159 research outputs found

    Genomic study, phytochemical characterization, and antiproliferative activity of two different genotypes of Jatropha curcas L. obtained by a breeding program

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    Jatropha curcas (Euphorbiaceaefamily) is a multipurpose plant with considerable potential in biodiesel production, and in cosmetic and medicinal uses. The part of J. curcas usually used is the oil obtained from its seeds, whereas the leaves generally represent the waste material. The aim of this study was to characterize the composition and to preliminary investigate the biological activity of J. curcas leaves obtained from plants by a breeding program. To describe genomic structure, molecular markers were applied. For biological study, two genotypes (JA and JB) that are genetically divergent were selected by cluster analysis. A phytochemical analysis was carried out to characterize the chemical composition of the extracts, which resulted rich in biologically active compounds, whereas toxic phorbol esters were absent. Biological assays showed an antiproliferative effect on the Buffalo normal rat liver cell line (BRL-3A), with genotype B being more potent than that of the counterpart (JA). The purified compounds isolated did not show antiproliferative activity, suggesting that the effect observed was due to the phytocomplex and should involve several secondary metabolites. This study highlights that a plant of the same genus and same species that has been cultivated in the same soil and climatic conditions can be characterized by a high variability. This is what makes research in pharmacognosya complex process

    Genotoxicity assessment of piperitenone oxide: an in vitro and in silico evaluation

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    Piperitenone oxide, a natural flavouring agent also known as rotundifolone, has been studied for the genotoxicity assessment by an integrated in vitro and in silico experimental approach, including the bacterial reverse mutation assay, the micronucleus test, the comet assay and the computational prediction by Toxtree and VEGA tools. Under our experimental conditions, the monoterpene showed to induce both point mutations (i.e. frameshift, base-substitution and/or oxidative damage) and DNA damage (i.e. clastogenic or aneuploidic damage, or single-strand breaks). Computational prediction for piperitenone oxide agreed with the toxicological data, and highlighted the presence of the epoxide function and the α,β-unsaturated carbonyl as possible structural alerts for DNA damage. However, improving the toxicological libraries for natural occurring compounds is required in order to favour the applicability of in silico models to the toxicological predictions. Further in vivo evaluations are strictly needed in order to evaluate the role of the bioavailability of the substance and the metabolic fate on its genotoxicity profile. To the best of our knowledge, these data represent the first evaluation of the genotoxicity for this flavour compound and suggest the need of further studies to assess the safety of piperitenone oxide as either flavour or fragrance chemicals

    Perduración de las normas indianas en el urbanismo argentino

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    Cuando Juan Ramírez de Velazco dos años antes de fundar la ciudad de Todos los Santos de la Nueva Rioja, informa detalladamente a su monarca acerca de las versiones de la existencia de la utópica Ciudad de los Césares, pone de manifiesto el estado de ánimo con que los conquistadores encaraban el poblamiento del Nuevo Mundo y la imagen tras la que marchaban. Superada la sorpresa generada por los grandes descubrimientos, se los consideró prueba de la sabiduría, poder y creatividad de Dios. El Todopoderoso colmaba de dones a la humanidad para que alcanzase un futuro mejor en un marco predeterminado. El papa Alejandro VI así lo interpreta en su bula “Inter Coetera” del 4 de mayo de 1493. Francisco López de Gomara bien lo resume en 1552: “...Es el mundo tan grande y hermoso, y tiene tanta diversidad de cosas tan diferentes unas de otras que pone admiración á quien bien lo piensa y contempla...” Esa ciudad vital implicaba la aceptación de la creencia última de la existencia de un modelo ideal de la sociedad y de una imagen urbana paradisíaca, ordenada y optimista. Pero ello lleva implícito el riesgo de una contracara negativa, que ha sido señalada entre otros por Martínez Estrada. El desengaño del soñador, la codicia insatisfecha, el desencanto ante la ausencia de riquezas fáciles, imposibilitó al conquistador la comprensión de la verdadera realidad austral: “...La pampa es una ilusión: es la tierra de las aventuras desordenadas en la fantasía del hombre sin profundidad. Todo se desliza, animado de un movimiento ilusorio en que sólo cambia el centro de esa grandiosa circunferencia. Ahí el hombre grosero empieza de nuevo; el hombre culto concluye. Fue el quimérico territorio de Trapalanda, de la que decía el Padre Guevara: Cuyo descubrimiento nunca efectuado, fue polilla que consumió buenos caudales sin ningún fruto, la ciudad imaginaria de oro macizo que casi hace fracasar las expediciones de Francisco de Aguirre y de Diego de Abreu; la que hizo que se fundaran La Rioja y Jujuy para ponerle sitio y arrebatársela al autóctono. El buen Quijano también fue víctima de la llanura; la esterilidad de la Mancha fructificó en sus sesos las ‘Sergas’ de sus lecturas solitarias...” Fernando Ainsa resume así la situación: “...La frustada meta de la rica ciudad, marcó con el sello del engaño el destino de un país que podría haberse estructurado desde el origen con un proyecto de poblamiento paulatino y colonización de designio menos ambicioso, pero más real... El dualismo americano, la tensión entre el ser de una realidad que parece desmentir todo idealismo utópico y el deber ser de una esperanza renovada después de cada derrota se resume en este interrogante...” A pesar de todo, aquellos primeros conquistadores llevaban en sus mentes una imagen de las soñadas ciudades utópicas, imagen que aplicaron con perseverancia ejemplar a la fundación de los nuevos asentamientos humanos que fueron creando a lo largo de su esforzada marcha y que, como veremos, persistió por casi cinco siglos en la Argentina y en la América toda

