430 research outputs found

    The Flux-Across-Surfaces Theorem for a Point Interaction Hamiltonian

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    The flux-across-surfaces theorem establishes a fundamental relation in quantum scattering theory between the asymptotic outgoing state and a quantity which is directly measured in experiments. We prove it for a hamiltonian with a point interaction, using the explicit expression for the propagator. The proof requires only assuptions on the initial state and it covers also the case of zero-energy resonance. We also outline a different approach based on generalized eigenfunctions, in view of a possible extension of the result.Comment: AMS-Latex file, 11 page

    The NLS equation in dimension one with spatially concentrated nonlinearities: the pointlike limit

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    In the present paper we study the following scaled nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation (NLS) in one space dimension: iddtψε(t)=−Δψε(t)+1ϵV(xϵ)∣ψε(t)∣2μψε(t)ϵ>0 ,V∈L1(R,(1+∣x∣)dx)∩L∞(R) . i\frac{d}{dt} \psi^{\varepsilon}(t) =-\Delta\psi^{\varepsilon}(t) + \frac{1}{\epsilon}V\left(\frac{x}{\epsilon}\right)|\psi^{\varepsilon}(t)|^{2\mu}\psi^{\varepsilon}(t) \quad \quad \epsilon>0\ ,\quad V\in L^1(\mathbb{R},(1+|x|)dx) \cap L^\infty(\mathbb{R}) \ . This equation represents a nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation with a spatially concentrated nonlinearity. We show that in the limit ϵ→0\epsilon\to 0, the weak (integral) dynamics converges in H1(R)H^1(\mathbb{R}) to the weak dynamics of the NLS with point-concentrated nonlinearity: iddtψ(t)=Hαψ(t). i\frac{d}{dt} \psi(t) =H_{\alpha}\psi(t) . where HαH_{\alpha} is the laplacian with the nonlinear boundary condition at the origin ψ′(t,0+)−ψ′(t,0−)=α∣ψ(t,0)∣2μψ(t,0)\psi'(t,0+)-\psi'(t,0-)=\alpha|\psi(t,0)|^{2\mu}\psi(t,0) and α=∫RVdx\alpha=\int_{\mathbb{R}}Vdx. The convergence occurs for every μ∈R+\mu\in \mathbb{R}^+ if V≥0V \geq 0 and for every μ∈(0,1)\mu\in (0,1) otherwise. The same result holds true for a nonlinearity with an arbitrary number NN of concentration pointsComment: 10 page

    Well-posedness of the three-dimensional NLS equation with sphere-concentrated nonlinearity

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    We discuss strong local and global well-posedness for the three-dimensional NLS equation with nonlinearity concentrated on S2 . Precisely, local well-posedness is proved for any C 2 power-nonlinearity, while global well-posedness is obtained either for small data or in the defocusing case under some growth assumptions. With respect to point-concentrated NLS models, widely studied in the literature, here the dimension of the support of the nonlinearity does not allow a direct extension of the known techniques and calls for new ideas

    A Quantum Model of Feshbach Resonances

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    We consider a quantum model of two-channel scattering to describe the mechanism of a Feshbach resonance. We perform a rigorous analysis in order to count and localize the energy resonances in the perturbative regime, i.e., for small inter-channel coupling, and in the non-perturbative one. We provide an expansion of the effective scattering length near the resonances, via a detailed study of an effective Lippmann-Schwinger equation with energy-dependent potential.Comment: 29 pages, pdfLaTe

    Cholesterol derivatives make large part of the lipids from epidermal molts of the desert-adapted Gila monster lizard (Heloderma suspectum)

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    In order to understand the cutaneous water loss in the desert-adapted and venomous lizard Heloderma suspectum, the microscopic structure and lipid composition of epidermal molts have been examined using microscopic, spectroscopic and chemical analysis techniques. The molt is formed by a variably thick, superficial beta-layer, an extensive mesos-region and few alpha-cells in its lowermost layers. The beta-layer contains most corneous beta proteins while the mesos-region is much richer in lipids. The proteins in the mesos-region are more unstructured than those located in the beta-layer. Most interestingly, among other lipids, high contents of cholesteryl-β-glucoside and cholesteryl sulfate were detected, molecules absent or present in traces in other species of squamates. These cholesterol derivatives may be involved in the stabilization and compaction of the mesos-region, but present a limited permeability to water movements. The modest resistance to cutaneous water-loss of this species is compensated by adopting other physiological strategies to limit thermal damage and water transpiration as previous eco-physiological studies have indicated. The increase of steroid derivatives may also be implicated in the heat shock response, influencing the relative behavior in this desert-adapted lizard

    Wave equation with concentrated nonlinearities

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    In this paper we address the problem of wave dynamics in presence of concentrated nonlinearities. Given a vector field VV on an open subset of \CO^n and a discrete set Y\subset\RE^3 with nn elements, we define a nonlinear operator ΔV,Y\Delta_{V,Y} on L^2(\RE^3) which coincides with the free Laplacian when restricted to regular functions vanishing at YY, and which reduces to the usual Laplacian with point interactions placed at YY when VV is linear and is represented by an Hermitean matrix. We then consider the nonlinear wave equation ϕ¨=ΔV,Yϕ\ddot \phi=\Delta_{V,Y}\phi and study the corresponding Cauchy problem, giving an existence and uniqueness result in the case VV is Lipschitz. The solution of such a problem is explicitly expressed in terms of the solutions of two Cauchy problem: one relative to a free wave equation and the other relative to an inhomogeneous ordinary differential equation with delay and principal part ζ˙+V(ζ)\dot\zeta+V(\zeta). Main properties of the solution are given and, when YY is a singleton, the mechanism and details of blow-up are studied.Comment: Revised version. To appear in Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, special issue on Singular Interactions in Quantum Mechanics: Solvable Model

    Boundary Conditions for Singular Perturbations of Self-Adjoint Operators

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    Let A:D(A)\subseteq\H\to\H be an injective self-adjoint operator and let \tau:D(A)\to\X, X a Banach space, be a surjective linear map such that \|\tau\phi\|_\X\le c \|A\phi\|_\H. Supposing that \text{\rm Range} (\tau')\cap\H' =\{0\}, we define a family AΘτA^\tau_\Theta of self-adjoint operators which are extensions of the symmetric operator A∣{τ=0}.A_{|\{\tau=0\}.}. Any ϕ\phi in the operator domain D(AΘτ)D(A^\tau_\Theta) is characterized by a sort of boundary conditions on its univocally defined regular component \phireg, which belongs to the completion of D(A) w.r.t. the norm \|A\phi\|_\H. These boundary conditions are written in terms of the map τ\tau, playing the role of a trace (restriction) operator, as \tau\phireg=\Theta Q_\phi, the extension parameter Θ\Theta being a self-adjoint operator from X' to X. The self-adjoint extension is then simply defined by A^\tau_\Theta\phi:=A \phireg. The case in which Aϕ=T∗ϕA\phi=T*\phi is a convolution operator on LD, T a distribution with compact support, is studied in detail.Comment: Revised version. To appear in Operator Theory: Advances and Applications, vol. 13

    Decay of a Bound State under a Time-Periodic Perturbation: a Toy Case

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    We study the time evolution of a three dimensional quantum particle, initially in a bound state, under the action of a time-periodic zero range interaction with ``strength'' (\alpha(t)). Under very weak generic conditions on the Fourier coefficients of (\alpha(t)), we prove complete ionization as (t \to \infty). We prove also that, under the same conditions, all the states of the system are scattering states.Comment: LaTeX2e, 15 page
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