560 research outputs found

    Effects of coating on the fatigue endurance of FDM lattice structures

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    Additive Manufacturing techniques, such as Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM), are widely used to produce lattice structures with complex unit cell geometries. These structures can be designed to meet specific requirements in a wide range of application fields, ranging from biomedical to mechanical sectors. The mechanical behavior of these structures is often impaired by a low surface quality. However, the mechanical strength of polymer lattice structures can be significantly improved with the use of post-processing treatments. Coating post-processing is one of the treatments that showed the best results. Nevertheless, research interests are often targeted at studying the static mechanical properties rather than the fatigue behavior of polymer components. In this work, the effect of a polymeric coating on the fatigue life of Polylactic acid (PLA) lattice structures, produced by FDM, was investigated. Specimens have been designed to enable the application of both tensile and compressive loads. Preliminary tensile tests were carried out to assess the static strength of the specimen before the fatigue tests. Experimental fatigue tests were performed with varying testing frequencies and displacements. The results evidenced differences in the behavior of coated and non-coated components when subjected to different testing frequencies and loading conditions. The polymeric coating produced an increase in fatigue endurance across different testing frequencies over a particular displacement range

    Sensor architectures and technologies for upper limb 3d surface reconstruction: A review

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    3D digital models of the upper limb anatomy represent the starting point for the design process of bespoke devices, such as orthoses and prostheses, which can be modeled on the actual patient’s anatomy by using CAD (Computer Aided Design) tools. The ongoing research on optical scanning methodologies has allowed the development of technologies that allow the surface reconstruction of the upper limb anatomy through procedures characterized by minimum discomfort for the patient. However, the 3D optical scanning of upper limbs is a complex task that requires solving problematic aspects, such as the difficulty of keeping the hand in a stable position and the presence of artefacts due to involuntary movements. Scientific literature, indeed, investigated different approaches in this regard by either integrating commercial devices, to create customized sensor architectures, or by developing innovative 3D acquisition techniques. The present work is aimed at presenting an overview of the state of the art of optical technologies and sensor architectures for the surface acquisition of upper limb anatomies. The review analyzes the working principles at the basis of existing devices and proposes a categorization of the approaches based on handling, pre/post-processing effort, and potentialities in real-time scanning. An in-depth analysis of strengths and weaknesses of the approaches proposed by the research community is also provided to give valuable support in selecting the most appropriate solution for the specific application to be addressed

    The lipid environment determines the activity of the Escherichia coli ammonium transporter AmtB

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    The movement of ammonium across biologic membranes is a fundamental process in all living organ-isms and is mediated by the ubiquitous ammonium transporter/methylammonium permease/rhesus protein (Amt/Mep/Rh) family of transporters. Recent structural analysis and coupled mass spectrometry studies have shown that the Escherichia coli ammonium transporter AmtB specifically binds 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl phosphatidylglycerol (POPG). Upon POPG binding, several residues of AmtB undergo a small conformational change, which stabilizes the protein against unfolding. However, no studies have so far been conducted, to our knowledge, to explore whether POPG binding to AmtB has functional consequences. Here, we used an in vitro experimental assay with purified components, together with molecular dynamics simulations, to characterize the relation between POPG binding and AmtB activity. We show that the AmtB activity is electrogenic. Our results indicate that the activity, at the molecular level, of Amt in archaebacteria and eubacteria may differ. We also show that POPG is an important cofactor for AmtB activity and that, in the absence of POPG, AmtB cannot complete the full translocation cycle. Furthermore, our simulations reveal previously undiscovered POPG binding sites on the intracellular side of the lipid bilayer between the AmtB subunits. Possible molecular mechanisms explaining the functional role of POPG are discussed

    Benthic Foraminifera as Proxies of Paleoenvironmental Changes in the Sant’Elia-Foxi Canyon (Gulf of Cagliari, Italy, Western Tyrrhenian Sea)

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    Marine coastal areas are highly dynamic and fragile environments characterised by a complex interplay of biological, physical, and chemical factors. These areas are also affected by anthropogenic activities with the discharge of organic and inorganic contaminants that alters the quality of the environment. In this work, the effects of anthropogenic activities (i.e., urban and industrial development) on benthic foraminifera have been investigated along the A2TM core collected from the Sant’Elia-Foxi Canyon (Gulf of Cagliari, Sardinia—western Tyrrhenian Sea). The Gulf of Cagliari has experienced intense urbanisation since the beginning of the twentieth century with the establishment of petrochemical complexes and harbour activities. The A2TM core, dating from 1907 to 2013, was analysed with an integrated approach that includes grain size, organic matter, and benthic foraminifera characterisation compared with geochemical characterisation. The variations in the composition of the benthic foraminiferal assemblages and the Margalef diversity index are related to the altered environmental conditions that reflect the historical development of the area and to the land-based activities surrounding the Gulf of Cagliari. The statistical analysis identifies two main intervals (i.e., the years 1907–1986 and 1986–2013) that are typified by different benthic foraminiferal assemblages and diversity values. Accordingly, the increases in organic matter content and both organic and inorganic contaminants are well mirrored by a major drop in foraminiferal diversity after 1973 and a major foraminiferal turnover after 1989. The composition of the benthic foraminiferal assemblages in the uppermost part of the core (i.e., 1989–2013) might suggest a lowering of the oxygen availability at the seafloor. These changes might be related to the increase in organic matter and the silty fraction in the same interval likely triggered by damming on land and wetland reclamation

    A Novel Digitized Method for the Design and Additive Manufacturing of Orthodontic Space Maintainers

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    Primary dentition is crucial in influencing the emergence of permanent teeth. Premature primary tooth loss can result in undesired tooth motions and space loss in the permanent dentition. Typically, fixed or removable dental appliances are adopted to maintain edentulous space until the eruption of permanent teeth. However, traditional space maintainers have limitations in terms of variability in tooth anatomy, potential allergic reactions in some individuals (i.e., nickel sensitivity), difficulties in maintaining oral hygiene, and patient acceptance. The present study introduces a fully digital framework for the design and manufacturing of customized pediatric unilateral space maintainers using generative algorithms. The proposed approach overcomes the current challenges by using a biocompatible resin material and optimizing the device's size, design, and color. The methodology involves intraoral scanning, surface selection, and trim, generative 3D modeling, finite element analysis (FEA), and additive manufacturing (AM) through vat photopolymerization. FEA results demonstrate the device's mechanical performance and reliability, while additive manufacturing ensures design freedom, high resolution, surface finishing, dimensional accuracy, and proper fit. The mechanical interlocking system facilitates easy and effective positioning of the device. This digital approach offers the potential for wider usage of space maintainers and can be further validated through experimental assessments and clinical studies

    Glassy amorphous metal injection molded induced morphological defects

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    Melt rheology in injection molded metastable supercooled liquid metal of Zr44-Ti11-Cu10-Ni10-Be25 alloy may induce selective crystallizations. High mobility Be, Cu and Ni atoms have been observed to differently crystallize in bulk metal glassy supercooled liquids. Here, we analyze the result of morphological microscopic observation conduct on Bulk Metallic Glass (BMG) with composition of a commercial liquid metal alloy (LM001B). The injection molded plate has been supplied by “Liquid Metals Technologies Inc, Ca USA” and manufactured using an Engel injection molding machine operating at 1050-1100°C; the observed sample then has been cut by water jet. FEI Scios Dual-Beam has carried out the microscopic observation. Particularly, through a cross section, we observe the presence of crystalline phases on the short-range order. We investigate the presence of short-range order clusters, their distribution and the effect that they could cause on the alloys’ behaviors and properties
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