    Parque Pereyra Iraola

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    Los países de Iberoamérica poseen un patrimonio natural y cultural de reconocida importancia. A la vez, son bien conocidos los graves desajustes físicos de sus áreas urbanas y rurales, producto de problemas estructurales de planificación territorial, económicos y sociales. El caos urbano característico de las áreas metropolitanas, la degradación del patrimonio histórico y de las áreas verdes creadas o naturales, se constituyen en las causas de la destrucción del equilibrio ideal entre el hombre, la naturaleza y la ciudad. Este trabajo pretende definir criterios para la puesta en valor del patrimonio edilicio y paisajístico del Parque Pereyra Iraola, localizado en la conflictiva región metropolitana de Buenos Aires, con el objeto de recuperarlo en plenitud para el uso público y revalorizarlo no sólo como área verde de una zona de alta densidad, sino también como testimonio de un establecimiento rural característico del siglo XIX. Todo ello sin olvidar la factibilidad de la propuesta en la realidad socioeconómica que la contiene. Con especial acento en este último aspecto, se presenta una serie de medidas y acciones para el tratamiento y posterior intervención en el sector ex Estancia Santa Rosa del Parque Pereyra Iraola que, elegido como caso piloto, es analizado y evaluado en sus aspectos físicos, funcionales y económicos. La metodología aplicada a este caso singular es extensible, a nuestro juicio, a los numerosos casos de bienes de similar valor que sufren degradaciones e imponen una urgente intervención con el fin de mejorar y evitar la pérdida de tan significativos recursos

    Characterization of the chemopreventive properties of cannabis sativa L. Inflorescences from monoecious cultivars grown in central Italy

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    Hemp bioproducts hold great promise as valuable materials for nutraceutical and pharmaceutical applications due to their diverse bioactive compounds and potential health benefits. In line with this interest and in an attempt to valorize the Lazio Region crops, this present study investigated chemically characterized hydroalcoholic and organic extracts, obtained from the inflorescences of locally cultivated Felina 32, USO 31, Ferimon and Fedora 17 hemp varieties. In order to highlight the possible chemopreventive power of the tested samples, a bioactivity screening was performed, which included studying the antimutagenic activity, radical scavenging power, cytotoxicity in human hepatoma HepG2 cells, leakage of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and modulation of the oxidative stress parameters and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH) involved in the regulation of the cell transformation and cancer proliferation. Tolerability studies in noncancerous H69 cholangiocytes were performed, too. The organic extracts showed moderate to strong antimutagenic activities and a marked cytotoxicity in the HepG2 cells, associated with an increased oxidative stress and LDH release, and to a G6PDH modulation. The hydroalcoholic extracts mainly exhibited radical scavenging properties with weak or null activities in the other assays. The extracts were usually well-tolerated in H69 cells, except for the highest concentrations which impaired cell viability, likely due to an increased oxidative stress. The obtained results suggest a possibility in the inflorescences from the Felina 32, USO 31, Ferimon and Fedora 17 hemp varieties as source of bioactive compounds endowed with genoprotective and chemopreventive properties that could be harnessed as preventive or adjuvant healing strategies

    Prediction of Renal Acid Load in Adult Patients on Parenteral Nutrition

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    Metabolic acidosis and metabolic bone disease are frequent complications in patients on parenteral nutrition (PN). A common contributor to these complications could be a daily high renal acid load. This study aims to find a method for predicting the potential total acid load (PTAL) and the pH of the compounded parenteral nutrition mixtures. The pH and titratable acidity (TA) of fifty compounded mixtures were measured. The potential metabolic acid load (PMAL) was calculated by considering the amount of nutrients that are acid producers and consumers. The PTAL of the TPN mixtures was calculated by adding TA to PMAL. Multiple linear regression analyses were used to develop a predictive model for the TA and pH of the compounded mixtures. The predicted TA and pH values of the analyzed mixtures agreed with those measured (Passing-Bablok analysis). The PTAL was >50 mmol/day for 82% of the mixtures, >75 mmol/day for 40% of the mixtures, and >100 mmol/day for 22% of the mixtures. The prediction of the renal acid load in patients on long-term PN could allow more appropriate acid-base balancing. Moreover, predicting the pH of such mixtures could be useful to pharmacists to assess the stability and compatibility of the components in the compounded mixtures

