293 research outputs found

    Production of Low-Carbon Magnetic Steel for the LHC Superconducting Dipole and Quadrupole Magnets

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    In 1996 CERN negotiated a contract with Cockerill Sambre â ARCELOR Group for the supply of 50 000 tonnes of low-carbon steel for the LHC main magnets: this was the first contract to be placed for the project, and one of the single largest. In 2005 â after nine years of work â the contract is being successfully completed. This paper describes the steel specifically developed, known as MAGNETILâ¢, its manufacturing and quality control process, organization of production, logistics and contract follow-up. Extensive statistics have been collected relating to physical, mechanical and technological parameters. Specific attention is dedicated to magnetic measurements (coercivity and permeability) performed at both room and cryogenic temperatures, the equipment used and statistical results. Reference is also made to the resulting precision of the fineblanked laminations used for the magnet yoke. The technology transfer from the particle accelerator domain to industry is ongoing, for example for the screening of high voltage cables buried in the ground

    Hedonism and the choice of everyday activities

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    Most theories of motivation have highlighted that human behavior is guided by the hedonic principle, according to which our choices of daily activities aim to minimize negative affect and maximize positive affect. However, it is not clear how to reconcile this idea with the fact that people routinely engage in unpleasant yet necessary activities. To address this issue, we monitored in real time the activities and moods of over 28,000 people across an average of 27 d using a multiplatform smartphone application. We found that people’s choices of activities followed a hedonic flexibility principle. Specifically, people were more likely to engage in mood-increasing activities (e.g., play sports) when they felt bad, and to engage in useful but mood-decreasing activities (e.g., housework) when they felt good. These findings clarify how hedonic considerations shape human behavior. They may explain how humans overcome the allure of short-term gains in happiness to maximize long-term welfare

    The census of interstellar complex organic molecules in the Class I hot corino of SVS13-A

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    We present the first census of the interstellar Complex Organic Molecules (iCOMs) in the low-mass Class I protostar SVS13-A, obtained by analysing data from the IRAM-30m Large Project ASAI (Astrochemical Surveys At IRAM). They consist of an high-sensitivity unbiased spectral survey at the 1mm, 2mm and 3mm IRAM bands. We detected five iCOMs: acetaldehyde (CH3_3CHO), methyl formate (HCOOCH3_3), dimethyl ether (CH3_3OCH3_3), ethanol (CH3_3CH2_2OH) and formamide (NH2_2CHO). In addition we searched for other iCOMs and ketene (H2_2CCO), formic acid (HCOOH) and methoxy (CH3_3O), whose only ketene was detected. The numerous detected lines, from 5 to 37 depending on the species, cover a large upper level energy range, between 15 and 254 K. This allowed us to carry out a rotational diagram analysis and derive rotational temperatures between 35 and 110 K, and column densities between 3×10153\times 10^{15} and 1×10171\times 10^{17} cm2^{-2} on the 0."3 size previously determined by interferometric observations of glycolaldehyde. These new observations clearly demonstrate the presence of a rich chemistry in the hot corino towards SVS13-A. The measured iCOMs abundances were compared to other Class 0 and I hot corinos, as well as comets, previously published in the literature. We find evidence that (i) SVS13-A is as chemically rich as younger Class 0 protostars, and (ii) the iCOMs relative abundances do not substantially evolve during the protostellar phase.Comment: 24 pages, MNRAS in pres

