310 research outputs found

    How large are present-day heat flux variations across the surface of Mars?

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    ©2016. American Geophysical UnionThe first in situ Martian heat flux measurement to be carried out by the InSight Discovery‐class mission will provide an important baseline to constrain the present‐day heat budget of the planet and, in turn, the thermochemical evolution of its interior. In this study, we estimate the magnitude of surface heat flux heterogeneities in order to assess how the heat flux at the InSight landing site relates to the average heat flux of Mars. To this end, we model the thermal evolution of Mars in a 3‐D spherical geometry and investigate the resulting surface spatial variations of heat flux at the present day. Our models assume a fixed crust with a variable thickness as inferred from gravity and topography data and with radiogenic heat sources as obtained from gamma ray measurements of the surface. We test several mantle parameters and show that the present‐day surface heat flux pattern is dominated by the imposed crustal structure. The largest surface heat flux peak‐to peak variations lie between 17.2 and 49.9 mW m−2, with the highest values being associated with the occurrence of prominent mantle plumes. However, strong spatial variations introduced by such plumes remain narrowly confined to a few geographical regions and are unlikely to bias the InSight heat flux measurement. We estimated that the average surface heat flux varies between 23.2 and 27.3 mW m−2, while at the InSight location it lies between 18.8 and 24.2 mW m−2. In most models, elastic lithosphere thickness values exceed 250 km at the north pole, while the south pole values lie well above 110 km

    Mercury's low‐degree geoid and topography controlled by insolation‐driven elastic deformation

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    ©2015. American Geophysical UnionMercury experiences an uneven insolation that leads to significant latitudinal and longitudinal variations of its surface temperature. These variations, which are predominantly of spherical harmonic degrees 2 and 4, propagate to depth, imposing a long‐wavelength thermal perturbation throughout the mantle. We computed the accompanying density distribution and used it to calculate the mechanical and gravitational response of a spherical elastic shell overlying a quasi‐hydrostatic mantle. We then compared the resulting geoid and surface deformation at degrees 2 and 4 with Mercury's geoid and topography derived from the MErcury, Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging spacecraft. More than 95% of the data can be accounted for if the thickness of the elastic lithosphere were between 110 and 180 km when the thermal anomaly was imposed. The obtained elastic thickness implies that Mercury became locked into its present 3:2 spin orbit resonance later than about 1 Gyr after planetary formation

    Present-day Mars' seismicity predicted from 3-D thermal evolution models of interior dynamics

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    ©2018. American Geophysical UnionThe Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport mission, to be launched in 2018, will perform a comprehensive geophysical investigation of Mars in situ. The Seismic Experiment for Interior Structure package aims to detect global and regional seismic events and in turn offer constraints on core size, crustal thickness, and core, mantle, and crustal composition. In this study, we estimate the present‐day amount and distribution of seismicity using 3‐D numerical thermal evolution models of Mars, taking into account contributions from convective stresses as well as from stresses associated with cooling and planetary contraction. Defining the seismogenic lithosphere by an isotherm and assuming two end‐member cases of 573 K and the 1073 K, we determine the seismogenic lithosphere thickness. Assuming a seismic efficiency between 0.025 and 1, this thickness is used to estimate the total annual seismic moment budget, and our models show values between 5.7 × 1016 and 3.9 × 1019 Nm

    The thermal state and interior structure of Mars

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    ©2018. American Geophysical UnionThe present‐day thermal state, interior structure, composition, and rheology of Mars can be constrained by comparing the results of thermal history calculations with geophysical, petrological, and geological observations. Using the largest‐to‐date set of 3‐D thermal evolution models, we find that a limited set of models can satisfy all available constraints simultaneously. These models require a core radius strictly larger than 1,800 km, a crust with an average thickness between 48.8 and 87.1 km containing more than half of the planet's bulk abundance of heat producing elements, and a dry mantle rheology. A strong pressure dependence of the viscosity leads to the formation of prominent mantle plumes producing melt underneath Tharsis up to the present time. Heat flow and core size estimates derived from the InSight (Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport) mission will increase the set of constraining data and help to confine the range of admissible models.DFG, 280637173, FOR 2440: Materie im Inneren von Planeten - Hochdruck-, Planeten- und Plasmaphysi

