804 research outputs found

    Electronic collaboration: Some effects of telecommunication media and machine intelligence on team performance

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    Both NASA and DoD have had a long standing interest in teamwork, distributed decision making, and automation. While research on these topics has been pursued independently, it is becoming increasingly clear that the integration of social, cognitive, and human factors engineering principles will be necessary to meet the challenges of highly sophisticated scientific and military programs of the future. Images of human/intelligent-machine electronic collaboration were drawn from NASA and Air Force reports as well as from other sources. Here, areas of common concern are highlighted. A description of the author's research program testing a 'psychological distancing' model of electronic media effects and human/expert system collaboration is given

    Stochastic Resonance: influence of a f−κf^{-\kappa} noise spectrum

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    Here, in order to study \textit{stochastic resonance} (SR) in a double-well potential when the noise source has a spectral density of the form f−κf^{-\kappa} with varying κ\kappa, we have extended a procedure, introduced by Kaulakys et al (Phys. Rev. E \textbf{70}, 020101 (2004)). In order to have an analytical understanding of the results, we have obtained an effective Markovian approximation, that allows us to make a systematic study of the effect of such kind of noises on the SR phenomenon. The comparison of numerical and analytical results shows an excellent qualitative agreement indicating that the effective Markovian approximation is able to correctly describe the general trends.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Euro.Phys.J.

    Coherent backscattering of Bose-Einstein condensates in two-dimensional disorder potentials

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    We study quantum transport of an interacting Bose-Einstein condensate in a two-dimensional disorder potential. In the limit of vanishing atom-atom interaction, a sharp cone in the angle-resolved density of the scattered matter wave is observed, arising from constructive interference between amplitudes propagating along reversed scattering paths. Weak interaction transforms this coherent backscattering peak into a pronounced dip, indicating destructive instead of constructive interference. We reproduce this result, obtained from the numerical integration of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation, by a diagrammatic theory of weak localization in presence of a nonlinearity.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Emission of photon echoes in a strongly scattering medium

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    We observe the two- and three-pulse photon echo emission from a scattering powder, obtained by grinding a Pr3+^{3+}:Y2_2SiO5_5 rare earth doped single crystal. We show that the collective emission is coherently constructed over several grains. A well defined atomic coherence can therefore be created between randomly placed particles. Observation of photon echo on powders as opposed to bulk materials opens the way to faster material development. More generally, time-domain resonant four-wave mixing offers an attractive approach to investigate coherent propagation in scattering media

    Topological transition in measurement-induced geometric phases

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    The state of a quantum system, adiabatically driven in a cycle, may acquire a measurable phase depending only on the closed trajectory in parameter space. Such geometric phases are ubiquitous and also underline the physics of robust topological phenomena such as the quantum Hall effect. Equivalently, a geometric phase may be induced through a cyclic sequence of quantum measurements. We show that the application of a sequence of weak measurements renders the closed trajectories, hence the geometric phase, stochastic. We study the concomitant probability distribution and show that, when varying the measurement strength, the mapping between the measurement sequence and the geometric phase undergoes a topological transition. Our finding may impact measurement-induced control and manipulation of quantum states-a promising approach to quantum information processing. It also has repercussions on understanding the foundations of quantum measurement

    Coherent backscattering of light by atoms in the saturated regime

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    We present the first calculation of coherent backscattering with inelastic scattering by saturated atoms. We consider the scattering of a quasi-monochromatic laser pulse by two distant atoms in free space. By restricting ourselves to scattering of two photons, we employ a perturbative approach, valid up to second order in the incident laser intensity. The backscattering enhancement factor is found to be smaller than two (after excluding single scattering), indicating a loss of coherence between the doubly scattered light emitted by both atoms. Since the undetected photon carries information about the path of the detected photon, the coherence loss can be explained by a which-path argument, in analogy with a double-slit experiment.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figure

    Number-conserving master equation theory for a dilute Bose-Einstein condensate

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    We describe the transition of NN weakly interacting atoms into a Bose-Einstein condensate within a number-conserving quantum master equation theory. Based on the separation of time scales for condensate formation and non-condensate thermalization, we derive a master equation for the condensate subsystem in the presence of the non-condensate environment under the inclusion of all two body interaction processes. We numerically monitor the condensate particle number distribution during condensate formation, and derive a condition under which the unique equilibrium steady state of a dilute, weakly interacting Bose-Einstein condensate is given by a Gibbs-Boltzmann thermal state of NN non-interacting atoms

    Optimal Lewenstein-Sanpera Decomposition for some Biparatite Systems

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    It is shown that for a given bipartite density matrix and by choosing a suitable separable set (instead of product set) on the separable-entangled boundary, optimal Lewenstein-Sanpera (L-S) decomposition can be obtained via optimization for a generic entangled density matrix. Based on this, We obtain optimal L-S decomposition for some bipartite systems such as 2⊗22\otimes 2 and 2⊗32\otimes 3 Bell decomposable states, generic two qubit state in Wootters basis, iso-concurrence decomposable states, states obtained from BD states via one parameter and three parameters local operations and classical communications (LOCC), d⊗dd\otimes d Werner and isotropic states, and a one parameter 3⊗33\otimes 3 state. We also obtain the optimal decomposition for multi partite isotropic state. It is shown that in all 2⊗22\otimes 2 systems considered here the average concurrence of the decomposition is equal to the concurrence. We also show that for some 2⊗32\otimes 3 Bell decomposable states the average concurrence of the decomposition is equal to the lower bound of the concurrence of state presented recently in [Buchleitner et al, quant-ph/0302144], so an exact expression for concurrence of these states is obtained. It is also shown that for d⊗dd\otimes d isotropic state where decomposition leads to a separable and an entangled pure state, the average I-concurrence of the decomposition is equal to the I-concurrence of the state. Keywords: Quantum entanglement, Optimal Lewenstein-Sanpera decomposition, Concurrence, Bell decomposable states, LOCC} PACS Index: 03.65.UdComment: 31 pages, Late
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