261 research outputs found

    Microtubule organization is determined by the shape of epithelial cells.

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    Interphase microtubule organization is critical for cell function and tissue architecture. In general, physical mechanisms are sufficient to drive microtubule organization in single cells, whereas cells within tissues are thought to utilize signalling mechanisms. By improving the imaging and quantitation of microtubule alignment within developing Drosophila embryos, here we demonstrate that microtubule alignment underneath the apical surface of epithelial cells follows cell shape. During development, epidermal cell elongation and microtubule alignment occur simultaneously, but by perturbing cell shape, we discover that microtubule organization responds to cell shape, rather than the converse. A simple set of microtubule behaviour rules is sufficient for a computer model to mimic the observed responses to changes in cell surface geometry. Moreover, we show that microtubules colliding with cell boundaries zip-up or depolymerize in an angle-dependent manner, as predicted by the model. Finally, we show microtubule alignment responds to cell shape in diverse epithelia.This work was supported by grant BB/K00056X/1 from the UK Biotechnology, Biological Sciences Research Council. Gurdon Institute core funding was provided by the Wellcome Trust (092096) and Cancer Research UK (C6946/A14492). L.C. was supported by the Royal Society of Edinburgh/Scottish Government

    Multiagonists of the “incretin axis” as a promising tool for managing cardiometabolic risk in visceral obesity

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    Currently, the world experiences an increase in obesity prevalence, resulting in an increase in the incidence of diseases in which it is one of the leading factors, primarily type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. This limits the effectiveness of preventive measures and determines the need to introduce more effective approaches. Evidence of the key role of intestinal peptide hormones (incretins) in the normalization of body weight and metabolic processes after bariatric interventions became the basis for studying pharmacological methods for treating obesity and related complications aimed at the “incretin axis”. In order to achieve greater efficacy compared to monotherapy with glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) agonists, studies are performed on unimolecular multiagonists developing on the basis of GLP-1 agonists and effecting on various components of the “incretin axis” by competitive activation of numerous receptors, in first of all, receptors for glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide and glucagon. This review analyzes the results of clinical trials and discusses the prospects for introduction of “incretin axis” multi-agonists for patients with visceral obesity syndrome

    The methodology of a part lifetime calculation

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    Reducing mills in piece-reduction at the moment of capturing the pipe's front end and on the rear end exit are exposed to increased dynamic loads. However these processes at present time are not fully researched. The relevant problem is to decrease dynamic loads in the clamp engine, to increase reliability and durability of the clamp on the basis of the mill's production growth on the account of pauses decrease, rise of the production amount, and reducing in pipe costs. In the article the results of the study to define a part lifetime in the reducing mill stand have been presented. A part lifetime was calculated in month for more convenient comparison with the production data. The results have been hand over to JSC "PNTZ" for implantation. © 2020 IOP Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved

    Tolerance and Intolerance for Uncertainty as Predictors of Decision Making and Risk Acceptance in Gaming Strategies of Te Iowa Gambling Task

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    Background. Tis article reports on the results of an empirical study of interrelationships between indicators of decision-making strategies (indexed by the Iowa Gambling Task, IGT) and traits of tolerance and intolerance for uncertainty that capture the unity of cognitive and personality components of situational representations. Objective. Our study tested the hypothesis that overcoming uncertainty in decision making goes beyond cognitive representations of the task but instead is rooted in the construction of the amodal image of an uncertain situation that captures the meaning regulation of perception and action. We hypothesized that when a person is faced with multi-stage decisions, their strategies refect the contribution of individual diferences in attitudes towards uncertainty. Design. Using data obtained from n=60 typically developing adults (68% men; Mage=30.58), we examined the contribution of tolerance/intolerance for uncertainty to a variety of IGT dependent variables at fve diferent stages of the game. Results. Te data was analyzed using the mixed linear model method as implemented in the lme4 package for R. Te results indicated that tolerance for uncertainty signifcantly contributes to the initial level of behavioral risk, ensuring readiness for decision making under uncertainty. Conclusion. Tolerance for uncertainty plays an important role in early stages of orientation in an uncertain modeled game situation, and contributes to the productive development of probabilistic expectations. Intolerance for uncertainty, on the other hand, was shown to contribute to risk in decision making afer trial failure, potentially limiting learning in uncertain conditions through risk aversion

    Emotional intelligence, patterns for coping with decisional conflict, and academic achievement in cross-cultural perspective (evidence from selective Russian and Azerbaijani student populations)

