264 research outputs found

    The mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) kinase mediates haloperidol-induced cataleptic behavior.

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    The mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) is a ubiquitously expressed serine/threonine kinase protein complex (mTORC1 or mTORC2) that orchestrates diverse functions ranging from embryonic development to aging. However, its brain tissue-specific roles remain less explored. Here, we have identified that the depletion of the mTOR gene in the mice striatum completely prevented the extrapyramidal motor side effects (catalepsy) induced by the dopamine 2 receptor (D2R) antagonist haloperidol, which is the most widely used typical antipsychotic drug. Conversely, a lack of striatal mTOR in mice did not affect catalepsy triggered by the dopamine 1 receptor (D1R) antagonist SCH23390. Along with the lack of cataleptic effects, the administration of haloperidol in mTOR mutants failed to increase striatal phosphorylation levels of ribosomal protein pS6 (S235/236) as seen in control animals. To confirm the observations of the genetic approach, we used a pharmacological method and determined that the mTORC1 inhibitor rapamycin has a profound influence upon post-synaptic D2R-dependent functions. We consistently found that pretreatment with rapamycin entirely prevented (in a time-dependent manner) the haloperidol-induced catalepsy, and pS6K (T389) and pS6 (S235/236) signaling upregulation, in wild-type mice. Collectively, our data indicate that striatal mTORC1 blockade may offer therapeutic benefits with regard to the prevention of D2R-dependent extrapyramidal motor side effects of haloperidol in psychiatric illness

    Involvement of the protein ras homolog enriched in the striatum, rhes, in dopaminergic neurons’ degeneration: Link to parkinson’s disease

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    Rhes is one of the most interesting genes regulated by thyroid hormones that, through the inhibition of the striatal cAMP/PKA pathway, acts as a modulator of dopamine neurotransmission. Rhes mRNA is expressed at high levels in the dorsal striatum, with a medial‐to‐lateral expression gradient reflecting that of both dopamine D2 and adenosine A2A receptors. Rhes transcript is also present in the hippocampus, cerebral cortex, olfactory tubercle and bulb, substantia nigra pars compacta (SNc) and ventral tegmental area of the rodent brain. In line with Rhes‐dependent regulation of dopaminergic transmission, data showed that lack of Rhes enhanced cocaine‐ and am-phetamine‐induced motor stimulation in mice. Previous studies showed that pharmacological de-pletion of dopamine significantly reduces Rhes mRNA levels in rodents, non‐human primates and Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients, suggesting a link between dopaminergic innervation and physiological Rhes mRNA expression. Rhes protein binds to and activates striatal mTORC1, and modulates L‐DOPA‐induced dyskinesia in PD rodent models. Finally, Rhes is involved in the survival of mouse midbrain dopaminergic neurons of SNc, thus pointing towards a Rhes‐dependent modulation of autophagy and mitophagy processes, and encouraging further investigations about mechanisms underlying dysfunctions of the nigrostriatal system

    Quantitative determination of free D-Asp, L-Asp and N-methyl-D-aspartate in mouse brain tissues by chiral separation and Multiple Reaction Monitoring tandem mass spectrometry

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    Several studies have suggested that free D-Asp has a crucial role in N-methyl D-Asp receptor-mediated neurotransmission playing very important functions in physiological and pathological processes. This paper describes the development of an analytical procedure for the direct and simultaneous determination of free D-Asp, L-Asp and N-methyl D-Asp in specimens of different mouse brain tissues using chiral LC-MS/MS in Multiple Reaction Monitoring scan mode. After comparing three procedures and different buffers and extraction solvents, a simple preparation procedure was selected the analytes of extraction. The method was validated by analyzing L-Asp, D-Asp and N-methyl D-Asp recovery at different spiked concentrations (50, 100 and 200 pg/ÎŒl) yielding satisfactory recoveries (75-110%), and good repeatability. Limits of detection (LOD) resulted to be 0.52 pg/ÎŒl for D-Asp, 0.46 pg/ÎŒl for L-Asp and 0.54 pg/ÎŒl for NMDA, respectively. Limits of quantification (LOQ) were 1.57 pg/ÎŒl for D-Asp, 1.41 pg/ÎŒl for L-Asp and 1.64 pg/ÎŒl for NMDA, respectively. Different concentration levels were used for constructing the calibration curves which showed good linearity. The validated method was then successfully applied to the simultaneous detection of D-Asp, L-Asp and NMDA in mouse brain tissues. The concurrent, sensitive, fast, and reproducible measurement of these metabolites in brain tissues will be useful to correlate the amount of free D-Asp with relevant neurological processes, making the LC-MS/MS MRM method well suited, not only for research work but also for clinical analyses

    Machine Learning algorithm unveils glutamatergic alterations in the post-mortem schizophrenia brain

