112 research outputs found

    Human body radiation wave analysis and classification for gender and body segments recognition / Siti Zura A. Jalil @ Zainuddin

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    This thesis presents a novel analysis and classification of human radiation wave for gender and body segments recognition. The human body has been shown to emit radiation into space surrounding their body. The research study frequency radiations at 23 points of the human body segregated into body segments of Chakra, Left, Right, Upper body, Torso, Arm and Lower body. Initially, the characteristics of frequency radiation are examined using statistical tools to find the correlations between variables. Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) is employed to compare the differences of frequency radiation characteristics between genders. Then, the classification algorithm of k-nearest neighbor (KNN) is employed to discriminate between genders, and between body segments. The classifiers are evaluated through analysis of the performance indicators applied in medical research of accuracy, precision, sensitivity and specificity in receiver operating characteristics (ROC) analysis. The findings obtained from this research show that the wave radiation characteristics of a male and a female human body are different. The proposed technique is able to distinguish gender and classify body segments, and it is justified using MANOVA statistical tests

    Human body radiation wave analysis and classification for gender and body segments recognition / Siti Zura A. Jalil @ Zainuddin

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    This thesis presents a novel analysis and classification of human radiation wave for gender and body segments recognition. The human body has been shown to emit radiation into space surrounding their body. The research study frequency radiations at 23 points of the human body segregated into body segments of Chakra, Left, Right, Upper body, Torso, Arm and Lower body. Initially, the characteristics of frequency radiation are examined using statistical tools to find the correlations between variables. Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) is employed to compare the differences of frequency radiation characteristics between genders. Then, the classification algorithm of A:-nearest neighbor (KNN) is employed to discriminate between genders, and between body segments. The classifiers are evaluated through analysis of the performance indicators applied in medical research of accuracy, precision, sensitivity and specificity in receiver operating characteristics (ROC) analysis. The findings obtained from this research show that the wave radiation characteristics of a male and a female human body are different. The proposed technique is able to distinguish gender and classify body segments, and it is justified using MANOVA statistical tests. The individual features of gender differences using analysis of variance forms a significant outcome on 13 points that are located close to the forehead, left and right side of abdomen, palms, arms, shoulders and head. In KNN classification, the outcomes for the classifiers are consistent with the MANOVA. For gender recognition, the classifiers have successfully differentiated male from female human body, and achieving a performance of 100% for accuracy, sensitivity and specificity. For body segment recognition, the classifiers are also able to distinguish between the body segments producing 100% accuracy in classifying of Chakra, Left and Right, whilst 93.75% accuracy is obtained in classifying of Upper body, Torso, Arm and Lower body. The sensitivity and specificity computed for body segment recognition are found to be more than 80% indicating a good classification performance. The outcomes of this study demonstrate that a male and a female human body, and also the different body segments, have different frequency radiation characteristics. The finding offers new opportunities in research and application based on human body radiation such as biometrics and surveillance systems

    Evaluación de la cariogenicidad de Actinomyces naeslundii, Streptococcus gordonii y Streptococcus mutans en un modelo de biofilm multiespecies