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    Background. Choice, under conditions of uncertainty, is mediated by integral dynamic regulatory systems that represent hierarchies of cognitive and personality processes. As such, individual decision-making patterns can be studied in the context of intellectual and personality potential. This article presents the results of a cross-cultural comparison of personality characteristics, such as coping with uncertainty, emotional intelligence, and academic achievement, between Azerbaijani and Russian university students. Objective. We aimed at establishing metric invariance and at highlighting relationships between emotional intelligence and the scales of the Melbourne Decision Making Questionnaire (MDMQ). Design. Azerbaijani and Russian student samples were selected for this study due to the almost identical educational programs offered by Moscow State University to students in Moscow and its branch in Baku. Coping with uncertainty was measured by the MDMQ, emotional intelligence by the EmIn questionnaire, and academic achievement by GPA scores. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to verify factor structure invariance and congruence. Results. The congruence of factor structures for both questionnaires was verified. For the MDMQ four-factor structure for both samples was confirmed. For the EmIn questionnaire, invariance for two scales was established — “Understanding other people’s emotions” and “Managing own emotions”. Relationships among personality traits, gender, age, and academic achievements are explained for the Lomonosov Moscow State University students in Moscow (Russia) and its branch in Baku (Azerbaijan). No crosscultural differences were found for emotional intelligence and productive coping (Vigilance). A cultural difference was established in unproductive coping preference for Buck Passing. A similarity between the cultures was captured in the relationship of higher emotional intelligence (EQ) scores to higher Vigilance scores and to lower levels of unproductive coping patterns. Vigilance was a predictor of academic achievement, but only in the Russian sample. Conclusion. The similarity of the educational systems, as both samples studied similar programs, demonstrates very few cross-cultural differences

    Il benessere educativo: validazione di un questionario sul benessere a scuola

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    The article presents a part of the trial results of a questionnaire for the detection of Educational well-being in some middle school students in the cities of Rome and Moscow.Educational well-being is defined as a positive perception of the school environment, which includes the sense of satisfaction with what happens at school, the positive perception of the school climate, the psychological safety and reduction of discomfort factors. The research was conducted on two samples of Italian and Russian students.The article presents the psychometric properties of the questionnaire and of the results of the Italian sample of the research.L’articolo presenta una parte dei risultati della sperimentazione di un questionario per la rilevazione del Benessere educativo in alcuni studenti di scuola secondaria di primo grado delle città di Roma e di Mosca. Il benessere educativo è definito come una percezione positiva dell’ambiente scolastico, che comprende il senso di soddisfazione per quanto avviene a scuola, la percezione positiva del clima scolastico, la sicurezza psicologica e la riduzione dei fattori di disagio.La ricerca è stata condotta su due campioni di giudizio italiano e russo. Vengono presentate le proprietà psicometriche dello strumento e parte dei risultati del campione italiano della ricerca


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    Aim. To assess the effect of epicardial obesity on the development of dyslipidemia and polyvascular subclinical atherosclerosis, and to assess the prognostic significance of various obesity criteria in the development of cardiovascular risk.Methods. Male patients with arterial hypertension and without clinical symptoms of atherosclerosis of any localization and type 2 diabetes were included in the study. All the patients were enrolled into two groups, depending on the metabolic phenotypes of obesity assessed by epicardial fat thickness and body mass index. Both groups were comparable in waist circumference. All patients in both groups had abdominal obesity (AO≥94 cm). The study groups underwent a comparative assessment of parameters of lipid metabolism and levels of Apo-proteins. Coronary atherosclerosis was measured with multispiral computed tomography. Atherosclerotic lesions of brachiocephalic arteries were assessed by duplex scanning was performed. Epicardial fat thickness was measured by echocardiography.Results. Significant relationships between epicardial obesity and the development of dyslipidemia and polyvascular subclinical atherosclerosis have been determined. Waist circumference and body mass index have low prognostic significance for developing cardiovascular risk. Conclusion. Epicardial obesity significantly affects the development of subclinical atherosclerosis of the coronary and brachiocephalic arteries. The assessment of cardiovascular risk in patients with arterial hypertension and without other diagnosed cardiovascular diseases reported that it is necessary to measure epicardial fat thickness along with traditional risk factors. Epicardial fat thickness is considered to be a criterion for visceral obesity, contributing to the development of cardiometabolic disorders. Цель. Изучить влияние эпикардиального ожирения (ЭО) на развитие дислипидемии и мультифокального субклинического атеросклероза, а также оценить прогностическую значимость различных критериев ожирения в формировании сердечно-сосудистого риска (ССР).Материалы и методы. В исследование вошли мужчины с артериальной гипертензией (АГ) и отсутствием клинических проявлений атеросклероза любых локализаций, сахарным диабетом 2 типа. Обследуемые были разделены на две группы в зависимости от метаболических фенотипов ожирения по показателям толщины эпикардиальной жировой ткани (ЭЖТ) и индекса массы тела (ИМТ). Обе группы были сопоставимы по величине окружности талии (ОТ) и имели абдоминальное ожирение (ОТ ≥94см). В группах проводилась сравнительная оценка показателей липидного обмена, Апо-белков, а также оценка атеросклероза коронарных артерий методом мультиспиральной компьютерной томографии и брахиоцефальных артерий при помощи дуплексного сканирования. Толщина ЭЖТ определялась методом эхокардиографии.Результаты. Выявлена значимая взаимосвязь ЭО с развитием дислипидемии и мультифокального субклинического атеросклероза. Установлена низкая прогностическая значимость ОТ и ИМТ в формировании ССР.Заключение. ЭО оказывает значимое влияние на формирование субклинического атеросклероза коронарных и брахиоцефальных артерий. При оценке ССР у пациентов с АГ без других установленных сердечнососудистых заболеваний наряду с традиционными факторами риска необходимо измерять толщину ЭЖТ как критерий висцерального ожирения, вносящий важный вклад в формирование кардиометаболических нарушений.


