818 research outputs found

    Common Bile Duct Stricture Post Open Cholecystectomy

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    Common bile duct stricture is a common complication following open cholecystectomy. Approximately 80% of benign strictures occur following injury during a cholecystectomy. We report a female aged 70 years old, with a history of open cholecystectomy due to gallbladder stones. She was admitted to Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital with symptoms and signs of obstructive jaundice. Endoscopy retrograde cholangio-pancreaticography (ERCP) examination revealed proximal common bile duct (CBD) stricture. She underwent open laparotomy, during which, a narrowing of proximal CBD was seen due to a fibrosis involving part of the duodenum. The patient then underwent a hepatic-duodenostomy bypass surgery. The symptoms and signs of obstructive jaundice were relieved after surgery


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    Goddes of Pantura is a photography book created by Arum Tresnaningtyas which discuss about dangdut music in the North-coast of Java. Cover works as an exciting main image representative to represent what it is inside—the book. Goddes of Pantura uses certain materials and colors to deliver its communication message. Using thinking principal, pragmatic graphic design is focused to risen up the sensitivity of a process through technique, materials, and media to be poured to the artpiece. This technique will answer how design process is, deliver a communication message and its perception, is not only about the final result of creating design, as what it presents on Goddes of Pantura book cover. This research is using qualitative method with Morris’ semiotic approach. The result of this research will be served further in this writing. Keywords: Cover, Goddes of Pantura, Pragmati

    Nearest Neighbour Decoding and Pilot-Aided Channel Estimation in Stationary Gaussian Flat-Fading Channels

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    We study the information rates of non-coherent, stationary, Gaussian, multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) flat-fading channels that are achievable with nearest neighbour decoding and pilot-aided channel estimation. In particular, we analyse the behaviour of these achievable rates in the limit as the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) tends to infinity. We demonstrate that nearest neighbour decoding and pilot-aided channel estimation achieves the capacity pre-log - which is defined as the limiting ratio of the capacity to the logarithm of SNR as the SNR tends to infinity - of non-coherent multiple-input single-output (MISO) flat-fading channels, and it achieves the best so far known lower bound on the capacity pre-log of non-coherent MIMO flat-fading channels.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure. To be presented at the IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), St. Petersburg, Russia, 2011. Replaced with version that will appear in the proceeding

    Kajian Teknologi Budidaya dan Kelayakan Ekonomi USAhatani Kedelai dengan Pendekatan Pengelolaan Tanaman Terpadu di Lahan Pasang Surut Jambi

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    Assesement of Cultivation Technology and Economic Feasibility of Soybean Farming Systemwith Integrated Crop Management Approach in Tidal Land at Jambi Province. This assessment aims todetermine the performance of cultivation technology and the economic feasibility of soybean farming systemthrough integrated plant control on tidal swamp land. Assesment was conducted on dry season 2007 in BandarJaya village, Rantau Rasau sub District, Tanjung Jabung Timur District, Jambi Province, on tidal land withacid soils and sulfate land type C. Technology packed involved: seed quality, varieties, manure and dolomiteapplication, fertilizer dosage, water management, and pest diseases control. Data were collected through directobservation in the field with Participation Rural Appraisal (PRA) approach. Descriptive data were analyzedqualitatively and quantitatively using partial budget analysis with the economic parameters of R/C, MBCR,PBE, and TIH. The assessment indicated that the PTT technology is able to increase productivity .6 fold, andit was economically improve the profitability of farming for Rp.2,528,720/ha with MBCR score of 3.68, so thatthe PTT technology was feasible to be implemented. In order for PTT technology development to continue, itneeds supply of inputs, alternative fertilizer, seed multiplication by farmer, and direct supervision. Disseminationefforts need to be done both through technology and communication, and through direct propagation.Key words: Tidal swamp land, economic feasibility Tujuan pengkajian ini adalah untuk mengetahui keragaan teknologi budidaya, dan kelayakan ekonomiusahatani kedelai dengan pendekatan Pengelolaan Tanaman Terpadu di lahan pasang surut. Pengkajian inidilaksanakan pada MK 2007 di desa Bandar Jaya Kecamatan Rantau Rasau Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung TimurProvinsi Jambi dilahan pasang surut dengan tipologi lahan sulfat masam dan tipe genangan air C. Paketteknologi PTT kedelai meliputi benih bermutu, varietas, penggunaan pupuk kandang dan dolomit, dosis dan carapemupukan, pengaturan tata air dan pengendalian OPT. Sebanyak enam petani kooperator yang menggunakanpaket teknologi PTT dilibatkan dalam pengkajian ini. Data diperoleh dengan pengamatan langsung dilapangan,data primer dikumpulkan dengan pendekatan PRA. Analisis data dilakukan secara deskripif kualitatif dankuantitatif menggunakan analisis anggaran parsial dengan parameter ekonomi R/C, MBCR, TIP dan TIH.Hasil pengkajian menunjukkan bahwa teknologi PTT mampu meningkatkan produktivitas ,6 kali lipat,Kajian Teknologi Budidaya dan Kelayakan Ekonomi Usahatani Kedelai Dengan Pendekatan Pengelolaan Tanaman Terpadu diLahan Pasang Surut Jambi (Jumakir dan Abdullah Taufiq)2dan secara ekonomis meningkatkan keuntungan USAhatani sebesar Rp.2.528.720/ha dengan nilai MBCR 3,68sehingga teknologi PTT layak untuk diterapkan. Agar pengembangan teknologi PTT berlanjut, diperlukandukungan saprodi dan harga terjangkau, penggunaan pupuk alternatif dan pemanfaatan agen hayati sertapenangkaran benih oleh petani. Disamping itu masih perlu pembinaan dan pendampingan oleh petugas. Upayadiseminasi perlu dilakukan baik melalui teknologi informasi dan komunikasi maupun diseminasi langsung

