167 research outputs found

    Conformal metrics and true "gradient flows" for curves

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    We wish to endow the manifold M of smooth curves in Rn with a Riemannian metric that allows us to treat continuous morphs (homotopies) between two curves c0 and c1 as trajectories with computable lengths which are independent of the parameterization or representation of the two curves (and the curves making up the morph between them). We may then define the distance between the two curves using the trajectory of minimal length (geodesic) between them, assuming such a minimizing trajectory exists. At first we attempt to utilize the metric structure implied rather unanimously by the past twenty years or so of shape optimization literature in computer vision. This metric arises as the unique metric which validates the common references to a wide variety of contour evolution models in the literature as "gradient flows" to various formulated energy functionals. Surprisingly, this implied metric yields a pathological and useless notion of distance between curves. In this paper, we show how this metric can be minimally modified using conformal factors that depend upon a curve's total arclength. A nice property of these new conformal metrics is that all active contour models that have been called "gradient flows" in the past will constitute true gradient flows with respect to these new metrics under specific time reparameterizations

    Anti-Arthritic and Anti-Cancer Activities of Polyphenols: A Review of the Most Recent In Vitro Assays

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    Polyphenols have gained widespread attention as they are effective in the prevention and management of various diseases, including cancer diseases (CD) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA). They are natural organic substances present in fruits, vegetables, and spices. Polyphenols interact with various kinds of receptors and membranes. They modulate different signal cascades and interact with the enzymes responsible for CD and RA. These interactions involve cellular machinery, from cell membranes to major nuclear components, and provide information on their beneficial effects on health. These actions provide evidence for their pharmaceutical exploitation in the treatment of CD and RA. In this review, we discuss different pathways, modulated by polyphenols, which are involved in CD and RA. A search of the most recent relevant publications was carried out with the following criteria: publication date, 2012-2022; language, English; study design, in vitro; and the investigation of polyphenols present in extra virgin olive, grapes, and spices in the context of RA and CD, including, when available, the underlying molecular mechanisms. This review is valuable for clarifying the mechanisms of polyphenols targeting the pathways of senescence and leading to the development of CD and RA treatments. Herein, we focus on research reports that emphasize antioxidant properties

    Deep learning-based methods for prostate segmentation in magnetic resonance imaging

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    Magnetic Resonance Imaging-based prostate segmentation is an essential task for adaptive radiotherapy and for radiomics studies whose purpose is to identify associations between imaging features and patient outcomes. Because manual delineation is a time-consuming task, we present three deep-learning (DL) approaches, namely UNet, efficient neural network (ENet), and efficient residual factorized convNet (ERFNet), whose aim is to tackle the fully-automated, real-time, and 3D delineation process of the prostate gland on T2-weighted MRI. While UNet is used in many biomedical image delineation applications, ENet and ERFNet are mainly applied in self-driving cars to compensate for limited hardware availability while still achieving accurate segmentation. We apply these models to a limited set of 85 manual prostate segmentations using the k-fold validation strategy and the Tversky loss function and we compare their results. We find that ENet and UNet are more accurate than ERFNet, with ENet much faster than UNet. Specifically, ENet obtains a dice similarity coefficient of 90.89% and a segmentation time of about 6 s using central processing unit (CPU) hardware to simulate real clinical conditions where graphics processing unit (GPU) is not always available. In conclusion, ENet could be efficiently applied for prostate delineation even in small image training datasets with potential benefit for patient management personalization

    Artificial Intelligence for Classifying the Relationship between Impacted Third Molar and Mandibular Canal on Panoramic Radiographs

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    The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate the diagnostic performance of two convolutional neural networks (CNNs), namely ResNet-152 and VGG-19, in analyzing, on panoramic images, the rapport that exists between the lower third molar (MM3) and the mandibular canal (MC), and to compare this performance with that of an inexperienced observer (a sixth year dental student). Utilizing the k-fold cross-validation technique, 142 MM3 images, cropped from 83 panoramic images, were split into 80% as training and validation data and 20% as test data. They were subsequently labeled by an experienced radiologist as the gold standard. In order to compare the diagnostic capabilities of CNN algorithms and the inexperienced observer, the diagnostic accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, and positive predictive value (PPV) were determined. ResNet-152 achieved a mean sensitivity, specificity, PPV, and accuracy, of 84.09%, 94.11%, 92.11%, and 88.86%, respectively. VGG-19 achieved 71.82%, 93.33%, 92.26%, and 85.28% regarding the aforementioned characteristics. The dental student's diagnostic performance was respectively 69.60%, 53.00%, 64.85%, and 62.53%. This work demonstrated the potential use of deep CNN architecture for the identification and evaluation of the contact between MM3 and MC in panoramic pictures. In addition, CNNs could be a useful tool to assist inexperienced observers in more accurately identifying contact relationships between MM3 and MC on panoramic images

