2,842 research outputs found


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    Indonesian cattle farming has the potential to support national food security. Beef produced domestically comes from people's farms, using a household-scale rearing system with various ownership strata. Cattle farming management needs to be studied further so that it can survive and increase production and produce quality beef cattle. The aim of this research is to select important attributes in formulating a strategy for developing and improving cattle farming by analyzing system requirements, use case diagrams and Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN). System analysis in research using the BPMN business flow diagram shows that the important important variables are the calculation of tillers and feed mixing with a support value of 0.500 with a ratio of 1.714. It is hoped that this research can describe the design and model for developing the productivity of smallholder cattle farming based on existing environmental conditionsKeywords: ARM, BPMN, Relief, Rural AreaINTISARI           Peternakan sapi Indonesia berpotensi mendukung ketahanan pangan nasional. Daging sapi yang diproduksi di dalam negeri berasal dari peternakan rakyat, menggunakan sistem pemeliharaan skala rumah tangga dengan strata kepemilikan beragam. Pengelolaan peternakan sapi perlu dikaji lebih lanjut agar dapat bertahan dan dapat meningkatkan produksi serta menghasilkan sapi potong yang berkualitas. Tujuan dari penelitian  ini adalah untuk memilih atribut-atribut penting dalam merumuskan strategi pengembangan dan peningkatan peternakan sapi dengan menganalisis kebutuhan sistem, use case diagram dan Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN). Analisis sistem pada penelitian  mengunakan  diagram alur bisnis BPMN menunjukkan bahwa variabel peting yang berpengaruh  adalah perhitungan anakan dan pencampuran pakan dengan  nilai dukung sebesar 0,500 dengan rasio sebesar 1,714. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menggambarkan desain dan model  pengembangan produktivitas peternakan sapi rakyat berdasarkan kondisi lingkungan yang ada. Kata Kunci : ARM, BPMN, Relief, Peternakan Rakya

    Pelvic floor disorders in gynecological malignancies. An overlooked problem?

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    Cervical, endometrial, ovarian, vulvar, and vaginal cancers affect women of a broad age spectrum. Many of these women are still sexually active when their cancer is diagnosed. Treatment options for gynecological malignancies, such as gynecological surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy, are proven risk factors for pelvic floor dysfunction. The prevalence of urinary incontinence, fecal incontinence, and sexual dysfunction before cancer treatment is still unclear. Hypotheses have been raised in the literature that these manifestations could represent early symptoms of pelvic cancers, but most remain overlooked even in cancer surviving patients. The primary focus of therapy is always cancer eradication, but as oncological and surgical treatment options become more successful, the number of cancer survivors increases. The quality of life of patients with gynecological cancers often remains an underrated subject. Pelvic floor disorders are not consistently reported by patients and are frequently overlooked by many clinicians. In this brief review we discuss the importance of pelvic floor dysfunction in patients with gynecological malignant tumors


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    Cases of HIV / AIDS until now is increasing and has not found a cure. Listed as one of the most deadly diseases. The cause of this disease because of sex is not healthy, drug users using needles infected with HIV / AIDS, blood transfusions, babies born to positive mothers infected with HIV / AIDS. Their underlying cause of the disease is that there are some people who have a negative perception so that they will give a stigma for people living with HIV. It also extended to the campus community. This study Aimed to identify the relationship between the student persespsi with stigmatization of PLWHA. The approach used is quantitative approach with cross sectional study design. Reviews These samples included 236 students. Data analysis using chi square. Based on test results Obtained statistical value of p = 0.000, it can be concluded that there is a correlation between students' perceptions about HIV / AIDS with the stigmatization of PLWHA. From the results Obtained by analysis of the value OR = 5.844, it means that students who have positive perceptions about HIV / AIDS have the opportunity to give 5,844 times stigmatization for people living with HIV than students who have a negative perception. Suggestion: it is Necessary to access the latest information on HIV / AIDS in order to Broaden so as to change the wrong perceptions about HIV / AIDS so that no stigma for people living with HI


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    This study aims to determine and identify pests that attack Inpari 30 rice plants in Pape Village, Bajawa District, Ngada Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province by making direct observations in the field. This research was carried out starting from February to May 2023. The research object was in the rice fields owned by farmers. This research was descriptive qualitative, namely observing and identifying 30 inpari rice pests that were seen during direct observation on 25 acres of farmer's land in Pape Village. Sampling by cluster sampling method Pest sampling technique is determined by saturated sampling method because all members of the pest population are used as samples. The results of observations in the field indicate that observations in the morning are the first detection of pests in the field. Types of pests include: False white pests, golden snails, grasshoppers, white stem borer (Scirpophaga innotata), green leafhoppers, brown planthoppers, stinging bugs (Leptocorixa acuta) and sparrows. Keywords: Identification, Pests, Diseases of Inpari 30 Rice Plants INTISARIPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan mengidentifikasi hama yang menyerang tanaman padi Inpari 30 di Desa Pape Kecamatan Bajawa Kabupaten Ngada Provinsi Nusa tenggara Timur dengan melakukan pengamatan secara langsung di lapangan. Penelitian ini telah laksanakan terhitung mulai  Februari sampai dengan bulan Mei 2023. Obyek penelitian di lahan sawah  milik petani. Penelitian ini deskriptif kualitatif yakni mengamati dan mengidentifikasi jenis hama padi inpari 30 yang terlihat pada saat pengamatan langsung di lahan milik petani seluas 25 are di Desa Pape. Pengambilan sampel dengan metode cluster sampling teknik pengambilan sampel hama ditentukan dengan metode sampling jenuh karena semua anggota populasi hama digunakan sebagai sampel. Hasil pengamatan di lapangan menunjukkan bahwa pengamatan di pagi hari merupakan pendeteksi awal keberadaan hama di lapangan. Jenis hama yang diantaranya: Hama putih palsu, keong mas, belalang, penggerek batang putih (Scirpophaga innotata), wereng hijau, wereng coklat, walang sangit (Leptocorixa acuta) dan burung pipit. Kata kunci: Identifikasi, Hama, Penyakit Tanaman Padi Inpari 3

