455 research outputs found
‘Abd al-Rahman Jami is known mostly as a poet. Nevertheless, his contribution to Islamic philosophy is also considerable. He was a follower of Ibn Arabi — the founder of the philosophical tasawwuf, whose works were very infl uential in the classic Iranian thought. The philosophy of Jami was outlined in a number of his works, among them are the commentary to the “Fusus al-Hikam” by Ibn Arabi and a short treaty “The commentary to the ruba‘yat” that contains 49 ruba‘i by Jami with his own commentary. This is one of his most important works, explaining the matter of wahdat al-wujud. This article gives an excursus to this treaty, making an accent at the Jami’s interpretation of the necessary being at the context of his epoch of thought. We try to show, that his philosophy, on one hand, deals very much with the works by Ibn Arabi and Suhrawardy, inherits their concepts and problems, so it cannot be properly understood apart from their works. On the other hand, Jami has his own point of view to the philosophy concepts of his teachers. For instance, he gives us a typology of beings, that includes three stages. The fi rst, the lowest one is the stage of a beings whose being is diff erent to their selfness (dhat). They are the things, that surround us every day and passively accept being from an external source. The second one is the being whose selfness is diff erent to its being, but its reality (haqiqa) cannot be seen apart from it. It’s an active matter (the mentioned “source”), that gives being to the beings of the fi rst stage. And the third stage is the simple being, the same to the God’s selfness, that unites the fi rst and the second stages.‘Абд ар-Рахман Джами известен прежде всего как поэт. Тем не менее он состоялся и как философ. Джами считают последователем родоначальника философского суфизма Ибн ‘Араби. Философские взгляды Джами нашли наиболее полное выражение в его толковании «Гемм мудрости» Ибн ‘Араби, а также в небольшом трактате «Толкование руба‘йат». В данной статье мы знакомим читателя с этим памятником, приводим перевод значительных отрывков из него, а также даем им пояснения, исходя из содержания интеллектуальной жизни той эпохи, к которой принадлежал Джами
Recombinants between Deformed wing virus and Varroa destructor virus-1 may prevail in Varroa destructor-infested honeybee colonies
We have used high-throughput Illumina sequencing to identify novel recombinants between
deformed wing virus (DWV) and Varroa destructor virus-1 (VDV-1), which accumulate to
higher levels than DWV in both honeybees and Varroa destructor mites. The recombinants,
VDV-1VVD and VDV-1DVD, exhibit crossovers between the 5’-untranslated region (5’-UTR),
and/or the regions encoding the structural (capsid) and non-structural viral proteins. This
implies the genomes are modular and that each region may evolve independently, as
demonstrated in human enteroviruses. Individual honeybee pupae were infected with a
mixture of observed recombinants and DWV. The strong correlation between VDV-1DVD
levels in honeybee pupae and the associated mites was observed, suggesting that this
recombinant, with a DWV-derived 5’-UTR and non-structural protein region flanking VDV-
1-derived capsid encoding region, is better adapted to transmission between V. destructor and
honeybees than the parental DWV or a recombinant bearing the VDV-1-derived 5’-UTR
Mahmud Shabistari is well known in the world as the author of the poem “The Rose Garden of Mystery”. However his thought heritageis not limited to this masterpiece. In this article we would like to show the diversity of his works as well as characteristic features of his world outlook in the intellectual context of his epoch. The central idea of his thought, we can fi nd in most of his writings, boils down to the idea of the oneness of the First Principle identical for him to the God. He states the idea of His oneness by saying, that everything, except for the First Principle is illusion and doesn’t existbeyond one’s mind. This statement was natural for the Ishraqi school of as-Suhrawardi, who claimed anything except for the light, just concepts, that doesn’t have any correlate beyong one’s mind. This idea was not so natural for the philosophical sufi sm of Ibn al-Arabi Shabistari refers to in some passages of his Sa‘dat-nama. However this idea was not at all natural for the falasifa school of Ibn Sina, that Shabistari criticize in most of his works for intermicsture of the possible and necessary being, for they must be ontologicallydivided from each other. From his point of view, the falasifa notjust mix up the immiscible being and non-being in one possible thing, they state the presence of two diff erent natures — “the possible” and “the necessary”. As “the necessary” means for Shabistari “the God”, the statement of another one nature presence (“the possible”) is for him a shirk and contradicts Islamic worldview.В мировом исламоведении Махмуд Шабистари известен прежде всего как автор поэмы«Цветник тайны». Однако наследие средневекового мыслителя не ограничивается этим произведением. Статья знакомит читателя со всем разнообразием его творчества и демонстрирует характерные особенности мировоззрения исламского ученого в интеллектуальном контексте эпох
The use of statistical phylogenetics in virology
