486 research outputs found

    Landsat imagery evidences great recent land cover changes induced by wild fires in central Siberia

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    The article discusses the methods of satellite image classification to determine general types of forest ecosystems, as well as the long-term monitoring of ecosystems changes using satellite imagery of medium spatial resolution and the daily data of space monitoring of active fires. The area of interest of this work is 100 km footprint of the Zotino Tall Tower Observatory (ZOTTO), located near the Zotino settlement, Krasnoyarsk region. The study area is located in the middle taiga subzone of Western Siberia, are presented by the left and right banks of the Yenisei river. For Landsat satellite imagery supervised classification by the maximum likelihood method was made using ground-based studies over the last fifteen years. The results are the identification of the 10 aggregated classes of land surface and composition of the study area thematic map. Operational satellite monitoring and analysis of spatial information about ecosystem in the 100-kilometer footprint of the ZOTTO tall tower allows to monitor the dynamics of forest disturbance by fire and logging over a long time period and to estimate changes in forest ecosystems of the study area. Data on the number and area of fires detected in the study region for the 2000-2014 received in the work. Calculations show that active fires have burned more than a quarter of the footprint area over the study period. Fires have a significant impact on the redistribution of classes of land surface. Area of all types of vegetation ecosystems declined dramatically under the influence of fires, whereas industrial logging does not impact seriously on it. The results obtained in our work indicate the highest occurrence of fires for lichen forest types within study region, probably due to their high natural fire danger, which is consistent with other studies. The least damage the fire caused to the wetland ecosystem due to high content of moisture and the presence of a large number of fire breaks in the form of open water

    Analysis of the narrative structure of texts retold by preschool children with general speech underdevelopment

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    The paper analyzes theoretical approaches to the study of narrative texts from linguistic, narratological, and ontolinguistic positions. The scope of research covers the process of creation of a coherent narrative utterance by senior preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment. The aim of the paper consists in the description of the analysis of narrative texts generated by preschool children with general speech underdevelopment.В статье рассматривается процесс создания связного повествовательного высказывания у старших дошкольников с общим недоразвитием речи

    Idiomatic equivalents in terms of metaphoric transfer

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    The article presents a hermeneutic approach to idiomatic equivalents in terms of metaphoric transfer. Metaphor is viewed by the authors in its broad sense that can be applied to any use of words in an indirect meaning. Hence, an idiom is understood as a verbalized metaphor that reflects both the universal and specific features of a given language. Idiomatic equivalence that traditionally refers to the linguistic properties of the idiom is presented in the article as hermeneutic equivalence based on the thinking activity approach. Within the framework of such approach the idiomatic equivalence highlights the transfer from one culture to another way of thinking and thinking activity organization

    Growth and age of the roughhead grenadier Macrourus berglax in waters off Southwest Greenland

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    Data on the age and growth of the roughhead grenadier Macrourus berglax from waters off Southwest Greenland have been obtained based on the analysis of otoliths. Specimens with a preanal length of 5−39 cm, a weight of 7−5275 g, and age from 2 to 22 years are recorded in trawl catches. Roughhead grenadier exhibits a similar rate of linear growth in waters off Southwest Greenland and other parts of the range in the Northwest Atlantic. No considerable differences from the rate of the linear growth calculated earlier from scales for the species in waters off West Greenland have been found. In the recent period, the rate of weight gain in roughhead grenadier in waters off Southwest Greenland has been lower than in the Northwest Atlantic in the first half of the 1980s. The age of mass maturation in males (7–9 years) and females (16–17 years) in waters off West and East Greenland is somewhat higher than in coastal waters of Norway and the Northwest Atlantic

    Age and growth of blue Antimora Antimora rostrata (Moridae) in Southwestern Greenland waters

