12 research outputs found

    The Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Fire Fighting Operations – the Proposal Dedicated for State Fire Service

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    Technologia bezzałogowych statków powietrznych (BSP) znajduje coraz większą popularność i zastosowanie w codziennym życiu. W artykule przedstawiono analizę możliwości ich wykorzystania w działaniach Państwowej Straży Pożarnej (PSP) oraz propozycję cech BSP dedykowanego do działań PSP. W artykule zostały opisane dotychczasowe badania oraz sposoby wykorzystania BSP, a także eksperyment z wykorzystaniem środowiska symulacyjnego. Na ich postawie zaproponowano rozwiązania, jakie powinny być zastosowane w BSP używanych przez strażaków.The article is an analysis of the unmanned aerial vehicles idea of using them in fire -fighting operations. The first part defines the unmanned aerial vehicles and shows their main characteristics. Next chapters describe the possibilities of using them in fire -fighting actions. The last part of the article points out the requirements for equipment necessary for fire -fighting

    Innovative stabilization methods of damaged building structures

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    W artykule przeprowadzono analizę dotyczącą obecnie stosowanych nowoczesnych metod stabilizacji uszkodzonych konstrukcji budowlanych oraz sposobów ich wykorzystani w ratownictwie. Zaprezentowano wybrane systemy deskowań w tym (podpory typu T, podpory filarowe, podpory pochyłe, podpory zatrzaskowe i podpory bez-gwoździowe a także układane w stosy) oraz systemy montowane z prefabrykatów (podpory pneumatyczne, rusztowania, podpory bezgwoździowe). Przedstawione w artykule podpory używane są obecnie przez ratowników w czasie działań dotyczących stabilizacji uszkodzonych konstrukcji budowlanych zarówno w Polsce, jak i na świecie. Praca jest częścią badań przeprowadzonych w ramach projektu rozwojowego nr DOB-BIO6/03/48/2014pt. „Inno-wacyjne rozwiązania metod stabilizowania konstrukcji budowlanych i technologicznych w warunkach działań ratowniczych podczas likwidacji skutków katastrofy budowlanej”.The analysis concerning currently applied innovative stabilization methods of damaged building structures as well as the ways of their application to rescue is performed in this article. Moreover, selected systems of boarding, including supports T-type, pillar supports, inclined supports, snap-in supports, supports without nails as well as the ones stacked in piles, and systems assembled from prefabricates (pneumatic supports, scaffolds, supports without nails) are presented. The supports shown in the paper are currently being used by rescuers during the stabilization of damaged building structures both in Poland and all over the world. The article is a part of the research conducted within the framework of development project no. DOB-BIO6/03/48/2014 pt. "Innovative solutions of stabilization methods of building and technological structures under rescue operating conditions during the recovery from the effects of construction disaster"

    MicroRNA expression and oxidative stress markers in pectoral muscle of broiler chickens fed diets supplemented with phytobiotics composition

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    Abstract Phytobiotic compositions are commercially used in broiler production, mostly to improve general health and the production parameters. Moreover, some of their active substances may change the expression of miRNA in different tissues. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of the phytobiotic composition (PBC) containing white mustard, calamus, turmeric, and common ivy on production parameters, oxidative stress markers and expression of selected miRNAs in pectoral muscle of broiler chickens. The experiment was performed on broiler chickens fed the control diet (without PBC), and a diet supplemented with 60 or 100 mg/kg of PBC for 35 days. After the experiment, samples (blood and muscle) were collected for analyses. The analyzed production parameters included: feed conversion ratio, feed intake and body weight. There was no effect on growth performance of broiler chickens but feeding diet supplemented with 60 mg/kg phytobiotics significantly increased the expression of miR-30a-5p, miR-181a-5p, and miR-206, and decreased that of miR-99a-5p, miR-133a-5p, miR-142-5p, and miR-222 in pectoral muscle of chickens. The addition of 100 mg/kg phytobiotics significantly increased miR-99a-5p and miR-181a-5p expression, and caused down-regulation of the expression of miR-26a-5p and miR-30a-5p. Chickens fed diet supplemented with 100 mg/kg PBC had lower level of lipid peroxidation products in blood, while in the muscle tissue it was higher in birds fed a diet with the addition of 60 mg/kg as compared to the control group. The results suggest that this unique composition of phytobiotics does not affect productive traits but can change expression of miRNAs that are crucial for muscle physiology and pathology in broiler chickens. This additive may also protect against the oxidative stress but the effect is dose dependent

    Analiza przydatności Mobilnej Ewakuacyjnej Platformy Pływającej w działaniach ratowniczych

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    Flat-bottomed propeller boats are vessels which have been well-known for more than a hundred years. However, in Poland they are less popular and are used only for recreational purposes. The project implemented by a consortium of Polish research centers and companies within the limits of the competition for the Applied Research Program (financed by The National Centre for Research and Development, NCBR) led to the creation of the first dedicated rescue unit in Poland. The Main School of Fire Service (SGSP) together with the Automotive Industry Institute (PIMOT) carried out practical tests on both: flowing water (the Narew river) and standing water (the Zegrze Lake).Płaskodenne łodzie z napędem śmigłowym są jednostkami pływającymi znanymi od ponad stu lat. W Polsce jednak są mało popularne i jeżeli są wykorzystywane, to jedynie w celach rekreacyjnych. Projekt zrealizowany przez konsorcjum polskich ośrodków naukowo-badawczych oraz firm w ramach konkursu Programu Badań Stosowanych doprowadził do powstania pierwszej w Polsce tego typu jednostki dedykowanej dla służb ratowniczych. Szkoła Głowna Służby Pożarniczej (SGSP) wraz z Przemysłowym Instytutem Motoryzacji (PIMOT) przeprowadziła testy praktyczne zarówno na wodach płynących (rzeka Narew), jak i stojących (Zalew Zegrzyński)

    Effect of Phytobiotic Composition on Production Parameters, Oxidative Stress Markers and Myokine Levels in Blood and Pectoral Muscle of Broiler Chickens

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of dietary level of a phytobiotic composition (PBC) on production parameters, oxidative stress markers and cytokine levels in the blood and breast muscle of broiler chickens. The experiment was performed on 48 one-day-old female Ross 308 broiler chickens divided into three groups (n = 16) fed the control diet (without PBC), and a diet supplemented with 60 or 100 mg/kg of PBC. After 35 days of feeding, blood and breast muscle samples were collected for analyses. There was no effect on final body weight and feed intake but PBC addition (100 mg/kg) improved feed efficiency as compared to the control. Also, this dietary level of PBC contributed to an increase in interlukin-6 content in blood and a reduction in tumor necrosis factor-α concentrations in pectoral muscle in comparison with the control group. In conclusion, the addition of 100 mg/kg PBC improved the production parameters of broiler chickens and beneficially influenced the regeneration and protection of pectoral muscle against pathophysiological processes that may occur during intensive rearing