10 research outputs found

    Right radical hemicolectomy secondary to cecal appendix mucocele: case report

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    The cecal appendix mucocele is considered a cystic dilation of obstructive etiology that produces an accumulation of mucoid substance. It may be of benign or malignant origin. 50-year-old female, with no significant personal pathological history, presents with repetitive clinical symptoms of abdominal pain, similar to the process of acute appendicitis, without systemic inflammatory response data, which improves with analgesic management, is protocolized by laboratory studies and imaging, diagnosing appendicular tumor, so it is protocolized for surgical resolution, during which it is decided to do right hemicolectomy due to the macroscopic features of ascending colon. The clinical course and prognosis of mucinous appendicular lesions are closely related to their histology and the presence and extent of peritoneal dissemination. With a survival of 91 to 100% after a conventional appendectomy. The cecal appendix mucocele is considered a benign neoplasm; with good survival provided it is diagnosed in time and an appropriate surgical approach is performed; in our case fortunately it could be protocolized correctly; perform a surgical resection with free edges of oncological cells confirmed by histopathology, so our patient could be discharged from the service being free of oncological pathology at this time

    Arabidopsis Plasmodesmal Proteome

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    The multicellular nature of plants requires that cells should communicate in order to coordinate essential functions. This is achieved in part by molecular flux through pores in the cell wall, called plasmodesmata. We describe the proteomic analysis of plasmodesmata purified from the walls of Arabidopsis suspension cells. Isolated plasmodesmata were seen as membrane-rich structures largely devoid of immunoreactive markers for the plasma membrane, endoplasmic reticulum and cytoplasmic components. Using nano-liquid chromatography and an Orbitrap ion-trap tandem mass spectrometer, 1341 proteins were identified. We refer to this list as the plasmodesmata- or PD-proteome. Relative to other cell wall proteomes, the PD-proteome is depleted in wall proteins and enriched for membrane proteins, but still has a significant number (35%) of putative cytoplasmic contaminants, probably reflecting the sensitivity of the proteomic detection system. To validate the PD-proteome we searched for known plasmodesmal proteins and used molecular and cell biological techniques to identify novel putative plasmodesmal proteins from a small subset of candidates. The PD-proteome contained known plasmodesmal proteins and some inferred plasmodesmal proteins, based upon sequence or functional homology with examples identified in different plant systems. Many of these had a membrane association reflecting the membranous nature of isolated structures. Exploiting this connection we analysed a sample of the abundant receptor-like class of membrane proteins and a small random selection of other membrane proteins for their ability to target plasmodesmata as fluorescently-tagged fusion proteins. From 15 candidates we identified three receptor-like kinases, a tetraspanin and a protein of unknown function as novel potential plasmodesmal proteins. Together with published work, these data suggest that the membranous elements in plasmodesmata may be rich in receptor-like functions, and they validate the content of the PD-proteome as a valuable resource for the further uncovering of the structure and function of plasmodesmata as key components in cell-to-cell communication in plants

    Ocupación e identidad social en personas en situación de calle de la ciudad de Punta Arenas

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    The current paradigm of Occupational Therapy, is part of "being and doing" of individuals facing situations of threat or harm to their occupational performance. Moreover, the street tends to progressively gain importance, guiding the daily lives of people and their personal and social relationships. Through a qualitative, descriptive and phenomenological study, it aims to analyze the narrative of People in situation streets. (SS) of the city of Punta Arenasand identify these elements relating to the Occupation. The group study consisted of eight people in street situations of the city of Punta Arenas. The main findings evidenced are related to occupations, in which it could be identified the work activity performed in the past and the "macheteo" as a significant occupation nowadays, In relation to the familiar context, it is possible to see problems related to alcohol and violence. These actions provoked this bad situation, and not being solved allowed maladaptive patterns which interfere significantly on intrinsic motivation, due to it is not enough to create a change in adittion to have high aspirations regarding their real condition, such as the interest of a stable work with the purpose of achieving stability, acquire a own house and improve their quality of life.El paradigma actual de la Terapia Ocupacional, se enmarca en “el ser y el hacer” de los individuos que enfrentan situaciones de amenaza o daño en su desempeño ocupacional.Por otra parte, la calle tiende a ganar progresivamente importancia, guiando las vidas cotidianas de las personas, así como sus relaciones personales y sociales. A través de un estudio cualitativo, descriptivo y fenomenológico, se tiene como objetivo analizar la narrativa de las personas en situación de calle (PsC) de la ciudad de Punta Arenase identificar en ellas elementos relativos a la ocupación. El colectivo de estudio estuvo compuesto por ocho personas en situación de calle de la ciudad de Punta Arenas. Los principales hallazgos que se evidencia están relacionados a las ocupaciones, en las cuales se pudo identificar la actividad laboral realizada en el pasado y el “macheteo” como una ocupación significativa en la actualidad, en cuanto al contexto familiar destacan problemas relacionados al consumo de alcohol y violencia, los cuales desencadenaron dicha situación y al no estar resueltos permitieron repetir patrones desadaptativos los cuales interfieren significativamente en la motivación intrínseca, ya que no es la suficiente para generar el cambio y presentan aspiraciones bastantes altas con respecto a su condición actual, como el interés de un trabajo estable con el propósito de lograr estabilidad, adquirir una vivienda propia y mejorar su calidad de vida