    Estudio del patrimonio cultural del parque Pereyra Iraola

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    El documento resume las tareas realizadas durante el período 1991/93 por el Laboratorio de Investigaciones del Territorio y el Ambiente de la Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas de la Pcia.de Buenos Aires, en el marco del convenio con la Subsecretaría de Turismo de la Pcia. de Buenos Aires y la Dirección de Conservación de Ambientes Naturales de la Subsecretaría de Producción Agropecuaria y Forestal (2-11-91, Resolución CIC N° 9184/91 - Subsidio CIC Exp. 0395/90).Digitalizado en SEDICI-CIC Digita

    Analysis of Safety Concerns on Herbal Products with Assumed Phytoestrogenic Activity

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    Phytoestrogens (PEs) are plant-based compounds that can interact with estrogen receptors and are mainly used to treat menopausal complaints. However, the safety of products with assumed phytoestrogenic activity is not fully understood. This study aimed to identify plant species with assumed phytoestrogenic activity, review existing literature on their use and safety, and critically evaluate adverse reaction (AR) reports of single-herb, multi-herb, and mixed-multiple products, as submitted to the Netherlands Pharmacovigilance Centre Lareb and to VigiBase of the World Health Organization (WHO). In the Lareb database, the most commonly reported plant species to cause ARs (total of 67 reports) were Actaea racemosa L. (black cohosh) (47.8%), Humulus lupulus L. (hops) (32.8%), and Glycine max (L.) Merr. (soybean) (22.4%). In the VigiBase database (total of 21,944 reports), the top three consisted of Glycine max (L.) Merr. (71.4%), Actaea racemosa L. (11.6%), and Vitex agnus-castus L. (chaste tree) (6.4%). In the scoping review (total of 73 articles), Actaea racemosa L. (30.1%), Glycine max (L.) Merr. (28.8%), and Trifolium pratense L. (13.7%) were the most frequently mentioned plant species. ARs were most frequently reported in the system organ classes "gastrointestinal disorders", "skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders", "reproductive system and breast disorders", and "general disorders and administration site conditions". Furthermore, from the scoping review, it appeared that the use of products with assumed phytoestrogenic activity was associated with postmenopausal bleeding. It was concluded that, while the potential benefits of products with assumed phytoestrogenic activity have been extensively pursued, the potential occurrence of ARs after using these products is less well understood. This study highlights the need for further investigation and careful monitoring of these products to better understand their effects and ensure the safety and well-being of individuals using them. </p

    Parque provincial Pereyra Iraola

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    Tabla de contenidos: I- Introducci&oacute;n. II- El Parque Pereyra Iraola y su inserci&oacute;n en el contexto regional. III- Origen y evoluci&oacute;n hist&oacute;rica. IV- An&aacute;lisis y descripci&oacute;n de la situaci&oacute;n actual. V- Aspectos paisaj&iacute;sticos. VI- Diagn&oacute;stico de la situaci&oacute;n actual. VII- Definici&oacute;n de premisas para la intervenci&oacute;n. VIII- Bibliograf&iacute;a


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    Boswellia serrata Roxb. ex Colebr. is a species belonging to the Burseraceae family, typical of dry environments of the Indian region. The oil-gum-resin, obtained from the trunk and thick branches, is known in phytotherapy for the volatile fraction which contains up to 70% terpenes. The most important and characteristic constituents are represented by pentacyclic triterpenes, named boswellic acids. B. serrata is known for multiple beneficial effects, mainly correlated to anti-inflammatory activity. This review aims to provide a comprehensive overview on the activities and potential applications of B. serrata based on clinical and preclinical evidence. An up-to-date literature review of preclinical and clinical studies related to the applications of B. serrata preparations in different pathological conditions was conducted using the main databases of scientific literature. A body of evidence point out the role of B. serrata extracts and its active constituents in the treatment of several inflammatory diseases. In particular, clinical trials revealed its use as a topical remedy of skin diseases, such as eczema and psoriasis, and internally in the treatment of asthma, intestinal and osteoarticular inflammatory diseases. Preclinical findings highlighted the positive effects of B. serrata extracts in cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases, and in cancer. Finally, B. serrata finds application as a feed additive in veterinary use. Although some limitations must be overcome, such as poor bioavailability, evidence supports that B. serrata is a promising medicinal plant. Furthermore, the use of B. serrata appears to have a favorable toxicological profile, but caution may be necessary regarding potential botanical-drug interactions
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