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    58 p.Objetivo: La formación de biopelículas y cariogenicidad difieren mucho entre las distintas especies que pueblan el biofilm oral. Estas bacterias también pueden competir para prevalecer durante el desarrollo del biofilm. La mayoría de los estudios sobre el metabolismo de los hidratos de carbono por las bacterias cariogénicas se han llevado a cabo usando biofilm monoespecies o duales. El modelo de biofilms con más de dos especies es escasamente reportado y sólo unos pocos informes han abordado esta cuestión. Por lo tanto, el propósito de este estudio fue determinar la cariogenicidad sobre el esmalte de A. naeslundii, S. gordonii, y S. mutans después que ellos formaron parte de un modelo de biopelícula multiespecies. Materiales y Métodos: Biofilms de A. naeslundii ATCC12104, S. gordonii ATCC35105 y S. mutans UA159 y las tres especies juntas fueron cultivados, sobre bloques de esmalte bovino y crecidos en caldo de cultivo triptona-extracto de levadura ultrapurificado (UYTEB) con glucosa al 1% a 37ºC y 10% CO2, durante 4 días. Ocho veces al día los biofilms fueron expuestos a 10% de sacarosa. El pH de los medios de cultivo se determinó 2 veces por día. En el día 5 los biofilms fueron colectados para la evaluación de: a) biomasa de biofilms (viabilidad bacteriana, peso húmedo), b) concentración extracelular de polisacáridos solubles e insolubles, c) concentración de polisacáridos intracelulares, d) observación de las biopelículas mediante microscopía electrónica de barrido y microscopía confocal. La desmineralización de los bloques dentarios fue estimada por el porcentaje de pérdida de microdureza superficial (%PDS). Los resultados se compararon entre biofilms monospecies y multiespecies a un nivel de significación del 95%. Resultados: S. mutans solo fue más acidogénica (pH a 82 h: 4,41 ± 0,10, n= 6), mostrando una mayor concentración de polisacáridos extracelulares insolubles (15,8 ± 6,1, n=6) e induciendo más %PDS en el esmalte (45,3 ± 4,8, n= 6) que las otras especies que crecen en biofilms monoespecies, pero también del multiespecies. Conclusiones: Los datos sugieren que cariogenicidad de S. mutans se ve obstaculizada cuando crece junto con S. gordonii y A. naeslundii en una biopelícula multiespecífica. Palabras clave: Biofilm multiespecies, A. naeslundii, S. gordonii, S. mutans, cariogenicidad, sacarosa./ABSTRACT: Assessment of the cariogenicity of Actinomyces naeslundii, Streptococcus gordonii and Streptococcus mutans on a multispecies biofilm model. Objective: Biofilm formation and cariogenicity greatly differ among the various species populating the oral biofilm. These bacteria can also compete to prevail during the development of the biofilm. Studies dealing with the metabolism of carbohydrates by cariogenic bacteria have mostly carried out using mono or dual-species biofilms. Modeling using more than two species is scarce and only few reports have addresses this issue. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine cariogenicity on enamel of A. naeslundii, S. gordonii, and S. mutans after when they are forming part of a multispecies biofilm model. Materials and Methods: Biofilms of A. naeslundii ATCC12104, S. gordonii ATCC35105 and S. mutans UA159 by separate and together were grown on bovine enamel slabs into tryptone-yeast extract ultrapurified (UYTEB) growth medium, supplemented with 1% glucose at 37°C and 10% CO2 for 4 days. Eight times a day biofilms were exposed to 10% sucrose. The pH of the culture media was determined twice per day. On day 5, biofilms were collected for assessment of: a) biofilms biomass (bacterial viability, wet weight), b) extracellular concentration of soluble and insoluble polysaccharides, c) concentration of intracellular polysaccharides and d) observation of the biofilms by SEM and confocal microscopy. Demineralization of the slabs was estimated by the percentage of surface microhardness loss (%SHL). Results were compared between monospecies and multispecies biofilms at a level of 95% of significance. Results: S. mutans alone was more acidogenic (pH at 82 h: 4.41±0.10, n=6), showing higher concentration of insoluble extracellular polysaccharides (15.8±6.1, n=6) and inducing more %SHL in enamel (45.3±4.8, n=6) than the other species growing in monoespecies, but also than the multispecies. Conclusions: Data suggest that cariogenicity of S. mutans is hampered when it grows along with S. gordonii and A. naeslundii in a multispecies biofilm. Keywords: Multispecies biofilm, S. gordonii, S. mutans, A. naeslundii, carcinogenicity, sucrose


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    El campo del derecho constitucional y de la participación ciudadana en la sociedad, se abordó un análisis que permita la resignificación del correcto uso del Sumak Kawsay como principio, valor o regla. El Sumak Kawsay o Buen Vivir tanto desde la cosmovisión andina desde el aparataje de la política pública es una forma de vida que está construida desde la igualdad y la justicia social, que permite entender al ser humano como centro de la relación con el resto de sus congéneres y con la naturaleza. Esta cosmovisión ancestral en el Ecuador fue elevada a rango constitucional y se empieza a desarrollar en planes y políticas públicas, sin embargo, es importante dotarle de un mayor contenido para efectivizar su implementación y tutela. El derecho como tal está formado por principios, valores y reglas. El derecho indígena ancestral, todo en su conjunto es un derecho. Pero este no es un derecho escrito, sino un derecho consuetudinario y actualmente ha tenido que convivir con un pluralismo jurídico. Es así como el derecho indígena principalmente está integrado por principios que son de aplicación directa, por lo que requiere un conocimiento profundo de todos los actores sociales para que no haya una discrecionalidad en la aplicación de estos principios, y además se le proveerá de eficacia y eficiencia normativa. Todos esos principios tienen un carácter axiológico altísimo que lo lleva implícito el Sumak Kawsay y el Estado debe garantizar por medio de leyes y políticas públicas su correcta implementación y tutela

