5,930 research outputs found

    Weakly nonlinear subcritical instability of visco-elastic Poiseuille flow

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    It is well known that the Poiseuille flow of a visco-elastic polymer fluid between plates or through a tube is linearly stable in the zero Reynolds number limit, although the stability is weak for large Weissenberg numbers. In this paper we argue that recent experimental and theoretical work on the instability of visco-elastic fluids in Taylor-Couette cells and numerical work on channel flows suggest a scenario in which Poiseuille flow of visco-elastic polymer fluids exhibits a nonlinear "subcritical" instability due to normal stress effects, with a threshold which decreases for increasing Weissenberg number. This proposal is confirmed by an explicit weakly nonlinear stability analysis for Poiseuille flow of an UCM fluid. Our analysis yields explicit predictions for the critical amplitude of velocity perturbations beyond which the flow is nonlinearly unstable, and for the wavelength of the mode whose critical amplitude is smallest. The nonlinear instability sets in quite abruptly at Weissenberg numbers around 4 in the planar case and about 5.2 in the cylindrical case, so that for Weissenberg numbers somewhat larger than these values perturbations of the order of a few percent in the wall shear stress suffice to make the flow unstable. We have suggested elsewhere that this nonlinear instability could be an important intrinsic route to melt fracture and that preliminary experiments are both qualitatively and quantitatively in good agreement with these predictions.Comment: 20 pages, 16 figures. Accepted for publication in J. of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanic

    Molecular Motors Interacting with Their Own Tracks

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    Dynamics of molecular motors that move along linear lattices and interact with them via reversible destruction of specific lattice bonds is investigated theoretically by analyzing exactly solvable discrete-state ``burnt-bridge'' models. Molecular motors are viewed as diffusing particles that can asymmetrically break or rebuild periodically distributed weak links when passing over them. Our explicit calculations of dynamic properties show that coupling the transport of the unbiased molecular motor with the bridge-burning mechanism leads to a directed motion that lowers fluctuations and produces a dynamic transition in the limit of low concentration of weak links. Interaction between the backward biased molecular motor and the bridge-burning mechanism yields a complex dynamic behavior. For the reversible dissociation the backward motion of the molecular motor is slowed down. There is a change in the direction of the molecular motor's motion for some range of parameters. The molecular motor also experiences non-monotonic fluctuations due to the action of two opposing mechanisms: the reduced activity after the burned sites and locking of large fluctuations. Large spatial fluctuations are observed when two mechanisms are comparable. The properties of the molecular motor are different for the irreversible burning of bridges where the velocity and fluctuations are suppressed for some concentration range, and the dynamic transition is also observed. Dynamics of the system is discussed in terms of the effective driving forces and transitions between different diffusional regimes

    New and Old Results in Resultant Theory

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    Resultants are getting increasingly important in modern theoretical physics: they appear whenever one deals with non-linear (polynomial) equations, with non-quadratic forms or with non-Gaussian integrals. Being a subject of more than three-hundred-year research, resultants are of course rather well studied: a lot of explicit formulas, beautiful properties and intriguing relationships are known in this field. We present a brief overview of these results, including both recent and already classical. Emphasis is made on explicit formulas for resultants, which could be practically useful in a future physics research.Comment: 50 pages, 15 figure

    Phase behaviour of block copolymer melts with arbitrary architecture

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    The Leibler theory [L. Leibler, Macromolecules, v.13, 1602 (1980)] for microphase separation in AB block copolymer melts is generalized for systems with arbitrary topology of molecules. A diagrammatic technique for calculation of the monomeric correlation functions is developed. The free energies of various mesophases are calculated within the second-harmonic approximation. Model highly-branched tree-like structures are considered as an example and their phase diagrams are obtained. The topology of molecules is found to influence the spinodal temperature and asymmetry of the phase diagrams, but not the types of phases and their order. We suggest that all model AB block-copolymer systems will exhibit the typical phase behaviour.Comment: Submitted to J. Chem. Phys., see also http://rugmd4.chem.rug.nl/~morozov/research.htm

    Dualities in persistent (co)homology

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    We consider sequences of absolute and relative homology and cohomology groups that arise naturally for a filtered cell complex. We establish algebraic relationships between their persistence modules, and show that they contain equivalent information. We explain how one can use the existing algorithm for persistent homology to process any of the four modules, and relate it to a recently introduced persistent cohomology algorithm. We present experimental evidence for the practical efficiency of the latter algorithm.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures, submitted to the Inverse Problems special issue on Topological Data Analysi

    Some remarks on one-dimensional force-free Vlasov-Maxwell equilibria

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    The conditions for the existence of force-free non-relativistic translationally invariant one-dimensional (1D) Vlasov-Maxwell (VM) equilibria are investigated using general properties of the 1D VM equilibrium problem. As has been shown before, the 1D VM equilibrium equations are equivalent to the motion of a pseudo-particle in a conservative pseudo-potential, with the pseudo-potential being proportional to one of the diagonal components of the plasma pressure tensor. The basic equations are here derived in a different way to previous work. Based on this theoretical framework, a necessary condition on the pseudo-potential (plasma pressure) to allow for force-free 1D VM equilibria is formulated. It is shown that linear force-free 1D VM solutions, which so far are the only force-free 1D VM solutions known, correspond to the case where the pseudo-potential is an attractive central potential. A general class of distribution functions leading to central pseudo-potentials is discussed.Comment: Physics of Plasmas, accepte

    Continuum Limits of ``Induced QCD": Lessons of the Gaussian Model at d=1 and Beyond

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    We analyze the scalar field sector of the Kazakov--Migdal model of induced QCD. We present a detailed description of the simplest one dimensional {(dd==11)} model which supports the hypothesis of wide applicability of the mean--field approximation for the scalar fields and the existence of critical behaviour in the model when the scalar action is Gaussian. Despite the ocurrence of various non--trivial types of critical behaviour in the d=1d=1 model as N→∞N\rightarrow\infty, only the conventional large-NN limit is relevant for its {\it continuum} limit. We also give a mean--field analysis of the N=2N=2 model in {\it any} dd and show that a saddle point always exists in the region m2>mcrit2(=d)m^2>m_{\rm crit}^2(=d). In d=1d=1 it exhibits critical behaviour as m2→mcrit2m^2\rightarrow m_{\rm crit}^2. However when dd>>11 there is no critical behaviour unless non--Gaussian terms are added to the scalar field action. We argue that similar behaviour should occur for any finite NN thus providing a simple explanation of a recent result of D. Gross. We show that critical behaviour at dd>>11 and m2>mcrit2m^2>m^2_{\rm crit} can be obtained by adding a logarithmiclogarithmic term to the scalar potential. This is equivalent to a local modification of the integration measure in the original Kazakov--Migdal model. Experience from previous studies of the Generalized Kontsevich Model implies that, unlike the inclusion of higher powers in the potential, this minor modification should not substantially alter the behaviour of the Gaussian model.Comment: 31 page
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