343 research outputs found

    Using event diaries and in-depth interviews for understanding shared understanding in headquarters-subsidiary cooperation

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    The paper describes the application of a qualitative diary method combined with in-depth interviews in the context of headquarters-subsidiary cooperation. We examine the distinct requirements of studying shared understanding in the case of distributed teams and argue that further research is necessary in order to explain inter-team conflicts arising from incongruent understandings and divergent expectations. Building on this research gap, we perform a case study in the headquarters of a multinational technology company and one of its subsidiaries. With the help of Event Sampling Methodology (ESM) and in-depth interviews, we were able to identify, analyze and comprehend situations characterized by lacking shared understanding. By this, our research contributes to the methodical discussion on event sampling methods and proposes new fields of application. Furthermore, it contributes to the international management literature by analyzing misunderstandings in international R&D cooperation

    Using event diaries and in-depth interviews for understanding shared understanding in headquarters-subsidiary cooperation

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    The paper describes the application of a qualitative diary method combined with in-depth interviews in the context of headquarters-subsidiary cooperation. We examine the distinct requirements of studying shared understanding in the case of distributed teams and argue that further research is necessary in order to explain inter-team conflicts arising from incongruent understandings and divergent expectations. Building on this research gap, we perform a case study in the headquarters of a multinational technology company and one of its subsidiaries. With the help of Event Sampling Methodology (ESM) and in-depth interviews, we were able to identify, analyze and comprehend situations characterized by lacking shared understanding. By this, our research contributes to the methodical discussion on event sampling methods and proposes new fields of application. Furthermore, it contributes to the international management literature by analyzing misunderstandings in international R&D cooperation

    Bridging the gap: integrating external knowledge from open innovation platforms

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    While external knowledge has the potential to benefit a firm's innovation activities, research shows that the positive effects of a more open model of innovation do not come naturally. This paper draws on the project level to explore the organizational factors that hamper or impede the integration of external knowledge sourced from an open innovation platform and to suggest interventions to overcome these barriers. While open innovation is mainly discussed as a concept that resides at the level of the organization, this paper draws on the project level to contribute to a multi-level understanding of open innovation and to offer a deeper understanding of the challenges project teams face, when integrating external knowledge. To investigate occurring barriers, four cases of external knowledge integration within a multinational corporation are analyzed. The results show that due to the external nature of the knowledge, an additional effort of project teams is required such as forming alliances with key individuals and changing negative attitudes towards external sources to overcome organizational resistance. Theoretical as well as practical implications are discussed

    Bt maize: a tool for improving food safety of grains at harvest

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    A new EU (European Union) regulation came into force in 2007 with Regulation (EC) No. 1126/2007 which established maximum levels for fumonisins B1 and B2 (4000 ppb), deoxynivalenol (1750 ppb) and zearalenone (350 ppb) in maize and maize products. In order to evaluate French maize food safety, studies were carried out by the national Biological Risk Monitoring (BRM) Network. In this study, field trials involving 84 plots were conducted with Bt maize (MON 810) and its isogenic non-Bt counterpart in 2005 and 2006 in South-western France. Mycotoxin levels were determined in grain at harvest. Fumonisins B1 and B2, deoxynivalenol, and zearalenone were analyzed by LC-MS-MS and the results treated statistically using non parametric tests for mycotoxins and analysis of variance test for weather variables. As the climate was homogenous inside the experimental area, the transgenic event introduced into the maize was the only key parameter which differed between Bt and non-Bt maize plots. Our results showed that all mycotoxin families were not impacted in the same way. The efficacy of Bt maize reduced mycotoxins more than 90% for fumonisins and more than 50% for zearalenone although deoxynivalenol was lightly increased. Therefore a competition between the different Fusarium spp. which produced fumonisins or trichothecenes is hypothesized. According to Regulation (EC) No. 1126/2007, 93% of the maize of Bt maize plots were able to be commercialized compared to only 45% for non-Bt maize plots. The results of this work showed that Bt maize improved food safety and constituted an useful tool to reduce significantly mycotoxin levels in harvested and stored grains. Keywords: Bt (MON810) maize, Fumonisins B1 and B2, Deoxynivalenol (DON), Zearalenone, EC regulation 1126/2007 threshold

    Zukunftstechnologien: Förderung von Elektroautos – wie sinnvoll ist die Unterstützung einzelner Technologien?

