2,369 research outputs found

    Freedom of Information and the CIA Information Act

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    In enacting the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) in 1966, Congress provided for broad disclosure of agency records. Although nine specific exemptions were included in the statute, they did not adequately address the Central Intelligence Agency\u27s concern for security. Under the original FOIA, the CIA was required to search and assemble information which would otherwise remain compartmented, even though it was often clear that most or all of the information would fall within a statutory exception. The Central Intelligence Agency Information Act addresses many of the concerns of the CIA, as well as those held by public interest groups who support increased public access to intelligence information utilized by policymakers. This article examines the application of FOIA to national security information, and the circumstances which led to the enactment of the Central Intelligence Agency Act. It discusses major provisions of the Act and those aspects of legislative history which are likely to affect judicial interpretation of the Act

    Global Health Collaboration: Challenges and Lessons

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    This stimulating open access volume details the innovative work of the Pan Institution Network for Global Health in creating collaborative research-based answers to large-scale health issues. Equitable partnerships among member universities representing North America, Africa, Asia, and Europe reverse standard cross-national dynamics to develop locally relevant responses to health challenges as well as their underlying disparities. Case studies focusing on multiple morbidities and effects of urbanization on health illustrate open dialogue in addressing HIV, maternal/child health, diabetes, and other major concerns. These instructive examples model collaborations between global North and South as meaningful steps toward the emerging global future of public health. Included in the coverage: Building sustainable networks: introducing the Pan Institution Network for Global Health Fostering dialogues in global health education: a graduate and undergraduate approach Provider workload and multiple morbidities in the Caribbean and South Africa Project Redemption: conducting research with informal workers in New York City Partnership and collaboration in global health: valuing reciprocity Global Health Collaboration will interest faculty working within the field of global health; scholars within public health, health policy, and cognate disciplines; as well as administrators looking to develop international university partnerships around global health and graduate students in the areas of global health, health administration, and public health and related social sciences (e.g., sociology, anthropology, demography)

    Peloton’s ride to growth

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    Theoretical basis The theoretical basis for this case is a focus on vertical integration, first-mover advantage and competitive dynamics. Vertical integration is based on Williamson’s (1979) theory of transaction-cost economics as it relates to vertical integration; the discussion on first-mover advantage is built off of Suarez and Lanzolla’s (2005) dynamics of first-mover advantage; and the analyzes on competitive dynamics derives from the MacMillan et al. (1985) early empirical tests of interfirm rivalry dynamics. Research methodology The authors conducted extensive research using the following sources: IBISWorld, MergentOnline and academic journals, trade magazines and websites. Additionally, the authors successfully piloted the case on more than 350 undergraduate students enrolled in a business and corporate strategy course. Case overview/synopsis Peloton used vertical integration to control the creation of its own software, bikes, exercise classes and retail outlets. In doing so, Peloton was one of the first companies in the industry to have near full control of the production process (Gross and Caisman, 2019). Due to this integration, Peloton was one of the fitness equipment industry leaders. However, Peloton’s high level of vertical integration coupled with rapid growth led to lackluster profitability. Given the rise in popularity of in-home exercise equipment, Peloton had room to continue its growth, but the question remained whether it was strategically positioned to do so. Complexity academic level This case is best taught in undergraduate and graduate strategy courses. For undergraduate courses, it could be incorporated into lessons on competitive dynamics, internal analysis and first-mover advantage and strategic positioning. For graduate courses, it could be incorporated into lessons on vertical integration and delving more in-depth into the long-term sustainability of having a first-mover advantage

    Economic and emissions impacts of renewable fuel goals for aviation in the US

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    The US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has a goal that one billion gallons of renewable jet fuel is consumed by the US aviation industry each year from 2018. We examine the economic and emissions impacts of this goal using renewable fuel produced from a Hydroprocessed Esters and Fatty Acids (HEFA) process from renewable oils. Our approach employs an economy-wide model of economic activity and energy systems and a detailed partial equilibrium model of the aviation industry. If soybean oil is used as a feedstock, we find that meeting the aviation biofuel goal in 2020 will require an implicit subsidy from airlines to biofuel producers of 2.69pergallonofrenewablejetfuel.Iftheaviationgoalcanbemetbyfuelfromoilseedrotationcropsgrownonotherwisefallowland,theimplicitsubsidyis2.69 per gallon of renewable jet fuel. If the aviation goal can be met by fuel from oilseed rotation crops grown on otherwise fallow land, the implicit subsidy is 0.35 per gallon of renewable jet fuel. As commercial aviation biofuel consumption represents less than 2% of total fuel used by this industry, the goal has a small impact on the average price of jet fuel and carbon dioxide emissions. We also find that, under the pathways we examine, the cost per tonne of CO[subscript 2] abated due to aviation biofuels is between 50and50 and 400.United States. Federal Aviation Administration. Office of Environment and Energy (FAA Award 06-C-NE-MIT, Amendments 018 and 028)United States. Federal Aviation Administration. Office of Environment and Energy (FAA Award 09-C-NE-MIT, Amendments 007, 020, and 025)United States. Federal Aviation Administration. Office of Environment and Energy (FAA Award DTFAWA-05-D-00012, Task Order 0009

