43 research outputs found

    Formal Solution of the Fourth Order Killing equations for Stationary Axisymmetric Vacuum Spacetimes

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    An analytic understanding of the geodesic structure around non-Kerr spacetimes will result in a powerful tool that could make the mapping of spacetime around massive quiescent compact objects possible. To this end, I present an analytic closed form expression for the components of a the fourth order Killing tensor for Stationary Axisymmetric Vacuum (SAV) Spacetimes. It is as yet unclear what subset of SAV spacetimes admit this solution. The solution is written in terms of an integral expression involving the metric functions and two specific Greens functions. A second integral expression has to vanish in order for the solution to be exact. In the event that the second integral does not vanish it is likely that the best fourth order approximation to the invariant has been found. This solution can be viewed as a generalized Carter constant providing an explicit expression for the fourth invariant, in addition to the energy, azimuthal angular momentum and rest mass, associated with geodesic motion in SAV spacetimes, be it exact or approximate. I further comment on the application of this result for the founding of a general algorithm for mapping the spacetime around compact objects using gravitational wave observatories.Comment: 5 Page

    Optimal laser-control of double quantum dots

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    Coherent single-electron control in a realistic semiconductor double quantum dot is studied theoretically. Using optimal-control theory we show that the energy spectrum of a two-dimensional double quantum dot has a fully controllable transition line. We find that optimized picosecond laser pulses generate population transfer at significantly higher fidelities (>0.99) than conventional sinusoidal pulses. Finally we design a robust and fast charge switch driven by optimal pulses that are within reach of terahertz laser technology.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Optimal control of circuit quantum electrodynamics in one and two dimensions

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    Optimal control can be used to significantly improve multi-qubit gates in quantum information processing hardware architectures based on superconducting circuit quantum electrodynamics. We apply this approach not only to dispersive gates of two qubits inside a cavity, but, more generally, to architectures based on two-dimensional arrays of cavities and qubits. For high-fidelity gate operations, simultaneous evolutions of controls and couplings in the two coupling dimensions of cavity grids are shown to be significantly faster than conventional sequential implementations. Even under experimentally realistic conditions speedups by a factor of three can be gained. The methods immediately scale to large grids and indirect gates between arbitrary pairs of qubits on the grid. They are anticipated to be paradigmatic for 2D arrays and lattices of controllable qubits.Comment: Published version

    Analytic Controllability of Time-Dependent Quantum Control Systems

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    The question of controllability is investigated for a quantum control system in which the Hamiltonian operator components carry explicit time dependence which is not under the control of an external agent. We consider the general situation in which the state moves in an infinite-dimensional Hilbert space, a drift term is present, and the operators driving the state evolution may be unbounded. However, considerations are restricted by the assumption that there exists an analytic domain, dense in the state space, on which solutions of the controlled Schrodinger equation may be expressed globally in exponential form. The issue of controllability then naturally focuses on the ability to steer the quantum state on a finite-dimensional submanifold of the unit sphere in Hilbert space -- and thus on analytic controllability. A relatively straightforward strategy allows the extension of Lie-algebraic conditions for strong analytic controllability derived earlier for the simpler, time-independent system in which the drift Hamiltonian and the interaction Hamiltonia have no intrinsic time dependence. Enlarging the state space by one dimension corresponding to the time variable, we construct an augmented control system that can be treated as time-independent. Methods developed by Kunita can then be implemented to establish controllability conditions for the one-dimension-reduced system defined by the original time-dependent Schrodinger control problem. The applicability of the resulting theorem is illustrated with selected examples.Comment: 13 page

    Optimal Control of One-Qubit Gates

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    We consider the problem of carrying an initial Bloch vector to a final Bloch vector in a specified amount of time under the action of three control fields (a vector control field). We show that this control problem is solvable and therefore it is possible to optimize the control. We choose the physically motivated criteria of minimum energy spent in the control, minimum magnitude of the rate of change of the control and a combination of both. We find exact analytical solutions.Comment: 5 page