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    Статья посвящена проблеме профессионального самоопределения обучающихся. На определённом этапе жизни каждому человеку приходится принимать одно из наиболее важных решений: определиться со сферой образования и выбрать профессию, как показывает практика, многие люди испытывают затруднения в выборе карьерного пути по самым разнообразным причинамArticle is devoted to a problem of professional self-determination of students. At a certain stage of life each person should accept one of the most important decisions: to decide on education and to choose a profession as practice shows, many people experience difficulties in the choice of a career way for the most various reason

    Predicting the risk of left ventricular diastolic dysfunction in obesity

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    Obesity may develop heart failure with preserved ejection fraction, which is based on left ventricular diastolic dysfunction (LV DD). Currently, the search for effective predictors of LV DD is extremely relevant.Aim. To assess the prognostic value of key and additional metabolic risk factors (RFs), neurohumoral and profibrotic factors in the development of LV DD in obese patients.Material and methods. The study included 149 men with general obesity. The mean age was 49,7±7,9 years. The inclusion criteria was the presence of class I-III general obesity. The average body mass index was 32,9±3,6 kg/m2. The exclusion criteria were hypertension, coronary atherosclerosis, type 2 diabetes, as well as LV DD according to transthoracic echocardiography. Depending on the presence of epicardial adiposity, patients were divided into two groups: group 1 — epicardial adipose tissue (EAT) thickness ≥7 mm (n=70), group 2 — EAT <7 mm (n=31). In all patients, the following laboratory parameters were determined in blood serum using enzyme immunoassay: type I and III collagen, Procollagen I C-Terminal Propeptide (PICP), matrix metalloproteinase-3 (MMP-3), transforming growth factor β1, vascular endothelial growth factor, tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), interleukin (IL)-6, IL-10, C-reactive protein (CRP), adiponectin, soluble leptin receptor, leptin, lipid parameters and free fatty acids (FFA). After 4,7±0,3 years, echocardiography was repeated in order to assess LV diastolic function.Results.  Comparative analysis of metabolic risk factors revealed a significant increase in the level of total cholesterol (p=0,001), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) (p<0,0001), triglycerides (TGs) (p<0,0001). These groups had no differences in such parameters as high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (p=0,09) and glucose (p=0,12). An increase in the level of such pro-inflammatory cytokines as TNF-α (p<0,0001), CRP (p<0,0001), IL-6 (p<0,0001) in group 1 was revealed, while differences in IL-10 (p=0,34) levels were not significant. In group 1, there was a significant increase in leptin levels (p<0,0001), a decrease in levels of adiponectin (p<0,0001) and leptin receptor (p=0,001). In group 1, an increase in the level of all studied profibrotic factors was revealed. After 4,7±0,3 years, repeated echocardiography revealed that selected groups were comparable in such parameters as A, E, E/A, E/e’, e’, and the peak tricuspid regurgitation velocity. There was a significant difference in left atrial volume index (p=0,0003). LV DD was detected in 20 patients. Binary logistic regression revealed the following most significant predictors of LV DD in obese patients: glucose, LDL-C, triglycerides, leptin receptor, leptin, MMP-3, FFA, PICP, and EAT thickness.Conclusion. Thus, the following most significant predictors of LV DD in obese patients were identified glucose, LDL-C, triglycerides, leptin receptor, leptin, MMP-3, FFA, PICP, and EAT thickness