    A simple method to assess the oxidative susceptibility of low density lipoproteins

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    BACKGROUND: Oxidative modification of low density lipoproteins (LDL) is recognized as one of the major processes involved in atherogenesis. The in vitro standardized measurement of LDL oxidative susceptibility could thus be of clinical significance. The aim of the present study was to establish a method which would allow the evaluation of oxidative susceptibility of LDL in the general clinical laboratory. RESULTS: LDL was isolated from human plasma by selective precipitation with amphipathic polymers. The ability of LDL to form peroxides was assessed by measuring thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) after incubation with Cu(2+) and H(2)O(2). Reaction kinetics showed a three-phase pattern (latency, propagation and decomposition phases) which allowed us to select 150 min as the time point to stop the incubation by cooling and EDTA addition. The mixture Cu(2+)/H(2)O(2) yielded more lipoperoxides than each one on its own at the same time end-point. Induced peroxidation was measured in normal subjects and in type 2 diabetic patients. In the control group, results were 21.7 ± 1.5 nmol MDA/mg LDL protein, while in the diabetic group results were significantly increased (39.0 ± 3.0 nmol MDA/mg LDL protein; p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: a simple and useful method is presented for the routine determination of LDL susceptibility to peroxidation in a clinical laboratory

    Pelvic floor disorders in gynecological malignancies. An overlooked problem?

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    Cervical, endometrial, ovarian, vulvar, and vaginal cancers affect women of a broad age spectrum. Many of these women are still sexually active when their cancer is diagnosed. Treatment options for gynecological malignancies, such as gynecological surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy, are proven risk factors for pelvic floor dysfunction. The prevalence of urinary incontinence, fecal incontinence, and sexual dysfunction before cancer treatment is still unclear. Hypotheses have been raised in the literature that these manifestations could represent early symptoms of pelvic cancers, but most remain overlooked even in cancer surviving patients. The primary focus of therapy is always cancer eradication, but as oncological and surgical treatment options become more successful, the number of cancer survivors increases. The quality of life of patients with gynecological cancers often remains an underrated subject. Pelvic floor disorders are not consistently reported by patients and are frequently overlooked by many clinicians. In this brief review we discuss the importance of pelvic floor dysfunction in patients with gynecological malignant tumors

    Portación de staphylococcus aureus y resistencia a la meticilina en elaboradores de alimentos de tres instituciones educativas de la ciudad de Gualeguaychú

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    Los elaboradores de alimentos que no mantienen una buena higiene pueden ser vehículos de Enfermedades Trasmitidas por Alimentos (ETA). En las últimas décadas se ha observado un aumento significativo de los portadores de Staphylococcus aureus resistente a la meticilina (SARM) representando un problema para la seguridad alimentaria y salud pública. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue detectar Staphylococcus aureus (SAU) y sensibilidad a meticilina, evaluando hábitos y conocimientos higiénico sanitarios de los elaboradores de alimentos de instituciones educativas de Gualeguaychú. Se analizaron 43 muestras de fosas nasales y manos de alumnos y docentes, realizando aislamiento de SAU, identificados mediante pruebas bioquímicas convencionales y sensibilidad a meticilina (difusión con disco de cefoxitina 30μg). Se evaluaron los hábitos y conocimientos aplicando un cuestionario de autoinforme. Los aspectos éticos fueron contemplados firmando un consentimiento. Resultados: El 47% (n=20) resulto positivo para SAU, 33% (n=14) lo portaban en manos y 35% (n=15) en narinas. La prevalencia de SAMR fue del 25% para narinas y 19% en manos. En el cuestionario se halló una diferencia significativa (ρ&lt;0,05) para el momento de lavado de manos, manifiestando falta general de conocimiento. Conclusiones: si bien los valores de portación encontrados fueron similares a los de otros trabajos científicos, se encontró una frecuencia de resistencia a meticilina mayor, por lo que sería conveniente analizar qué ocurre en esta zona ya que no hay estudios reportados. Se deberían implementar capacitaciones, dado que las falencias detectadas indican circulación de SARM entre estos elaboradores de alimentos con el riesgo de ser diseminadores de dichas cepas.Fil: López, Tamara A.. Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos.Fil: Grenóvero, Silvia. Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos.Fil: Sosa, Natalia. Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos.Fil: Taus Maria, R.. Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos

