340 research outputs found

    Exact N-vortex solutions to the Ginzburg-Landau equations for kappa=1/sqrt(2)

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    The N-vortex solutions to the two-dimensional Ginzburg - Landau equations for the kappa=1/\sqrt(2) parameter are built. The exact solutions are derived for the vortices with large numbers of the magnetic flux quanta. The size of vortex core is supposed to be much greater than the magnetic field penetration depth. In this limiting case the problem is reduced to the determination of vortex core shape. The corresponding nonlinear boundary problem is solved by means of the methods of the theory of analytic functions.Comment: 12 pages in RevTex, 1 Postscript figur

    Conceptual approaches to staffing of training handicraftsmen

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    It explains why training of educators and craftsmen as education and socialization subjects is necessary, theory basis of training is presented as well as conditions of such trainingsВ статье обосновывается необходимость подготовки педагогов и мастеров по ремесленным профессиям как субъектов обучения и социализации будущих ремесленников, предлагается понятийная и теоретико-методологическая основа подготовки педагогов профессионального ремесленного образования, рассматриваются организационно-педагогические условия подготовки указанной категории профессионально-педагогических кадро

    Some aspects of the organization of the practice of future specialists

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    The article examines the practice of students as a complex socio-pedagogical education. Reveals the essence of the practice and its role in the process of training. Competency-based approach offers some organizational and methodological approaches to the organization and conduct of practice. The concretization of a number of theoretical positions and methodological approaches is carried out on the example of the organization of practice on tourist professionsВ статье профессиональная практика студентов рассматривается как сложное социально-педагогическое образование. Раскрываются сущность практики и ее роль в процессе подготовки и профессионального становления специалистов. На основе компетентностного подхода предлагаются некоторые организационно-методические подходы по организации и проведению практики. Конкретизация ряда теоретических положений и методических подходов осуществляется на примере организации практики по туристским профессия

    Vocational education: preserving the traditions, ahead of time

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    The article deals with the spiritual and social aspects of inherent handicrafts and craft education as a form of social organization of human lifeВ статье рассматриваются духовные и социальные стороны, присущие ремесленничеству и ремесленному образованию как социальной форме организации жизнедеятельности человека. Делается вывод о необходимости использования богатого воспитательного потенциала ремесленной деятельности в современных учреждениях профессионального образовани

    Energy-saving compression valve of the rock drill

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    The relevance of the research is due to the necessity to create pneumatic rock drills with low air consumption. The article analyzes the reasons for low efficiency of percussive machines. The authors state that applying a single distribution body in the percussive mechanism does not allow carrying out a low-energy operating cycle of the mechanism. Using the studied device as an example, it is substantiated that applying a compression valve with two distribution bodies separately operating the working chambers makes it possible to significantly reduce the airflow. The authors describe the construction of a core drill percussive mechanism and the operation of a compression valve. It is shown that in the new percussive mechanism working chambers are cut off the circuit by the time when exhaust windows are opened by the piston and air is not supplied into the cylinder up to 20% of the cycle time. The air flow rate of the new mechanism was 3.8 m3/min. In comparison with the drill PK-75, the overall noise level of the new machine is lower by 8-10 dB, while the percussive mechanism efficiency is 2.3 times higher

    To the question of the cultural-anthropological code of russian craftsmanship in the system of professional education

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    Осуществляется попытка декодирования ценностно-смыслового содержания, присущего российскому ремесленничеству, и перевода его в плоскость практического использования в современной профессиональной школеThe article attempts to decode the value-semantic content inherent in Russian artisanship and transfer it to the practical application in a modern vocational schoo