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    Schizophrenia is a disorder of synaptic plasticity and aberrant connectivity in which a major dysfunction in glutamate synapse has been suggested. However, a multi-level approach tackling diverse clusters of interacting molecules of the glutamate signaling in schizophrenia is still lacking. We investigated in the post-mortem dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) and hippocampus of schizophrenia patients and non-psychiatric controls, the levels of neuroactive d- and l-amino acids (l-glutamate, d-serine, glycine, l-aspartate, d-aspartate) by HPLC. Moreover, by quantitative RT-PCR and western blotting we analyzed, respectively, the mRNA and protein levels of pre- and post-synaptic key molecules involved in the glutamatergic synapse functioning, including glutamate receptors (NMDA, AMPA, metabotropic), their interacting scaffolding proteins (PSD-95, Homer1b/c), plasma membrane and vesicular glutamate transporters (EAAT1, EAAT2, VGluT1, VGluT2), enzymes involved either in glutamate-dependent GABA neurotransmitter synthesis (GAD65 and 67), or in post-synaptic NMDA receptor-mediated signaling (CAMKIIα) and the pre-synaptic marker Synapsin-1. Univariable analyses revealed that none of the investigated molecules was differently represented in the post-mortem DLPFC and hippocampus of schizophrenia patients, compared with controls. Nonetheless, multivariable hypothesis-driven analyses revealed that the presence of schizophrenia was significantly affected by variations in neuroactive amino acid levels and glutamate-related synaptic elements. Furthermore, a Machine Learning hypothesis-free unveiled other discriminative clusters of molecules, one in the DLPFC and another in the hippocampus. Overall, while confirming a key role of glutamatergic synapse in the molecular pathophysiology of schizophrenia, we reported molecular signatures encompassing elements of the glutamate synapse able to discriminate patients with schizophrenia and normal individuals

    Abnormal RasGRP1 Expression in the Post-Mortem Brain and Blood Serum of Schizophrenia Patients

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    Schizophrenia (SCZ) is a polygenic severe mental illness. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have detected genomic variants associated with this psychiatric disorder and pathway analyses have indicated immune system and dopamine signaling as core components of risk in dorsolateral-prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) and hippocampus, but the mechanistic links remain unknown. The RasGRP1 gene, encoding for a guanine nucleotide exchange factor, is implicated in dopamine signaling and immune response. RasGRP1 has been identified as a candidate risk gene for SCZ and autoimmune disease, therefore representing a possible point of convergence between mechanisms involving the nervous and the immune system. Here, we investigated RasGRP1 mRNA and protein expression in post-mortem DLPFC and hippocampus of SCZ patients and healthy controls, along with RasGRP1 protein content in the serum of an independent cohort of SCZ patients and control subjects. Differences in RasGRP1 expression between SCZ patients and controls were detected both in DLPFC and peripheral blood of samples analyzed. Our results indicate RasGRP1 may mediate risk for SCZ by involving DLPFC and peripheral blood, thus encouraging further studies to explore its possible role as a biomarker of the disease and/or a target for new medication

    Machine Learning algorithm unveils glutamatergic alterations in the post-mortem schizophrenia brain

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    Schizophrenia is a disorder of synaptic plasticity and aberrant connectivity in which a major dysfunction in glutamate synapse has been suggested. However, a multi-level approach tackling diverse clusters of interacting molecules of the glutamate signaling in schizophrenia is still lacking. We investigated in the post-mortem dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) and hippocampus of schizophrenia patients and non-psychiatric controls, the levels of neuroactive d- and l-amino acids (l-glutamate, d-serine, glycine, l-aspartate, d-aspartate) by HPLC. Moreover, by quantitative RT-PCR and western blotting we analyzed, respectively, the mRNA and protein levels of pre- and post-synaptic key molecules involved in the glutamatergic synapse functioning, including glutamate receptors (NMDA, AMPA, metabotropic), their interacting scaffolding proteins (PSD-95, Homer1b/c), plasma membrane and vesicular glutamate transporters (EAAT1, EAAT2, VGluT1, VGluT2), enzymes involved either in glutamate-dependent GABA neurotransmitter synthesis (GAD65 and 67), or in post-synaptic NMDA receptor-mediated signaling (CAMKIIα) and the pre-synaptic marker Synapsin-1. Univariable analyses revealed that none of the investigated molecules was differently represented in the post-mortem DLPFC and hippocampus of schizophrenia patients, compared with controls. Nonetheless, multivariable hypothesis-driven analyses revealed that the presence of schizophrenia was significantly affected by variations in neuroactive amino acid levels and glutamate-related synaptic elements. Furthermore, a Machine Learning hypothesis-free unveiled other discriminative clusters of molecules, one in the DLPFC and another in the hippocampus. Overall, while confirming a key role of glutamatergic synapse in the molecular pathophysiology of schizophrenia, we reported molecular signatures encompassing elements of the glutamate synapse able to discriminate patients with schizophrenia and normal individuals

    Abnormal RasGRP1 Expression in the Post-Mortem Brain and Blood Serum of Schizophrenia Patients