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    The results of determination of age and study on growth of blue antimora Antimora rostrata from the waters of Southwestern Greenland are presented. The results are based on the analysis of 200 fish otoliths. In the catches, we found specimens of antimora with total lengths of 18−70 cm, body weights of 23−2731 g, at the age of 7−38 years. Minimal age of males (not considering juvenile individuals) was 10 years at body length of 27−33 cm; maximal age was 18 years at 42 cm. Minimal age of females was 9 years at length of 21–27 cm; maximal age was 38 years at 70 cm. The rate of linear growth in blue antimora from Southwestern Greenland waters is comparable to that in the fish from New Zealand and Ross Sea waters but considerably lower than indicated earlier for fish from the waters of Iceland, Greenland, and the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The age of reaching sexual maturity in males and females is preliminary determined as 15 and 19−20 years, respectively

    The essence of temporary differences under the conditions of changes in RSA 18/02 and convergence with IAS 12 “Income taxes” and their impact on the financial statements

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    The article examines the latest changes in RSA 18/02 "Accounting for corporate income tax payments", adopted by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. The new version of the Regulation comes into effect since January 01, 2020. As a result of the study, the authors revealed a convergence of Russian standards for determining temporary differences and deferred taxes, and at the same time indicated differences that still remained, and also assessed the existing differences. The authors considered it appropriate to systematize new principles for calculating deferred income taxes. For clarity, the definitions of current tax, net profit and other concepts, calculations of current tax and income tax expenses are presented in the form of formulas that can be easily compared with a previously existing methodology. The results of the study can be used when transforming financial statements, as well as in the construction of the consolidated financial statements generated in Russia in accordance with the requirements of IFRS, since the latest amendments in RSA 18/02 include the calculation of income tax for members of a consolidated group of taxpayers

    Audiovisual content analysis in the translation process

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    The article presents a comprehensive approach to the process of audiovisual translation that includes application of multimodal analysis of semiotic codes present in audiovisual productions. The article dwells on how the proposed approach can be applied to analyzing audiovisual productions for different types of audiovisual translation. Due to its multimodal nature, an audiovisual production is understood by the authors as an audiovisual text that combines image, sound and verbal means, that is, different modes conveying meaning. The means of conveying meaning in an audiovisual production include the visual non-verbal elements, visual verbal elements as well as audio non-verbal and verbal elements. The priority of these means of meaning transfer and their interaction in meaning generation differ significantly depending on the genre of audiovisual productions and the specifics of the process of its creation

    Behavioral Impact of the Regulation of the Brain 2-Oxoglutarate Dehydrogenase Complex by Synthetic Phosphonate Analog of 2-Oxoglutarate: Implications into the Role of the Complex in Neurodegenerative Diseases

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    Decreased activity of the mitochondrial 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex (OGDHC) in brain accompanies neurodegenerative diseases. To reveal molecular mechanisms of this association, we treated rats with a specific inhibitor of OGDHC, succinyl phosphonate, or exposed them to hypoxic stress. In males treated with succinyl phosphonate and in pregnancy-sensitized females experiencing acute hypobaric hypoxia, we revealed upregulation of brain OGDHC (within 24 hours), with the activity increase presumably representing the compensatory response of brain to the OGDHC inhibition. This up-regulation of brain OGDHC was accompanied by an increase in exploratory activity and a decrease in anxiety of the experimental animals. Remarkably, the hypoxia-induced elevation of brain OGDHC and most of the associated behavioral changes were abrogated by succinyl phosphonate. The antagonistic action of hypoxia and succinyl phosphonate demonstrates potential therapeutic significance of the OGDHC regulation by the phosphonate analogs of 2-oxoglutarate

    Modified hybrid genetic algorithm of discreet optimization problems

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    The goal objective is to improve the efficiency of solving discrete optimization problems. The proposed method refers to the “fast” methods and was named the “Local genetic method”. The peculiarity of this method is that the chromosomes do not encode the whole solution, but only a small part of the plan. Therefore, the method allows us introducing unary and binary operations that take into account the specific nature of the problem. The important feature of the method is the non-deterministic nature of the computation, which is due to the internal parallelism of computations and is expressed in the asynchronous action of various local strategies. In terms of speed, the proposed method in a number of experiments outperformed the traditional algorithm by more than 10 times and always found the best solution. The nature of the approximation to the optimum for these algorithms remained unchanged when solving any test cases