485 research outputs found

    Toxicity assessment of refill liquids for electronic cigarettes.

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    We analyzed 42 models from 14 brands of refill liquids for e-cigarettes for the presence of micro-organisms, diethylene glycol, ethylene glycol, hydrocarbons, ethanol, aldehydes, tobacco-specific nitrosamines, and solvents. All the liquids under scrutiny complied with norms for the absence of yeast, mold, aerobic microbes, Staphylococcus aureus, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Diethylene glycol, ethylene glycol and ethanol were detected, but remained within limits authorized for food and pharmaceutical products. Terpenic compounds and aldehydes were found in the products, in particular formaldehyde and acrolein. No sample contained nitrosamines at levels above the limit of detection (1 μg/g). Residual solvents such as 1,3-butadiene, cyclohexane and acetone, to name a few, were found in some products. None of the products under scrutiny were totally exempt of potentially toxic compounds. However, for products other than nicotine, the oral acute toxicity of the e-liquids tested seems to be of minor concern. However, a minority of liquids, especially those with flavorings, showed particularly high ranges of chemicals, causing concerns about their potential toxicity in case of chronic oral exposure

    Representation of Nelson Algebras by Rough Sets Determined by Quasiorders

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    In this paper, we show that every quasiorder RR induces a Nelson algebra RS\mathbb{RS} such that the underlying rough set lattice RSRS is algebraic. We note that RS\mathbb{RS} is a three-valued {\L}ukasiewicz algebra if and only if RR is an equivalence. Our main result says that if A\mathbb{A} is a Nelson algebra defined on an algebraic lattice, then there exists a set UU and a quasiorder RR on UU such that ARS\mathbb{A} \cong \mathbb{RS}.Comment: 16 page

    Getting your sea legs

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    Sea travel mandates changes in the control of the body. The process by which we adapt bodily control to life at sea is known as getting one's sea legs. We conducted the first experimental study of bodily control as maritime novices adapted to motion of a ship at sea. We evaluated postural activity (stance width, stance angle, and the kinematics of body sway) before and during a sea voyage. In addition, we evaluated the role of the visible horizon in the control of body sway. Finally, we related data on postural activity to two subjective experiences that are associated with sea travel; seasickness, and mal de debarquement. Our results revealed rapid changes in postural activity among novices at sea. Before the beginning of the voyage, the temporal dynamics of body sway differed among participants as a function of their (subsequent) severity of seasickness. Body sway measured at sea differed among participants as a function of their (subsequent) experience of mal de debarquement. We discuss implications of these results for general theories of the perception and control of bodily orientation, for the etiology of motion sickness, and for general phenomena of perceptual-motor adaptation and learning

    Postoperative bladder dysfunction and outcomes after minimally invasive extravesical ureteric reimplantation in children using a laparoscopic and a robot-assisted approach: results of a multicentre international survey

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    OBJECTIVES: To assess and compare postoperative bladder dysfunction rates and outcomes after laparoscopic and robot-assisted extravesical ureteric reimplantation in children and to identify risk factors associated with bladder dysfunction. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A total of 151 children underwent minimally invasive extravesical ureteric reimplantation in five international centres of paediatric urology over a 5-year period (January 2013-January 2018). The children were divided in two groups according to surgical approach: group 1 underwent laporoscopic reimplantation and included 116 children (92 girls and 24 boys with a median age of 4.5 years), while group 2 underwent robot-assisted reimplantation and included 35 children (29 girls and six boys with a median age of 7.5 years). The two groups were compared with regard to: procedure length; success rate; postoperative complication rate; and postoperative bladder dysfunction rate (acute urinary retention [AUR] and voiding dysfunction). Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were performed to assess predictors of postoperative bladder dysfunction. Factors assessed included age, gender, laterality, duration of procedure, pre-existing bladder and bowel dysfunction (BBD) and pain control. RESULTS: The mean operating time was significantly longer in group 2 compared with group 1, for both unilateral (159.5 vs 109.5 min) and bilateral procedures (202 vs 132 min; P = 0.001). The success rate was significantly higher in group 2 than in group 1 (100% vs 95.6%; P = 0.001). The overall postoperative bladder dysfunction rate was 8.6% and no significant difference was found between group 1 (6.9%) and group 2 (14.3%; P = 0.17). All AUR cases were managed with short-term bladder catheterization except for two cases (1.3%) in group 1 that required short-term suprapubic catheterization. Univariate and multivariate analyses showed that bilateral pathology, pre-existing BBD and duration of procedure were predictors of postoperative bladder dysfunction (P = 0.001). CONCLUSION: Our results confirmed that short-term bladder dysfunction is a possible complication of extravesical ureteric reimplantation, with no significant difference between the laparoscopic and robot-assisted approaches. Bladder dysfunction occurred more often after bilateral repairs, but required suprapubic catheterization in only 1.3% of cases. Bilaterality, pre-existing BBD and duration of surgery were confirmed on univariate and multivariate analyses as predictors of postoperative bladder dysfunction in this series

