1,745 research outputs found

    Ground-state geometric quantum computing in superconducting systems

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    We present a theoretical proposal for the implementation of geometric quantum computing based on a Hamiltonian which has a doubly degenerate ground state. Thus the system which is steered adiabatically, remains in the ground-state. The proposed physical implementation relies on a superconducting circuit composed of three SQUIDs and two superconducting islands with the charge states encoding the logical states. We obtain a universal set of single-qubit gates and implement a non-trivial two-qubit gate exploiting the mutual inductance between two neighboring circuits, allowing us to realize a fully geometric ground-state quantum computing. The introduced paradigm for the implementation of geometric quantum computing is expected to be robust against environmental effects.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures. Final version with notation and typos correcte

    Optimal multiqubit operations for Josephson charge qubits

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    We introduce a method for finding the required control parameters for a quantum computer that yields the desired quantum algorithm without invoking elementary gates. We concentrate on the Josephson charge-qubit model, but the scenario is readily extended to other physical realizations. Our strategy is to numerically find any desired double- or triple-qubit gate. The motivation is the need to significantly accelerate quantum algorithms in order to fight decoherence.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Positive pion absorption on 3He using modern trinucleon wave functions

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    We study pion absorption on 3He employing trinucleon wave functions calculated from modern realistic NN interactions (Paris, CD Bonn). Even though the use of the new wave functions leads to a significant improvement over older calculations with regard to both cross section and polarization data, there are hints that polarization data with quasifree kinematics cannot be described by just two-nucleon absorption mechanisms.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure

    Exact solutions of the isoholonomic problem and the optimal control problem in holonomic quantum computation

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    The isoholonomic problem in a homogeneous bundle is formulated and solved exactly. The problem takes a form of a boundary value problem of a variational equation. The solution is applied to the optimal control problem in holonomic quantum computer. We provide a prescription to construct an optimal controller for an arbitrary unitary gate and apply it to a k k -dimensional unitary gate which operates on an N N -dimensional Hilbert space with N2k N \geq 2k . Our construction is applied to several important unitary gates such as the Hadamard gate, the CNOT gate, and the two-qubit discrete Fourier transformation gate. Controllers for these gates are explicitly constructed.Comment: 19 pages, no figures, LaTeX2

    Parity nonconserving two-pion exchange in elastic proton-proton scattering

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    Parity nonconserving two-pion exchange in elastic pp scattering is investigated in the presence of phenomenological strong distortions in various models. Parity violation is included in the nucleon-pion vertex considering NN and N Delta(1232) intermediate states in box and crossed box diagrams. Using the derived parity nonconserving two-pion exchange potential we calculate the longitudinal analyzing power A_L in elastic pppp scattering. The predicted effect is of the same order as vector meson exchanges.Comment: 13 pages, 8 eps figure

    Shot-noise-driven escape in hysteretic Josephson junctions

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    We have measured the influence of shot noise on hysteretic Josephson junctions initially in macroscopic quantum tunnelling (MQT) regime. Escape threshold current into the resistive state decreases monotonically with increasing average current through the scattering conductor, which is another tunnel junction. Escape is predominantly determined by excitation due to the wide-band shot noise. This process is equivalent to thermal activation (TA) over the barrier at temperatures up to about four times above the critical temperature of the superconductor. The presented TA model is in excellent agreement with the experimental results

    The Okun Misery Index in the European Union Countries from 2000 to 2009

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    The study is composed of four main parts and a summary. The first part, introduction, discusses various measures of the economic system's efficiency that are used in practice. Part two emphasises that the GDP per capita according to purchasing power parity still remains the most popular among those measures. Further, it presents the ranking of the European Union countries taking that measure into account, the research period being 1999-2009. Part three points out that it is also the level of poverty (misery) that determines the economic system's efficiency. That level can be measured by means of various indicators, among others, the so called HPI-2 index calculated by the UN. It will be the Okun misery index, however, computed as the sum of inflation and unemployment rates that will be presented as an alternative being of interest from the macroeconomic point of view. The ranking of the European Union member states according to that measure in the 2000-2004 and 2005-2009 periods will be provided in part four. The article will end in a summary containing synthetic conclusions drawn from earlier observations.Opracowanie składa się z czterech części zasadniczych i podsumowania. W punkcie pierwszym omówiono różnorodne mierniki sprawności systemu gospodarczego wykorzystywane w praktyce. W części drugiej podkreślono, iż nadal najpopularniejszym z nich jest PKB per capita według parytetu siły nabywczej. Zgodnie z tym miernikiem przedstawiono ranking państw Unii Europejskiej w latach 1999-2009. W punkcie trzecim podkreślono, że o sprawności systemu gospodarczego decyduje także poziom ubóstwa. Może być on mierzony różnymi wskaźnikami, m.in. tzw. indeksem HPI-2 obliczanym przez ONZ. Jako ciekawą z makroekonomicznego punktu widzenia alternatywę ukazano jednak miarę wskaźnika ubóstwa Okuna obliczanego poprzez zsumowanie stopy inflacji i stopy bezrobocia. Ranking państw Unii Europejskiej według tej miary w okresach 2000-2004 oraz 2005-2009 zaprezentowano w części czwartej. Całość zamknięto podsumowaniem, w którym zawarto syntetyczne wnioski z przeprowadzonych obserwacji

    Dynamical invariants for quantum control of four-level systems

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    We present a Lie-algebraic classification and detailed construction of the dynamical invariants, also known as Lewis-Riesenfeld invariants, of the four-level systems including two-qubit systems which are most relevant and sufficiently general for quantum control and computation. These invariants not only solve the time-dependent Schr\"odinger equation of four-level systems exactly but also enable the control, and hence quantum computation based on which, of four-level systems fast and beyond adiabatic regimes.Comment: 11 pages, 5 table

    Reconfigurable controlled two-qubit operation on a quantum photonic chip

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    Integrated quantum photonics is an appealing platform for quantum information processing, quantum communication and quantum metrology. In all these applications it is necessary not only to be able to create and detect Fock states of light but also to program the photonic circuits that implements some desired logical operation. Here we demonstrate a reconfigurable controlled two-qubit operation on a chip using a multiwaveguide interferometer with a tunable phase shifter. We find excellent agreement between theory and experiment, with a 0.98 \pm 0.02 average similarity between measured and ideal operations