    Ordovician volcanic and hypabyssal rocks in the central and southern Miramichi Highlands: their tectonic setting and relationship to contemporary volcanic rocks in northern New Brunswick

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    New analyses of mafic igneous rocks from the central Miramichi Highlands have led us to modify the interpretation of its tectonic setting. New samples have been obtained from the Bam ford Brook and Trousers Lake areas of New Brunswick, and the Danforth area in Maine. All subalkalic mafic rocks, including the Trousers Lake striped amphibolites, are associated with a thick sequence of metasedimentary rocks and all are continental tholeiites, analogous to tholeiitic suites in the Tetagouche Group of the northern Miramichi Highlands. The presence of alkalic basalt and comendite in this area supports this correlation. In the southern Miramichi Highlands of Maine, silicic and intermediate volcanic rocks form part of the Woodstock-Meductic arc-related volcanic suite. RÉSUMÉ De nouvelles analyses de roches ignées mafiques provenant du centre des hautes-terres de la Miramichi nous ont conduit à modifier l’interprétation de leur environnement tectonique. De nouveaux échantillons ont été recueillis dans les régions du ruisseau Bamford et du lac Trousers au Nouveau-Brunswick, et dans la région de Danforth au Maine. Toutes les roches mafiques subalcalines, incluant les amphibolites rubannées du lac Trousers, sont associées avec une séquence épaisse de roches métasédimentaires et sont toutes des tholéiites continentales, similaires aux suites tholéiitiques appartenant au Groupe de Tétagouche du nord des hautes-terres de la Miramichi. La présence de basaltes alcalins et de comendites dans cette région appuie cette corrélation. Dans le sud des hautes-terres de la Miramichi au Maine, les volcanites siliceuses et inlermddiaires constituent une partie de la suite volcanique d'arc de Woodstock-Meductic. [Traduit par le journal

    GameStop’s next play: reconfiguring the value offering

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    Theoretical basis The theoretical basis for this case is a focus on strategic positioning as related to Porter’s generic strategies. The case describes GameStop’s previous differentiation approach, executed through physical stores and knowledgeable staff. With technological shifts and the introduction of digital downloads, this strategy is less effective. The case requires students to consider how GameStop might revise its generic strategy based on the new competitive landscape in which it operates. Research methodology In writing this case, the research team conducted thorough analysis through primary data collection in stores as well as secondary data collection through the use of market research tools, such as IBIS World, MergentOnline, S&P Net Advantage, and academic journals, trade magazines, and websites. Case overview/synopsis With high uncertainty shown by stakeholders about the future of GameStop coupled with falling share prices, the company must find a way to stay in play given the rapidly growing digital gaming market. As it planned to close at least 150 of its 7,500 stores, the company was starting to take measures to reduce operational costs and restructure to sectors that best fit consumer interests. GameStop’s core competencies were no longer aligned with market conditions, and its executives were now questioning where it could expand the organization’s operations as they focused on finding untapped areas of the market that have an opportunity for a new competitive advantage. Given its unique market share in gaming memorabilia and trade-in values, students are tasked with finding GameStop’s existing competitive advantages or identifying potential new ones that can be leveraged in a technology-driven industry. Complexity academic level This case could be taught at either the graduate or undergraduate level strategy course. At the undergraduate level, it would be best taught when discussing industry life cycle or competitive dynamics. At the graduate level, MBAs could discuss competitive dynamics facing GameStop and how it might find areas for future strategic growth

    Streaming success: positioning Roku’s future in a hypercompetitive industry

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    Theoretical basis The theoretical basis for this case is a focus on strategic positioning as related to Porter’s Generic Strategies. The case accounts Roku’s journey in facing additional competition, highlighting the competitive dynamics at play. The case requires students to consider how Roku might revise its generic strategy based on the new competitive landscape in which it operates. Research methodology In writing this case, the research team used secondary research that was informed by interviews with Roku users. Resources such as IBIS World, MergentOnline, academic journals, trade magazines and websites were used to inform and verify information. Case overview/synopsis As the market disruptor of how media was consumed, Roku had been connecting customers, publishes and advertisers with its unique capabilities for over 10 years. With the belief that all TV content should be available through streaming, Roku had forever changed the traditional model of how media was distributed and consumed. By capitalizing on the previously untapped economic opportunity of TV streaming platforms, Roku had made itself the premier streaming broadcast service for users, content publishers and advertisers. The company was now faced with the difficult task of finding the best ways to keep innovation high and continue to grow. Complexity academic level This case could be taught at either the graduate or undergraduate level strategy course. At the undergraduate level, it would be best taught in a strategy course, when discussing industry life cycle or vertical integration. At the graduate level, MBAs could discuss the competitive dynamics and hypercompetition within the industry
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