    Methods of the development strategy of service companies: Logistical approach

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    The urgency of the analyzed issue is due to lack of attention of heads of service companies to the theory and methodology of strategic management, methods and models of management decision-making in times of economic instability. The purpose of the article is to develop theoretical positions and methodical recommendations on the formation of the logistical approach to the development strategy of service companies. The leading approach to the study of this issue is the logistical approach, which allows identifying the most significant factors, carrying out the quantitative assessment of their interaction with each other and determining the extent of their influence on the parameters of the system under research. This research presents a methodology for the selection of optimal functional business strategies of service companies from the alternative, based on the use of economic and mathematical modeling techniques. The authors assess the parameters of the micro, macro and internal environment of the company, represent the company’s business profile, a general development strategy of based on the determination of optimal logistics, marketing, production, financial and human resource management strategies for individual strategic business areas. The contents of the article may be useful for managers of service companies, auto-transport enterprises in making rational decisions on the formation of the optimal business development strategy in uncertain environmental conditions. © 2016 Toymentseva et al

    O estudo da composição química dos ácidos húmicos dos sapropels iniciais e tratados termicamente dos lagos do distrito de Surgut da autónoma Khanty-Mansi Okrug – Yugra

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    This article shows the effect of heat treatment of sapropels on the changes in the chemical composition of humic acids derived from them. Data on changes in the content of elements, the atomic relations, the degree of oxidation, graphic and statistical feature have been presented. The effect of heat treatment from 150 to 2500C on the dynamics of the processes of decarboxylized and dehydration, a comparison of the results obtained of elemental composition of humic acids of initial and heat-treated sapropels.Este artículo muestra el efecto del tratamiento térmico de los sapropeles sobre los cambios en la composición química de los ácidos húmicos derivados de ellos. Se han presentado datos sobre cambios en el contenido de los elementos, las relaciones atómicas, el grado de oxidación, la característica gráfica y estadística. El efecto del tratamiento térmico de 150 a 2500C sobre la dinámica de los procesos de descarboxilación y deshidratación, una comparación de los resultados obtenidos de la composición elemental de ácidos húmicos de sapropeles iniciales y tratados térmicamente.Este artigo mostra o efeito do tratamento térmico de sapropels sobre as alterações na composição química dos ácidos húmicos derivados deles. Dados sobre mudanças no conteúdo dos elementos, as relações atômicas, o grau de oxidação, a característica gráfica e estatística foram apresentados. O efeito do tratamento térmico de 150 a 2500C na dinâmica dos processos de descarboxilização e desidratação, uma comparação dos resultados obtidos da composição elementar de ácidos húmicos de sapropels iniciais e tratados termicamente

    Structural and functional model of future craftsmen legal competence generation during professional education

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    Formation of the law-governed state institutions in Russia, development of civil society, need for neutralizing the legal nihilism and generation of public legal culture, state demand for legally competent specialists, representing the public and social value, justify the relevancy of the investigated issue, on the one hand. On the other hand, it is determined by the necessity to perform and protect craft activity within the legal framework in compliance with the professional requirements, representing the personal value. Purpose of this article is to describe the progress of development and testing of structural and functional model of future craftsmen legal competence generation at the institutions of secondary professional education. The principle method to research the issue consists in simulation, which enables for representing the problem as process of task-oriented and deliberate mastering the legal competence by the future professionals during study at the institutions of secondary professional education. This article describes the structural and functional model of future craftsmen legal competence generation at the institutions of secondary professional education which consists of several interrelated components: target component, descriptive component, structuring and pragmatic component, evaluative and effective component; it determines a complex of pedagogical conditions facilitating the implementation of the model, develops a range of evaluation means to assess the level of the generated legal competence of the future craftsmen. Materials of this article can be useful for students learning the professions at the institutions of secondary professional education, for all categories of teachers and specialists in the field of professional craft education. © 2016 Romantsev et al


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    The article considers the historical-cultural and socio-economic causes of forming the originality of the professional activities of representatives of the handicraft trades. Held comparedepth analysis of the psychological characteristics of employees of the industrial and craft sectors of the economy. Suggested possible areas for improvement of training for craft professions.В статье рассмотрены историко-культурные и социально-экономические причины формирующие своеобразие профессиональной деятельности представителей ремесленных профессий. Проведен сравнительный анализ психологических характеристик работников индустриального и ремесленного секторов экономики. Предложены возможные направления совершенствования подготовки кадров по ремесленным профессиям