109 research outputs found

    Effect of local Coulomb interaction on Majorana corner modes: weak and strong correlation limits

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    Here we present an analysis of the evolution of Majorana corner modes realizing in a higher-order topological superconductor (HOTSC) on a square lattice under the influence of local Coulomb repulsion. The HOTSC spectral properties were considered in two regimes: when the intensities of many-body interactions are either weak or strong. The weak regime was studied using the mean-field approximation with self-consistent solutions carried out both in the uniform case and taking into account of the boundary of the finite square-shaped system. It is shown that in the uniform case the topologically nontrivial phase on the phase diagram is widened by the Coulomb repulsion. The boundary effect, resulting in an inhomogeneous spatial distribution of the correlators, leads to the appearance of the crossover from the symmetric spin-independent solution to the spin-dependent one characterized by a spontaneously broken symmetry. In the former the corner states have energies that are determined by the overlap of the excitation wave functions localized at the different corners. In the latter the corner excitation energy is defined by the Coulomb repulsion intensity with a quadratic law. The crossover is a finite size effect, i.e. the larger the system the lesser the critical value of the Coulomb repulsion. In the strong repulsion regime we derive the effective HOTSC Hamiltonian in the atomic representation and found a rich variety of interactions induced by virtual processes between the lower and upper Hubbard subbands. It is shown that Majorana corner modes still can be realized in the limit of the infinite repulsion. Although the boundaries of the topologically nontrivial phase are strongly renormalized by Hubbard corrections.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure

    Міграційні установки білоруської молоді

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    Приводятся результаты социологического исследования миграционных установок белорусской вузовской молодежи. Показывается связь миграционных установок с социально-экономической ситуацией на национальном рынке труда и в сопредельных странах. Анализируются гендерные особенности миграционных установок.The results of sociological studies of migration orientations of the Belarusian high school youth are outlined. The relationship of migration systems with the socio-economic situation on the domestic labor market and in neighboring countries is shown. The genderspecific E-grace installations are analyzed. The analysis is focused on the development of methodology and methods for assessment of the migration potential, taking into account the quantitative parameters, psychogenetic and other characteristics. It serves as a basis in the study of possible measures of realization of migration potential in ethnically different countries in relation to their specific political, socio-economic and other situations. The objective determines, first, innovative character of the study, and secondly, is of practical importance for prospects of state policy in the field of migration relations. The influence of international and internal migration at demographic development of Belarus is regarded. The conclusion about the growth of migration impact on the depopulation processes in Belarus has made. It was revealed that the young generation of Belarus is potentially focused on emigration — more than two-thirds of respondents. Two main areas of emigration to far foreign countries and countries independent states are identified. Moreover, on thecountries independent states orients 2.7 times more respondents than on close for respondents Russian socio-cultural space. Ukrainian labor market for citizens of Belarus does not represent a significant interest, as well as the rest of the labor markets of the CIS, except Russia. The study identified such trend: the less real familiar with the country of the future of immigration are possible emigrants, the higher is the score of its attractive less on the contrary. The greater is the proportion of previously visited these countries, the lower is the rating of attractiveness of the living conditions there. Anti-migration potential is represented by one-fifth of respondents. It was found that such migration orientation is primarily associated with the Belarusian labor market crisis. Contradictory nature of the various types of migration for the Republic of Belarus has been shown.Наведено результати соціологічного дослідження міграційних установок білоруської вузівської молоді. Виявлено зв’язок міграційних установок із соціально-економічною ситуацією на національному ринку праці і в суміжних країнах. Аналізуються гендерні особливості міграційних установок

    Reproductive Attitudes and Prospects of Demographic Development of Belarus

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    The article considers the problems of demographic development and, above all, the reproductive processes observed in the Republic of Belarus. The results of the population census of the Republic of Belarus in 2019 are analysed. The interpretation of the census data on reproductive attitudes of Belarusian women is presented. The conclusions are made about the role of the subjective factor in demographic processes and the importance of the active demographic policy of the state. It is noted that the modern social demographic policy in Belarus has ceased to be state, but is aimed at solving departmental interests.Статья посвящена анализу проблем демографического развития, и прежде всего — состоянию репродуктивных процессов в Республике Беларусь. Анализируются результаты переписи населения Республики Беларусь 2019 г. Дана интерпретация данных переписи о репродуктивных установках белорусских женщин. Сделан вывод о роли субъективного фактора в демографических процессах и значимости активной демографической политики государства. Отмечается, что современная социальная демографическая политика в Беларуси перестала быть государственной, а направлена на решение ведомственных интересов