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    The current paradigm of Occupational Therapy, is part of "being and doing" of individuals facing situations of threat or harm to their occupational performance. Moreover, the street tends to progressively gain importance, guiding the daily lives of people and their personal and social relationships. Through a qualitative, descriptive and phenomenological study, it aims to analyze the narrative of People in situation streets. (SS) of the city of Punta Arenasand identify these elements relating to the Occupation. The group study consisted of eight people in street situations of the city of Punta Arenas. The main findings evidenced are related to occupations, in which it could be identified the work activity performed in the past and the "macheteo" as a significant occupation nowadays, In relation to the familiar context, it is possible to see problems related to alcohol and violence. These actions provoked this bad situation, and not being solved allowed maladaptive patterns which interfere significantly on intrinsic motivation, due to it is not enough to create a change in adittion to have high aspirations regarding their real condition, such as the interest of a stable work with the purpose of achieving stability, acquire a own house and improve their quality of life.El paradigma actual de la Terapia Ocupacional, se enmarca en “el ser y el hacer” de los individuos que enfrentan situaciones de amenaza o daño en su desempeño ocupacional.Por otra parte, la calle tiende a ganar progresivamente importancia, guiando las vidas cotidianas de las personas, así como sus relaciones personales y sociales. A través de un estudio cualitativo, descriptivo y fenomenológico, se tiene como objetivo analizar la narrativa de las personas en situación de calle (PsC) de la ciudad de Punta Arenase identificar en ellas elementos relativos a la ocupación. El colectivo de estudio estuvo compuesto por ocho personas en situación de calle de la ciudad de Punta Arenas. Los principales hallazgos que se evidencia están relacionados a las ocupaciones, en las cuales se pudo identificar la actividad laboral realizada en el pasado y el “macheteo” como una ocupación significativa en la actualidad, en cuanto al contexto familiar destacan problemas relacionados al consumo de alcohol y violencia, los cuales desencadenaron dicha situación y al no estar resueltos permitieron repetir patrones desadaptativos los cuales interfieren significativamente en la motivación intrínseca, ya que no es la suficiente para generar el cambio y presentan aspiraciones bastantes altas con respecto a su condición actual, como el interés de un trabajo estable con el propósito de lograr estabilidad, adquirir una vivienda propia y mejorar su calidad de vida

    Enhancing climate change resilience in agricultural crops

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    Climate change threatens global food and nutritional security through negative effects on crop growth and agricultural productivity. Many countries have adopted ambitious climate change mitigation and adaptation targets that will exacerbate the problem, as they require significant changes in current agri-food systems. In this review, we provide a roadmap for improved crop production that encompasses the effective transfer of current knowledge into plant breeding and crop management strategies that will underpin sustainable agriculture intensification and climate resilience. We identify the main problem areas and highlight outstanding questions and potential solutions that can be applied to mitigate the impacts of climate change on crop growth and productivity. Although translation of scientific advances into crop production lags far behind current scientific knowledge and technology, we consider that a holistic approach, combining disciplines in collaborative efforts, can drive better connections between research, policy, and the needs of society

    How to build an effective research network: lessons from two decades of the GARNet plant science community

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    Successful collaborative research is dependent on excellent ideas and innovative experimental approaches as well as the provision of appropriate support networks. Collaboration requires venues, infrastructures, training facilities and, perhaps most importantly, a sustained commitment to working together as a community. These activities do not occur without significant effort yet can be facilitated and overseen by the leadership of a research network that has a clearly defined role to help build resources for their community. Over the past twenty years, this is a role that the UKRI-BBSRC funded GARNet network has played in the support of the UK curiosity-driven, discovery-led plant science research community. This article reviews the lessons learnt by GARNet in the hope that they can inform the practical implementation of current and future research network