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    Ulrich Buller und Holger Hanselka, Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, unterstreichen in ihrem Beitrag, dass im Sinne der zukünftigen »Art of Mobility« die gesamte Breite der motorisierten Fahrzeuge, vom Elektrofahrrad über das Elektroauto bis hin zum schweren Nutzfahrzeug, betrachtet werden muss. Unter diesem Blickwinkel erscheine ein zweistelliger Marktanteil von Elektrofahrzeugen im Jahr 2020 machbar, für 2030 sei eine 50%ige Durchdringung als realistisch anzusehen. Gerade unter dem Gesichtspunkt der CO2-Reduktion sei die Elektrotechnologie nicht zu unterschätzen. Letztendlich stehe aber der Kunde im Mittelpunkt, für ihn müssen attraktive Produkte in ausreichender Stückzahl verfügbar sein. Primär gelte es deshalb, die Kosten für Elektrofahrzeuge auf ein Niveau abzusenken, das vom Markt akzeptiert wird. Ferdinand Dudenhöffer und Eva Maria John, ÖkoGlobe-Institut an der Universität Duisburg-Essen, halten es für sinnvoll, die Technologieforschung in die Elektromobilität staatlich zu fördern. Staatliche Förderung der Elektromobilität habe den Charakter eines nationalen öffentlichen Guts, da die Risiken für das einzelne Unternehmen zu groß seien und die Investitionen anderenfalls nicht getätigt werden würden. Gleichzeitig profitiere die Branche in Deutschland als Ganzes. Dies gelte nur bis zur Marktreife. Die Vermarktung sei aber Aufgabe von Unternehmen, eine Endkundenprämie nicht notwendig. Für Marion A. Weissenberger-Eibl, Fraunhofer-Institut für System- und Innovationsforschung, Karlsruhe, ist die Elektromobilität unverzichtbarer Bestandteil eines zukünftigen Mobilitätskonzepts. Ziel sei es, die treibenden Kräfte und Rahmenbedingungen der Elektromobilität zu analysieren und in Zukunftsszenarien einzuberechnen, so dass strategische Entscheidungen auf Basis umfassender Analysen getroffen werden könnten. Dabei sei die Förderung von Elektroautos ein wichtiger Bestandteil der zukünftigen Verkehrskonzepte.Elektrofahrzeug, Forschungs- und Technologiepolitik, Forschung, Deutschland

    The positive impact of agile retrospectives on the collaboration of distributed development teams – A practical approach on the example of Bosch engineering GmbH

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    To counteract competitive pressure, increasing customer requirements and growing product complexity successful distributed collaboration in product development is vital. Companies have to face new challenges, such as efficiency losses in communication. To overcome these challenges agile working practices, such as agile retrospectives, could be beneficial. The objective of this scientific work is to evaluate the benefit of agile working practices on the example of agile retrospectives, for the improvement of collaboration in distributed development teams. Based on literature analysis, qualitative and quantitative expert interviews following the DRM by Blessing and Chakrabarti, this scientific work shows that agile working practices have a high potential to improve distributed collaboration. To address this potential, several virtual agile retrospectives are developed and conducted within a distributed team at Bosch Engineering GmbH. The evaluation of this approach results in a high potential of agile retrospectives indicating an improvement tendency. Especially iteratively implemented virtual agile retrospectives have a positive impact on successful distributed collaboration

    Innovationsindikator 2017: Schwerpunkt digitale Transformation

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    [Zusammenfassung ...] Deutschland gehört zu den innovationsstärksten Ländern der Welt und belegt unverändert Rang vier im Innovationsindikator - allerdings erreicht das deutsche Innovationssystem in keinem der Teilbereiche Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft, Bildung, Staat und Gesellschaft eine Topplatzierung. [...] Gemessen am Digitalisierungsindikator, der für diese Ausgabe des Innovationsindikators erstellt wurde, liegt Deutschland deutlich hinter anderen Industrienationen zurück (Rang 17). Das gilt besonders für die Bereiche Forschung/Technologie (Rang 16), Bildung (Rang 17) und Infrastruktur/Staat (Rang 19)

    Towards a greater engagement of universities in addressing climate change challenges

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    Many higher education institutions around the world are engaged in efforts to tackle climate change. This takes place by not only reducing their own carbon footprint but also by educating future leaders and contributing valuable research and expertise to the global effort to combat climate change. However, there is a need for studies that identify the nature of their engagement on the topic, and the extent to which they are contributing towards addressing the many problems associated with climate change. Against this background, this paper describes a study that consisted of a review of the literature and the use of case studies, which outline the importance of university engagement in climate change and describe its main features. The study identified the fact that even though climate change is a matter of great relevance to universities, its coverage in university programmes is not as wide as one could expect. Based on the findings, the paper also lists the challenges associated with the inclusion of climate change in university programmes. Finally, it describes some of the measures which may be deployed in order to maximise the contribution of higher education towards handling the challenges associated with a changing climate

    Innovationen fĂĽr den Mittelstand

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