    Belarus as a Donor of Russian Migration

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    The magnitudes and trends of the Belarusian labour migration on the labour market of Russia are analyzes. The characteristic of regional directions of Belarusian-Russian migration is given. The consequences of labor migration for the economy and demographic development of Belarus and Russia are considered.Анализируются масштабы и тенденции белорусской трудовой миграции на рынке труда России. Дается характеристика региональных направлений белорусско-российской миграции. Рассматриваются последствия трудовой миграции для экономики и демографического развития Беларуси и России

    On single and double soft behaviors in NLSM

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    In this paper, we study the single and double soft behaviors of tree level off-shell currents and on-shell amplitudes in nonlinear sigma model(NLSM). We first propose and prove the leading soft behavior of the tree level currents with a single soft particle. In the on-shell limit, this single soft emission becomes the Adler's zero. Then we establish the leading and sub-leading soft behaviors of tree level currents with two adjacent soft particles. With a careful analysis of the on-shell limit, we obtain the double soft behaviors of on-shell amplitudes where the two soft particles are adjacent to each other. By applying Kleiss-Kuijf (KK) relation, we further obtain the leading and sub-leading behaviors of amplitudes with two nonadjacent soft particles.Comment: 41 pages, 6 tables, 9 figures, minor revised, more content about nonadjacent double soft limit, update the reference

    Влияние комплекса хитозан-ß-циклодекстрин с левофлоксацином на микрофлору ран и толстого кишечника осетра

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    The authors in the article presented the results of determining the effectiveness of using the chitosan-ß-cyclodextrin complex with levofloxacin in the healing of mechanical wounds of valuable commercial fish sturgeons and their feeding. The experiment was conducted based on the “Progressive biotechnologies in aquaculture” research laboratory of the Saratov State University of Genetics, Biotechnology and Engineering. N.I. Vavilov. The microflora of incised wounds and the large intestine of sturgeon fingerlings under the influence of fluoroquinolone, represented by levofloxacin based on cyclodextrin, included in the shell of high-molecular chitosan, was studied. The studied microbiological indicators were chosen to determine that changes in the total number of microorganisms show the nature of the course of the inflammatory/pathological process, which contributes to the development of microorganisms (including opportunistic pathogens) and lactic acid bacteria in the intestine. Therefore, they are essential physiological indicators of the formation of “ intestinal immunity. It was found that the use of cyclodextrin with levofloxacin in the treatment of incised wounds in sturgeons leads to a significant decrease in the total microbial number (TMC) on their surface (by 10 thousand times compared to the group without treatment). It has been shown that using cyclodextrin with levofloxacin in feeding sturgeons reduces the total microbial number in the large intestine. This complex is characterised by good solubility and bioavailability for fish. The future study results can be used in aquaculture to treat mechanical injuries received during transportation and sorting in the rearing process in fish.Представлены результаты определения эффективности применения комплекса хитозан-ß-циклодекстрин с левофлоксацином в заживлении механических ран ценных промысловых рыб – осетров и их кормлении. Эксперимент проводили на базе научно-исследовательской лаборатории «Прогрессивные биотехнологии в аквакультуре» Саратовского государственного университета генетики, биотехнологии и инженерии им. Н.И. Вавилова. Исследовалась микрофлора резаных ран и толстого кишечника сеголетков осетров под действием фторхинолона, представленного левофлоксацином на основе циклодекстрина, включенного в оболочку высокомолекулярного хитозана. Исследуемые микробиологические показатели были выбраны для определения на том основании, что изменения общего количества микроорганизмов показывают характер течения воспалительного/патологического процесса, способствующего развитию микроорганизмов (в т.ч. условно-патогенных) и молочнокислых бактерий в кишечнике, поэтому являются важными физиологическими показателями формирования «кишечного иммунитета». Было обнаружено, что применение при лечении резаных ран у осетров циклодекстрина с левофлоксацином приводит к значительному уменьшению общего микробного числа (ОМЧ) на их поверхности (в 10 тыс. раз по сравнению с группой без лечения). Показано, что использование в кормлении осетров циклодекстрина с левофлоксацином также снижает общее микробное число в толстом кишечнике. Данный комплекс характеризуется хорошей растворимостью и биодоступностью для рыб. Результаты исследования в перспективе могут найти применение в аквакультуре при лечении механических травм, полученных при перевозке и сортировке в процессе выращивания, у рыб