890 research outputs found

    Semiotic Literacy, Post-Modernity, Malaysia and Japan; How Television Advertising Reveals Political-Economic Development and Change

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    This paper focuses on how advertising formats can be utilized as inductive tools to assess the political, economic, intellectual and cultural "development" of a society. It does so by focusing on two essentially different countries: Japan and Malaysia. We find that while both countries utilize the same four formats identified by Leiss et al. (1990) in their historical survey of American and Canadian print ads, they do so in different measure. Specifically, in Malaysia Product Information and Product Image formats occur with greater frequency, whereas in Japan the Peronalization and Lifestyle forms are more common. Implicit in Leiss et al.\u27s work was a developmental logic. Simply put, one could hypothesize that nations at a lower level of political-economic development tend to favor the “cruder", more product-centered formats, while those countries at the higher level more often invoke the more sophisticated, entertainment-oriented communications. The comparative data here tends to confirm this. These associations are bolstered by the fact that in Japan, though not in Malaysia, we encounter a fifth presentation format-what I call the \u27Post-modern Format\u27. One further task of this paper is to explore an array of postmodern approaches. In conclusion I seek to understand why such patterns have resulted. My explanation is twofold. From the production side it involves matters of political organization and economic development-factors impinging on ad creation. From the audience side, it entails semiotics and, in particular, an ad reader\u27s sign-processing capacity. We end with questions of globalization. Advertising is one of the few "language systems" which has spread worldwide that is also understandable (at some level) to all recipients. Yet, because it is dependent on semiotic literacy and because such literacy is dependent on political and economic factors rooted in the context, the question whether Malaysian advertising will ever "develop" to the level of Japanese advertising -with a similar dominant status in society- is yet an open question

    The Financing Problems Facing the Agricultural Sector in Nigeria and the Prospect of Waqf-Muzaraah-Supply Chain Model (WMSCM)

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    Agriculture sector becomes important sector in many developing countries including in Nigeria. The contribution of agricultural sector to the development of Nigeria is considerable. This important sector was the economic backbone upon which the government of the Federal Republic of Nigeria relied for its foreign exchange and revenue. A country was once a net exporter of agricultural products. However, since the discovery of oil in the early 1960, agricultural productivity has continually decreased due to many problems, especially related to financial aspect. Several programmes and policies have been adopted by various administrations to find solution to the dwindling agricultural productivity but to no avail. These solutions have mainly focused on alleviating the financial problems the farmers face. Usually financial intermediaries including banks would provide micro-financing to the farmers but with high interest rates coupled with collateral requirements. Hence, this mode of financing has not produced any significant result. This study will therefore examine problems facing agricultural sector in Nigeria with special emphasis on its financial aspect and propose a Waqf-MuzaraahSupply Chain model (WMSCM). Under this model, Waqf fund will be used for providing financial facility of the farmers. The relationship between farmers and financial institutions is based on partnership where profit and loss will be shared by both parties. This will enhance commitment by and cooperation among both parties to ensure the success of the business. Furthermore, the issues of collateral and high interest rate that constrain the financial ability of the farmers and their agricultural output are inherently solved by the model. Moreover, the model has features of investment and risk diversification for both the financial institutions and the farmers that will lead to high agricultural productivity and employment generation in the economy

    The Determinants of Dividend Payout: Evidence From the Malaysian Property Market

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    The paper aims to investigate the determinants of dividend payout among the Malaysian property companies. The sample size consists of 30 property listed companies on Bursa Malaysia. The data are generally obtained from the company's annual report for the period of 2012 to 2016. The study employs multiple regression analysis to examine the influence of firms specific and macroeconomic variables on dividend payout. Result of the test shows that the dividend payout has a significant negative relationship with ownership structure and positive relationship on return on equity, quick ratio and GDP. The study instigates to enrich the literature on dividend determinants especially in the context of Malaysia

    Pharmacokinetics of Antimicrobials in Food Producing Animals

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    Global Warming Risk Perceptions in India

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    Thaker, Jagadish, Smith, Nicholas, and Leiserowitz, Anthony ; 2020; Global warming risk perceptions in India; "Published in Risk Analysis" ; http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/risa.13574Publishe

    Revisiting of an Islamic Options Permisibility From Shariah Perspectives

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    The popularity of derivative instruments especially in managing uncertainty (risk)had become popular after several financial crises that occurred since the Great EconomicDepression. There are various tools have been developed in managing risk such as the Options,Forwards, Futures and Swaps. In addition, these kinds of tools are commonly used by institutional and individual investors. Given this popularity, conventional risk management strategies is completely against from Islamic risk management as Islamic financial market arekeep on growing drastically at Cumulative Average Growth Rate (CAGR) of 15% on yearlybasis (Mckinsey, 2005). This is clearly shows that, Islamic finance development are in line withconventional financial development. Therefore, there is need to maintain consistency in productstructures offered by these two financial markets. The complexity is mainly contributed by thestructures and the design of the products especially on Islamic derivatives tools. Therefore, to get a significant picture of the Islamic risk management tools, this paper will only examines thecontemporary derivative instruments namely; Option and the Islamic viewpoints of thisinstrument . As we know, Islamic finance is governed by Shariah principle and guidelines whichprohibit Riba, Gharar, and Masir etc. Therefore, this paper attempts to explore the validity ofoptions from Islamic and Shariah perspectives by reviewing Islamic scholars opinions on anoptions market

    Multispectral Deep Neural Network Fusion Method for Low-Light Object Detection

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    Despite significant strides in achieving vehicle autonomy, robust perception under low-light conditions still remains a persistent challenge. In this study, we investigate the potential of multispectral imaging, thereby leveraging deep learning models to enhance object detection performance in the context of nighttime driving. Features encoded from the red, green, and blue (RGB) visual spectrum and thermal infrared images are combined to implement a multispectral object detection model. This has proven to be more effective compared to using visual channels only, as thermal images provide complementary information when discriminating objects in low-illumination conditions. Additionally, there is a lack of studies on effectively fusing these two modalities for optimal object detection performance. In this work, we present a framework based on the Faster R-CNN architecture with a feature pyramid network. Moreover, we design various fusion approaches using concatenation and addition operators at varying stages of the network to analyze their impact on object detection performance. Our experimental results on the KAIST and FLIR datasets show that our framework outperforms the baseline experiments of the unimodal input source and the existing multispectral object detectors

    Postoperative Cholecystitis From Nathanson Liver Retractor During Robotic-Assisted Laparoscopic Partial Nephrectomy

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    Proper visualization of the surgical field during any procedure is one of the most imperative elements of surgery. The tools used to obtain this goal come with their own set of risks. This report describes a patient who developed postoperative acalculous cholecystitis (PAC) after use of a Nathan liver retractor. PAC is a rare complication of urologic surgery and is often more severe than acalculous cholecystitis (AC), leading to significant morbidity