choriocarcinoma (0.29%).Conclusion:It is important to know the histological pattern of the endometrium like proliferative endometrium, endometrial hyperplasia, atrophic endometrium, secretory endometrium, irregular ripening and shredding and organic lesions in patients diagnosed as AUB in different age groups since recognition of these conditions will help and will avoid further complications.

    Raman Spectroscopy of Oxygen Evolution Catalysts and PSII Manganese Model Compounds

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    Photosynthesis is the basis of life on earth, and oxygen evolution catalysts are key components of this complicated, yet not fully understood process. Photosystem II, a large membrane bound pigment-protein complex, is the key system that facilitates oxygenic photosynthesis via the oxygen evolving complex (a natural oxygen evolving catalyst). It is a key component in oxygen producing catalysts, which can be used in fields such as energy production and biomimetic catalysts. The oxygen evolution cycle, or Kok cycle going within it is still not studied completely. In this project, we were studying the vibrational (and structural) state of a Manganese model compound for PSII and functioning Ruthenium water oxidizing catalyst. The method for this experiment was Raman spectroscopy at two wavelengths in the visible region: 532nm and 442nm. The results obtained from our Manganese model compound are various Raman spectra which will be analyzed using DFT (Density Function theory) and can now be used to predict vibrations relevant to PSII while insights gained from functioning Ruthenium water oxidizing catalysts give clues to the chemistry of PSII

    PASQUAL: Parallel Techniques for Next Generation Genome Sequence Assembly

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