    Kualitas Karkas (Berat Karkas, Persentase Karkas Dan Lemak Abdomen) Ayam Broiler yang Diberi Kombinasi CPO (Crude Palm Oil) dan Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) dalam Ransum sebagai Anti Stress

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    The research was conducted to determine the effect of CPO (Crude Palm Oil) and Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) combination in the diet as an anti stress on broilers carcass and abdominal fat of broilers. The research was carried out in the poultry housing at UPT of Animal Science Faculty, Andalas University Padang for 42 days and 100 unsex broiler were used. The method of this research was an experiment with completely randomized design with 5 treatments and 4 replications. Replicates each consisting of 5 broilers were placed in a cage with a group size of 75 x 60 x 60cm. Results of analysis of variance showed that the combination treatment CPO and Vitamin C significantly (P0.05). In this research the best trends CPO 3% and Vitamin C 500 ppm in the ration

    Statistical feature analysis of EEG signals for calmness index establishment

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    Electroencephalographic (EEG) signals are very closely related to psychophysiological. The EEG signals displayed few responses which can be categorized. This article discussed the use of statistics over the EEG features which confirm the different mental characteristics. Two different type of stimulus was given named as relaxed state and non-relaxed state. Asymmetry index was computed as the EEG features via the alpha waves and was extracted during the relaxed state and the non-relaxed state. The EEG features were clustered to a group of three, four and five using Fuzzy C-Means. During the relaxed state, the alpha wave showed a higher response as compared to the non-relaxed state. This is observed by using the mean relative energy between the relaxed state and non-relaxed state. To ensure which EEG features in the clusters showed a significant difference, p < .05, a statistical test was used. Wilcoxon Signed Ranks test is the best-statistical test to verify the selected clusters as it is suitable to analyze the small sample of data. Wilcoxon Signed Ranks test used a hypothesis testing which using the same method as paired sample t-test. The advantage in using Wilcoxon Signed Ranks test is that, it uses the median to get the difference between two samples of data. Analytical results showed that the data features of four clusters and three clusters give a significant difference, thus the obtained results can be used to further up the study. The Wilcoxon Signed Ranks test results confirmed that the proposed technique has potential in establishing the calmness index

    Identification of Risk Factors for Scoliosis in Elementary School Children Using Machine Learning

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    Scoliosis is an abnormal curvature of the spine and often diagnosed in childhood or early adolescence. In this study, the risk factors for scoliosis in elementary school children is investigate based on age, backpack weight and gender. There are 260 children participated in this study from aged 7 up to 12 years old. Scoliometer is used to measure the angle of trunk rotation (ATR) on Adam Forward Bending Test. Statistical analysis of analysis of variance (ANOVA) is used to determine the characteristic difference of ATR readings on the risk factors for scoliosis. Significant results with P-value less than 0.001 are found among ATR readings on a linear combination of risk factors for scoliosis of age and backpack weight. Then, the risk factors for scoliosis are classified among elementary school children using Decision Tree and K-Nearest Neighbor. The classification results shown that both Decision Tree method produced highest classification percentage up to 98.08%. This finding indicates that age and backpack weight are significant as the risk factors for scoliosis

    Identification of Risk Factors for Scoliosis in Elementary School Children Using Machine Learning

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    Scoliosis is an abnormal curvature of the spine and often diagnosed in childhood or early adolescence. In this study, the risk factors for scoliosis in elementary school children is investigate based on age, backpack weight and gender. There are 260 children participated in this study from aged 7 up to 12 years old. Scoliometer is used to measure the angle of trunk rotation (ATR) on Adam Forward Bending Test. Statistical analysis of analysis of variance (ANOVA) is used to determine the characteristic difference of ATR readings on the risk factors for scoliosis. Significant results with P-value less than 0.001 are found among ATR readings on a linear combination of risk factors for scoliosis of age and backpack weight. Then, the risk factors for scoliosis are classified among elementary school children using Decision Tree and K-Nearest Neighbor. The classification results shown that both Decision Tree method produced highest classification percentage up to 98.08%. This finding indicates that age and backpack weight are significant as the risk factors for scoliosis