    Control landscapes for two-level open quantum systems

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    A quantum control landscape is defined as the physical objective as a function of the control variables. In this paper the control landscapes for two-level open quantum systems, whose evolution is described by general completely positive trace preserving maps (i.e., Kraus maps), are investigated in details. The objective function, which is the expectation value of a target system operator, is defined on the Stiefel manifold representing the space of Kraus maps. Three practically important properties of the objective function are found: (a) the absence of local maxima or minima (i.e., false traps); (b) the existence of multi-dimensional sub-manifolds of optimal solutions corresponding to the global maximum and minimum; and (c) the connectivity of each level set. All of the critical values and their associated critical sub-manifolds are explicitly found for any initial system state. Away from the absolute extrema there are no local maxima or minima, and only saddles may exist, whose number and the explicit structure of the corresponding critical sub-manifolds are determined by the initial system state. There are no saddles for pure initial states, one saddle for a completely mixed initial state, and two saddles for other initial states. In general, the landscape analysis of critical points and optimal manifolds is relevant to the problem of explaining the relative ease of obtaining good optimal control outcomes in the laboratory, even in the presence of the environment.Comment: Minor editing and some references adde

    Thermodynamics of adiabatic feedback control

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    We study adaptive control of classical ergodic Hamiltonian systems, where the controlling parameter varies slowly in time and is influenced by system's state (feedback). An effective adiabatic description is obtained for slow variables of the system. A general limit on the feedback induced negative entropy production is uncovered. It relates the quickest negentropy production to fluctuations of the control Hamiltonian. The method deals efficiently with the entropy-information trade off.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figur

    Dynamical Decoupling of Open Quantum Systems

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    We propose a novel dynamical method for beating decoherence and dissipation in open quantum systems. We demonstrate the possibility of filtering out the effects of unwanted (not necessarily known) system-environment interactions and show that the noise-suppression procedure can be combined with the capability of retaining control over the effective dynamical evolution of the open quantum system. Implications for quantum information processing are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, no figures; Plain ReVTeX. Final version to appear in Physical Review Letter

    Explanation of the Gibbs paradox within the framework of quantum thermodynamics

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    The issue of the Gibbs paradox is that when considering mixing of two gases within classical thermodynamics, the entropy of mixing appears to be a discontinuous function of the difference between the gases: it is finite for whatever small difference, but vanishes for identical gases. The resolution offered in the literature, with help of quantum mixing entropy, was later shown to be unsatisfactory precisely where it sought to resolve the paradox. Macroscopic thermodynamics, classical or quantum, is unsuitable for explaining the paradox, since it does not deal explicitly with the difference between the gases. The proper approach employs quantum thermodynamics, which deals with finite quantum systems coupled to a large bath and a macroscopic work source. Within quantum thermodynamics, entropy generally looses its dominant place and the target of the paradox is naturally shifted to the decrease of the maximally available work before and after mixing (mixing ergotropy). In contrast to entropy this is an unambiguous quantity. For almost identical gases the mixing ergotropy continuously goes to zero, thus resolving the paradox. In this approach the concept of ``difference between the gases'' gets a clear operational meaning related to the possibilities of controlling the involved quantum states. Difficulties which prevent resolutions of the paradox in its entropic formulation do not arise here. The mixing ergotropy has several counter-intuitive features. It can increase when less precise operations are allowed. In the quantum situation (in contrast to the classical one) the mixing ergotropy can also increase when decreasing the degree of mixing between the gases, or when decreasing their distinguishability. These points go against a direct association of physical irreversibility with lack of information.Comment: Published version. New title. 17 pages Revte

    Effect of internal friction on transformation twin dynamics in SrxBa1-xSnO3 perovskite

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    The dynamics of transformation twins in SrxBa1-xSnO3 (x=0.6,0.8) perovskite has been studied by dynamical mechanical analysis in three-point bend geometry. This material undergoes phase transitions from orthorhombic to tetragonal and cubic structures on heating. The mechanical loss signatures of the transformation twins include relaxation and frequency-independent peaks in the orthorhombic and tetragonal phases, with no observed energy dissipation in the cubic phase. The macroscopic shape, orientation and relative displacements of twin walls have been calculated from bending and anisotropy energies. The mechanical loss angle and distribution of relaxation time are discussed in term of bending modes of domain walls.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figure