5,335 research outputs found

    Measurements of CKM angles beta/phi_1 and alpha/phi_2 at the BABAR and Belle experiments

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    We report measurements of the CKM angles beta/phi_1 and alpha/phi_2 done by the BABAR and Belle experiments. Both experiments have collected large data samples, corresponding to a total of more than 1 billion of BBbar pairs, at the e^+e^- asymmetric-energy colliders PEP-II (SLAC) and KEK-B (KEK), respectively.Comment: 6 pages, 1 postscript figure, contributed to the Proceedings of Heavy Quarks and Leptons, Melbourne, 200

    A silicon model of auditory localization

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    The barn owl accurately localizes sounds in the azimuthal plane, using interaural time difference as a cue. The time-coding pathway in the owl's brainstem encodes a neural map of azimuth, by processing interaural timing information. We have built a silicon model of the time-coding pathway of the owl. The integrated circuit models the structure as well as the function of the pathway; most subcircuits in the chip have an anatomical correlate. The chip computes all outputs in real time, using analog, continuous-time processing

    How to enhance crop production and nitrogen fluxes? A result-oriented scheme to evaluate best agri-environmental measures in Veneto Region, Italy

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    The cost-effectiveness of adopting agri-environmental measures (AEMs) in Europe, which combine agricultural productions with reduced N losses, is debated due to poorly targeted site-specific funding that is allocated regardless of local variability. An integrated DAYCENT model-GIS platform was developed combining pedo-climatic and agricultural systems information. The aim was to evaluate best strategies to improve N fluxes of agro-ecosystems within a perspective of sustainable intensification. Indicators of agronomic efficiency and environmental quality were considered. The results showed that agronomic benefits were observed with a continuous soil cover (conservation agriculture and cover crops), which enhanced nitrogen use efficiency (+17%) and crop yields (+34%), although in some cases these might be overestimated due to modelling limitations. An overall environmental improvement was found with continuous soil cover and long-term change from mineral to organic inputs (NLeach 45 Mg ha 121), which were effective in the sandy soils of western and eastern Veneto with low SOM, improving the soil-water balance and nutrients availability over time. Results suggest that AEM subsidies should be allocated at a site-specific level that includes pedo-climatic variability, following a result-oriented approach

    Long-term dynamics of Methone, Anthe and Pallene

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    We numerically investigate the long-term dynamics of the Saturn's small satellites Methone (S/2004 S1), Anthe (S/2007 S4) and Pallene (S/2004 S2). In our numerical integrations, these satellites are disturbed by non-spherical shape of Saturn and the six nearest regular satellites. The stability of the small bodies is studied here by analyzing long-term evolution of their orbital elements. We show that long-term evolution of Pallene is dictated by a quasi secular resonance involving the ascending nodes (Ω\Omega) and longitudes of pericentric distances (ϖ\varpi) of Mimas (subscript 1) and Pallene (subscript 2), which critical argument is ϖ2−ϖ1−Ω1+Ω2\varpi_2-\varpi_1-\Omega_1+\Omega_2. Long-term orbital evolution of Methone and Anthe are probably chaotic since: i) their orbits randomly cross the orbit of Mimas in time scales of thousands years); ii) numerical simulations involving both small satellites are strongly affected by small changes in the initial conditions.Comment: 9 pages; 4 figures. Submitted to Proceedings IAU Symposium No. S263, 200

    Mitigation of 42^{42}Ar/42^{42}K background for the GERDA Phase II experiment

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    Background coming from the 42^{42}Ar decay chain is considered to be one of the most relevant for the GERDA experiment, which aims to search of the neutrinoless double beta decay of 76^{76}Ge. The sensitivity strongly relies on the absence of background around the Q-value of the decay. Background coming from 42^{42}K, a progeny of 42^{42}Ar, can contribute to that background via electrons from the continuous spectrum with an endpoint of 3.5 MeV. Research and development on the suppression methods targeting this source of background were performed at the low-background test facility LArGe. It was demonstrated that by reducing 42^{42}K ion collection on the surfaces of the broad energy germanium detectors in combination with pulse shape discrimination techniques and an argon scintillation veto, it is possible to suppress the 42^{42}K background by three orders of magnitude. This is sufficient for Phase II of the GERDA experiment

