16 research outputs found

    Myocardial Expression of PPAR γ

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    Activation of PPARs may be involved in the development of heart failure (HF). We evaluated the relationship between expression of PPARγ in the myocardium during coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) and exercise tolerance initially and during follow-up. 6-minute walking test was performed before CABG, after 1, 12, 24 months. Patients were divided into two groups (HF and non-HF) based on left ventricular ejection fraction and plasma proBNP level. After CABG, 67% of patients developed HF. The mean distance 1 month after CABG in HF was 397±85 m versus 420±93 m in non-HF. PPARγ mRNA expression was similar in both HF and non-HF groups. 6MWT distance 1 month after CABG was inversely correlated with PPARγ level only in HF group. Higher PPARγ expression was related to smaller LVEF change between 1 month and 1 year (R=0.18, p<0.05), especially in patients with HF. Higher initial levels of IL-6 in HF patients were correlated with longer distance in 6MWT one month after surgery and lower PPARγ expression. PPARγ expression is not related to LVEF before CABG and higher PPARγ expression in the myocardium of patients who are developing HF following CABG may have some protecting effect

    PPAR Gamma Expression Levels during Development of Heart Failure in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease after Coronary Artery Bypass-Grafting

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    Genetic research has elucidated molecular mechanisms of heart failure (HF). Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) seem to be important in etiology of HF. The aim of study was to find the correlation between PPARγ expression during development of HF in patients and coronary artery disease (CAD) after coronary artery bypass-grafting (CABG). Methods and Results. We followed up 157 patients (mean age 63) with CAD without clinical, laboratory, or echo parameters of HF who underwent CABG. Clinical and laboratory status were assessed before CABG and at 1, 12, and 24 months. During CABG slices of aorta (Ao) and LV were collected for genetic research. HF was defined as LVEF <40% or NT-proBNP >400 pg/mL or 6MWT <400 m. Patients were divided into 2 groups: with and without HF. PPARγ expression in Ao and LV was not increased in both groups at 2-year follow-up. Sensitivity of PPARγ expression in Ao above 1.1075 in detection of HF was 20.5% (AUC 0.531, 95% CI 0.442–0.619). Positive predictive value (Ppv) was 85.7%. Sensitivity and specificity of PPARγ expression in the LV in detection of HF were 58% and 92.9%, respectively (AUC 0.540, 95% CI 0.452–0.626). Ppv was 73.2%. Conclusion. PPARγ expression in Ao and LV was comparable and should not be used as predictive factor for development of HF in patients with CAD after CABG

    Validation of selected medical centers involved in molecular diagnostics of cancer in the field of EGFR1 mutations determination

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    Rak płuca to jeden najczęściej występujących nowotworów złośliwych w Polsce i na świecie. Według danych statystycznych rocznie jest przyczyną zgonów 1,3 miliona osób na całym świecie. W niedrobnokomórkowym raku płuc (NDRP) u niektórych chorych (10&#8211;15% Ameryka Północna i Europa Zachodnia; 30&#8211;35% Japonia i Wschodnia część Azji) występują mutacje somatyczne w genie receptora nabłonkowego czynnika wzrostu (EGFR) powodujące stałą aktywność tego receptora. Występowanie takich mutacji ściśle wiąże się ze skutecznością działania niektórych inhibitorów kinazy tyrozynowej (TKI). Określenie statusu genu EGFR jest kluczowe w doborze najbardziej odpowiedniego schematu leczenia chorych z NDRP. Celem tej pracy jest wykazanie, czy ośrodki zaangażowane w diagnostykę molekularną chorób nowotworowych posiadają odpowiedni potencjał, aby skutecznie przeprowadzić analizę statusu genu EGFR1 w zakresie zmian w eksonach 19. i 21. Dodatkowym celem jest wypracowanie odpowiednich standardów postępowania. Wynikiem przeprowadzonego procesu walidacji są następujące zalecenia dla laboratoriów diagnostycznych: 1. Materiał do izolacji DNA powinien zawierać nie mniej niż 50% utkania nowotworowego; 2. Ujednolicenie procedury izolacji DNA ze skrawków parafinowych wymaga stosowania gotowego zestawu do izolacji DNA; 3. W przypadku braku jednoznacznego wyniku, powinno się wykorzystać dwie metody oznaczania mutacji, zaleca się, aby jednego z wykonywanych oznaczeń dokonać przy wykorzystaniu metody sekwencjonowania bezpośredniego; 4. Zaleca się rozszerzenie panelu analizowanych eksonów do 18., 19., 20. i 21.; 5. Od momentu wypisania skierowania na badanie diagnostyczne do momentu przekazania wyniku badania nie powinno upłynąć więcej niż 10 dni roboczych. Onkol. Prak. Klin. 2011; 7, 3: 138&#8211;145Lung cancer is one of the most common cancers in Poland and abroad. According to statistics, it causes the death of 1.3 million people per year worldwide. In a nonsmall cell lung cancer (NSCLC), some patients have somatic mutations in the gene for epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), resulting in a constant activity of this receptor (10&#8211;15% patients of North American and Western European origin, and 30&#8211;35% of patients from Japan and Eastern Asia). The occurrence of such mutations is closely associated with efficacy of tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKI). Thus, determination of EGFR status is crucial in selecting the most appropriate treatment of patients with NSCLC. The aim of this paper is to show whether the laboratories involved in molecular diagnostics for cancer have the potential to effectively determinate the mutation status (in exons 19 and 21) of the EGFR1 gene. An additional objective is to develop appropriate standards for mutation testing in non-small cell lung cancer. As the result of valiadtion process conducted in the study, the following recommendations for diagnostic laboratories were approved: at least 50% of cancer cells should be present in a tissue for DNA isolation; 2. The method of DNA isolation should be standardized, the most appropriate is usage of DNA isolation kits; 3. In case of equivocal results two independent molecular methods should be employed, one of them should be direct sequencing; 4. It is recommended to extend the panel of analyzed exons to 18, 19, 20 and 21; 5 The turnaround time (TAT) should not take more than 10 working days Onkol. Prak. Klin. 2011; 7, 3: 138&#8211;14