    An Overview of In Vitro Assays of 64Cu-, 68Ga-, 125I-, and 99mTc-Labelled Radiopharmaceuticals Using Radiometric Counters in the Era of Radiotheranostics

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    Radionuclides are unstable isotopes that mainly emit alpha (alpha), beta (beta) or gamma (gamma) radiation through radiation decay. Therefore, they are used in the biomedical field to label biomolecules or drugs for diagnostic imaging applications, such as positron emission tomography (PET) and/or single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT). A growing field of research is the development of new radiopharmaceuticals for use in cancer treatments. Preclinical studies are the gold standard for translational research. Specifically, in vitro radiopharmaceutical studies are based on the use of radiopharmaceuticals directly on cells. To date, radiometric beta- and gamma-counters are the only tools able to assess a preclinical in vitro assay with the aim of estimating uptake, retention, and release parameters, including time- and dose-dependent cytotoxicity and kinetic parameters. This review has been designed for researchers, such as biologists and biotechnologists, who would like to approach the radiobiology field and conduct in vitro assays for cellular radioactivity evaluations using radiometric counters. To demonstrate the importance of in vitro radiopharmaceutical assays using radiometric counters with a view to radiogenomics, many studies based on Cu-64-, Ga-68-, I-125-, and Tc-99m-labeled radiopharmaceuticals have been revised and summarized in this manuscript

    Performance of radiomics features in the quantification of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis from HRCT

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    Background: Our study assesses the diagnostic value of different features extracted from high resolution computed tomography (HRCT) images of patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. These features are investigated over a range of HRCT lung volume measurements (in Hounsfield Units) for which no prior study has yet been published. In particular, we provide a comparison of their diagnostic value at different Hounsfield Unit (HU) thresholds, including corresponding pulmonary functional tests. Methods: We consider thirty-two patients retrospectively for whom both HRCT examinations and spirometry tests were available. First, we analyse the HRCT histogram to extract quantitative lung fibrosis features. Next, we evaluate the relationship between pulmonary function and the HRCT features at selected HU thresholds, namely -200 HU, 0 HU, and +200 HU. We model the relationship using a Poisson approximation to identify the measure with the highest log-likelihood. Results: Our Poisson models reveal no difference at the -200 and 0 HU thresholds. However, inferential conclusions change at the +200 HU threshold. Among the HRCT features considered, the percentage of normally attenuated lung at -200 HU shows the most significant diagnostic utility. Conclusions: The percentage of normally attenuated lung can be used together with qualitative HRCT assessment and pulmonary function tests to enhance the idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) diagnostic process

    Fully Automated Electrophysiological Model Personalisation Framework from CT Imaging

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    International audienceThere has been a recent growing interest for cardiac computed tomography (CT) imaging in the electrophysiological community. This imaging modality indeed allows to locate and assess post-infarct scar heterogeneity, allowing to predict zones of abnormal electrical activity and even personalise EP models. To this end, most of the literature uses manually segmented CT images where one fundamental information is extracted, the myocardial wall thickness. In this paper, we evaluate the impact of using an automated deep learning (DL) methodology to segment the left ventricular wall and extract relevant scar information on the resulting personalised models. Using CT images from 8 patients that were not used during the DL training, we show that the automated segmentation is very similar to the manual one (median Dice score: 0.9). Thickness information obtained this way is also very close to the manual one (median difference: 0.7 mm). A wavefront propagation model personalisation framework based on this thickness information does not show relevant differences in its output (median difference in local activation time: 2 ms), proving its robustness. Bipolar electrograms, simulated through a novel approach, do not differ significantly between manual and automated segmentations (Pearson's r: 0.99)
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