    Paradigma Baru Pendidikan Tinggi dan Makna Kuliah Bagi Mahasiswa

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    The quality of higher education institutions in Indonesia to date is still is low. This can be known when compared with institutions higher education in other countries. It is also known that there is the gap between the existing reality with the goals and standards of graduate competence universities that have been formulated in laws and regulations government and related universities. Many factors play a role in it. One is the paradigm education - including higher education - is becoming a community benchmark. This growing paradigm will then determine how students give meaning to the lecture that is being pursued. Meanwhile, meaning and any understanding they have about college, will determine their attitudes, behaviors, actions and activities in the process learning. And it will ultimately determine their success within learn. After quite a while, in the recent paradigm behavioristik become displaced by a new paradigm. The developing and the will be more established lately is a constructive paradigm. With referring to this paradigm, students become the central point in the process learning. Therefore, whatever meaning is given by the students of lectures will determine their attitudes and actions in following learning process. Furthermore, this meaning will determine success educational goals as will be achieved together

    Bank dan Riba: Implikasinya dalam Ekonomi Islam

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    Islamic banks are banks whose activities leave usury problems. While usury is meant is excess property in a muamalah with no compensation. The mechanism of interest-free Islamic banking / usury based on philosophical and practical reasons. The principle of Islamic banking profit sharing makes the risk of loss smaller than deposit interest, but this high profit share still cannot provide a large influence on the economy. The reason is people still choose bank interest because the negative implications of the bank interest system are not felt directly individually in the near future by the publicIslamic banks are banks whose activities leave usury problems. While usury is meant is excess property in a muamalah with no compensation. The mechanism of interest-free Islamic banking / usury based on philosophical and practical reasons. The principle of Islamic banking profit sharing makes the risk of loss smaller than deposit interest, but this high profit share still cannot provide a large influence on the economy. The reason is people still choose bank interest because the negative implications of the bank interest system are not felt directly individually in the near future by the publi

    A study on tourism challenges at Tasik Kenyir / Taufiq A Rahman

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    Tourism is the act of travel for predominantly recreational or leisure purposes, and refers to the provision of services in support of this act. Tasik Kenyir is located in the interior of the Terengganu and spanning over 209, 199 hectares. It is the largest man-made lake in south east Asia. Sharing its border with Kelantan in the west and Pahang in the south , this immense lake also serve as another gateway to Taman Negara

    Perubahan Perdagangan Bebas Ke Integrasi

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    Free trade towards ASEAN integration within the framework of AFTA are valid independently using the Common Effective Preferential Tariff - CEPT. Based on the implementation of the policy of economic liberalization. It is political interests and others, then this issue stated that the GCC investment regimes open and free is key in improving the competitiveness of ASEAN. Through the case study method and theory of comparative advantage, actually trade in the ASEAN region can also be increased because of the movement of the flow of goods to be not constrained by competitive production. It is mainly in an effort to attract foreign investments further strengthen comparative competition among ASEAN countries. Similarly, trade between ASEAN member countries provide space for integration by increasing the activity of industrial network in advance of the ASEAN countries. Activity ASEAN-AFTA reinforce ASEAN free trade towards the condition of an International regime heyday region.Free Trade, ASEAN Integratio

    Effect of Lime Application on Soil Properties and Soybean Yield on Tidal Land

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    The problems of soybean cultivation on tidal land are low in soil fertility, aluminum (Al) toxicity and poor availability of macro nutrients. Soil acidity and Al toxicity are often fixed by liming. The research aimed to determine the calculation method of lime requirement and its application method for soybean on tidal land. The research was conducted on tidal land in South Kalimantan, Indonesia. Treatment consisted of two factors and arranged in randomize complete block design, replicated three times. The first factor was the method of lime rate calculation: (1) no liming,(2) liming based on10% of Al saturation, (3) liming based on 20% of Al saturation, (4) liming based on 30% of Al saturation, (5) liming based on 0.5 x exchangeable Al, and (6) liming based on 1 x exchangeable Al. The second factor was the method of application: (1) surface,and (2) mixed within 20 cm soil depth. The results showed that liming by mixing dolomite with soil within 20 cm depth resulted in 8% higher plant height compared to that applied on the soil surface. The highest yield was obtained when liming at rate equivalent to 10% of Al saturation was mixed with soil within 20 cm depth
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