Molecular phylogenetics, particularly statistical phylogenetics, is widely used to solve the fundamental and applied problems in virology. Bayesian, or statistical, phylogenetic methods, which came into practice 10—15 years ago, markedly expanded the range of questions that can be answered based on analyzing nucleotide and amino acid sequences. An opportunity of using various evolution models allows inferring the chronology, geography and dynamics of the infection spreading. For example, analysis of globally distributed HIV group M by Bayesian methods demonstrated with a probability of 99% that the most recent common ancestor of these viruses existed in the surroundings of the city of Kinshasa (Democratic Republic of the Congo) in the early 1920s. Another study showed that H9N2 influenza virus most likely passed on to humans from wild ducks in Hong Kong in the late 1960s. In addition, using of the Bayesian analysis allows to evaluating the effect of measures taken on the development of the epidemic process. For example, it was shown retrospectively that the rate of hepatitis C virus infection cases in Egypt increased by several orders of magnitude in the mid-20th century. A sharp rise in new case rate is associated with the treatment for schistosomiasis by using non-sterile repeatedly used syringes. A set of Bayesian analysis methods has been applied in tens of thousands of researches describing various aspects of the occurrence and spread of infectious diseases in humans and animals. This was facilitated by the development and accessibility of software that implements these methods. The complexity of Bayesian phylogenetic methods imposes strict requirements on the data being analyzed. The correctness of the phylogenetic analysis data depends on various factors. For example, it is necessary to choose an evolutionary model that most adequately describes the studied objects. A mandatory step in formulating the results is the justification of the selected model. For viruses, the acquisition of genetic elements from other organisms is typical, therefore, the genomes even from closely related viruses may have non-homologous regions unsuitable for phylogenetic analysis. Another aspect is the creation of a representative dataset. Sometimes, all stages of the analysis are not indicated in publications, so that the data obtained can be interpreted ambiguously. The correct use of statistical phylogenetics methods in virology is possible only upon understanding their principles, proper methods of data preparation and evolutionary model selection criteria
COVID-19: год вместе
The pandemic of COVID-19, a novel respiratory infection, has become one of the most significant events in the history of infectious diseases over the past 100 years. The article reviews the main stages in the development of a pandemic and the fight against it, the most appealing issued faced by medical science, the successes and mistakes of healthcare systems and researchers, the current state of the problem and the nearest prospects.Пандемия новой респираторной инфекции COVID-19 стала одним из самых значительных событий в истории инфектологии за последние 100 лет. В статье рассматриваются основные этапы развития пандемии и борьбы с ней, наиболее актуальные вопросы, которые стояли перед медицинской наукой в этом году, успехи и ошибки систем здравоохранения и ученых, современное состояние проблемы и ближайшие перспективы
Direct Visualization of Laser-Driven Focusing Shock Waves
Cylindrically or spherically focusing shock waves have been of keen interest
for the past several decades. In addition to fundamental study of materials
under extreme conditions, cavitation, and sonoluminescence, focusing shock
waves enable myriad applications including hypervelocity launchers, synthesis
of new materials, production of high-temperature and high-density plasma
fields, and a variety of medical therapies. Applications in controlled
thermonuclear fusion and in the study of the conditions reached in laser fusion
are also of current interest. Here we report on a method for direct real-time
visualization and measurement of laser-driven shock generation, propagation,
and 2D focusing in a sample. The 2D focusing of the shock front is the
consequence of spatial shaping of the laser shock generation pulse into a ring
pattern. A substantial increase of the pressure at the convergence of the
acoustic shock front is observed experimentally and simulated numerically.
Single-shot acquisitions using a streak camera reveal that at the convergence
of the shock wave in liquid water the supersonic speed reaches Mach 6,
corresponding to the multiple gigapascal pressure range 30 GPa
Spin-gapless semiconductivity and half metallicity in Heusler alloys
In recent years, ever increasing interest in spin-based electronics (spintronics) has resulted in the search for a new class of materials that can provide a high degree of transport spin polarization. An ideal candidate would act like insulator for one spin channel and a conductor or semiconductor for the opposite spin channel (e.g. half metals (HM), spin gapless semiconductors (SGS)). In this work, we present results of our computational and theoretical study (Staten, et al., J. Appl. Phys. 117, 17D115 (2015)) of Heusler compounds with potential commercial applications in the field of spintronics. We show that naturally these materials are metallic, however they may become SGS or HM when 50% of Al is substituted with In or Sn. Detailed study of the structural, electronic, and magnetic properties of these materials is presented. These properties are in good agreement with our preliminary experimental results
Microevolution of tick-borne encephalitis virus in course of host alternation
AbstractTwo tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) virus variants were studied: mouse brain-adapted strain EK-328 and its derivate adapted to Hyalomma marginatum ticks. The tick-adapted virus exhibited small-plaque phenotype and slower replication in PEK cells, higher yield in ticks, decreased neuroinvasiveness in mice, increased binding to heparin-sepharose. A total of 15 nucleotide substitutions distinguished genomes of these variants, six substitutions resulted in protein sequence alterations, and two were in 5′NTR. Two amino acid substitutions in E protein were responsible for the observed phenotypic differences. Data obtained during reverse passaging of the tick-adapted virus in vivo and in vitro suggest that TBE virus exists as a heterogeneous population that contains virus variants most adapted to reproduction in either ticks or mammals. Host switch results in a change in the ratio of these variants in the population. Plaque purification of the tick-adapted virus resulted in the prompt emergence of new mutants with different virulence for mammals
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