    A Multi-Center Study Investigating Long COVID-19 in Healthcare Workers from North-Eastern Italy: Prevalence, Risk Factors and the Impact of Pre-Existing Humoral Immunity—ORCHESTRA Project

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    : Introduction: The impact of long-COVID-19 syndrome is rather variable, since it is influenced by several residual confounders. This study aimed to investigate the prevalence of long COVID-19 in healthcare workers (HCWs) from four university hospitals in north-eastern Italy: Trieste, Padua, Verona, and Modena-Reggio Emilia. Methods: During the period June 2022-August 2022, HCWs were surveyed for past COVID-19 infections, medical history, and any acute as well as post-COVID-19 symptoms. The prevalence of long COVID-19 was estimated at 30-60 days or 61+ days since first negative swab following first and second COVID-19 episode. Furthermore, the risk of long COVID-19 was investigated by multivariable logistic regression. Results were expressed as the adjusted odds ratio (aOR) with a 95% confidence interval (95%CI). Results: 5432 HCWs returned a usable questionnaire: 2401 were infected with SARS-CoV-2 at least once, 230 were infected at least twice, and 8 were infected three times. The prevalence of long COVID-19 after a primary COVID-19 infection was 24.0% at 30-60 days versus 16.3% at 61+ days, and 10.5% against 5.5% after the second SARS-CoV-2 event. The most frequent symptoms after a first COVID-19 event were asthenia (30.3%), followed by myalgia (13.7%), cough (12.4%), dyspnea (10.2%), concentration deficit (8.1%), headache (7.3%), and anosmia (6.5%), in decreasing order of prevalence. The risk of long COVID-19 at 30-60 days was significantly higher in HCWs hospitalized for COVID-19 (aOR = 3.34; 95%CI: 1.62; 6.89), those infected with SARS-CoV-2 during the early pandemic waves-namely the Wuhan (aOR = 2.16; 95%CI: 1.14; 4.09) or Alpha (aOR= 2.05; 95%CI: 1.25; 3.38) transmission periods-and progressively increasing with viral shedding time (VST), especially 15+ days (aOR = 3.20; 95%CI: 2.07; 4.94). Further determinants of long COVID-19 at 30-60 days since primary COVID-19 event were female sex (aOR = 1.91; 95%CI: 1.30; 2.80), age &gt;40 years, abnormal BMI, or administrative services (reference category). In contrast, HCWs vaccinated with two doses before their primary infection (aOR = 0.57; 95%CI: 0.34; 0.94), undergraduate students, or postgraduate medical trainees were less likely to experience long COVID-19 at 30-60 days. Apart from pandemic waves, the main determinants of long COVID-19 at 30-60 days were confirmed at 61+ days. Conclusions: The risk of long COVID-19 following primary infection increased with the severity of acute disease and VST, especially during the initial pandemic waves, when more virulent viral strains were circulating, and susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 was higher since most HCWs had not been infected yet, COVID-19 vaccines were still not available, and/or vaccination coverage was still building up. The risk of long COVID-19 therefore decreased inversely with humoral immunity at the individual level. Nevertheless, the prevalence of long COVID-19 was remarkably lower after SARS-CoV-2 reinfections regardless of vaccination status, suggesting that hybrid humoral immunity did not increase protection against the syndrome compared to immunity mounted by either natural infection or vaccination separately. Since the risk of long COVID-19 is currently low with Omicron and patients who developed the syndrome following SARS-CoV-2 infection in the early pandemic waves tend to return to a state of full health with time, a cost-effective approach to screen post-COVID-19 symptoms during the Omicron time could be restricted to vulnerable individuals developing severe disease and/or with prolonged VST

    Multiple Cancer Testis Antigens Function To Support Tumor Cell Mitotic Fidelity

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    While the expression of genes that are normally involved in spermatogenesis is frequently detected in tumors, the extent to which these gene products are required for neoplastic behaviors is unclear. To begin to address their functional relevance to tumorigenesis, we identified a cohort of proteins which display synthetic lethality with paclitaxel in non-small-cell lung cancer and whose expression is biased toward testes and tumors. Remarkably, these testis proteins, FMR1NB, NXF2, MAGEA5, FSIP1, and STARD6, are required for accurate chromosome segregation in tumor cells. Their individual depletion enhances the generation of multipolar spindles, increases mitotic transit time, and induces micronucleation in response to an otherwise innocuous dose of paclitaxel. The underlying basis for abnormal mitosis is an alteration in microtubule function, as their depletion increases microtubule cytaster formation and disrupts microtubule stability. Given these observations, we hypothesize that reactivated testis proteins may represent unique tumor cell vulnerabilities which, if targeted, could enhance responsiveness to antimitotic therapy. Indeed, we demonstrate that combining paclitaxel with a small-molecule inhibitor of the gametogenic and tumor cell mitotic protein TACC3 leads to enhanced centrosomal abnormalities, activation of death programs, and loss of anchorage-independent growth