2 research outputs found

    Carbon Recombination Lines from the Galactic Plane at 34.5 & 328 MHz

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    We present results of a search for carbon recombination lines in the Galaxy at 34.5 MHz (C575α575\alpha) made using the dipole array at Gauribidanur near Bangalore. Observations made towards 32 directions, led to detections of lines in absorption at nine positions. Followup observations at 328 MHz (C272α272\alpha) using the Ooty Radio Telescope detected these lines in emission. A VLA D-array observation of one of the positions at 330 MHz yielded no detection implying a lower limit of 10' for the angular size of the line forming region. The longitude-velocity distribution of the observed carbon lines indicate that the line forming region are located mainly between 4 kpc and 7 kpc from the Galactic centre. Combining our results with published carbon recombination line data near 76 MHz (\nocite{erickson:95} Erickson \et 1995) we obtain constraints on the physical parameters of the line forming regions. We find that if the angular size of the line forming regions is 4\ge 4^{\circ}, then the range of parameters that fit the data are: \Te =2040= 20-40 K, \ne 0.10.3\sim 0.1-0.3 \cm3 and pathlengths 0.070.9\sim 0.07-0.9 pc which may correspond to thin photo-dissociated regions around molecular clouds. On the other hand, if the line forming regions are 2\sim 2^{\circ} in extent, then warmer gas (\Te 60300\sim 60-300 K) with lower electron densities (\ne 0.030.05\sim 0.03-0.05 \cm3) extending over several tens of parsecs along the line of sight and possibly associated with atomic \HI gas can fit the data. Based on the range of derived parameters, we suggest that the carbon line regions are most likely associated with photo-dissociation regions.Comment: To appear in Journal of Astrophysics & Astronomy, March 200

    Carbon and hydrogen radio recombination lines from the cold clouds towards Cassiopeia A

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    We use the Low Frequency Array to perform a systematic high spectral resolution investigation of the low-frequency 33-78 MHz spectrum along the line of sight to Cassiopeia A. We complement this with a 304-386 MHz Westerbork Synthesis Radio telescope observation. In this first paper we focus on the carbon radio recombination lines. We detect Cnα\alpha lines at -47 and -38 km s1^{-1} in absorption for quantum numbers n=438-584 and in emission for n=257-278 with high signal to noise. These lines are associated with cold clouds in the Perseus spiral arm component. Hnα\alpha lines are detected in emission for n=257-278. In addition, we also detect Cnα\alpha lines at 0 km s1^{-1} associated with the Orion arm. We analyze the optical depth of these transitions and their line width. Our models show that the carbon line components in the Perseus arm are best fit with an electron temperature 85 K and an electron density 0.04 cm3^{-3} and can be constrained to within 15\%. The electron pressure is constrained to within 20\%. We argue that much of these carbon radio recombination lines arise in the CO-dark surface layers of molecular clouds where most of the carbon is ionized but hydrogen has made the transition from atomic to molecular. The hydrogen lines are clearly associated with the carbon line emitting clouds, but the low-frequency upperlimits indicate that they likely do not trace the same gas. Combining the hydrogen and carbon results we arrive at a firm lower limit to the cosmic ray ionization rate of 2.5×\times1018^{-18} s1^{-1}, but the actual value is likely much larger.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 29 pages, 15 figures and 7 table