    Deuterated water in the solar-type protostars NGC 1333 IRAS 4A and IRAS 4B

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    Aims. The aim of this paper is to study deuterated water in the solar-type protostars NGC1333 IRAS4A and IRAS4B, to compare their HDO abundance distribution with other star-forming regions, and to constrain their HDO/H2O ratios. Methods. Using the Herschel/HIFI instrument as well as ground-based telescopes, we observed several HDO lines covering a large excitation range (Eup/k=22-168 K) towards these protostars and an outflow position. Non-LTE radiative transfer codes were then used to determine the HDO abundance profiles in these sources. Results. The HDO fundamental line profiles show a very broad component, tracing the molecular outflows, in addition to a narrower emission component and a narrow absorbing component. In the protostellar envelope of NGC1333 IRAS4A, the HDO inner (T>100 K) and outer (T<100 K) abundances with respect to H2 are estimated at 7.5x10^{-9} and 1.2x10^{-11}, respectively, whereas, in NGC1333 IRAS4B, they are 1.0x10^{-8} and 1.2x10^{-10}, respectively. Similarly to the low-mass protostar IRAS16293-2422, an absorbing outer layer with an enhanced abundance of deuterated water is required to reproduce the absorbing components seen in the fundamental lines at 465 and 894 GHz in both sources. This water-rich layer is probably extended enough to encompass the two sources as well as parts of the outflows. In the outflows emanating from NGC1333 IRAS4A, the HDO column density is estimated at about (2-4)x10^{13} cm^{-2}, leading to an abundance of about (0.7-1.9)x10^{-9}. An HDO/H2O ratio between 7x10^{-4} and 9x10^{-2} is derived in the outflows. In the warm inner regions of these two sources, we estimate the HDO/H2O ratios at about 1x10^{-4}-4x10^{-3}. This ratio seems higher (a few %) in the cold envelope of IRAS4A, whose possible origin is discussed in relation to formation processes of HDO and H2O.Comment: 16 pages, 13 figure

    Combined direct-sun ultraviolet and infrared spectroscopies at Popocatépetl volcano (Mexico)

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    Volcanic plume composition is strongly influenced by both changes in magmatic systems and plume-atmosphere interactions. Understanding the degassing mechanisms controlling the type of volcanic activity implies deciphering the contributions of magmatic gases reaching the surface and their posterior chemical transformations in contact with the atmosphere. Remote sensing techniques based on direct solar absorption spectroscopy provide valuable information about most of the emitted magmatic gases but also on gas species formed and converted within the plumes. In this study, we explore the procedures, performances and benefits of combining two direct solar absorption techniques, high resolution Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) and Ultraviolet Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (UV-DOAS), to observe the composition changes in the Popocatépetl’s plume with high temporal resolution. The SO2 vertical columns obtained from three instruments (DOAS, high resolution FTIR and Pandora) were found similar (median difference <12%) after their intercalibration. We combined them to determine with high temporal resolution the different hydrogen halide and halogen species to sulfur ratios (HF/SO2_{2}, BrO/SO2_{2}, HCl/SO2_{2}, SiF4_{4}/SO2_{2}, detection limit of HBr/SO2_{2}) and HCl/BrO in the Popocatépetl’s plume over a 2.5-years period (2017 to mid-2019). BrO/SO2_{2}, BrO/HCl, and HCl/SO2_{2} ratios were found in the range of (0.63 ± 0.06 to 1.14 ± 0.20) × 104^{–4}, (2.6 ± 0.5 to 6.9 ± 2.6) × 104^{–4}, and 0.08 ± 0.01 to 0.21 ± 0.01 respectively, while the SiF4/SO2_{2} and HF/SO2_{2} ratios were found fairly constant at (1.56 ± 0.25) × 103^{–3} and 0.049 ± 0.001. We especially focused on the full growth/destruction cycle of the most voluminous lava dome of the period that took place between February and April 2019. A decrease of the HCl/SO2_{2} ratio was observed with the decrease of the extrusive activity. Furthermore, the short-term variability of BrO/SO2_{2} is measured for the first time at Popocatépetl volcano together with HCl/SO2_{2}, revealing different behaviors with respect to the volcanic activity. More generally, providing such temporally resolved and near-real-time time series of both primary and secondary volcanic gaseous species is critical for the management of volcanic emergencies, as well as for the understanding of the volcanic degassing processes and their impact on the atmospheric chemistry