303 research outputs found

    Problems of Management of Migration Processes in Contemporary Russia

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    The article analyzes the migration situation in Russia and the relevant results in accordance with the Concept of state migration policy of the Russian Federation for the period till 2025. Successful work of the Federal Migration Service is shown. However, Presidential Decree No. 156 of 5 April 2016 “On the improvement of public administration in the sphere of control over the circulation of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors and in the sphere of migration” the Federal Migration Service was abolished, and its functions were fully transferred to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The author notes that for an absolute community of experts and specialists in the field of population migration, this decision was an unexpected. The author analyzes the situation of institution support for the state migration policy and prospects for further development. Particular attention is paid to the process of establishing institutional support for the state migration policy of Russia

    Spherical void expansion in rubber-like materials: The stabilizing effects of viscosity and inertia

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    Dynamic cavitation is known to be a typical failure mechanism in rubber-like solids. While the mechanical behaviour of these materials is generally rate-dependent, the number of theoretical and numerical works addressing the problem of cavitation using nonlinear viscoelastic constitutive models is scarce. It has been only in recent years when some authors have suggested that cavitation in rubber-like materials is a dynamic fracture process strongly affected by the rate-dependent behaviour of the material because of the large strains and strain rates that develop near the cavity. In the present work we further investigate previous idea and perform finite element simulations to model the dynamic expansion of a spherical cavity embedded into a rubber-like ball and subjected to internal pressure. To describe the mechanical behaviour of the rubber-like material we have used an experimentally calibrated constitutive model which includes rate-dependent effects and material failure. The numerical results demonstrate that inertia and viscosity play a fundamental role in the cavitation process since they stabilize the material behaviour and thus delay failure

    A Few Words about the Current Administrative Justice of the USA

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    The article is devoted to the activity of administrative agencies of the USA (the Federal Trade Commission as an example). The authors investigate functions of the above named commission to establish the constitutionality of the agency’s adjudicative process; examine the reasons, negatively influencing the work efficiency of administrative agencies and their officials and recommend a number of particular measures for their elimination. The article also gives directional ideas on development of the institute of administrative adjudication in the USA and ways to solve basic problems interfering this process, appreciably caused by lacks of legal regulation

    Criminal Law Enforcement v. the Free Press

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    Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy: 2013 National Lawyers Convention: Criminal La

    Modeling deformation and failure of elastomers at high strain rates

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    In this paper we develop a new constitutive model to describe the viscoelastic response of elastomers subjected to high strain rates. The key and original feature of the model is that it takes into account the failure of the material using an energy limiter. We calibrate the constitutive model for various strain rates using the experimental data reported by Hoo Fatt and Ouyang (2008) and show the capacity of the proposed formulation to describe the rate-dependent behavior of styrene butadiene rubber. In addition, we implement the model into ABAQUS/Explicit using a simple scheme for the temporal integration of the constitutive equations. Finally, we show sample numerical simulations to illustrate the joint performance of the constitutive model and the integration algorithm.DAI, GV and JARM are indebted to the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Projects EUIN2015-62556 and DPI2014-57989-P) for the financial support received which allowed conducting part of this work. KYV acknowledges support from the Israel Science Foundation, grant No. ISF-198/15.Publicad


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    The article is devoted to the consideration of amendments to the Constitution of Russia approved during the vote on July 1, 2020, which set the main parameters of identity policy in our country. Special attention is paid to the reaction of public figures, experts and representatives of the leadership of the republics within the Russian Federation. During the discussion of the amendments, there was a strong public demand to clarify and fix in the form of constitutional provisions the main content of cultural and civilizational parameters of the Russian identity. The adoption of the amendments demonstrated broad public agreement on the constitutionally defined parameters of Russian national identity. The discussion showed an ambiguous attitude of ethnic activists in the republics to the set parameters of identity policy. And the leaders of a number of republics expressed their dissenting opinion, which reflected a certain tension over the inclusion of the concept of “state-forming people”in the article on the state language

    Trophic connections of the raven in forest steppe of the Pridneprovie

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    Обыкновенный ворон (Corvus corax L.) является общепризнанным космополитом и населяет разнообразные ландшафты – от тундр Голарктики до африканских саванн. Освоение этим видом огромной территории стало возможным благодаря высокому уровню развития центральной нервной системы, следствием чего являются сложные поведенческие реакции и разнообразнейшие морфо-функциональные адаптации к различным условиям существования в пределах очень большого ареала. Одной из таких адаптаций можно считать способность вида использовать широкий спектр кормов и множество способов их добычи. В различных географических районах ворон может быть и комменсалом, и хищником, и, даже, сапротрофом. При этом он, почти всегда, занимает высшие трофические уровни в экосистемах, являясь, чаще всего, консументом ІІ-го и ІІІ-го порядков

    The Observatory of Finno-Ugric Indigenous Peoples in the Republic of Karelia

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    The article deals with the potential rights implementation assessment for the Karelians, the Vepsians, and the Finns — indigenous minorities and ethnic (national) minorities in the Republic of Karelia. The purpose of the article is to form an observational passport of the indigenous small-numbered peoples of the Republic of Karelia (i.e., the Vepsians, the Karelians, and the Finns), which would record the varying degrees of satisfaction of the indigenous small-numbered population of the Republic with the results of the policy pursued. The subject of this article is the peculiarities of the potential rights implementation Karelians, Vepsians, and Finns - indigenous peoples and ethnic (national) minorities of Karelia. As part of the study, a tool was developed to assess the potential rights implementation in the Republic of Karelia - an observational passport of indigenous peoples. The presented material is based on the results of a survey organized in the fall of 2017 in all municipalities of the Republic of Karelia. The authors substantiate the differentiation of potential rights implementation of the indigenous peoples of the Republic in 4 sectors (economic, social, cultural, and religious), according to 3 levels (low, medium, and high). It was found that the low potential rights implementation in almost every sector of the study is typical of the Vepsians, the Karelians, and the Finns are generally characterized by the potential rights implementation of the average level