1,228 research outputs found

    Aircraft integrated design and analysis: A classroom experience

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    AAE 451 is the capstone course required of all senior undergraduates in the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics at Purdue University. During the past year the first steps of a long evolutionary process were taken to change the content and expectations of this course. These changes are the result of the availability of advanced computational capabilities and sophisticated electronic media availability at Purdue. This presentation will describe both the long range objectives and this year's experience using the High Speed Commercial Transport design, the AIAA Long Duration Aircraft design and RPV design proposal as project objectives. The central goal of these efforts is to provide a user-friendly, computer-software-based environment to supplement traditional design course methodology. The Purdue University Computer Center (PUCC), the Engineering Computer Network (ECN) and stand-alone PC's are being used for this development. This year's accomplishments center primarily on aerodynamics software obtained from NASA/Langley and its integration into the classroom. Word processor capability for oral and written work and computer graphics were also blended into the course. A total of ten HSCT designs were generated, ranging from twin-fuselage aircraft, forward swept wing aircraft to the more traditional delta and double-delta wing aircraft. Four Long Duration Aircraft designs were submitted, together with one RPV design tailored for photographic surveillance

    An investigation of aeroelastic phenomena associated with an oblique winged aircraft

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    Oblique wing aeroelasticity studies are reviewed. The static aeroelastic stability characteristics of oblique wing aircraft, lateral trim requirements for 1-g flight, and the dynamic aeroelastic stability behavior of oblique winged aircraft, primarily flutter, are among the topics studied. The similarities and differences between oblique winged aircraft and conventional, bilaterally symmetric, swept wing aircraft are emphasized

    Aeroservoelastic tailoring for lateral control enhancement

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    The need for effective aileron power for aircraft lateral control and turning maneuvers dates back to the Wright Brothers and their wing warping concept for active stabilization of their aircraft. Early researchers in Great Britain, Japan, Germany and the United States explored ways to increase the effectiveness of control aileron to generate a roll moment. The basic problem of aileron effectiveness and the interrelationship between structural distortion and the loads applied by the control surface is illustrated. A rigid wing/aileron surface will develop the capability to generate increased roll rates as airspeed increases. A flexible surface will become less effective as airspeed increases because of the twisting distortion created by the aft-mounted control surface. This tendency is further worsened by bending distortion of an aft swept wing. This study focuses its attention on the ability of a combined effort between structural redesign of a wing and sizing and placement of a control surface to create specified roll performance with a minimum hinge moment. This design optimization problem indicates the advantages of simultaneous consideration of structural design and control design

    Interactive aircraft flight control and aeroelastic stabilization

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    Several examples are presented in which flutter involving interaction between flight mechanics modes and elastic wind bending occurs for a forward swept wing flight vehicle. These results show the basic mechanism by which the instability occurs and form the basis for attempts to actively control such a vehicle

    Dynamics and control of forward swept wing aircraft

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    Aspects of non-zero differential game theory with application to multivariable control synthesis and optimal linear control law design using optimum parameter sensitivity analysis are discussed

    The design of a long range megatransport aircraft

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    During the period from August 1991 - June 1992 two design classes at Purdue University participated in the design of a long range, high capacity transport aircraft, dubbed the megatransport. Thirteen Purdue design teams generated RFP's that defined passenger capability and range, based upon team perception of market needs and infrastructure constraints. Turbofan engines were designed by each group to power these aircraft. The design problem and the variety of solutions developed are described in an attached paper

    Flutter of asymmetrically swept wings

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    Two formulations of the oblique wing flutter problem are presented; one formulation allows only simple wing bending deformations and rigid body roll as degrees of freedom, while the second formulation includes a more complex bending-torsional deformation together with the roll freedom. Flutter is found to occur in two basic modes. The first mode is associated with wing bending-aircraft roll coupling and occurs at low values of reduced frequency. The second instability mode closely resembles a classical bending-torsion wing flutter event. This latter mode occurs at much higher reduced frequencies than the first. The occurrence of the bending-roll coupling mode is shown to lead to lower flutter speeds while the bending-torsion mode is associated with higher flutter speeds. The ratio of the wing mass moment of inertia in roll to the fuselage roll moment of inertia is found to be a major factor in the determination of which of the two instabilities is critical

    An exact plane-stress solution for a class of problems in orthotropic elasticity

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    An exact solution for the stress field within a rectangular slab of orthotropic material is found using a two dimensional Fourier series formulation. The material is required to be in plane stress, with general stress boundary conditions, and the principle axes of the material must be parallel to the sides of the rectangle. Two load cases similar to those encountered in materials testing are investigated using the solution. The solution method has potential uses in stress analysis of composite structures

    Standing on the Edge: Standing Doctrine and the Injury Requirement at the Borders of Establishment Clause Jurisprudence

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    The very first line of the Bill of Rights provides that Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion. This line, the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment, was motivated by the history of religious persecution that drove thousands of adherents of minority faiths in Europe to the New World to seek refuge to practice their own faith, free from the compulsion of state-established religion. The Establishment Clause remains relevant today, and the U.S. Supreme Court has been active in hearing cases involving it. For purposes of determining standing-that is, whether an individual or organization meets certain constitutional and prudential requirements for bringing a cause of action-- problematic tensions exist between the theoretical underpinnings of the Establishment Clause and the Court\u27s recent jurisprudence. For the plaintiff to have standing to bring a suit, she must have suffered an actual or threatened injury that is traceable to the alleged act of the defendant and that would be redressable by a favorable decision of the courts. In the Establishment Clause context, there are some easy cases where the litigant has standing. For example, in School District of Abington Township v. Schempp, the plaintiffs were students subject to a state law directing public school teachers to select daily Bible verses and lead the class in a recitation of the Lord\u27s Prayer. Here, there is a clear injury that is individualized (that is, that the student cannot escape the religious environment created at the school), and the harm was redressable by an injunction

    Results of a parametric aeroelastic stability analysis of a generic X-wing aircraft

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    This paper discusses the trends in longitudinal dynamic aeroelastic stability of a generic x-wing aircraft model with design parameter variations. X-wing rotor blade sweep angle, ratio of blade mass to total vehicle mass, blade structural stiffness cross-coupling and vehicle center-of-gravity location were parameters considered. The typical instability encountered is body-freedom flutter involving a low frequency interaction of the first elastic mode and the aircraft short period mode. Parametric cases with the lowest static margin consistently demonstrated the highest flutter dynamic pressures. As mass ratio was increased, the flutter boundary decreased. The decrease was emphasized as center-of-gravity location was moved forward. As sweep angle varied, it was observed that the resulting increase in forward-swept blade bending amplitude relative to aft blade bending amplitude in the first elastic mode had a stabilizing effect on the flutter boundary. Finally, small amounts of stiffness cross-coupling in the aft blades increased flutter dynamic pressure