    Validation of selected molecular methods for the mutations determination in codons 12 and 13 of K-RAS gene in five Polish oncological research centers

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    Chorzy na raka jelita grubego z przerzutami mogą osiągnąć korzyść z leczenia panitumumabem jedynie, jeśli w guzie nie stwierdzono mutacji w genie K-RAS. W związku z tym konieczne jest zbadanie statusu tego genu w celu wyłonienia chorych, którzy mogą być poddani takiemu leczeniu. Celem pracy było opracowanie standardowej procedury oznaczania statusu genu K-RAS w materiale izolowanym z bloczków parafinowych. Kolejnym celem była walidacja wybranych technik molekularnych oznaczania mutacji w pięciu ośrodkach w Polsce, w których odbywa się leczenie chorych na raka jelita grubego. Ocenie poddano cztery różne techniki oznaczania mutacji: SSCP, DHPLC, RFLP/PCR i bezpośrednie sekwencjonowanie. Stwierdzono, że wszystkie jednostki uczestniczące w procesie walidacji są odpowiednio przygotowane do podjęcia działalności diagnostycznej w zakresie oznaczania statusu genu K-RAS. Przyjęto następujące zalecenia dla laboratoriów diagnostycznych: 1. Materiał do izolacji DNA powinien zawierać przynajmniej 70% utkania nowotworowego; 2. Ujednolicenie procedury izolacji DNA ze skrawków parafinowych wymaga stosowania gotowego zestawu do izolacji DNA; 3. W przypadku braku jednoznacznego wyniku konieczne jest stosowanie dwóch metod oznaczania mutacji, przy czym jedną z nich powinno być sekwencjonowanie bezpośrednie.Metastatic colorectal cancer patients will benefit from treatment with panitumumab only when they don't have mutation in K-RAS gene. Therefore, estimation of mutational status of K-RAS is necessary for the selection of patients, who should be treated with panitumumab. The aim of this study was to evolve a standard method of estimation of K-RAS mutational status in the material isolated from paraffin blocs. The second aim was the validation of selected molecular methods of K-RAS mutation evaluation in five Polish oncological centers where mCRC patients are treated. Four methods were evaluated: SSCP, DHPLC, RFLP/PCR and direct sequencing. We found that all groups in five selected oncological centers, who took part in the validation process, were well prepared for molecular diagnosis of K-RAS mutational status. The following recommendations for diagnostic laboratories were approved: 1. At least 70% of cancer cells should be present in a tissue for DNA isolation; 2. The method of DNA isolation should be standardized, the most appropriate is usage of DNA isolation kits; 3. In case of equivocal results two independent molecular methods should be employed, one of them should be direct sequencing

    Novel and recurrent variants of ATP2C1 identified in patients with Hailey-Hailey disease

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    Hailey-Hailey disease (HHD) is a rare, late-onset autosomal dominant genodermatosis characterized by blisters, vesicular lesions,crusted erosions, and erythematous scaly plaques predominantly in intertriginous regions. HHD is caused by ATP2C1 mutations. About 180 distinct mutations have been identified so far; however, data of only few cases from Central Europe are available. The aim was to analyze the ATP2C1 gene in a cohort of Polish HHD patients. A group of 18 patients was enrolled in the study based on specific clinical symptoms. Mutations were detected using Sanger or next generation sequencing. In silico analysis was performed by prediction algorisms and dynamic structural modeling. In two cases, mRNA analysis was performed to confirm aberrant splicing. We detected 13 different mutations, including 8 novel, 2 recurrent (p.Gly850Ter and c.325-3 T > G), and 6 sporadic (c.423-1G > T, c.899 + 1G > A, p.Leu539Pro, p.Thr808TyrfsTer16, p.Gln855Arg and a complex allele: c.[1610C >G;1741 + 3A > G]). In silico analysis shows that all novel missense variants are pathogenic or likely pathogenic. We confirmed pathogenic status for two novel variants c.325-3 T > G and c.[1610C > G;1741 + 3A > G] by mRNA analysis. Our results broaden the knowledge about genetic heterogeneity in Central European patients with ATP2C1 mutations and also give further evidence that careful and multifactorial evaluation of variant pathogenicity status is essential

    RAS mutation prevalence among patients with metastatic colorectal cancer: A meta-analysis of real-world data

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    Aim: A confirmed wild-type RAS tumor status is commonly required for prescribing anti-EGFR treatment for metastatic colorectal cancer. This noninterventional, observational research project estimated RAS mutation prevalence from real-world sources. Materials &amp; methods: Aggregate RAS mutation data were collected from 12 sources in three regions. Each source was analyzed separately; pooled prevalence estimates were then derived from meta-analyses. Results: The pooled RAS mutation prevalence from 4431 tumor samples tested for RAS mutation status was estimated to be 43.6% (95% CI: 38.8-48.5%); ranging from 33.7% (95% CI: 28.4-39.3%) to 54.1% (95% CI: 51.7-56.5%) between sources. Conclusion: The RAS mutation prevalence estimates varied among sources. The reasons for this are not clear and highlight the need for further research. © 2017 Future Medicine Ltd