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    Schizophrenia (SCZ) is a polygenic severe mental illness. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have detected genomic variants associated with this psychiatric disorder and pathway analyses have indicated immune system and dopamine signaling as core components of risk in dorsolateral-prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) and hippocampus, but the mechanistic links remain unknown. The RasGRP1 gene, encoding for a guanine nucleotide exchange factor, is implicated in dopamine signaling and immune response. RasGRP1 has been identified as a candidate risk gene for SCZ and autoimmune disease, therefore representing a possible point of convergence between mechanisms involving the nervous and the immune system. Here, we investigated RasGRP1 mRNA and protein expression in post-mortem DLPFC and hippocampus of SCZ patients and healthy controls, along with RasGRP1 protein content in the serum of an independent cohort of SCZ patients and control subjects. Differences in RasGRP1 expression between SCZ patients and controls were detected both in DLPFC and peripheral blood of samples analyzed. Our results indicate RasGRP1 may mediate risk for SCZ by involving DLPFC and peripheral blood, thus encouraging further studies to explore its possible role as a biomarker of the disease and/or a target for new medication

    Serotonin drives striatal synaptic plasticity in a sex-related manner

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    Introduction: Plasticity at corticostriatal synapses is a key substrate for a variety of brain functions – including motor control, learning and reward processing – and is often disrupted in disease conditions. Despite intense research pointing toward a dynamic interplay between glutamate, dopamine (DA), and serotonin (5-HT) neurotransmission, their precise circuit and synaptic mechanisms regulating their role in striatal plasticity are still unclear. Here, we analyze the role of serotonergic raphe-striatal innervation in the regulation of DA-dependent corticostriatal plasticity. Methods: Mice (males and females, 2–6 months of age) were housed in standard plexiglass cages at constant temperature (22 ± 1 °C) and maintained on a 12/12 h light/dark cycle with food and demineralized water ad libitum. In the present study, we used a knock-in mouse line in which the green fluorescent protein reporter gene (GFP) replaced the I Tph2 exon (Tph2GFP mice), allowing selective expression of GFP in the whole 5-HT system, highlighting both somata and neuritis of serotonergic neurons. Heterozygous, Tph2+/GFP, mice were intercrossed to obtain experimental cohorts, which included Wild-type (Tph2+/+), Heterozygous (Tph2+/GFP), and Mutant serotonin-depleted (Tph2GFP/GFP) animals. Results: Using male and female mice, carrying on different Tph2 gene dosages, we show that Tph2 gene modulation results in sex-specific corticostriatal abnormalities, encompassing the abnormal amplitude of spontaneous glutamatergic transmission and the loss of Long Term Potentiation (LTP) in Tph2GFP/GFP mice of both sexes, while this form of plasticity is normally expressed in control mice (Tph2+/+). Once LTP is induced, only the Tph2+/GFP female mice present a loss of synaptic depotentiation. Conclusion: We showed a relevant role of the interaction between dopaminergic and serotonergic systems in controlling striatal synaptic plasticity. Overall, our data unveil that 5-HT plays a primary role in regulating DA-dependent corticostriatal plasticity in a sex-related manner and propose altered 5-HT levels as a critical determinant of disease-associated plasticity defects

    Dysfunctional d-aspartate metabolism in BTBR mouse model of idiopathic autism.

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    Background: Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) comprise a heterogeneous group of neurodevelopmental conditions characterized by impairment in social interaction, deviance in communication, and repetitive behaviors. Dysfunctional ionotropic NMDA and AMPA receptors, and metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 activity at excitatory synapses has been recently linked to multiple forms of ASD. Despite emerging evidence showing that d-aspartate and d-serine are important neuromodulators of glutamatergic transmission, no systematic investigation on the occurrence of these D-amino acids in preclinical ASD models has been carried out. Methods: Through HPLC and qPCR analyses we investigated d-aspartate and d-serine metabolism in the brain and serum of four ASD mouse models. These include BTBR mice, an idiopathic model of ASD, and Cntnap2-/-, Shank3-/-, and 16p11.2+/- mice, three established genetic mouse lines recapitulating high confidence ASD-associated mutations. Results: Biochemical and gene expression mapping in Cntnap2-/-, Shank3-/-, and 16p11.2+/- failed to find gross cerebral and serum alterations in d-aspartate and d-serine metabolism. Conversely, we found a striking and stereoselective increased d-aspartate content in the prefrontal cortex, hippocampus and serum of inbred BTBR mice. Consistent with biochemical assessments, in the same brain areas we also found a robust reduction in mRNA levels of d-aspartate oxidase, encoding the enzyme responsible for d-aspartate catabolism. Conclusions: Our results demonstrated the presence of disrupted d-aspartate metabolism in a widely used animal model of idiopathic ASD. General significance: Overall, this work calls for a deeper investigation of D-amino acids in the etiopathology of ASD and related developmental disorders