    Le tuberculome intra medullaire : une cause rare de paraparesie

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    Le tuberculome intra-médullaire (TIM) est une localisation de la tuberculose du système nerveux central. Nous rapportons un cas de TIM, chez un patient de 48 ans, sans antécédents particuliers, qui a consultépour un déficit moteur des 2 membres inférieurs d’installation progressive. L’examen clinque a permis d’objectiver un syndrome de compression médullaire thoracique. La découverte d’une masse intra médullaire, après les explorations neuroradiologiques (myéloscanner et IRM), nous a fait poser l’indication d’une exérèse micro-chirurgicale. Le diagnostique de TIM a été affirmé par l’examen anatomo-pathologique de la pièce opératoire. L’association d’une chimiothérapie anti-tuberculeuse au delà de 6 mois après l’exérèse chirurgicale, à permis une guérison complète après un recul de 18 mois

    Un cas d’hematome extradural cervical non traumatique

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    L’hématome extradural cervical spontané est une pathologie rare mais une sévère cause de compression médullaire. Il requiert un diagnostic et une prise en charge urgents. Nous en rapportons un cas chez une patiente de 20 ans sans antécédent pathologique, révélé par un syndrome de compression médullaire cervical sévère (grade A de Frankel). Une décompression neurochirurgicale est intervenue avec un délai de48H avec comme corollaire de lourdes séquelles. Les auteurs insistent sur l’intérêt d’un diagnostic et d’une prise en charge précoces pour en minimiser les séquelles neurologiques

    Drug vaping applied to cannabis: Is "Cannavaping" a therapeutic alternative to marijuana?

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    Therapeutic cannabis administration is increasingly used in Western countries due to its positive role in several pathologies. Dronabinol or tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) pills, ethanolic cannabis tinctures, oromucosal sprays or table vaporizing devices are available but other cannabinoids forms can be used. Inspired by the illegal practice of dabbing of butane hashish oil (BHO), cannabinoids from cannabis were extracted with butane gas, and the resulting concentrate (BHO) was atomized with specific vaporizing devices. The efficiency of "cannavaping," defined as the "vaping" of liquid refills for e-cigarettes enriched with cannabinoids, including BHO, was studied as an alternative route of administration for therapeutic cannabinoids. The results showed that illegal cannavaping would be subjected to marginal development due to the poor solubility of BHO in commercial liquid refills (especially those with high glycerin content). This prevents the manufacture of liquid refills with high BHO concentrations adopted by most recreational users of cannabis to feel the psychoactive effects more rapidly and extensively. Conversely, "therapeutic cannavaping" could be an efficient route for cannabinoids administration because less concentrated cannabinoids-enriched liquid refills are required. However, the electronic device marketed for therapeutic cannavaping should be carefully designed to minimize potential overheating and contaminant generation

    Ballistic Josephson junctions in edge-contacted graphene

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    Hybrid graphene-superconductor devices have attracted much attention since the early days of graphene research. So far, these studies have been limited to the case of diffusive transport through graphene with poorly defined and modest quality graphene-superconductor interfaces, usually combined with small critical magnetic fields of the superconducting electrodes. Here we report graphene based Josephson junctions with one-dimensional edge contacts of Molybdenum Rhenium. The contacts exhibit a well defined, transparent interface to the graphene, have a critical magnetic field of 8 Tesla at 4 Kelvin and the graphene has a high quality due to its encapsulation in hexagonal boron nitride. This allows us to study and exploit graphene Josephson junctions in a new regime, characterized by ballistic transport. We find that the critical current oscillates with the carrier density due to phase coherent interference of the electrons and holes that carry the supercurrent caused by the formation of a Fabry-P\'{e}rot cavity. Furthermore, relatively large supercurrents are observed over unprecedented long distances of up to 1.5 μ\mum. Finally, in the quantum Hall regime we observe broken symmetry states while the contacts remain superconducting. These achievements open up new avenues to exploit the Dirac nature of graphene in interaction with the superconducting state.Comment: Updated version after peer review. Includes supplementary material and ancillary file with source code for tight binding simulation