    The habitability of a stagnant-lid Earth

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    Plate tectonics is a fundamental component for the habitability of the Earth. Yet whether it is a recurrent feature of terrestrial bodies orbiting other stars or unique to the Earth is unknown. The stagnant lid may rather be the most common tectonic expression on such bodies. To understand whether a stagnant-lid planet can be habitable, i.e. host liquid water at its surface, we model the thermal evolution of the mantle, volcanic outgassing of H2_2O and CO2_2, and resulting climate of an Earth-like planet lacking plate tectonics. We used a 1D model of parameterized convection to simulate the evolution of melt generation and the build-up of an atmosphere of H2_2O and CO2_2 over 4.5 Gyr. We then employed a 1D radiative-convective atmosphere model to calculate the global mean atmospheric temperature and the boundaries of the habitable zone (HZ). The evolution of the interior is characterized by the initial production of a large amount of partial melt accompanied by a rapid outgassing of H2_2O and CO2_2. At 1 au, the obtained temperatures generally allow for liquid water on the surface nearly over the entire evolution. While the outer edge of the HZ is mostly influenced by the amount of outgassed CO2_2, the inner edge presents a more complex behaviour that is dependent on the partial pressures of both gases. At 1 au, the stagnant-lid planet considered would be regarded as habitable. The width of the HZ at the end of the evolution, albeit influenced by the amount of outgassed CO2_2, can vary in a non-monotonic way depending on the extent of the outgassed H2_2O reservoir. Our results suggest that stagnant-lid planets can be habitable over geological timescales and that joint modelling of interior evolution, volcanic outgassing, and accompanying climate is necessary to robustly characterize planetary habitability

    Sheet-like and plume-like thermal flow in a spherical convection experiment performed under microgravity

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    We introduce, in spherical geometry, experiments on electro-hydrodynamic driven Rayleigh-BĂ©nard convection that have been performed for both temperature-independent (‘GeoFlow I') and temperature-dependent fluid viscosity properties (‘GeoFlow II') with a measured viscosity contrast up to 1.5. To set up a self-gravitating force field, we use a high-voltage potential between the inner and outer boundaries and a dielectric insulating liquid; the experiments were performed under microgravity conditions on the International Space Station. We further run numerical simulations in three-dimensional spherical geometry to reproduce the results obtained in the ‘GeoFlow' experiments. We use Wollaston prism shearing interferometry for flow visualization - an optical method producing fringe pattern images. The flow patterns differ between our two experiments. In ‘GeoFlow I', we see a sheet-like thermal flow. In this case convection patterns have been successfully reproduced by three-dimensional numerical simulations using two different and independently developed codes. In contrast, in ‘GeoFlow II', we obtain plume-like structures. Interestingly, numerical simulations do not yield this type of solution for the low viscosity contrast realized in the experiment. However, using a viscosity contrast of two orders of magnitude or higher, we can reproduce the patterns obtained in the ‘GeoFlow II' experiment, from which we conclude that nonlinear effects shift the effective viscosity rati

    A multimeasure approach to investigating affective appraisal of social information in Williams syndrome

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    People with Williams syndrome (WS) have been consistently described as showing heightened sociability, gregariousness, and interest in people, in conjunction with an uneven cognitive profile and mild to moderate intellectual or learning disability. To explore the mechanisms underlying this unusual social–behavioral phenotype, we investigated whether individuals with WS show an atypical appraisal style and autonomic responsiveness to emotionally laden images with social or nonsocial content. Adolescents and adults with WS were compared to chronological age-matched and nonverbal mental age-matched groups in their responses to positive and negative images with or without social content, using measures of self-selected viewing time (SSVT), autonomic arousal reflected in pupil dilation measures, and likeability ratings. The participants with WS looked significantly longer at the social images compared to images without social content and had reduced arousal to the negative social images compared to the control groups. In contrast to the comparison groups, the explicit ratings of likeability in the WS group did not correlate with their SSVT; instead, they reflected an appraisal style of more extreme ratings. This distinctive pattern of viewing interest, likeability ratings, and autonomic arousal to images with social content in the WS group suggests that their heightened social drive may be related to atypical functioning of reward-related brain systems reflected in SSVT and autonomic reactivity measures, but not in explicit ratings

    Aplicacion del silicato tricalcico como una alternativa biocompatible.

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    El seleccionar un adecuado material para la obturación apical es un acto fundamental para la resolución de un caso con una lesión periapical persistente; los principales factores que deberå tener este material es su biocompatibilidad y el crear un sellado hermético para evitar filtración; deberå poseer capacidad para inducir osteogénesis y reparación, no desarrollar toxicidad, ser radiopaco y bacterioståtico. El Biodentine es un material recientemente introducido al mercado (2011), principalmente compuesto de silicato tricålcico. Es usado para tratamientos de reparación en corona y raíz, reparando perforaciones, resorciones, empleado para apexificaciones y como material de retroobturación; también puede ser utilizado como un sustituto de dentina en caries demasiado extensas.
