
Structural and functional model of future craftsmen legal competence generation during professional education


Formation of the law-governed state institutions in Russia, development of civil society, need for neutralizing the legal nihilism and generation of public legal culture, state demand for legally competent specialists, representing the public and social value, justify the relevancy of the investigated issue, on the one hand. On the other hand, it is determined by the necessity to perform and protect craft activity within the legal framework in compliance with the professional requirements, representing the personal value. Purpose of this article is to describe the progress of development and testing of structural and functional model of future craftsmen legal competence generation at the institutions of secondary professional education. The principle method to research the issue consists in simulation, which enables for representing the problem as process of task-oriented and deliberate mastering the legal competence by the future professionals during study at the institutions of secondary professional education. This article describes the structural and functional model of future craftsmen legal competence generation at the institutions of secondary professional education which consists of several interrelated components: target component, descriptive component, structuring and pragmatic component, evaluative and effective component; it determines a complex of pedagogical conditions facilitating the implementation of the model, develops a range of evaluation means to assess the level of the generated legal competence of the future craftsmen. Materials of this article can be useful for students learning the professions at the institutions of secondary professional education, for all categories of teachers and specialists in the field of professional craft education. © 2016 Romantsev et al

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