60 research outputs found

    Development and research characteristics of digital shortwave transceiver

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    The results of research and development on the SDR (software defined radio) transceiver using direct analogue-digital conversion in the receiver and digital signal conditioning at the transmitter. Algorithms for signal generation and processing them at the receiving end are implemented in FPGA type XC7k325T (Xilinx).Experimental research has shown high quality transceiver sensitivity characteristics of selectivity for all types of noise and spurious. It found a number of features in the noise performance of the main elements of the transceiver: an analog- digital converter (LTC 2208) and a digital signal generator (AD9957).Представлены результаты разработки и исследования трансивера по технологии SDR (программно определяемое радио) с прямым аналого-цифровым преобразованием в приемнике и цифровым формированием сигналов в передатчике. Алгоритмы формирования сигналов и обработки их на приемной стороне реализованы в ПЛИС типа XC7k325T (Xilinx). Экспериментальное исследование трансивера показало высокое качество характеристик по чувствительности, избирательности по всем видам помех и побочным излучениям. Обнаружен ряд особенностей в шумовых характеристиках основных элементов трансивера: аналого-цифрового преобразователя (LTC 2208) и цифрового формирователя сигналов (AD9957)

    Study of a novel type of the optical modes in VCSELs

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    We study novel side-emitting modes in VCSEL microcavities. These modes correspond to π-shaped propagation along the mesa diameter, reflection from angled mesa walls and bottom Bragg reflector. We believe this study of π-modes is important for optimization of VCSEL design for improvement of efficiency

    Secure radio communication systems using encoded signal in time, frequency and phase

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    The original algorithm of transfer 8-bit digital data with use of signal, discretely-encoded in the timing, frequency and phase using the matrix of Costas and of Walsh functions, providing high reserve of work and security from broadband and narrow-band interferences is developed. The algorithms of generation and processing of signals on the receiving side is realized in FPGA of type XC7k325T (Xilinx).A radio communication system on the SDR technology (software defined radio) on the basis of the AD 9361 transceiver (Analog Devices).Разработан оригинальный алгоритм передачи 8-бит цифровых данных с использованием сигнала, дискретно-кодированного по времени, частоте и фазе с помощью матрицы Костаса и функций Уолша. Обеспечивается высокая скрытность работы и защищенность от широкополосных и узкополосных помех. Алгоритмы формирования сигналов и обработки их на приемной стороне реализованы в ПЛИС типа XC7k325T (Xilinx). Система радиосвязи реализована по технологии SDR (программно определяемое радио) на основе трансивера AD 9361 (Analog Devices)

    Сравнительный фармакоэкономический анализ иммуноонкологических лекарственных препаратов при метастатическом уротелиальном раке

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    Objective: to determine the economic and clinical consequences of using atezolizumab in metastatic urothelial cancer compared with pembrolizumab and nivolumab.Materials and methods. An assessment of the effectiveness and safety of medicines for urothelial cancer was carried out on the basis of a systematic search and review of clinical studies and an analysis of direct medical costs for medicines from public procurement in Moscow in 2019-2020 and information from official instructions for medical use.Results. Systematic search identifies 4, 4 and 7 clinical trials of nivolumab, pembrolizumab and atezolizumab, respectively, as well as 2 meta-analyses. The obtained data on the efficacy and safety did not allow us to identify greater or lesser effective options. Calculation of cost of three months therapy revealed that the cost of atezolizumab (935 thousand rubles) is 7 % lower vs. pembrolizumab (1 million rubles) and 18 % lower vs. nivolumab (1,136 million rubles). Thus, when using atezolizumab instead of pembrolizumab or atezolizumab, budget savings may occur, or allowing additional therapy to be provided to every 14th or every 6th patient, respectively within fixed budget.Conclusion. The use of atezolizumab in metastatic urothelial cancer led to budget savings or the possibility of additional treatment coverage with immuno-oncological therapy.Цель исследования - определить экономические и клинические последствия использования атезолизумаба при метастатическом уротелиальном раке по сравнению с пембролизумабом и ниволумабом.Материалы и методы. Проведены оценка эффективности и безопасности лекарственных препаратов при уротелиальном раке на основании систематического поиска и обзора клинических исследований и анализ прямых медицинских затрат на лекарственные средства в соответствии с данными о ценах на них в рамках государственных закупок в г. Москве в 2019-2020 гг. и информацией о режимах использования лекарственных препаратов из официальных инструкций по медицинскому применению.Результаты. В результате систематического поиска было отобрано 4, 4 и 7 клинических исследований эффективности ниволумаба, пембролизумаба и атезолизумаба соответственно, а также 2 метаанализа. Полученные сведения об эффективности и безопасности рассматриваемых лекарственных препаратов не позволили выделить лекарственные препараты с большим или меньшим влиянием на выживаемость. В результате расчета стоимости курса терапии (в расчете на 3 мес) выявлено, что стоимость терапии атезолизумабом (935 тыс. руб.) на 7 % ниже по сравнению со стоимостью терапии пембролизумабом (1 млн руб.) и на 18 % ниже по сравнению со стоимостью терапии ниволумабом (1,136 млн руб.). Таким образом, при применении атезолизумаба вместо пембролизумаба или ниво-лумаба может возникнуть экономия затрат бюджета, позволяющая обеспечить дополнительно терапией каждого 14-го или каждого 6-го пациента соответственно при условии фиксированного бюджета.Заключение. Применение атезолизумаба при метастатическом уротелиальном раке приводит к экономии затрат бюджета или к возможности дополнительно пролечить больных с использованием иммуноонкологической терапии