    Les réseaux trophiques lacustres: structure, fonctionnement, interactions et variations spatio-temporelles

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    L'analyse comparative des réseaux trophiques lacustres est d'un grand intérêt pour le développement de la limnologie contemporaine et l'aménagement des lacs. L'analyse des mécanismes écologiques déterminant la structure et le fonctionnement des réseaux trophiques dans les lacs tempérés a permis l'émergence de plusieurs modèles, souvent contradictoires, et suscité d'intenses débats sur le rôle respectif des ressources et des prédateurs. Par contre, dans les lacs tropicaux, les études sont en majorité descriptives et la recherche de principes généraux et de concepts unificateurs y est rare. Cette synthèse présente l'état des connaissances, les approches méthodologiques, les modèles de régulation concernant la structure et le fonctionnement des réseaux trophiques lacustres. Les réseaux trophiques semblent varier selon un gradient de situations intermédiaires entre deux modèles extrêmes : (a) les milieux à cascades trophiques intenses et à effet atténué des ressources (lacs tempérés oligo-mésotrophes) caractérisés par la présence de poissons piscivores et de zooplancton herbivore de grande taille (tels Daphnia spp.) et (b) les milieux à régulation intermédiaire (lacs tempérés méso-eutrophes et la plupart des lacs tropicaux), caractérisés par la présence de poissons filtreurs microphages omnivores et de zooplancton herbivore de petite taille. Notre synthèse souligne aussi l'importance d'allier les approches expérimentales en enceintes ou par biomanipulation à des suivis à long terme et des modélisations pour avoir une bonne compréhension et des prédictions précises du fonctionnement des écosystèmes lacustres à différentes échelles spatiales et temporelles et pour différentes conditions climatiques, géographiques ou trophiques.Comparative analysis of lake food webs is a focal point of research in contemporary limnology and lake management. The study of ecological processes determining foodweb structure and function lead to the emergence of constrasting hypotheses and intense debates on the relative role of nutrients and food web structure in regulating temperate lake ecosystems. In contrast, studies in tropical lakes are in general descriptive and the search for integrate concepts and models is yet in development. This review paper presents an overview and a critical analysis of actual knowledge, methodological approaches, regulation models and controversies on foodweb structure and function in temperate and tropical lakes. Our synthesis suggests that the apparent diversity in models of lake foodwebs could reflect a gradient (or contiuum) of intermediate foodweb situations, regulated by various environmental factors. The differences among lakes could be related to three main biotic factors, independently of the climatic, geographical and trophic conditions: 1. the important cascading effect of strictly piscivorous fish in temperate lakes compared to the weak cascades induced by opportunistic omnivorous fish in tropical lakes, 2. the primacy of omnivory and opportunistic feeding behaviour of tropical fish, 3. the key role of herbivorous macrozooplankton (cladocerans, mostly Daphnia spp.) in temperate lakes where they are both selective preys of planktivorous fish and efficient grazers of nanophytoplankton, and 4. the synchronous reproduction of fish with seasonal plankton succession in temperate lakes, compared to continuous reproduction of fish and lack of seasonal coupling in tropical lakes. Consequently, food webs regulation ranges along a gradient of situations with two extreme models: 1. a model with intense cascading (top-down) regulation and attenuation of bottom-up effects typical of oligo-mesotrophic temperate lakes, characterized by the dominance of piscivorous fish and large herbivorous zooplankton (Daphnia spp.), and 2. a model with intermediate regulation encountered in eutrophic temperate lakes and most of tropical lakes, characterized par the dominance of filter omnivorous fish and small size zooplankton. Our synthesis also emphasizes the importance of coupling experimental approches in mesocosms or whole-lake biomanipulation with long-term monitoring and modelisation to fully understand and predict the functionning of lake ecosystems over different spatial and temporal scale
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