181 research outputs found

    Superlative in the poetry of Marina Tsvetaeva

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    This article deals with the research of functioning of superlatives as the means of creating expressive intensity and expression in the language of Marina Tsvetayeva’s poetry. Synthetic forms of the superlative degree of adjectives take an important place among the means of expressing in the works by Tsvetayev

    Influence of Some Rheological Parameters On Flexure of the Oceanic Lithosphere

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    International audienceS U M M A R Y Rheological parameters describe properties of the lithosphere, but it is generally impossible to measure them in situ. Thus a model has to be developed to relate parameters to observables. We consider flexure of the oceanic lithosphere. A quantitative representation of a brittle-elastic-ductile rheology is based on a semi-empirical model. The non-linear problem of plate flexure is solved by the multiple-shooting algorithm using a Runge-Kutta procedure from analytical solutions for an elastic model. The bending moment and its derivatives have been deduced analytically to improve the accuracy and speed of computations. A family of numerical solutions was built that describes flexure of the oceanic lithosphere at subduction zones for various ages, strain rates, and activation energies. Relative contributions of rheological parameters are discussed. The model is then used to evaluate rheological parameters of the Kuril trench from gravity data. The strain rate estimates are found to be about 3. 10-('6*1)s-1 assuming creep activation energies between 520 kJ/mole and 550 kJ/mole for lithospheric age ranging from 90 Ma to 110 Ma

    Решение задачи о переводе спутника МЕЖДУ ОРБИТАМИ с помощью гибридного меметического алгоритма

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    This paper presents a hybrid memetic algorithm (MA) to solve the problem of finding the optimal program control of nonlinear continuous deterministic systems based on the concept of the meme, which is one of the promising solutions obtained in the course of implementing the procedure for searching the extremes. On the basis of the proposed algorithm the software complex is formed in C#. The solution of satellite transfer problem is presented.В работе предложен гибридный меметический алгоритм (МА) для решения задачи поиска оптимального программного управления нелинейными непрерывными детерминированными системами, основанный на концепции мема, которым является одно из перспективных решений, полученных в ходе реализации процедуры поиска экстремума. На основе предложенного алгоритма сформирован комплекс программ на языке C#. Приведено решение задачи о переводе спутника с одной орбиты на другую

    Modularity map of the network of human cell differentiation

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    Cell differentiation in multicellular organisms is a complex process whose mechanism can be understood by a reductionist approach, in which the individual processes that control the generation of different cell types are identified. Alternatively, a large scale approach in search of different organizational features of the growth stages promises to reveal its modular global structure with the goal of discovering previously unknown relations between cell types. Here we sort and analyze a large set of scattered data to construct the network of human cell differentiation (NHCD) based on cell types (nodes) and differentiation steps (links) from the fertilized egg to a crying baby. We discover a dynamical law of critical branching, which reveals a fractal regularity in the modular organization of the network, and allows us to observe the network at different scales. The emerging picture clearly identifies clusters of cell types following a hierarchical organization, ranging from sub-modules to super-modules of specialized tissues and organs on varying scales. This discovery will allow one to treat the development of a particular cell function in the context of the complex network of human development as a whole. Our results point to an integrated large-scale view of the network of cell types systematically revealing ties between previously unrelated domains in organ functions.Comment: 32 pages, 7 figure

    Обобщенный инверсный интервальный метод глобальной условной оптимизации

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    The algorithmic and program software of inverse interval method for global constrained optimization are considered. The solution of model examples and the proof of the theorems of the algorithm’s convergence are presented. The generalized scheme of developed algorithms has been created. This scheme has two replaceable modules of compression and check. This module approach allows the users to implement their own versions of the algorithm without loss of the method convergence. This will help to tune the method according to the characteristics of the current problem.Разработано алгоритмическое и программное обеспечение инверсного интервального метода глобальной условной оптимизации, приведены решения модельных примеров, доказательства теорем о сходимости методов. Разработана обобщенная модульная схема, имеющая два заменяемых модуля проверки и сжатия. Предложенный модульный подход позволяет пользователям реализовывать собственные варианты модулей алгоритма без потери сходимости метода в зависимости от особенностей решаемой задачи


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    The paper describes the electronic work function measurements by the contact potential difference technique, and experimental demonstration of the possibility of these methods application for the stress-strain state of the surface layer of the metals and alloys. The techniques end examples of their application of localization of plastic deformation studies using the Kelvin probe are developed and present. The study topology of work function the deformed surface possible to determine the type of deformation and dynamics ofРассмотрены вопросы измерения работы выхода электрона по контактной разности потенциалов и экспериментально обоснована возможность применения этих методов для оценки напряженно-деформированного состояния поверхностных слоев металлов и сплавов. Разработаны методики и приведены примеры их применения для исследования локализации пластической деформации с применением зонда Кельвина. Показано, что исследование топологии работы выхода электрона деформируемой поверхности позволяет определять вид деформации, изучать динамику дефектов на поверхности, выявлять потенциальные очаги разрушения на локальных участках поверхности.