    Ademetionine treatment cost analysis of patients with intrahepatic cholestasis and non-alcoholic fatty disease

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    Relevance. Ademetionine is a hepatoprotective drug, is included in the  draft Russian clinical guidelines for the  diagnosis and treatment of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and in the  clinical guidelines for treating intrahepatic cholestasis (ITH), the cost analysis of treating patients with ITH and NAFLD is topical. Aim. The cost analysis of treatment with ademetionine for ITH and NAFLD in the Russian Federation. Methods. This clinical and economic analysis was conducted in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 57525–2017 and the methodological recommendations of the  Center for Expertise and Quality Control of Medical Care. At the  first stage, to determine the  structure and number of costs, a review of legal acts and publications on the  pharmacoeconomic analysis of clinical situations and drugs of interest in the  e-Library and ConsultantPlus databases was carried out. The  source of prices for medical services was the tariffs of the compulsory medical insurance system and data from the tariff agreement in Moscow within the framework of the compulsory medical insurance system, and in the absence of tariffs, the  prices for paid medical services. Prices for drugs were obtained from an open source — the  Russian Pharmaceutical Portal (Pharmindex.rf). In the  absence of data on the  cost structure, a survey of physicians conducted through a questionnaire. Results. Because of the literature review, 34 publications were found in the  e-Library database on the use of ademetionine in NAFLD and ITH. Additionally, outside the scope of the literature review, a study was found in 2011, which provides a comparative clinical and economic analysis of the  use of ademetionine (Heptral®) and essential phospholipids (Essentiale) in alcoholic liver damage and in infectious hepatitis. A review of legal acts in the  ConsultantPlus database initially identified 93 documents, of which 25 turned out to be irrelevant to the current purpose of the study, that is, they didn’t allow analyzing the costs of ademetionine therapy. Of the 20 identified standards of medical care, only 2 are devoted to diseases of the liver and biliary tract. Because of the analysis, it was revealed that the cost per case of NAFLD treatment in a round-the-clock hospital amounted to 24.6 thousand rubles; in a day hospital, the  cost per case of both NAFLD and ITH in adults amounted to 19.8 thousand rubles each. The average total cost of treating one patient during the year on an outpatient basis for NAFLD amounted to 65.3 thousand rubles, of which only 14.3 thousand rubles. covered by the compulsory medical insurance system, 16.9 thousand rubles outside the compulsory medical insurance system and 34.1 thousand rubles — drug costs. The average total costs for treating one patient during the year on an outpatient basis from ITH amounted to 65.4 thousand rubles, of which 23.9 thousand rubles. covered by the compulsory medical insurance system, 17.6 thousand rubles outside the compulsory medical insurance system and 23.9 thousand rubles — drug costs. Conclusion. Because of the study, the average costs for treating patients with NAFLD and ITH were calculated, which can later be used to conduct other types of pharmacoeconomic analysis

    Experimental studies of low-frequency acoustic fields in a shallow sea

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    The results of the studies of excitation and propagation of low-frequency acoustic fields in a shallow sea, which have been carried out at the IAP RAS for several years, are discussed. A novel equipment complex designed specially for these experiments and intended for the selective excitation and reception of waveguide modes is described. Examples of measurements of various characteristics of low-order mode acoustic signals are given, which demonstrate high efficiency of the applied equipment and measurement technique

    Wavefield control in multimode channels by the use of source arrays, with application to shallow-water sound

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    An intrinsic feature of the long-range signal propagation in random-inhomogeneous multimode waveguides is well known to be the signal loss and coherence degradation. These key factors are both dependent on the signal modal spectrum due to the fact that the signal-carrying modes essentially differ in their decay coefficients and effects on the signal fluctuations and the coherence length both in temporal and spatial domains (for a given distance from the source). Moreover, the output performance of signal processing against the nose background in such a scenario is also critical to the modal interference if this noise is intensive enough as is compared with the non-modal (for example, isotropic) ambient noise and/or sensor noise of the receiving system. In this article, we give a short overview of our recent research focused on the effective wavefield control in multimode channels by the use of source arrays, the amplitude-and-phase distributions of which vary to control the signal modal spectrum at the channel ‘input’. The field experiments have been realized in a typical shallow-water sound channel, and their results show the practical application of the approach presented